Ch. 33

Enjoy x


"Okay , so ." Louis opened his notes on his phone , with their shopping list - both for groceries , and for the indoor hangout with their friends at their new house . 

Harry pushed the cart a bit and grabbed two cereal boxes off the shelf , "Is this the brand you wanted ?"

Louis looked up from his phone , "Yes , that one ." He nodded , "Also I'm happy we finished wrapping all the presents last night , I'm the worst at it ."

"You're not that bad ." Harry chuckled as they kept walking down the aisle , "You did good ."

"Yeah , well , the presents you wrapped look neater ." Louis put two pasta boxes in the cart , along with two lasagna sheets boxes . "You could literally tell which ones I wrapped and which ones you wrapped ."

"It's not about the wrapping anyway , it's about what's inside . And we picked some really good presents , I'm actually proud of us ."

"We did ." Louis smiled , "I can't believe we'll be spending Christmas together . I'm excited ."

"Me too , been looking forward to it ." Harry grabbed a few bags of snacks from the top shelf Louis couldn't reach , while Louis was across from him getting two six-pacs of beer . "You know , I already have some family games to play ."

"You do ? That's cute ." Louis smiled at he put the beer inside the cart carefully , Harry nodded , "Yeah , just some questions games . We play those with my family at Christmas , so I thought it could be fun ."

"It will ." Louis nodded , "That's really thoughtful ." He poked Harry's dimple softly , making the taller smile and lean down to kiss his cheek .


Louis put their snacks into bowls on the counter , he grabbed two bowls and brought them to the living room table , "Did anyone text you ?"

Harry picked his phone up from the couch , "Yeah , Niall , Mitch and Sarah are on their way , should be here in a few minutes , and Liam and Zayn are on their way to pick up Claire and Adam ."

"Good . Can you go make sure the guest rooms are ready ? I'll take care of the snacks and drinks ." Louis put the two bowls on the table , Harry nodded , "Sure ." He patted his hip and walked upstairs .

Louis brought the rest of the snacks to the living room table , then went to get the plastic cups , straws and napkins . Soon the table was filled with snacks , cups , beer , vodka and gummy candy . Louis took his time to organize the table properly , and even took a picture for his Instagram story .

Harry walked back down to the living room , "The guest rooms are ready . The table looks nice , love ." He sat down on the couch , Louis smiled , he sat down next to Harry and leaned his head on his shoulder , "I'm so ready to get drunk tonight ."

There was a knock on the door , Louis stood up from the couch and went to open the door , grinning when Niall wrapped his arms around him and picked him off the ground . "Aw I missed you too , Ni ."

Niall smiled as he carried Louis into the house , Sarah and Mitch following them inside .

"I haven't seen you properly in two weeks , how's it going ?" Niall put Louis down , Louis squeezed him and pulled back from their hug to look at him , "Things are great , how's your album going ?"

"I'll tell you all together later tonight ." Niall winked , Louis scrunched his nose , "Fine , fine , H is in the living room , go give him some love so he doesn't feel neglected ." He pushed him softly , then turned to greet Sarah and Mitch .

"The place looks so good , Lou ." Sarah smiled as she looked around , Louis put his arm around her , "Come on , I'll give you a little tour , you're the only one who hadn't seen it yet ."

After their tour they returned to the living room , Louis squished himself between Harry and Niall , wiggling to fit himself better as he linked his arms with theirs . Niall mindlessly caressed Louis' knee as he kept talking to Mitch , Harry turned his head to Louis and kissed his temple , "Zee texted , said they'll be here in a bit ."

Louis nodded and pressed a quick peck to his shoulder , Harry stood up from his seat and went to connect his laptop to the speakers to play music . 

"So yeah , first album comes out on April ." Niall grinned , "But I'm getting you guys and my family to listen earlier , we're throwing a listening party ."

"That's so cool . Is there a date ?" Louis asked , Niall nodded , "Yes , album comes out on April seventh , listening party is two weeks before that , so March twenty fourth ."

"I'm really excited for you , you've been working on it for two years now ." Sarah smiled , Mitch nodded , "Yeah , you put your heart and soul into it and you deserve it ."

"Fuck , stop it , you'll make me emotional ." Niall chuckled , Louis rubbed his arm , "I agree with them , and I'll cry with you if you cry so don't ."

A few minutes later Liam , Zayn , Adam and Claire joined them , Louis filled nine shots and handed them around .

"What are we cheering for tonight ?" Liam asked , holding the glass up .

