Ch. 39
Enjoy x
Harry woke up to soft tugs on his arm , he fluttered his eyes open and smiled at the back of Louis' head , "Hi there ."
"Come closer , 'm cold ." Louis mumbled in a sleepy voice , still tugging lightly on Harry's arm to wrap around him . Harry shifted closer and plastered himself against his back , wrapping one arm around his waist , his other arm sliding under his head to wrap around his shoulders .
"Better ?" Harry pressed his lips to Louis' neck under his ear , Louis shied away from his breath tickling his neck and nodded , "Much better ."
Harry waited for Louis to slowly fall back asleep , lips pressing behind his ear in gentle kisses . He gave his small boyfriend a squeeze and fluttered his eyes closed , drifting back to sleep .
He woke up an hour later to Louis moving slightly between his arms , he opened his eyes and hummed , "Why moving so much ?" He whispered , his voice raspy and tough from sleep .
"Need t'a wee , Haribo . Need to pull my prosthetic on ." He pushed a bit at Harry's arm that was around his waist , Harry sighed and let go of him , smiling as he watched Louis sitting up in bed , his soft skin filling with goosebumps as they were both still naked .
Louis moved the blankets off himself and shivered , pulling a pair of boxers on before fumbling to quickly pull on the fabrics and prosthetic , he stood up from the bed and let out a soft whimper at the slight pain in his backside .
Harry bit his lower lip , "You alright , baby ?" He couldn't help his slight smirk , Louis put both his hands under his bum as he walked , "Hmmph ." He closed the door behind him , hoping Harry didn't see him blushing .
"Come back quick , I want to snuggle ." He heard Harry through the door , making him smile . He finished quickly and washed his hands , stepping out of the bathroom and getting right back to bed . He sighed as he pulled his prosthetic and fabrics off , staying only in his boxers .
Harry opened his arms for Louis , who quickly snuggled into his chest , "What time is it ?"
"About eleven a.m ." Harry pulled him closer , "We should get up to eat soon ."
"Not yet ." Louis pressed a kiss to Harry's chest , Harry ran his fingers through his hair as he tilted his head up , pressing their lips together softly . Louis smiled and let Harry kiss him for a bit , before he pulled back a little to look up at him . "Last night was-- it was - so good ."
Harry bit his lower lip , "Incredible ." He smiled , pecking him quickly , "Loved it ."
Louis blushed soft pink , poking Harry's dimple . He let his fingertip wander across his face gently , from his dimple to his lips , down his chin and across his jawline . Harry watched him for a bit , before leaning closer and kissing the tip of his nose , then his lips again .
"Someone's kissy this morning ." Louis chuckled , lifting his arms to wrap around his neck as Harry gripped his waist . He also noticed how Harry's hands covered his waist almost completely , but then giggled when he felt Harry's stomach rumbling against his own .
Harry pulled back from the kisses , "Let's go eat ."
"I'm lazy ." Louis ran his fingers through his hair , Harry kissed him once more before sitting up , "Stay here , I'll go cook ."
"No , wait , I want to be clingy ." Louis whined , he rolled over to Harry's side and put his hand in the crook of his elbow , "Take me with you ."
Harry pulled on a pair of boxers , then slid his legs into his sweatpants . He went over to Louis' side and helped him put his prosthetic on , dressing him on one of his large hoodies . Louis kept his arms wrapped around Harry from behind as they walked down the stairs carefully to the kitchen , Harry started preparing their breakfast .
"You comfy there ?" He looked over his shoulder at the top of his head , Louis nodded into his back , "Very ."
"Alright , love ." He smiled as he started cooking their eggs , "Did you have a good sleep ?"
"Yeah , t'was toasty . And I was super relaxed ." Louis pressed his smile under his shoulder blade , "You ?"
"Me too . You're just the perfect cuddler ."
"How so ?" Louis leaned his chin on Harry's back to look up at him , Harry smiled , "You're smaller than me , and you're warm and soft . You just melt right into the cuddle , all I need to do it trace your back or play with your hair ."
