Ch. 36

Enjoy x


Louis woke up before Harry on Christmas morning , he shuffled closer into Harry's warm body as he tried listening to any sounds from around the house . He could hear faint rustles from the kitchen and quiet voices , he sighed out and turned in Harry's arms so they were spooning .

"Mm , you comfy ?" Harry whispered against the back of Louis' head , voice deep and raspy . Louis smiled tiredly , "Yeah . 'm warm ."

"Is it a good thing ?"

Louis nodded and grabbed Harry's arm , wrapping it tighter around himself . Harry blindly let his lips press at the back of Louis' neck , "Want to go back to sleep ?"

"Well I'm trying to ." Louis kissed Harry's arm , Harry chuckled softly , "Okay love ."


The two woke up an hour later , Louis turned to face Harry and pushed his face into his neck , "I'm hungry ."

"Let's go eat something ." Harry rubbed his hand up and down his back , "I think I can smell eggs and bacon ." As if on queue , Louis' stomach rumbled at the food mention , making Harry laugh .

Louis sat up and yawned , letting himself drop backwards as he stretched his arms above his head , his shirt riding up a bit . Harry smiled down at his hip , where there were three lovebites poking from under the waistband of his boxers . He reached his hand down to trace them , startling back in surprise when Louis squeaked and rolled away .

"What was that ?" Harry laughed , leaning himself on his elbow . Louis crossed his arms over his front , "What were you trying to do ?"

"I wanted to touch the lovebites on your hip ." Harry smiled , his eyebrows furrowed , "What were you thinking I was doing ?"

"Oh my god , Haribo , I thought you were going to tickle me ." Louis sat up and reached for the fabrics , Harry smirked , "I could do that ."

"You do that and I'm smacking you with my prosthetic leg ."

Harry laughed and pushed the covers off him , legs swinging off the bed . He stretched and went to the bathroom , just as he finished peeing he heard a knock on the door , "Haribo ? Can we brush our teeth together ?"

Harry smiled and unlocked the door , letting Louis in , "Course , baby ."

Louis grabbed his toothbush and washed it , handing Harry the toothpaste when he was done . The two brushed their teeth together , smiling at each other through the mirror . Louis finished first , he rinsed his mouth and put his toothbrush down , "Alright , now get out so I can wee in peace ."

Harry gave his bum a soft pat and walked out of the bathroom , Louis locked the door behind him . Harry went downstairs to the kitchen , smiling and greeting the four adults with 'good morning' .

"Where's Louis ? Is he awake ?" Jay asked , Harry nodded and went to fix himself and Louis cups of tea , "Yeah , he should come down here in a minute or two ." He brought the two cups to the table , sitting down and grabbing a biscuit .

"Did you two sleep well ?" Anne asked , reaching over to push Harry's hair from his forehead . Harry smiled around his biscuit and nodded , "Yeah , had a good sleep ."

Louis walked into the kitchen , smiling at everyone and saying good morning . He sat himself down on Harry's lap sideways , arms wrapping around his shoulders .

Harry held his waist , "Made you tea ." He nodded his head towards the cup , Louis smiled and kissed his cheek , "Thanks ." He reached for the cup and brought it to his lips , blowing the steam away a bit before sipping carefully . He put the mug down and thanked Anne when she pushed the plate of biscuits closer to them , before turning his attention to Jay . "Where are the rest of our litter ?"

"Ernie and Doris are in the living room , Daisy and phoebes are getting ready in their room , and Lott's and Fizz are still asleep , obviously ." Jay said and sipped on her tea , "We should wake them up soon , the little twins are getting impatient about opening gifts ."

"I'll eat and go wake them up ." Louis said and took another sip of his tea , before standing up from Harry's lap , "I'll go get us the plates ."

After eating their breakfast Harry went to the living room to play with the twins , while Louis went to wake Lottie and Felicite up . He walked into Felicite's room and shook her shoulder softly , "Fizz , wake up . It's almost eleven "

She groaned and swatted his hand away sleepily , Louis chuckled , "Come on , Doris and Ernest are waiting to open the presents ." He laughed softly when she mumbled into her pillow , he rubbed her back , "I'll go wake up Lott's , if you're not up by the time I'm back you'll face my wrath ." He threatened playfully , before leaving the room to go to Lottie's room .

