Ch. 42
Enjoy x
"We sent out secret invitations to everyone on the list ." Liam said as he made two coffee cups for himself and for Zayn , and tea for Louis . "We sent out about seventy six invitations in total ."
"Good , good . Perfect ." Louis crossed the invitations off the list in his notes , "So far , we're settled with invitations , the VIP room at Gared's pub , a DJ from Nialler's record label , Sarah and I need to order the extras today when she comes over , and uh - yeah , that's it . Just make sure people know they need to give out twenty dollars for the party ."
They kept their voices low , as they were in the kitchen room and Harry was tattooing a customer .
"It's perfect . I just hope he doesn't find out ." Liam chuckled , Louis smacked his arm , "Don't say that . Saying these things make them happen ."
Zayn walked into the kitchen room , he put his chin on Louis' shoulder , "What are you harrassing my boyfriend for ?"
"You know how you say 'oh I hope this doesn't happen' and then it happens because you talked about it ?" Louis asked , "Then Liam just said that about Haribo's surprise party ."
In response , both Louis and Liam got gently smacked on the back of their heads .
"You ," Zayn pointed to Liam , "Never say that again . And you ," He pointed to Louis , "Never smack my boyfriend ." With that , he left the room .
Louis scrunched his nose and flattened the hair at the back of his head , then turned back to Liam and taking his tea mug , "I'll go check on Harry ."
He took his mug with him to the room Harry was in , he knocked softly , "Hi there ." He smiled when Harry looked up at him , Harry smiled back and turned to his customer , "Hi love , come in ."
There was a girl sitting in the chair as Harry tattooed her shoulder blade , and Louis couldn't help but notice her ugly-staring at him .
He put his mug down and went over to Harry , resting his arm on his shoulder , "How's your day so far ?"
"Going well , I actually got an email from the lawyer a short while ago and haven't opened it yet , so if you have time I'll be done in a bit and we can see what she sent ." Harry said , Louis nodded , "Yeah , I have time . I'll wait , have Zee or Li entertain me ."
"Go on , love ." Harry smiled as he focused back on the tattoo .
Louis was about to turn and leave the room , but then he saw the posture of the girl Harry was tattooing ; she was sat with her back to Harry , as he was tattooing her shoulder blade , her legs straddling the leather chair . Which , sure , she was supposed to sit that way . But it bothered him that her yoga pants were pulled up over her arse , and her thighs spread further outwards , with her lower back rolled outwards aswell to make her arse looked , well , thicker .
"Tell me if you need a break , okay ?" Harry told her , "We're halfway done ."
"Don't worry about me ." The girl assured , making Louis roll his eyes at her extra-sweet tone . "I'm green ."
"You're what ?" Harry asked , the girl smiled at him over her shoulder , "I'm green ."
"So it means you're okay to keep going ?" Harry asked , not sure where this was leading . The girl giggled , "Yes , keep going ." She wiggled her hips a bit .
"Alright then ." Harry smiled , slightly uncomfortable , as he kept tattooing her .
Louis bit his lower lip , "Actually , could I stay and watch ? Just for a bit ."
Harry smiled , he turned to the girl , "Would you be okay if my boyfriend stayed for a bit ?"
The girl tutted her jaw but nodded , "Sure ."
Louis walked over to stand next to Harry , his hand tracing the square patterns on Harry's plaid flannel , as he watched him working on the tattoo .
Liam then poked his had into the room , "Harry , I'm really sorry , I need you for a minute . It's important ."
Harry looked up , "And it can't wait ?"
"No , I'm sorry ." Liam gave him an apologetic look , Harry switched off the tattoo gun , "I'll be right back , excuse me ." He stood up from the chair and left the room , leaving Louis with the girl .
Louis wasted no time , moving to stand in front of her , "Listen . I don't know who you are , but this is my boyfriend you're trying to flirt with . Unsuccessfully , I might add ." He put his hands on his hips .
"Alright boy , back off . Not my problem he's staring at my arse ." She smirked .
"He's staring because you're basically shoving it in his face ." Louis shook his head , "How desperate are you ? Going after a gay and taken man ? There are plenty out there , go for someone else ."
"Okay , sweetheart , cut the act . Not like I was touching him ."
"Harrassment doesn't have to be through touching , you know . All I'm asking is for you to stop fucking flirting with him , and to stop pushing your arse out at him . Is that clear ?"
