Ch. 40

Enjoy x


The holidays were over , Louis was back at the flowershop and Harry was back to his tattoo parlors .

"Is there anything I can do to help ?" Louis asked , pressing the phone to his ear with his shoulder as he watered the plants .

"No love , thanks though . I've got enough help from Lex , Liam and Gared ." Harry said ; he was getting the last things done with selling out his third parlor , "Are you still going out with Zayn after work ?"

"Yeah , he's picking me up in an hour ." Louis adjusted his phone , "Do we need groceries ?"

"We do need a few small things , want me to text it to you ?"

"Yes , also if we need anything else that isn't groceries let me know ."

"Sure . Have fun with Zee , text me throughout so I know you're okay ."

"Alright , you do the same . Love you ."

"Love you baby ."

Louis smiled as they hung up , he shoved his phone in his back pocket and went back to the front . It was almost Zayn's birthday , just a few days ahead , so he asked Louis to join him to buy stuff for the small party he was throwing at his place .

Calum finished with the bouquet he was working on , "Lou , could you help me ? I need to get four more done before we end our shift ."

"Sure ." Louis smiled and joined him behind the counter , starting to work on one of the bouquets .

"Have you started watching season two of that TV show you told me about ?" Calum asked .

"I did , it's so good , you should start watching ." Louis smiled , "Might ask Harry to learn Spanish ."

Calum chuckled , "That sounds like a plan . I watched Stranger Things during the holiday , now I have to wait for my boyfriend to catch up so we can watch the third season together ."

"It's such a good show ." Louis smiled , "Let me know when you finish watching so I won't spoil anything ."

"Alright . What about The Walking Dead ?"

"Still one of the best shows out there ." Louis wrapped the flowers together , "Still kind of sad Andrew left , though ."

"Is Jeffrey Dean Morgan still your celebrity crush ?"

Louis giggled , "You know it . He's a bit too old for me , but he looks so good , you can't blame me ."

"True , true . Have you watched his new movie ?"

"Not yet , might watch it this weekend with Haribo ."

The rest of their shift went by quickly , they finished their bouquets and greeted the two workers taking over .

Louis looked up when the door opened , smiling when he saw it was Zayn . "Hi , let me just grab my stuff ." He gave Zayn a hug and a peck on the cheek , Zayn squeezed him , "Alright ."

Louis grabbed his coat , making sure he had his wallet , phone and charger with him before walking back to Zayn , "Let's go ."

They walked out of the shop and hurried to Zayn's car , since it was raining . Louis sighed when he got into the passenger's seat and closed the door , the car was heated up nicely . Zayn put on his seatbelt , "We'll go get the alcohol first ."

"How many people have you invited ?" Louis asked , Zayn pulled out of the parking spot to the road , "Not too many , but they'll definitely fill out the house . There's you guys , a few friends from back home and a few from work . In total it should be about thirty people ."

"Oh , nice ." Louis nodded , "How were the holidays ?" He smiled ; he knew he and Liam spent it together , they were honestly a cute couple .

"It was great , really great ." Zayn smiled , "Li and I split up for Christmas , but he ended up joining me on the twenty fifth because we just really wanted to see each other . Drove up to me in the middle of the night ."

"Aw ." Louis cooed , "How precious ."

"And he stayed the night aswell , so we were back here on the twenty sixth . Then we went out with Nialler , Sarah and Mitch on New Years . Overall , it was a really good time . What about you and Harry ?"

Louis grinned with pink cheeks , "We spent Christmas together , with both of our families at my mum's house . It was perfect . He met my nan and she approved , so I'm really happy about it ." He giggled along with Zayn . "Then uh , we stayed at his family's forest cabin on New Years , it was such a perfect getaway ."

Zayn glanced at Louis , then back to the road . Then back to Louis , then back to the road .

"What ?" Louis chuckled .

"Something happened . You're glowing ." Zayn smirked , Louis blushed deeper , "Maybe ."

"Ohh come on , you know I'll never judge ." Zayn poked him in the side , Louis squirmed in his seat and pushed his hand away , "Alright , alright ."

"Spill it ."

"Well - I uh ... Harry - Harry and I got closer ." Louis smiled , blush covering his cheeks .

Zayn stopped at a red light , "Are you saying what I think you're saying ?"

"He - he was my first time . And it was so fucking perfect , Zee ." Louis grinned .

Zayn put his hand on his knee , squeezing softly , "I'm so happy for you ."

"I've - I've struggled with being ready , before . Got cheated on three times for it , without even knowing it until recently . So it was a big deal for me . But - but it's Harry , my Haribo , and he never did anything to push me or force it on me , and he was patient and gentle - Zee I loved it so much . I love him so much ."

