Ch. 41

Enjoy x


"I want to start planning Harry's birthday ." Louis brought his and Niall's coffee mugs to the table from the bar , before sitting down . He and Niall joined in on Zayn and Sarah to plan Harry's birthday party at a local diner .

"Do you want to throw it at your place or somewhere else ?" Niall asked , Louis shook his head , "No , not at our house . I don't mind having you guys over , that's one thing , but to have the house filled with people I don't know is not something I'd want ."

"True ." Sarah nodded , "We could always ask Gared to have the top floor of the bar , where the VIP room is ." She suggested , "He adores Harry and might give us a discount ."

"That could work ." Louis nodded , typing it into the note on his phone , "Do any of you have his number ?"

"I've got it , I'll talk to him about it ." Niall nodded .

"Luckily , Harry's birthday this year is a Friday , so it can work perfectly with having a night for our friends , then have Saturday night or a Sunday with his family ." Louis nodded .

Niall took a sip of his coffee , "I have a question . Do you want to pay for the room plus drinks ? Or just the room and each one pays for their drink separately ?"

"Drinks included . I'm going to need your help making a list of friends to invite , since I don't know all of Harry's friends , and we'll just divide the payment , each pays a bit , nothing over thirty dollars though ."

"The room upstairs can fit about a hundred and fifty people , I've been there twice or so ." Niall nodded , "We'll help with the list ."

"We should also decorate it a little bit . Sure , it had tables and sofas , but we should bring some stuff aswell ." Sarah suggested , Louis smiled , "I was thinking that , too . Was actually thinking about glowing body paint , could be nice ."

"That could work , sounds cute ." Zayn nodded , "I need to get back to the shop before Harry thinks something is going on , so let me know if there's anything else I can help with ."

"I'll text you , keep your phone away from him ." Louis nodded , Zayn squeezed his shoulder and walked out of the diner .

"Alright , uhm . Do you know good DJ's ?" Louis turned to Niall , "Preferably not Harry's friend , if it's a friend I'd want them at the party as guests ."

Niall smiled , "You're so thoughtful . I do know a few from the record label , I can always ask one of them to come over ."

"Great , it'll be good . If not we can hire someone from Gared ." Louis smiled back , "Haribo did a perfect job planning out my birthday , I want to do the same for him ."

"You're both very lucky to have each other ." Sarah rubbed his hand over the table , "Let's just hope he doesn't find out because he's pretty sneaky ."

"Not if it's up to me ." Louis smiled mischievously .


"Haribo ." Louis smiled as he walked into his parlor , Harry smiled and held his arms open , "Come here ."

Louis snuggled into his chest , pressing his freezing cold nose to his shirt , "When are you done for today ?"

"Shortly , I believe ." Harry rubbed his hands up and down his back , "Want to wait for me or go home ?"

"I'll wait ." Louis looked up at him , leaning his chin on his chest , "Is there anything I can help you with ?"

"No love , don't worry about it ." Harry kissed him quickly , "Liam is finishing up a tattoo in a bit , then we're closing ."

"Okay ." Louis stood up on his tip-toes to press another kiss to his lips , "Do I have time to make myself some tea ? I'm freezing ."

"Go ahead ." Harry pulled back from their cuddle , Louis turned to the kitchen , "Do you want coffee ?"

"Yes , thanks love ." Harry smiled , then went to check on Liam and the customer . "How's it going , lads ?"

"Looks proper good ." The customer nodded , "Liam here is doing a really good job ."

"Good to hear ." Harry patted Liam's shoulder softly not to jostle him with the tattoo gun in his hand , then walked out of the room and to the kitchen .

Louis turned around when he heard him walking in , smiling , "Your coffee will be ready in a minute ." He nodded towards the machine , which was slowly pouring the coffee out into a mug .

Harry walked closer and wrapped his arms around him from behind , Louis smiled and leaned backwards into him , "Very unprofessional to do at your work place , especially one you own ." He teased .

"I don't remember you saying that when we dry humped on the desk in my office ." Harry smirked , Louis broke into giggles , "Shut up ."

"I rest my case ." Harry pressed his lips tenderly against his neck , "What do you want for dinner ?"

"Dinner is on me tonight ." Louis smiled at him over his shoulder , then turned back to the counter when the water in the kettle finished boiling . "I was thinking about making cheese ravioli . Been craving those for about four days now ."