Just as he finished his sentence Harry walked back into the room , Louis moved away from the girl to go stand next to Harry , but frowned a bit when Harry didn't even look his way as he sat back down and started working on the tattoo .
He took his tea mug and left the room silently , going to the kitchen room . He sat down on one of the chairs near the table and gulped down his now lukewarm tea , placing the mug down with a huff .
Zayn walked into the kitchen room and sat in front of him , leaning his chin on the heel of his palm . "Want to talk ?"
Louis leaned back in his chair with his arms crossed , "The girl Harry is tattooing is flirting with him ."
"Was he flirting back ?" Zayn raised his eyebrow , Louis shook his head , "No , but he wasn't exactly doing anything to stop her either . Zee , she pushed her arse out at him and he just sat there !"
"Lou , hey , look at me ." Zayn nudged his foot under the table , Louis looked up at him , making Zayn pout at his fallen expression . He gave him a soft smile , "There are plenty of customers trying to flirt with all of us on a daily basis . We don't say anything unless it gets out of hand , like touching or certain words that are out of place . And trust me , Harry is head over heels for you . I mean , you've seen his office , your face is everywhere ."
Louis looked down to his lap , "I'm just bothered he didn't say anything . It's not about her , she can fuck off for all I care , but he just sat there while she pushed her arse out and wiggled her hips and all that ."
"Lou , Harry loves you ."
"I know , and I love him . But I - I also got cheated on three times behind my back . So I just - ... I'm just saying -- I don't know what I'm saying . I need to get out of here ." He stood up from the table and took his mug , putting it in the sink .
Zayn stood up and put his arms around him to stop him from walking out of the kitchen room , "Hey , look at me ."
Louis looked up at him with glossy eyes , Zayn tsked his tongue and hugged him , "Stop worrying about it . Harry adores you ."
Louis just nodded , Zayn pulled back from the hug and watched him walking out of the room , grabbing his coat from the front desk and leaving the parlor .
"Is it okay if we put in your address ? So it'll be delivered to yours instead of here ?" Louis asked Sarah , "I just don't want Harry to see it ."
"Yeah , yeah of course ." Sarah turned the laptop towards her and put her address in , they split the cost in two and put their credit card numbers in , finishing their order of glowing body paint , party glasses and confetti bombs .
"I should go home , Mitch should be home in a bit aswell ." Sarah looked at the time , Louis nodded and rubbed his eye tiredly , "Yeah , and I need to get started on dinner . At least as far as I can get without doing anything to burn the house down ."
Sarah laughed and stood up from the couch , Louis stood up with her and walked her to the door , giving her a tight hug , "Thank you so much for helping , let me know when you get the delivery ."
"Of course , Lou . Tell Harry I said I , was actually hoping to see him before I leave ." She rubbed his back , Louis smiled and nodded , "Will do . Have a good night ."
"Good night ." She smiled and left the house , going to her car parking on the street .
He smiled and closed the door behind her , slumping his shoulders . He went to the kitchen and opened the fridge to check what ingredients they had , then checked the cabinets . He couldn't even think about anything to eat , so instead he started tidying the kitchen .
He was halfway done with filling the dish washer , when the front door opened . He made sure he made enough noice with the bowls to make it known he was in the kitchen without having to speak up .
Harry stepped halfway into the kitchen , biting his lower lip when as he looked at Louis , who had his back turned to him . "Hey ."
Louis turned his head a bit to glance at him , looking back down at the sink . "Hi ." He finished filling the dish washer and closed it's door , then washed his hands and dried them . He lingered at the sink , as he didn't want to turn around and face Harry just yet , grabbing the mop and absentmindedly mopping the counter , too obviously just to keep himself occupied .
Harry noticed , of course he did . He walked over and put his arms around Louis , hands laced on his stomach and face pressed to the top of his head .
Louis slowly dropped the mop on the counter , wiping his hands on the towel as Harry pressed soft kisses to his hair .
"I never meant to upset you ." Harry said quietly , Louis turned his head sideways , "I didn't mean to upset you , either ."
"Did she do anything to bother you ?" Harry asked , turning Louis in his arms to face him , holding his waist to keep him there .
"She flirted with you . Disgustingly so ." Louis crossed his arms over his chest , "And you didn't do anything to stop her ."