"To Niall's album ." Harry smiled , everyone cheered and clinked their shots before taking them down , giggling at the faces their friends pulled at the taste .


"Okay , okay , I have one . But try to keep track because it's one of the weirdest ones that I can remember ." Louis giggled ; they were after their third shots , in the middle of an intense conversation about crazy dreams they had .

"So I was at my elementary school , and something was chasing me , but I couldn't run because in your dreams you force yourself to run even though you fucking can't - nevermind ," He stopped to giggle , "So I was running and screaming and decided - why not break through the fucking window , even though I was on the third floor of the building ."

"Please tell me you're flying , I love flying in my dreams ." Harry chuckled .

"No , well yes , but it was flying swimming kind of thing . And so I looked behind me to see that what was chasing me was a loaf of garlic bread , and that's when I woke up . I haven't touched garlic bread for years after that ." Louis laughed .

"One of the worst dreams I can remember was actually a few weeks ago ." Zayn chuckled , "Li stayed over , and I had a dream that we were just laying in bed and kissing , and then I see Niall through the window taking pictures of us , and I got pissed and told you to fuck off . Then on the other window there was Louis climbing in with Harry right after him , and you two shoved Li and I out of bed and started wrestling each other ."

Everyone erupted in laughter , Louis' cheeks turned red as he hiccuped into his hand through giggles .

"Okay but that doesn't sound like something that would never happen ." Adam laughed .

"Yeah , we can make your dream come true if you really want to ." Niall added , laughing when Zayn slapped his knee playfully . 

"What are you staring at ?" Louis asked Sarah , who was staring at something behind the TV . Sarah turned to him with a smile , before getting up from the couch and reaching behind to grab the box .

"Who's up for Twister ?" She asked , everyone cheered and Harry and Liam pushed the table away , almost knocking everything off it . Louis grabbed the plate with and sat back on the couch , Harry flopped down next to him and leaned his chin on his shoulder , "Want to try ?"

Louis gave him a smile and shook his head , "I can't ."

Harry pouted , "Of course you can , baby . We'll go next round ." He kissed his cheek a few times , Louis rolled his eyes and brought his arm to wrap around Harry's neck to cuddle him into his neck .

 Liam , Mitch and Adam stood around the mat on the floor , Louis put the plate on his lap and spinned the arrow , grinning , "Li , left hand blue ."

"Adam , left foot red ."

"Mitch , right foot green ."

"Left foot green ."

"Right hand yellow ."

"Right hand blue ."

"Left foot yellow ."

Soon enough the three were tangled in each other on the mat , barely holding themselves up even in a simple position from being drunk .

Niall thought it would be funny to annoy them , so he tried pushing popcorn into their nostrils until they collapsed on each other , pulling Niall down with them .

"Our turn ." Harry handed the plate to Sarah and stood up from the couch , Louis shook his head , "No , really , I can't ."

"Like hell you can't . Get your arse up , I'll go with you ." Zayn grabbed his hand , Harry grabbed Louis' other hand and together they pulled him up from the couch .

"I'm rooting for Louis , I believe in you , mate ." Niall smiled , Louis blew him a kiss and stood next to the mat .

"I'm so going to lose ." Louis muttered to himself , Harry poked his cheek , "Yeah , well , I'm piss drunk so I don't have much chance either ."

"I have the worst balance , so yeah I'll be out soon lads ." Zayn chuckled .

Sarah spinned the arrow on the plate , "Harry , left foot yellow ."

"Louis , right hand green ."

"Zayn , left foot blue ."

A very short while later , the three were all over the mat , Zayn tipped to the side and lost his balance , flopping down on his side . "I'm out . I'm done ." He crawled away towards Liam , who laughed along with everyone and brought Zayn to sit between his knees back to chest .

Harry's head was spinning , he knew he wasn't going to last much longer so he decided to mess with Louis . 

"Lou . Baby ."

"Shut up , Haribo , I'm concentrating on winning ." Louis sassed , making everyone laugh .

Harry's jaw fell a bit open , then he reached his hand out and dug his fingers softly into Louis' sides , on his way he lost his balance and fell on his side , pulling Louis down with him .

Louis squealed and went down with Harry , laughing as Harry kept tickling him . He rolled away and grabbed the nearest thing in reach , which was Niall's shoe , and threw it at Harry , "Shit ! Bastard ! I did good !"

Harry laughed and grabbed his leg , dragging him closer , "I'm sorry baby ."

