Ch. 32

Sorry for the long wait .

Enjoy x


"Are you excited for tomorrow ?" Harry wrapped his arms around Louis from behind ; it was their last night at Harry's place before moving into the new house together , two weeks before Louis' birthday and Christmas .

Louis smiled as he finished making the two mugs of hot chocolate , "Yeah . I mean , I've kind of been excited ever since we talked about it , but to think it's happening tomorrow is just so - so real ." 

Harry kissed his shoulder , where his skin showed under the large jumper , "Definitely . Will your family come see the new place before or after Christmas ?"

"After , between Christmas and New Years ." Louis turned around in his arms , hands smoothing down his biceps , "They will return with us , stay the night and go back home the next day ."

Harry nodded , "Okay ." He turned his head towards the microwave when it beeped , signaling their popcorn was ready . He turned back to Louis and kissed him , "Go to the living room , I'll be there in a second ."

Louis turned and grabbed the two mugs carefully , walking slowly to the living room and putting the mugs down on the table . Just as he sat on the couch and covered himself in the blanket Harry walked in with the popcorn bowl , he sat next to Louis and put the bowl on his lap , "Lou ."

"Haribo ." 

Harry smiled and turned to face him , "Let's try to progress tonight ."

Louis nodded and turned a bit to face him , "What were you thinking about ?" He let Harry grab his hand to hold in both his largs hands , Harry rubbed his thumb on his knuckles , "I was thinking that we could watch The Meg , it's the movie from a few months ago you didn't want to watch with us , the one with Jason Statham ."

Louis bit his lower lip , he looked at the TV , then back at Harry . "Will - are we - are we going to watch the whole movie ?"

"I'm not sure about that , depends on when you want to stop it . We can take breaks throughout , or we can just watch until you don't want to watch anymore ." Harry brought Louis' hand to his lips and kissed the back of it , "What do you say ?"

Louis took a deep breath before he nodded , "Alright . But you have to hold me ."

"I can always do that ." Harry smiled and leaned in to kiss him , Louis cupped his cheek and kissed back before scooting closer to plaster himself against his side . Harry wrapped one arm around his shoulders and put the movie on , grabbing a handful of popcorn while he payed attention to Louis' reactions and body language .

It started out okay ; Louis' shoulders were tense with the opening scene , though he kept munching on the popcorn while not showing signs of discomfort . When it showed scenes underwater Louis wiggled a bit in his seat , sinking into the couch though still not looking away from the screen . He flinched when the shark attacked , Harry squeezed him closer to his body and rubbed his shoulder .

"The kid is cute ." Louis mumbled under his breath , Harry smiled and kissed the side of his head , "She is ."

When there was a scene of the shark approaching the glass tunnel , Louis' toes curled in his fluffy socks and he sunk deeper in his seat , his whole body flinched when the shark snapped and bit the tunnel , leaving a mark .

Harry lowered his arm to rest around his waist and brought him closer , "You good to keep going ?"

"I - I think I need a break ." Louis mumbled , Harry nodded and paused the movie , Louis stood up from the couch and took his chocolate mug , he sipped on it as he paced around the living room .

Harry took a sip from his own mug and stood up , "Come here ." He took Louis' mug out of his hands and put on the table safely , then wrapped his arms around him . Louis sighed , "The movie is good , I wouldn't lie , but I - it brings back a lot of memories ."

"I know , baby , you're being so brave ." Harry kissed the top of his head , Louis closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths . "Alright , I'm good to go ."

Harry kissed his forehead and nodded , "Okay ."

They sat back down on the couch under the blanket , Louis took the remote to play the movie but Harry's hand grabbed the remote , "Lou baby ."

Louis turned to face him , Harry gave him a smile , "Come closer ." He grabbed Louis' waist and pulled him into his lap , opening his legs to Louis could sit between his thighs back to chest . Louis smiled and leaned backwards against his chest , pressing 'play' on the movie .

As the movie progressed , the scenes were more of the large shark attacking the people and the boats , and Louis was trying his hardest to calm his racing heart ; he held the blanket up to his face , only his eyes peeking out , as his eyes were glued to the screen . He wasn't sure if he was just feeling tense because of the intensity of the scenes , or he was actually scared of the shark .

Harry could feel Louis' heart through his ribcage , he wrapped his arms tighter around him and pressed soft kisses to the back of his neck and shoulder . He glanced at Louis' face over his shoulder to see if he were okay every few minutes , and to his relief he wasn't crying .

Once the movie was over and the credits started rolling , Louis let out a sigh of relief and his tense shoulders relaxed . "Oh god ."

Harry rubbed his hands across his tummy , "How was the movie ?"

"It was - uhm . I mean . It was good . It was a good action film ." Louis nodded , Harry smiled gently and leaned in to press a warm kiss to Louis' neck , "How are you feeling ?"

"I'll be honest with you , my heart is still kind of racing ." Louis took one of Harry's hands off his tummy and pressed it to the middle of his chest , Harry felt the thumping against his palm and pressed another kiss to his neck , "Do you regret watching it ?"

"No . No , I don't think so ." Louis shook his head , "I might not like seeing these stuff , but I guess I needed that . If I went with you guys to watch it a few months ago I would've probably ended up having a panic attack ."