"You have no idea how happy that makes me ." Zayn smiled , "Really , this is a big step for you and I'm really happy it turned out as perfect as you wanted it to be ."


"I'm hooome !" Harry walked into the house and kicked his shoes off , letting the door close behind him . He took his coat off and hung it up in the front closet , then turned to lock the door .

"Lou baby ?"

"Kitchen !"

Harry walked into the kitchen , smiling when he saw Louis making two tea mugs . He hugged his waist from behind , burying his face in his neck , "Hi love ."

Louis shivered , "Your nose is freezing ."

Harry snuffled and moved to press his nose to the soft fabric of Louis' shirt on his shoulder , "How was your day ?"

"It was good . Work was fine , then I was with Zee and it was nice ." Louis turned in his arms , wrapping his arms around his neck , "Did you finish everything with your parlor ?"

"I did . It went well ." Harry nodded , leaning down to kiss Louis softly . "Have you had dinner ?"

"Not yet . I made us tea , though ." Louis kissed him again , "Wanted to wait for you ."

"Okay ." Harry smiled , "Are we going to cuddle ?"

"Mmh , sounds good . I'm chilly ." Louis moved his arms to wrap around his middle , pressing himself against his chest . Harry held him closer , "We also need to think on what to get Zee for his birthday ."

"Go shower , I'll wait in the living room with my laptop ." Louis pulled back from his chest , Harry cupped his cheeks and kissed him for a short while more before pulling back , going upstairs to shower .

When he finished he joined Louis in the living room , who was sitting under a soft blanket with his laptop on his lap .

Louis held the blanket up for Harry to sit next to him , placing it down on his lap . "I stalked Zee's social media for a bit to see if I could come up with anything creative , but apart from a weekend off for him and Li I couldn't really think much ."

Harry put his chin on Louis' shoulder as he looked at the screen , "What about artsy stuff ?"

"Niall called Dibs ." Louis rolled his eyes , Harry chuckled , "Alright . What else is Dibs'd ?"

Louis giggled at the term . "Sarah and Mitch are making them a paid in advance reservation for Zee's favourite chinese restaurant , something fancy I don't remember the name of . Claire and Adam don't know what they're getting him , yet ."

"What about a spa day for him and Liam ? Massages , hot tub , just a chill day ."

Louis smiled , "Sounds great . Do you know a good place in the area ?" He asked as he googled spa places nearby . Harry shook his head , "Not really . I mean , I've heard about a few but never really had a professional massage done , or went on a spa day ."

"There's this place , it looks nice . It's an hour and a half away ." Louis pointed at the screen , "It does cost a bit , but I'd rather it not be a cheap place ."

"Yeah , definitely ." Harry kissed his cheek before sitting up , "Which mug is mine ?"

"The one with Piglet on it ." Louis saved the site and kept his research , Harry smiled and took the mug , leaning back on the couch and sipping on his tea , then he hummed , "I just remembered ." He sat up , "We have a meeting with the lawyer in two days ."

"Oh , what time ?" Louis asked , Harry put his mug on the table , "She's a bit busy these days but she made time for us on Thursday , three in the afternoon ."

"Good , it's my day off ." Louis nodded , "I really want to win that case ."

"You will ." Harry leaned in and kissed his cheek before standing up from the couch , "I'll go start making dinner ."

"Alright , I'll keep looking for spa places ." Louis nodded , "Can I have a kiss before you go ?"

Harry cooed and cupped his face , pressing a sweet kiss to his lips , "Always ." He kissed him again and smiled , "You're so cute ."

Louis scrunched his nose , "Go make dinner ." He pushed at his shoulders .



It was the weekend , Zayn's birthday party .

Harry parked outside his house , both him and Louis getting out of the car and hurrying up the pathway to stay warm .

Harry opened the door for them , seeing the house already quite packed with people . 

"Oi oii !"

They looked to the side , grinning when they saw Niall walking over to them with a beer in his hand . Louis opened his arms for him , wrapping him up in a hug , "Hi Nialler ."

"Missed you , Tommo ." Niall squeezed him , he pulled back with a quick peck to his cheek and went to hug Harry aswell . "Zayn is in the kitchen ."

"Thanks Ni ." Harry smiled and pulled back , he put his hand on Louis' lower back and walked with him to the kitchen . They greeted Claire on the way aswell before they got to the kitchen , spotting Zayn standing with his hometown friends .

Harry put his hand on his shoulder , Zayn turned to face him and smiled , placing his drink down on the table .

"Happy birthday , mate ." Harry hugged him tightly , Zayn smiled and squeezed his shoulder , "Thanks lad , help yourselves around ."

"Will do ." He pulled back from their hug , going to get him and Louis drinks while Louis cuddled with Zayn .