Louis smiled and squeezed him around his middle , "If I were to become a professional cuddler would -"
"No , you're my cuddle partner only ." Harry grabbed his hands that rested on his abs , pulling him closer to squish him into his back .
Louis laughed , "Okay , okay , I was joking . Let go ." He tugged at his wrists , Harry brought one of his hands up to kiss his knuckles before letting go , taking the eggs off the pan and placing bacon strips on it .
"Go set the table in the meantime ." Harry nudged him , Louis pouted , "Fine ." He let go of Harry , moving to the cabinets . "What are our plans for today ?"
"Just chill , do nothing ." Harry said , flipping the strips to cook the other side , "Unless you have another idea ."
"I don't know , really . Chilling for the rest of the day sounds good ." Louis nodded , "What time are we leaving tomorrow ?"
"In the morning , I guess . After breakfast ." Harry took the bacon off the pan , placing the two plates on the table along with the plates and utensils Louis already had prepared . "I was actually hoping we could have lunch with my mum and Robin before he has to go to another business trip ."
"Sure , sounds great . Will Gem be there too ?" Louis asked , Harry put two bread pieces in the toaster , "Yeah , both her and Michal ." He then turned to Louis , his arms crossing over his chest playfully , "What are you up to ?"
"Nothing . Just missed my favourite Styles ." Louis smiled , going to fetch the strawberry jam from the cabinet . He put it on the table with a butter knife , letting out a giggle when Harry grabbed his waist in both his hands from behind , "Say that again ?"
"Gemma is my favourite Styles , you already know thaaatt-- Harreh ." Louis laughed as Harry tickled him , his legs gave in as he fell to the floor , Harry going down with him , "Take it back !"
Louis couldn't speak through his giggles , pushing Harry's hands away from his body as much as he could . Harry laughed along and stopped , bracketing Louis to the floor with his arms and torso , "Well ?"
"You know you're my favourite ." Louis grinned as he put his hands on Harry's cheeks , bringing him down to kiss him . Harry hummed and deepened the kiss , before pulling back quickly and scrambling to stand up , "Shit , the toaster ."
Louis laughed as he watched Harry pulling out two burnt bread pieces , Harry sighed and put another two pieces before turning to Louis , holding his hands out for him , "Up up ."
Louis grabbed his arms , he tried tugging at his arms to pull him back down , but whined when he realized Harry was stronger and wouldn't budge . Harry smirked and squatted down , he wrapped his arms around Louis' waist and stood up with the smaller boy hanging off his arms .
"Show-off ." Louis grumbled as he half-heartedly struggled for Harry to put him down , Harry brought Louis' thighs to wrap around his hips as he kept a tight hold around his waist , bending his body forwards so Louis was hanging off his shoulders and waist .
"I'm going to fall , I'm going to fall - Haribo !" Louis clutched him as tightly as he could , Harry laughed and let go of his waist just to see his reaction , laughing harder when Louis squealed and dug his nails into his shoulder blades .
He put his arms back around the smaller boy and standing up straight , going to take the bread pieces out of the toaster , Louis stayed in his spot clutching him , "That was fucking mean , Haribo ."
"I'll never let you fall ." Harry kissed his shoulder , Louis kissed his temple , "Funnily enough , you did let me fall ."
"What ? When ?" Harry furrowed his eyebrows .
"When I fell for you ." Louis smiled , blushing and laughing along with Harry . Harry put his hands under his bum to support his weight , "Give me a kiss ."
Louis cupped his cheeks and kissed him , he pecked his lips a few more times before pulling back , "Alright , breakkie time ." He squirmed out of his arms and sat at the table , Harry put the toast pieces on the table and fetched the carton of orange juice from the fridge .
"What movie are we watching ?" Harry asked , spreading his knees for Louis to sit inbetween , back to Harry's chest . Louis leaned backwards , letting Harry hold the popcorn bowl as he covered the two of them in a blanket .
"Does it matter ? You'll distract me with kisses fifteen minutes into the movie anyway ." Louis grabbed the remote and opened his Netflix account , Harry laughed as he put the bowl on Louis' lap , "You love it ."