"Mmh , sounds good ." Harry hummed into his shoulder , "Want me to help ?"

"No , I'll be fine . Just - monitor how it's going ? I can make it go wrong really quickly ." Louis chuckled and cupped his hands around his tea mug , Harry moved to grab his coffee from the machine , "Sure . Are we watching anything tonight ?"

"I don't mind . Just pick something ." Louis turned to lean back against the counter .

"There's this show you've been watching that I liked . I don't remember the name though ." Harry sipped on his coffee , Louis brought the mug to his face and put it under his nose , to both unfreeze it and take in the scent . "What's it about ?"

"Last thing I remember , was uh , there were these kids , -"

"Stranger Things ."

Harry laughed at how quickly he answered , "You sure ?"

"Kids , a girl with kinetic powers and bloody nose , monsters ?"

Harry stared at him for a few seconds , trying to hold back a chuckle . "Yep ."

"Knew it ." Louis smiled and sipped on his tea , peeking over Harry's shoulder . "I think they're done ."

Harry turned to look over his shoulder aswell , he took another sip of his coffee before putting the mug on the table , "I'll be right back ."

He went over to Liam and the customer , to see Liam finished wrapping the tattoo and started cleaning up his table . He smiled at the wrapped tattoo , "Looks fucking good ."

"It sure does . Thanks , lad ." The customer patted Liam's back , who smiled at him , "Of course , of course ."

Harry went to the front desk and told the customer the cost , charging him quickly before he left . He went back to Liam , "I'm locking up , okay ? Also I forgot to say , Lou is in the kitchen room ."

"Oh , is he ? I thought I heard him ." Liam nodded , he finished cleaning and put everything back in place before going to the kitchen .

Louis smiled when Liam walked in and hugged him , "Hey , good to see you ." He said before lowering his voice to a whisper , "Did Zayn talk to you ?"

"Good to see you too ." Liam answered and pulled back a bit , whispering aswell , "He did . Text me anytime to help you ."

"Will do ." Louis smiled , he put his empty tea mug in the sink , "I made coffee for Haribo , want one ?"

"No , thanks though ." Liam shook his head , "I'll go help lock up ."

Louis nodded , he turned to take Harry's mug and followed Liam out of the kitchen room , going to where Harry was at the front desk . He put the mug in front of him , "Please let me help ?"

Harry smiled , "Don't worry about it , baby ." He took his mug and sipped his coffee , "I'm just finishing something here , Liam took care of the back , then we're locking the doors ."

"Okay ." Louis pouted a bit , "I'll get your stuff then ?"

"Sure , in my office on the table ." Harry nodded , Louis walked into Harry's office and behind his desk , grabbing his phone , charger , car and house keys , a few folded papers and an envelope , going back to the front desk .

"I'll be done in five minutes ." Harry assured him . "Are you here with your car ?"

"Yeah , so I'll head home now and meet you there ." Louis leaned over the desk , Harry met him halfway and kissed him , "See you , love . Text me when you get home . Drive safely , the road is slippery ."

"Okay . Let me know when you're on the way ." Louis leaned in for another kiss and said goodbye to Liam , before walking out of the parlor .

He got into his car , when Niall called him .

"Nialler , hi lad ."

"I've got good news ."

"Tell me ."

"I talked to Gared , he said he'll be more than happy to host Harry's birthday party and actually gave us a really good discount . I'll text you his number so I won't be a message man between the two of you , but he's all into hosting the party ."

"Oh , great , I'm so happy things are starting to form ." Louis smiled , "I'll talk to him , probably tomorrow ."

"I haven't had the chance to ask about a DJ yet , so I'll do that soon aswell ."

"No worries , Ni , thanks for talking to Gared ."

"I'll help with anything you need , you know that ."

"I know , you're lovely , thanks again ."

"Love you , mate . I actually need to go , se let me know about anything else ."

"Alright . Love you too , Ni ."

They hung up , Louis smiled and wiggled happily in his seat .


Harry kicked his shoes off in the entrace and shook his coat off , "Lou ?"

He heard the shower going upstairs , smiling as he walked up the stairs and entering their bedroom , "Lou , I'm home ."

"Want to join me ? I'm halfway done , though ." He heard Louis from the other side of the door , and didn't want a second as he started throwing his clothes off .