"I know ." Harry nodded , "She's a customer , though . And we have quite a lot of customers flirting with all of us . We step in when it gets out of hand , but none of us flirt back ."
"It doesn't make it okay , at all ." Louis shook his head , "She was shoving her arse in your face and you just sat there ."
"Baby ." Harry cupped his face and tilted his head up , frowning at his glossy eyes . "I love you . You have no idea how much I fucking love you and care about you . The only arse I have my eyes on is yours ." He tried lightening the mood , giving Louis a small smile .
Louis cracked a smile and sniffled a bit , grabbing Harry's shirt in his hands , "Just please don't let anyone do these things again . I was legit pissed at her ."
"I know , I heard ." Harry leaned in and kissed his forehead , "I'll cut things off , I promise ."
"Thank you ." Louis nodded , Harry tilted his face up and kissed him , "Go shower , I'll make dinner ."
Louis nodded and pulled back from his arms , going upstairs to shower .
Once done showering he went back to the kitchen , where Harry was layering lasagne in a tray .
"Looks yummy ." Louis stood next to him , Harry smiled and pressed a kiss to his temple , "I'm almost done . Do you mind grabbing my laptop from the living room ? We still need to check on the e-mail the lawyer sent us . It's probably an official court date ."
"Okay ." Louis left the kitchen to fetch the laptop , placing it on the counter . Harry finished the last layer and washed his hands , placing the tray in the oven and setting a timer .
He joined Louis and sat next to him on a stool , opening his laptop and logging into his e-mail account . He opened the mail , nodding to himself .
"We have a court date ." Harry scrolled down through the papers , "February fifth , it's a Tuesday , eleven a.m ."
Louis sighed in relief , nodding . "Good - good . Very good ." Just the fact that his lawsuit was confirmed with a date was a relief for him , even though the battle wasn't over yet .
Harry put his arm around his waist and kissed his cheek , "We've got this , love . It'll be okay ."
"I really hope so ." Louis leaned into his touch , then turned his head to kiss him quickly , "Go shower before the lasagne is finished ."
Harry pecked him once more before closing his laptop , going upstairs to shower .
Louis went to check on his phone in the living room , seeing he had a missed call from his mother . He called her back , and Jay picked up after two rings .
"Hi Boo ."
"Hi mumma , is everything alright ?"
"Yeah , it's all good . How are you and Harry ?"
"We're great . The little ones giving you a hard time ?" He chuckled a bit , hearing the two little ones chattering in the background .
"Oh , you know how they are . Their usual ." She chuckled , "Anyway , I wanted to let you know that their birthday is coming up , and we're having a small gathering . Close family and their friends from kindergarten , on a Sunday morning ."
"Is their birthday on that Sunday ?"
"Yes , luckily it's a Sunday so we're having a small party for them . Already got them a bouncy house and a ball pit , but they don't know it yet so don't spoil anything ."
"Sure thing . Alright then , we'll probably come over on Saturday noon , we've got some house stuff going on ."
"Alright dear , let me know if you decide to come over earlier . You're always welcome ."
"I know , mumma ."
"I need to go now , someone needs to get the two to shower properly and your sisters tend to spoil them with bubble baths , so I'll be taking care of that tonight ."
He chuckled , "Okay , I'll talk to you later on . Love you ."
"Love you , dear ."
They hung up , Louis went through the group chat while he waited for Harry to finish showering , answering a few texts and scrolling through his Instagram feed .
Harry finished showering and checked on the lasagne in the oven , seeing it had about ten more minutes . He went to the living room and sat next to Louis , bringing his legs to rest on his lap .
"My mum called ." Louis said as he put his phone down , "There's a birthday party for Ernie and Doris on the tenth of February , Sunday morning ."
"Aw . How old would they be ?" Harry asked , Louis smiled and leaned sideways into the couch , "They'll be four , my little monsters ."
"Come closer ." Harry grabbed Louis' hands and tried pulling him into his lap , but Louis pouted , "No ."
"No ?" Harry raised his eyebrow .
"If I do then I'd get all settled and comfortable and won't be able to get up . And we need to have dinner ." Louis poked his cheek , "I'll hog you up all you want after we eat ."
"Is that a promise ?" Harry took his foot in his hands , massaging it gently . Louis smiled , "It's a promise ."
Hope you liked it x
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