He smiled when he saw she was already awake , tapping away on her phone . "Good morning ."

Lottie smiled , "Morning , Lou ."

"Come on downstairs , the little twins are getting impatient about the presents ." Louis sat on the bed next to her , Lottie nodded , "Alright , I'll be down in a bit ."

Louis bit his lower lip playfully befoe snatching the phone from her hands and walking out of the room . Lottie gasped , "Lou ! Get back here , give me my phone back !"

Louis giggled and walked into Daisy and Phoebe's room , "Loves , come downstairs , we're about to open the presents ." He chuckled when Lottie snatched her phone away from him , mumbling something about him being annoying .

"We're almost down with our nails , then we'll come ." Daisy said , Louis nodded , "Alright ."

He went back to Felicite's room , he rubbed her back , "Fizz , come on up , everyone's already awake and ready ." He pushed her hair away from her face , Felicite fluttered her eyes open and smiled , "Can I sleep more ?"

"Nope , you're getting up now ." Louis smiled back , "You're lucky it's me waking you up and not Harry , he'd tickle you or pull you out of bed ."

"He's yours to deal with , Lou ." She yawned , Louis poked her cheek , "Get ready now , we're waiting downstairs ."

Felicite nodded , Louis walked out of her room and down to the living room , smiling at Harry , Doris and Ernest , who were all sitting on the couch .

Doris turned to face him and held her arms out for him , Louis smiled and picked her up , sitting on the couch . He smiled when Clifford sat in front of him on the floor , petting the dog softly while Bruce was in Harry's lap , him and Ernest petting him .

"My Cliffy ." He cooed , Doris leaned against Louis , "Achoo , we goin' to open our presents ?"

"In a bit , love , we're waiting for the girls to join us ." He nodded , Doris poked his cheek , "Is it still your birthday ?"

"Not anymore , it was yesterday ." He poked her cheek back , Doris smiled before pushing herself off his lap to sit next to Clifford and pet him .

Louis scooted closer to Harry and leaned his chin on his shoulder , scratching gently behind Bruce's ear , "We should get a dog , too ."

Harry turned his head a bit , pressing the side of his nose to Louis' chin , "We already talked about it ."

"I know . We still should ." Louis pecked his nose , "We should get a great Dane ."

Harry chuckled , "Great Danes are huge , love , it would look like the dog is taking you out on a walk ."

"Aw , but I love big dogs ." Louis pouted , "A Pitbull then ? They're sweet ."

Harry bit his lower lip , he opened his mouth to speak but Louis beat him to it . "Ooh ! We could get a German Shepherd , or maybe a Malinois ! Those love running , you could take them with you when you jog at too-early-for-humans-to-be-awake hours !" He grinned when Harry laughed , shaking his head , "We'll talk about it later ."

Louis pouted a bit and reached his hand to poke Harry's tummy a few times , knowing it wouldn't do anything to bug or tickle , "Do you promise ?"

"Promise ." Harry smiled , leaning his head against Louis' when he felt Louis pressing a kiss to his cheek . Bruce wiggled in Harry's lap at the lack of attention from the couple , Louis smiled down at the dog and picked him off Harry's lap , holding him to his chest , "Aw , Brucie baby ." He kissed his head a few times , smiling when Bruce licked his cheek .

Soon enough the four adults walked into the living room , the four girls in tow .

Phoebe sat down on the floor with Ernest and Doris , where all the presents were , letting the two hand the presents around . Louis and Harry moved back to their spot , the recliner , and the rest were sitting on the couch .

"I can't wait for you to see , I'm actually really proud of my presents ." Louis smiled , "I'm usually really bad when it comes to buying presents , I never have good ideas or creative ones , but I managed quite a few ."

Harry wrapped his arms tighter around Louis , "Whatever you got me , I'm going to love ."

"I'm also a bit mad at you for spending money on both birthday and Christmas presents ." Louis squished his cheeks with one hand , "You could've combined them into one present and save your money ."

Harry pinched his eyebrows , "But I love your reactions when you see new things . Besides , it's not 'spending my money' , it's called 'spoiling my pretty boyfriend' ."

Louis blushed light pink , biting his lower lip , "You're a sappy shit ."