He walked into the steaming bathroom and closed the door , kicking his boxers off . He slid over the shower door and stepped in , Louis had his back towards him , his amputated leg supported on a stood and one hand gripping a handle on the wall , as he ran his fingers through his hair .

Louis turned his head and smiled at him over his shoulder , "Hi there ."

"Hi ." Harry smiled and stepped in under the shower head , before helping Louis turn around to face him . He held his hips to balance him , Louis grabbed his face and brought him down to a kiss . 

"I'm actually about to be done , just need my body soap ." Louis kissed him once again and carefully turned sideways to reach the bottle , but Harry grabbed it , "I've got you ."

Louis stood there smiling , cheeks red both from blush and the hot shower water . He let Harry's hands wash over his shoulders , arms , doing his chest to his stomach . Harry smiled and stole a kiss , catching Louis off guard and making him giggle .

When he was done he brought him under the shower head properly and kissed him , "I have a small surprise for you , I'll show you when I'm done showering ."

"Okay ." Louis nodded , Harry helped him out of the shower and made sure he was sat on the bathroom bench properly before going to shower himself .

Louis dried himself and got dressed , pulling his prosthetic on and going downstairs to the kitchen to make dinner .

Harry joined him as he was draining the ravioli , ingredients for the sauce already on the counter . He took out a pan and helped Louis with the sauce , Louis leaned his head on his arm , "When are you showing me my surprise ?"

"It's on my laptop , could you get it ? I'll finish this ." Harry said , Louis went to the living room to fetch Harry's laptop , he set it on the counter .

"Open it and log into my e-mail account ." Harry said as he stirred the ravioli in the sauce , Louis did as he said . He furrowed his eyebrows , "My mum sent you an e-mail ."

"That's the surprise . Don't open it yet , I want it to be together ." Harry said , Louis bit his lower lip , tempted to open the e-mail and see before Harry did , he was really curious .

Harry turned the stove off , "Do we have parmesan cheese ?"

"I think so , yeah ." Louis stood up from the stool and went to the fridge , taking out the small container of shredded parmesan and handing it over to Harry .

"How much do you want ?" Harry asked , using a spoon to pour the cheese over the ravioli .

"Well , if it were up to me I'd say the whole container , but you won't let me ." Louis poked his dimple , Harry chuckled , "A lot , then ."

He put the ravioli into two bowls and poured parmesan over it , bringing it to the counter with two forks .

"Okay , now ." Harry brought Louis' stool closer to his , one arm draped over the back of the stool with his other hand on the laptop , "Your mum dug out pictures of you , little seventeen year old Louis , on his surfboard ."

Louis' heart skipped a beat , "What ?"

"Yeah . She said Lottie went through a lot of old pictures and found those , even some videos . I wanted to watch them with you ." Harry smiled as he put his arm around his waist , rubbing his side , "Is that okay ?"

Louis nodded , "I - yeah , okay ."

Harry smiled as he opened the e-mail , downloading all the pictures and videos Jay sent him . He opened the first one , jaw falling open in awe .

"Oh , look at you ." He grinned , "Look at that pretty smile ."

Louis felt his chest fluttering with emotions , a smile on his face as he kept silent . Harry continued looking through the pictures , taking his time admiring each one .

"I know you were seventeen , but baby , this swimsuit is probably my favourite thing ." Harry smirked , Louis smacked his chest , "Creep ."

"Heeey , when you were seventeen I was twenty , and if twenty year old me saw seventeen year old you in that swimsuit , he would ignore the fact he has clumsy-arse legs and go surfing too ."

Louis giggled , "You are pretty clumsy ."

Harry kissed his cheek and turned back to his laptop , whistling , "Oooooh , who is that little model ?!" He teased , Louis put his hand over his mouth , "Shut up , it's not on purpose . Stan used to like photography so he sook some pictures , that's all . I wasn't doing it on purpose ."

"So you're saying you're naturally this perfect ? Because I agree ." Harry took his hand off his mouth , Louis let out a laugh and covered his mouth again , "Stop it ."

Harry kissed his palm and took his hand off , holding it in his own as he kept looking through the pictures and videos .

"Look at you , you're smiling so much ." Harry cooed as he watched a video of Louis walking along the shore with his surfboard under his arm , then chuckling when he gave the camera the middle finger .