Louis squeezed his arms around his shoulders , Zayn rocked them side to side , "Thanks for helping with the stuff ."

"Of course , always ." Louis smiled , giggling a bit when Zayn kissed his cheek a few times , "You're such a cuddly drunk ."

"Not exactly drunk yet ." Zayn chuckled and pulled back , "But really , thank you ."

Louis rolled his eyes , "Stop thanking me , will you ."

"Alright , alright . Go grab yourself a drink , wait , I think H already got you covered ." Zayn looked over his head , Louis turned around and smiled when he saw Harry holding a cup for him .

"Thanks ." He smiled and took the cup , Harry put his arm around his waist and turned to look at Zayn , "Where's Liam ? We haven't seen him ."

"I think he's in the living room ." Zayn nodded his head , Harry nodded and took Louis with him to the living room .

They quickly found Liam , laughing along with a few friends . They greeted him and joined them on the couch , Louis finished his drink and put the cup on the table , grinning when he saw Niall and Zayn joining them .

He held his arms open and scooted backwards on the couch , Niall fit himself between Louis' knees on the couch , leaning back against him .

"Are you drunk already ?" Louis asked , his chin hooking on Niall's shoulder . Niall smiled and reached his hand up to boop the tip of his nose , "Been drunk for a while , now , my dear Louis ."

Louis chuckled , he let Niall sit up and move off him , going to sit on the other side of the couch . He turned to Harry , placing his hand on his thigh , "I'm getting another drink , do you want one ?"

"No love , thanks . I'm still driving tonight ." Harry smiled , Louis couldn't resist grabbing his face and kissing him , "Alright . I'll be back in a minute , save my seat ."

He stood up from the couch and went to the kitchen , shuffling through the people until he reached the island counter where all the drinks were . He grabbed a new cup and put it in front of him , looking through the bottles trying to decide what to drink .

He tensed when he felt a pair of hands grasping his hips tightly , and , no - that wasn't Harry . He gasped when he was pressed against the counter , the stranger's hips pressing against his arse .

"Well you grew up beautifully , hadn't you ?"

He grabbed at the wrists holding him , trying to push the stranger away . "Listen mate , I don't know who you are but I have a boyfriend so back off ."

"Which one ? The chirpy one with the blue eyes you were cuddling , or the one with tattoos you were sucking faces with ?" The stranger leaned closer to his ear , "How about you add another one to your list ?"

"Fuck off ." Louis tried squirming away , trying to look around for help . "I seriously don't know who you are , so can y -"

He was cut off by the stranger turning him around , quickly pinning him back against the counter . He felt the blood draining from his face when he saw it was Billy , his ex .

"What are you doing here ?" He asked shakily , trying to push Billy away . Billy leaned in to press his forehead to Louis' , making Louis lean backwards until he couldn't anymore . "I'm friends with the birthday boy ."

"Let go of me ." Louis shook his head , Billy smiled , "But why ? Look at you , look how sexy you are ."

"I'm serious , let go ." Louis tried kicking his legs , but whimpered when Billy's thighs bracketed his legs together . 

Louis shook his head , "What's wrong with you ?"

"You look so lovely , Lou ... can't believe we ever broke up ." Billy squeezed his hips .

Louis started squirming again , "We broke up because you were an arsehole . And you cheated on me with Luke ."

Billy looked down at him , "Why told you that ?"

"Luke himself ." Louis pushed at the hands on his hips , "I swear to god , if you don't let me go -"

"You'll what ?" Billy chuckled , "Tell me ."

Louis tried kicking him , but could barely move his legs . He panicked a bit , when Billy was grabbed off him . He sighed in relief , seeing Harry holding Billy by his throat against the wall , Liam standing inbetween him and the two with a hard look on his face .

Niall wrapped him in his arms protectively , "Are you okay ?" He wiped his cheeks ; Louis didn't even realize he was crying .

"I'm fine ." Louis nodded .

"Who's the bitch ?"

"My ex ." Louis sighed , "Apparently he's friends with Zayn ."

"How ?"

"I have no idea ." Louis shook his head .

Harry was fuming . "How fucking dare you touch my boyfriend like that ?"

"I had him before you ." Billy chuckled .

Harry squeezed his hands around his neck tighter , "You're his ex ? Fucking cheater ."

Zayn walked into the kitchen , frowning at the scene . "What's going on ?"

"Zayn buddy , get him off me ." Billy waved at him .

Zayn crossed his arms , "If Harry has you in a chokehold then he has a good reason . What happened ?" He looked around , frowning deeper when he saw Louis wiping his cheeks . He walked over and wrapped his arms around his shoulders , "Did he do something to you ?"