"And you love said 'sappy shit' ." Harry smiled , pressing a kiss to his lips . He looked over when he felt a pat on his knee , seeing Doris holding a box out for him , "For 'Arry ."

"Thank you , love ." He took the box and leaned down , tapping his cheek for her to kiss . She leaned in and pecked his cheek , giggling shyly as she went back to to Phoebe under the tree .

"Harry dear , the one you're holding is from Gems and Michal ." Anne said and held her phone up , taking a picture to send to Gemma later .

Harry smiled and tore the wrapping paper , grinning when he saw a new blue laptop .

Louis smiled and rubbed his shoulder , "It's a pretty colour ."

"Yeah , like your eyes ." Harry smiled back at him , "I've been talking to Gems about getting a new one , since the one I have now is slowing down . Nice of her to remember ."

He pulled out a few stickers Gemma added to the box , customized outline drawings of pictures of Harry with Louis . He showed Louis the stickers , who grinned and let Harry know he would definitely steal some of them for his own laptop .

Louis thanked Ernest , who brought him two gift-bags , pulling out a bunch of clothes and a gift-card to a shop to get new things for his house with Harry , thanking the four girls for the presents .

"You should wear this one tonight when we go to Stan's ." Harry pointed out the maroon sweater , Louis smiled , "I might ." He smiled when Doris and Ernest returned with more presents , Louis bit his lower lip and nodded his head towards the gift bag Harry was holding , "This one's from me ."

Harry grinned and opened the bag , taking out a small box . He opened it , seeing a golden cross necklace , with another charm - a paper airplane . "I love it . Thank you , baby ." Harry grabbed Louis' chin , turning his head to kiss him . "Help me put it on ?"

Louis smiled and took the box from Harry , picking the chain out of it . He laid it across Harry's neck , clipping it shut at the back of his neck . Harry smiled down at the two charms , Louis tucked his hair behind his neck , "I know you love jewelry , thought these will look pretty on you ."

Harry kissed him once more , before reaching into the bag to pull another small box out . He chuckled and opened it , grinning at the rose ring sitting inside .

"This one's actually because of your mum ." Louis ran his fingers through his hair , "So now you have both a rose tattoo and rose ring for her ."

"It's perfect ." Harry bit his lower lip , picking the ring out and slipping it on his fourth finger . He let Louis grab his hand , both looking down at the ring . "Looks good on you ." Louis traced the ring , Harry kissed his cheek a few times , "Will you open the present now ?"

"Is it from you ?" Louis asked , Harry shook his head , "Not this one , but Ernie is on his way with it right now ." He nodded towards the little boy , who just arrived in front of Louis and handed him the box .

Louis smiled and took it from him , before returning to the box in his lap . He gently took off the wrapping paper and opened it , cooing at the multiple picture frames of him and his family , along with a few Harry was in . "Oh , that's so sweet ."

"It's for your new house ." Jay said , Louis smiled at her , "Thank you , mumma , I love it ." He grinned down at the cute pictures , chuckling when he saw a gift card to a home shop . He looked over to Harry when Harry put his hand on his thigh , Harry kissed the corner of his lips , "I love the shirts and pants . Thank you , love ."

Louis smiled and poked his dimple , "Time for your present ."

Harry moved his arm to wrap around his waist , "This one is not as good as your birthday present , but it has a little catch so I think it'll be okay ."

"I know i'll love it ." Louis assured and opened the bag , looking inside , he furrowed his eyebrows and reached in , pulling out what looked to be a blanket , until he noticed sleeves and a hood .

"It's a blanket hoodie ." Harry smiled , "You get cold easily , so this will keep you warm and cuddly ."

Louis smiled as he unfolded it , before raising his eyebrow at Harry playfully , "Is that supposed to mean that you don't want to cuddle me anymore ?"

Harry laughed , "Of course not , baby , I -"

"No no , I see what you mean , you don't like cuddles . Fine then ." Louis shrugged his shoulders playfully as he turned his head away , though couldn't help but giggle when Harry wrapped both arms around his waist and nipped at his neck , he squirmed a bit and pressed his ear to his shoulder .

"Stop it , you know I love cuddles ." Harry bit his shoulder , Louis nodded , "I know . You're quite clingy ."