Louis put on a random comedy movie and settles comfortably against Harry's chest , taking a handful of popcorn . He brought one up to Harry's lips , Harry took it in his mouth and kissed the tips of his fingers .
Once done with the popcorn , Louis sat up and put the bowl on the table , leaning back against Harry , "You're not even watching , are you ?" He giggled , Harry kissed the back of his head , "Not really . I think I'm too obsessed with kissing you ."
Louis turned sideways and brought Harry into a kiss , maneouvering himself around to sit on his knees between Harry's thighs on the couch . Harry's hands held his waist , slowly sliding down to his hips , then his bum .
"I'll never be able to watch movies with you , will I ?" Louis pulled back from the kiss , Harry chuckled , "Never . You'll be lucky to peacefully watch half a movie with me ."
"Alright , then ." Louis grabbed the remote , pausing the movie . Harry furrowed his eyebrows for a few seconds , watching as Louis put both his hands on his hips , thumbs hooking in his sweatpants' elastic . He smirked and leaned backwards , thighs spreading further .
Harry let his head rest on the back of the couch , a gentle smile on his lips as Louis tucked him back into his boxers and sweatpants . He looked down at him , hands reaching out to grab his waist , "We should watch movies more often ."
"Cocky bastard ." Louis shook his head , his voice raspy just the slightest . He let Harry pull him closer , he placed his knees on each side of Harry's lap and cupped his cheeks , kissing him softly .
Harry wrapped his arms around his waist to keep him in his lap , pressing kisses to his neck and shoulder as Louis put his face in Harry's shoulder . He rocked them side to side gently , Louis smiled into his bare skin , giggling when the kisses started to get ticklish .
"You're such a cutie ." Harry smiled , he sat up bringing Louis' body with him , flipping them over so Louis was under his body . He kept on kissing his neck , nipping softly to make him laugh harder .
He stopped to look down at his smaller boyfriend smiling widely , he kissed him before moving down on the couch to face his crotch , "My turn ." He pushed the hem of his hoodie up .
"Are you breathing ?" Harry chuckled , Louis' hands still tangled in his hair . Louis nodded , taking a few deep breaths before going completely lax . "My leg is s-still trembling ."
Harry rubbed his hand up and down his outer thigh , turning his head to kiss his inner thigh , close to his knee . "Feeling okay ?"
"Amazing . Just amazing ." Louis let a tired smile spread on his lips as he rubbed his fingerpads against Harry's scalp , Harry kept rubbing up and down his thigh , "You hungry ?"
"A bit , yeah ."
"Want to go out and get something ?"
Louis pouted , "No , we should order something . Want to stay inside ."
"Okay then ." Harry smiled , "What do you feel like eating ?"
"Mmh ... pizza . God , pizza sounds perfect ." Louis stretched his arms above his head , Harry glanced down at his tummy and leaned in , pressing kisses to his soft skin .
Louis almost immediately started laughing and brought his hands back down , trying to move Harry away . Harry grabbed his hands and held them out of his way , peppering smooches all over his tummy and sides .
"Stop itttt ! Haribooo !" Louis laughed and squirmed around , too weak from laughing to push Harry away . Harry grinned and pulled his head back from his tummy , letting Louis' hands go so he can use both hands to continue tickling .
In in attempt to make Harry stop Louis had to kick his legs , ending up with Harry holding his ribs from Louis' prosthetic kneeing him in the chest .
"Fucking hell ." Harry laughed through the pain , Louis covered his stomach with his arms as he sat up , "Serves you right , bastard ." he giggled , "It was either going to lead up to kissing or violence , and you chose your fate ."
"I bruise like a peach ." Harry looked down at his chest to see if there was a bruise , but there was barely anything . Louis prodded his middle with his toe , "Drama queen ."
Harry grabbed his ankle and moved his foot out of the way , he grabbed his waist and kissed him , "You're lucky I fucking love you ."
"I love you too ." Louis smiled sweetly , kissing him once more , "Now get me my phone , I want my pizza ."
Short and sweet , just like Louis .
Hope you liked it x
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