"He's an ex , cheated on me ." Louis sniffled , "He grabbed me and everything , and I couldn't get him off ."

Zayn squeezed him , "Sorry for that , mate . I'll take care of it , go up to my room to calm down ."

"Let's go ." Niall put his arm around Louis' waist , taking him up to Zayn's room . They closed the door behind them , Louis sat down on the bed and covered his face , "I ruined the night ."

"You didn't ruin anything , that bitch ruined it ." Niall sat next to him on the bed , "Want me to go get Harry ?"

As if on queue , the door opened and Harry walked in , followed by two of Liam's friends that were sitting with them in the living room .

"Baby ." Harry breathed out , he kneeled in front of Louis and held his arms , "Are you okay ? Did he hurt you ?" He took his wrists , checking for bruises , then lifting the hem of his shirt just a bit to check his hips .

"I'm okay ." Louis nodded , letting Harry pull him up from the bed and into a hug .

"If I knew he was going to be here I wouldn't have let you go on your own ."

"Stop it , none of us knew ." Louis shook his head , "I'm just upset because I ruined Zayn's party ."

"You didn't , I promise you ." Harry squeezed him , pressing his lips to his neck . He pulled back from their hug and reached out for the water bottle one of Liam's friends was holding , giving it to Louis , "Drink ."

Louis took the bottle and sat on the bed , Niall rubbed up and down his back , "You're shaking ."

"I seriously need to go punch him again ." Harry tried walking out of the room , but Liam's friends stopped him .

"If you do that someone's going to call the police ." Tom said , "Stay here , I'll go see what's going on with them ." He said and left the room .

Harry sighed and crossed his arms over his chest , turning to look at Louis . He bit his lower lip and sat next to him , Louis handed him the bottle , "Drink up a bit ."

"Thanks love ." Harry kissed the side of his head and took the bottle , taking a few sips .

Louis bit his lower lip as he put his hand on Harry's arm . "Is it - is it okay if I go home ? I'm not in the mood to party anymore ."

Harry grabbed his hand , "Of course , let's go ."

Louis shook his head , "You can stay , I'll -"

"I'm coming with you ." Harry stood up from the bed , "I'm not leaving you alone ." He tucked Louis under his arm as they stepped out of the room , walking out to the front .

Liam and Zayn approached them , Zayn was quick to pull Louis into a cuddle . "I'm so fucking sorry , I had no idea ."

"It's alright , Zee . I promise . You couldn't have known ." Louis rubbed his back , "I'm sorry I ruined the night , Harry and I are heading home ."

"You didn't ruin the night , don't say that ." Zayn kissed his temple , "Go home , get some rest . I'll call tomorrow ."

"Okay . Have a good rest of your night ." Louis nodded and pulled back from the cuddle , turning to hug Liam who squeezed him softly . "Good night , Lou ."

"Good night ." Louis smiled and pulled back , letting Harry pull him back closer . 

They walked out of the house , Harry opened the passenger's door for Louis and closed it for him , going into the driver's seat .


Louis watched as Harry pulled off the prosthetic and fabrics for him , reaching his hand out to move his hair from his forehead . Harry looked up and smiled , he put the fabrics aside , "Get in bed , now . On your front ."

"Why on my front ?" Louis asked as he pushed himself to sit under the covers , watching as Harry turned the lights off and left the bed lamps on . 

"I'm giving you a back rub , to ease the tense ." Harry got into bed , Louis shuffled down , "Didn't know I was tense ."

"You are , love . Come on now ." He guided him to lay on his front with his head on a pillow , then started kneading his shoulders . Louis sighed and closed his eyes relaxing into Harry's hands . He played in his head the whole incident ; how could he not notice Billy was at the party ?

"Baby , you're thinking about it again ." Harry stilled his hands on the middle of his back under his shoulder blades , Louis bit his lower lip , "Sorry ."

"I'll just have to help you focus ." Harry smiled and went back to massaging , leaning down to kiss the side of his face facing up . Louis smiled and fluttered his eyes shut , giggling when Harry's hands massaged too close to his sides .

"Haribo , stop it ." He grabbed his hands , "You're tickling , not massaging ."

"Good ." Harry smiled wider and tickled him again , "Look at the pretty smileeee ."

Louis squirmed around as he laughed , trying to roll away from Harry .

Harry grinned as he stopped , leaning down to kiss Louis' neck and cheek , "Such a pretty smile . Such a pretty face , on a pretty neck ." He nipped on his neck playfully .

"Stop it ." Louis giggled and pressed his shoulder to his ear , turning to lie on his side . Harry smiled down at him , "Love you ."

"Love you ." Louis smiled back , he put his hand on Harry's cheek and brought him down into a kiss .


Hope you liked it x


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