"And you love it ." Harry smiled , pulling back though keeping an arm around his waist . Louis looked into the gift bag and saw an envelope at the bottom of it , he pulled it out and looked at Harry , "What now ?"

"Open it , will you ." Harry smiled into his shoulder , Louis opened the envelope and pulled out a card , reading it quiet enough for only him and Harry to hear .

"New Years Eve . You and me . Resort cabin under the stars . Up for it ?" Louis grinned and turned his head to Harry , "I'm up for it ."


"We should take a nap ." Louis wrapped his arms around Harry , while the taller boy was washing the dishes from lunch . Harry smiled , "Help me dry the dishes and we can get to it quicker ."

"No , just let them dry on the mat . I'm going to the living room ." Louis kissed the middle of his back , before going to the living room . He smiled mischievously and sat down next to Anne , Anne smiled , "Hi dear ."

"So Anne ." He started , chuckling softly . "While we're here , I wanted to ask you something ."

"Go ahead ." Anne turned a bit to face him .

"I would love for you to tell me cute baby Harry stories ." Louis grinned , "When we first talked about bringing our families together we joked about you and my mum teaming up and sharing baby stories about us , and I promised to myself that I will let you tell me every story you can think about ."

Anne grinned , softly pushing his fringe from his forehead , "My boy better take good care of you , you're a keeper ."

"He does ." Louis sighed softly , Anne nodded , "Good . So , where do I start ?"

And for the next thirty minutes Louis listened to Anne talking about baby Harry , he grinned , nodding along and letting out an 'aw' when baby Harry was being adorable .

Anne was in the middle of a story , when Louis felt a large body sitting behind him . He turned his head and saw it was Harry , he smiled , "Hi there . I'll be right with you ." He turned back to Anne , "Keep telling me ."

Harry raised his eyebrows in surprise when he realised Anne was telling a baby story about him , and then he remembered Louis telling him he would ask to hear stories . He scrunched his nose , sneakily tucking his hand under Louis' jumper , letting his fingertips dance across his waist .

Louis laughed softly and grabbed Harry's hand through the jumper , "What are you doing ? I'm trying to listen ."

"You've heard enough ." Harry squinted his eyes at him playfully .

"I will never get enough of baby Harry ." Louis smiled , "So either stop and let me listen , or stop and let me listen ."

Anne smiled as she watched the two's banter , before patting Louis' knee , "Call me whenever to hear more stories . Now excuse me , I need to help Robin pack our clothes ."

"I thought you were on my side !" Harry pouted , Anne pinched his cheek , "Think again , my dear ." She said before walking to the guest bedroom .

Louis grinned and tucked himself against Harry's side , "What a lovely lady your mum is . I adore her ."

Harry sighed , "You left me no choice ." He then lifted Louis up from the couch bridal style , Louis laughed and held onto his shoulders , "Are we going to take a nap ?" He asked , though Harry didn't answer . He poked his cheek , "Haribooooo ."

Harry walked into Louis' room and closed the door with his foot , he put Louis down on the bed and moved to hold himself on all fours above him . "Do you remember what I said ?"

"Be more specific , you do talk some shit ." Louis smiled , tilting his head a bit . 

"About hearing baby stories about me ." Harry smirked , Louis smiled , "Yeah , I said I was going to sit with your mum and listen to ev-every storyyy-no ! Wait !" He laughed when Harry dug his fingers into his side , he tried pushing his hand away and squirm away from him , but Harry pulled him back closer .

"Yeah , and I said that for every story she tells you I'll tickle you for an hour ." Harry smirked , "How many stories did you hear ?" He held Louis' wrists , pinning his hands down near his head .

Louis could barely talk through his giggles , even though Harry stopped the tickling . "I d-don't remember ! Get off !" He tugged at his wrists , trying to roll over and knock Harry off , but Harry was too strong and heavy .

"Haribooooo ." Louis whined through giggled , trying to kick at Harry's back with his prosthetic leg . Harry shook his head , "How many stories did you hear ? Four ? Ten ? I need to know ." He held both of Louis' wrists with one hand , grinning when his tiny wrists fit right into his large hand easily .