"Holy shit , Lou , we need to frame this one ." Harry stopped at a picture , Louis blushed , "No we don't ."

"I'm getting it framed , I don't care ."

"Haribooo ."

"Shut it , I'm getting this one framed whether you like it or not ." Harry leaned closer to the screen ,  Louis poked his cheek , "Can you not ?"

"I will ." Harry grabbed his hand to stop the poking , before letting out a small gasp , "Fucking hell , I'm framing these two . No , wait , three pictures ."

"Stop it already ." Louis put his free hand over his eyes , "You've seen enough ."

"Never ." Harry took his hand off and held both his wrists with one hand , his other hand kept going through the pictures . Louis huffed , "Can we at least start eating ?"

Harry pouted and made sure all the pictures were saved , before closing his laptop and letting go of Louis' wrists , "I'll continue later ."

"Of course you would ." Louis grabbed his and Harry's bowls , bringing them closer .

After dinner Harry settled on the couch with his laptop , one hand scrolling through the pictures again while his other hand massaged Louis' foot in his lap .

Louis looked away from the TV , smiling at Harry , "Haribo ."

"Mm ."

"Look at me ." He prodded his abs with his foot , Harry turned to look at him , "What's up ?"

"How about you put your laptop away and come cuddle me instead ?"

Harry smiled , he closed his laptop and put it away on the living room table , moving to lay down with his head on Louis' stomach . Louis ran his fingers through his hair , Harry turned his head to bury in the soft material of Louis' hoodie , which was really his , but looked so much better on Louis .

"How was work today ?" Louis asked quietly , Harry hummed , "It was good . Went really well ."

"Good . Was actually hoping to finally schedule a time with you for my birthday tattoo . The wave and shark fin ." Louis kept one hand in his hair , his other hand caressing the side of his face .

Harry smiled , "Let me know , whenever you're free , I'll make time for you . You're welcome anytime ."

"I was thinking in two days ? Like , on Thursday . I have the day off , too . Or I could stop by tomorrow , Wednesday , before you close , and like , be the last one and then help you close ."

"Your choice , really . I'll make the time for you ." Harry tightened his arms around his waist .

"Okay . Tomorrow I'll be there at six p.m . I'm off work at five thirty ." Louis squished his cheek . "Also , uh , I - I wanted to ask another thing ."

"Go on , love ."

"Can you - I want to see you ."

Harry shuffled upwards , leaning his weight on his arms on each of Louis' sides . "Talk to me ."

"I - I want to - hmmph ." He let out a soft whimper , squirming a bit . Harry frowned , "What is it ? Is everything okay ?"

Louis took a deep breath , before spilling everything out before he could overthink anything .

"I want us to try going in a pool , but I really can't do this without you , and the pool we have outside is freezing cold right now , so I was thinking about going to a heated pool , but they only have it at gyms and it's a bit too public for me , but I really really want to try , I -"

"Hey , hey , baby , slow down . Breathe ." Harry grabbed his waist , caressing his sides . "Look at me ."

Louis look into Harry's eyes , Harry smiled , "First , I just want to say that I love you and I'm so fucking proud of you for willing to try . Now , there are quite a few solutions we can find for it , so there's no need to stress over it ."

Harry moved to lay between Louis' legs back to chest , Louis wrapped his arms around his shoulders and held him close to keep himself warm , tucking his foot under his knee .

"I know people at the Gym , if you forgot , I do go there about three times a week . I can ask if there's any way we can have some privacy , but the only way I can think about is coming over really late at night when everyone is out , because every other time there would be someone at the pools ."

Louis nodded along , "Okay . I can do that ."

"Also , you need to remember that if you get a tattoo , you can't go in the pool for about four to five weeks , because of the chlorine ."

Louis scrunched his nose , "Right . Then we - I have an idea , I just need to know if you're free for it ."

"Tell me ."

"We'll do that next week , like , go in the pool on Wednesday night and then on Thursday I'll come over to get the tattoo done ? At any hour you're free ."

Harry smiled and grabbed one of Louis' hands , kissing the back of it a few times , "Perfect . Is it a date ?"

"It's a date ." Louis smiled , then wrapped his arms tighter around his shoulders as he leaned in to kiss Harry's cheek , "Thank you . Love you ."

"Love you , baby ."


Hope you liked it x


p.s - there are the pictures Harry wanted to frame , if anyone is curious (:

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