"For fuck's sake , stop making out , we're still here ." Liam grabbed one of the couch pillows and threw it at them , Harry threw the pillow back with no aim , "Fuck you ." He stood up from the floor and helped Louis up , Louis grinned at him and grabbed the sides of his head , bringing him down to peck the tip of his nose , "Thank you . It was fun ."

Harry cooed and kissed him , he wrapped his arms tighter around him and picked him off the ground . The rest of the group groaned , Harry held his middle finger up at them (without knowing Louis was doing the same) .


"Come on babies , it's bedtime ." Louis grabbed Zayn and Liam's hands , pulling them up from the couch to the stairs . "You're taking one of the guest rooms ."

The two were dragged behind Louis , he walked them into the room and opened the closet doors , "If you get cold there's more blankets here , and pillows if you want ."

"Thanks Lou ." Zayn flopped down on the bed and gave him a smile , Louis smiled back and walked out of the room . He went back downstairs to make sure Harry was inflating the mattress properly , Mitch and Sarah passed by to go to the other guest room .

Niall hugged Louis from the side , leaning his head on Louis' , "Tonight was fun ."

"It was ." Louis smiled , wrapping one arm around his neck , "I love having hangout nights with you guys ."

"If Harry gets annoying during the night you can always come downstairs and cuddle with me ."

Louis laughed , "I'll remember that , thanks ." He squeezed his shoulder , Niall kissed his cheek and went to get the blankets and pillows from the couch to put on the mattress .

"Good night , loves , see you in the morning . First to wake up makes breakfast ." Harry called through the house for everyone to hear , before turning to Louis and wrapping his arms around his legs , throwing him over his shoulder .

"No ! Harreh ! Put me down !" Louis punched his back , "Please , Harry , you're drunk and you'll drop me ."

Harry smiled but carefully put him down halfway up the stairs , he smiled at him , "I'll never drop you , baby ."

"Yes you will ." Louis poked his dimple and walked up to their bedroom , Harry following close behind and closing the door behind them , "Want me to help you pull the prosthetic off ?"

"No , I've got this ." Louis sat down on the bed , "Could you just get me my PJs ?" He pulled his shirt off and threw it towards the laundry basket , though missing it .

"Sure love . My hoodie or yours ?" Harry walked into the walk-in closet , grabbing clothes for himself and Louis .

"Yours . Love your hoodies ." Louis struggled to pull his jeans off , Harry walked out of the tiny room and chuckled , he put their clothes on the bed and grabbed Louis' jeans , "Here ." He slowly peeled them off .

"Thanks . Thought I was stuck in those for the rest of my life ." Louis mumbled as he pulled his prosthetic off , Harry smiled and took his clothes off , "I know how to deal with skin-tight jeans ."

"I hope for your own sake that you're talking about your jeans , and not other people's that you took off ." Louis pulled the fabrics off his thigh and put them aside .

"Of course it's my jeans , baby ." Harry smirked , Louis pulled Harry's hoodie over his head and fit his arms in , he looked up at Harry and pouted , "I knew that ."

Harry sat next to him in only his sweatpants , he wrapped his arms around him and kissed him softly , "I love you , baby ."

"I know ." Louis nodded softly , "I love you too ."

Harry leaned in and kissed him again , "Put your sweatpants on , you're shaking ."

Louis pulled on his sweatpants while Harry put on a shirt , then moved the covers back . Louis groaned , "Shit , Haribo , we need to brush our teeth and I already took the prosthetic off ."

"I'll help you , come on ." Harry stood up and grabbed Louis' hips , he picked him up and walked with him to the bathroom . He put him down in front of the sink , keeping one arm around his waist to balance him as he brushed his teeth .

They finished quickly and returned to bed , Harry put Louis down and crawled in next to him , pulling the covers up to their noses knowing that Louis is very easily cold .

"Lou baby ."

Louis turned on his side to face Harry , bringing his hand up to run through his hair . "Yes ."

Harry bit his lower lip , he leaned closer and kissed Louis , slowly shifting closer so he was hovering above him . "I know the lads are all here , but I want to make you feel good ."

Louis shivered and bit his lower lip , "'s risky ."

"I know , I really want to , though . Want to rub you and kiss you ." Harry kissed him again , bringing their hips together .

"W-We'll have to stay quiet , though ." Louis wrapped his arms around his shoulders , Harry smiled , "I'll do my best ."


Hope you liked it , sorry for the long wait x


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