Louis laughed before Harry even touched him , mumbling 'noooo' over and over as Harry childishly held his hand above his tummy , fingers wiggling in the air . "I don't know how many stories ! Haribo pleaseee no tickles !"

Harry shook his head , "Can't let you go unpunished ." He smirked and brought both his hands to his tummy and sides , his large hands covering most of his tiny body as he tickled gently . Louis laughed loudly , even from the lightest touch , trying to grab at Harry's hands to stop him .

"You're so cute when you laugh ." Harry cooed , stopping the tickles as he leaned down to kiss his cheek and neck . He sat up and moved off Louis , "That's what you get for hearing my baby stories ."

Louis wrapped his arms around himself and turned to lay on his front , "I hate you so much right now ." He breathed out , Harry rubbed his back , "Yeah yeah , like you could ever hate me ."


Louis was having a great time at Stan's ; it was him , Stan , Harry , Oli and Calvin , they only started drinking when there was a knock on Stan's door .

Stan furrowed his eyebrows , "I haven't told anyone else to come ."

"I'll go check who it is ." Louis stood up from the couch , grabbing a gummy worm on his way and munching on it . He looked through the peephole , gasping inaudibly when he saw it was Jesse , his ex .

"What the actual fuck ." He mumbled , taking a deep breath before opening the door with a frown . Jesse stood there , holding a bouquet of flowers and smiling .

"Louis ! Hi , I - happy birthday ." Jesse handed him the bouquet , Louis looked down at it and shook his head , "What are you doing here , Jesse ?"

"Well , it was your birthday yesterday , and uh , I also bumped into Stan at the grocery store a few days ago . I kind of overheard him talking about having you over and all , and decided to stop by ." Jesse explained with a smile , but his smile slowly turned down when he saw Louis wasn't reacting . "Is everything okay ?"

"I'm sorry but you shouldn't have come ." Louis shook his head .

"Did anything happen ? We were alright ." Jesse reached to hold his hand , but Louis pulled his hand away , "Listen , I -"

"I managed to get your number a while ago , and I texted you . I'm pretty sure it was your number . Did you get my texts ?" Jesse asked , Louis sighed , "Jesse , -"

"Yes ?" He asked expectingly , Louis opened his mouth to speak but then he heard Harry from behind him .

"Lou , what's taking so long ?" He asked , peeking over Louis' head at Jesse . He pressed himself against Louis' back , arm going around his waist , "Who are you ?"

"I'm - I'm Jesse ." Jesse held his hand out for Harry to shake , Harry's shoulders tensed . "Jesse . Oh - Oh ." He tightened his arm around Louis' waist , feeling Louis leaning backwards into him . "I'm Harry , Louis' boyfriend ."

Jesse stretched his lips into a smile , nodding . "Right . Um . Lou , can we -"

"Don't call me Lou ." Louis shook his head , before turning to Harry , "Give me a minute , I'll be right back ."

"Are you sure ?" Harry asked , never taking his eyes off Jesse . Louis nodded and gave him a soft nudge , "Yes . One minute ." He assured , letting Harry kiss him because they both wanted to make it clear to Jesse that Louis wasn't going to have anything with him .

Louis turned back to Jesse , crossing his arms over his chest , "Why did you come ?"

"I - I wanted to see you ." Jesse said , "What happened to us ?"

Louis chuckled humorlessly , "You tell me . You're the one who cheated on me with Luke ." He watched Jesse's surprised face , his mouth opening and closing as he tried finding words to say .

"Save it , I don't want to hear anything you have to say ." Louis shook his head , "I know you cheated on me with Luke . He told me a while ago . He was also with Frank and Billy ."

Jesse swallowed thickly , "Louis , I really loved you -"

"You didn't . If you did you wouldn't have cheated . Or you would've at least been honest and told me if you did ." Louis shook his head , "Now leave , I don't want to see your face anymore ." He said and walked back into the house , closing the door behind him .

He walked into the living room , Harry waited for him in the entrace and held his arms open . Louis hugged him , Harry kissed the top of his head , "You're so much better than this . You deserved better ."

"I know . That's why I'm right here with you ." Louis mumbled into his chest , Harry squeezed him closer , "I love you ."

"I love you ." Louis nodded , looking up at Harry before Harry leaned in and kissed him .


Hope you liked it x


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