"I'm really proud of you for watching throughout the whole movie , baby . I thought you weren't going to get past the scene with the tunnel ."

"I wanted to give up there too , but I also felt like I should give it a chance and keep watching ." Louis nodded and turned a bit in Harry's lap so he could look at him properly . Harry kissed his cheek a few times , "And overall , did you enjoy it ?"

Louis smiled cheekily , "I did . I love Jason Statham , he's such a looker ."

Harry pulled back from the kisses with a pout on his lips , "Heeey ."

"Okay , okay . If not Jason Statham , then atleast let me have Jeffrey Dean Morgan ." Louis said , giggling when Harry scowled , "No , you can only have Harry Styles ."

"Ooh , who's that ? Never heard of the lad ." Louis wrapped both his arms around his neck , Harry pulled him closer to sit on his thighs , "He's a really nice lad , lots of tattoos , but unfortunately he's taken ."

"Is he ? Who's he taken by ?" Louis asked , biting back his laugh at Harry's cuteness .

"He has a boyfriend , a really beautiful boyfriend ." Harry nuzzled his cheek , "His name is Louis and all I heard about him , beside him being beautiful , is that he had the most amazing looking arse on a guy , ever ."

Louis burst into laughter , face buried in Harry's neck , "Oh please , have you seen Chris Evans' arse ?"

"I have , and I still think that Louis guy has a better looking one ." Harry laughed along , Louis giggled and shook his head , "I'm stopping us here because it's getting weird ."


"No , please , I want to stay in bed just a bit more ." Louis whined into the pillow , Harry chuckled , "You said that twenty minutes ago love , it's time to get up , okay ? We need to pack the last few stuff , and the moving truck will be here shortly ."

There was a knock on the door , Harry smacked Louis' arse lightly , "If you're not up in a minute I'm dragging you out ." He got up from the bed and went downstairs , opening the door to Zayn , Liam , Mitch and Niall .

"Good morning ." He smiled and let the four in , they walked in with supplies , "We're here to make breakfast , then we'll help you clear out ." Liam patted Harry's shoulder .

"Thank you so much , lads . I'll go get Louis , you know where everything is ." He gestured towards the kitchen , the four nodded and went into the kitchen while Harry went back up the stairs .

"Lou , the lads are here and making us breakfast ." Harry walked into the room , "Get up and freshen up a bit ." He rubbed his back , Louis pulled at his shoulder , "Don't want to . A bit more ."

Harry sighed , "Love , you're leaving me no choice ."

"If you touch me I'll bite you ." Louis threatened sleepily , Harry rolled his eyes then got on the bed , fingers digging softly into Louis' waist .

Louis let out a surprised laugh and tried rolling away , hands weakly grabbing at Harry's hands , "No , wait - Harreh stop !"

Harry laughed along , "I'm not stopping until you promise to get up , we have a lot to get done today ." He kept tickling the smaller boy , Louis whined and slapped at Harry's hands , "O-okay ! Okay fine !"

"Good ." Harry smiled and stopped , leaning in to kiss his cheek , "Want me to help you put your prosthetic on ?"

Louis caught his breath and shook his head , "No , I got it . Just make me tea please ?"

"Sure ." Harry pecked his lips quickly and got out of bed .

A few minutes later Louis joined the guys in the kitchen , giving everyone a sleepy smile . "Hi lads ." He walked over to Zayn , who was sat at the table , and sat down on his lap . Zayn smiled and put his arm around Louis' waist to steady him , "Did you sleep good ?"

"Yeah ." Louis nodded and thanked Harry when he put his tea mug down in front of him , then turned back to Zayn , "Harry rubbed my back until I fell asleep , I love when he does that ."

"Oh that's just the best way to fall asleep ." Zayn agreed , "Li does that sometimes too , or he gives me a nice head scratch , but usually he's the baby about it and wants me to rub his back ."

"I can definitely see Liam as the baby ." Louis chuckled and grabbed his tea mug , "He probably pouts and pretends to cry ."

"He does ." Zayn laughed , Louis smiled and sipped on his tea , "Harry can be a bit of a baby too , but it's mostly me . I love a nice back rub ."


"Be careful with that box ." Louis warned one of the movers as he picked up a fragile box from the kitchen , the guy nodded and carried it out . 

"Lou , come here , we need a bit of help with directions ." Harry called from upstairs , Louis walked up the stairs , "What's up ?"

"We need you to guide us from the side , we're carrying the bedframe out and we need to be careful not to ruin anything on the way ." Harry said as he walked into the room , where Liam and one of the movers were already waiting .

The three started manoeuvring the bed around , Louis bit his lower lip watching Harry's biceps bulging out as he handled the bedframe .

They slowly got the bed out of the room , with Louis insisting on saying 'pivot' every time they had to stop and turn a bit , just because it was one of his favourite Friends scenes .

He carried a box out and put it inside Harry's car , before going back inside to make sure the house was being emptied completely . He checked every room , and even dared to go to the back yard to make sure the stuff there were taken .

He stood in the empty living room , Harry walked in and put his arm around his waist , "Ready for our new start ?"

Louis smiled , "More than ready ." He caressed Harry's cheek , Harry kissed the heel of his hand , "Let's go , Ni is picking up lunch on the way , text him your order ."


"Today was so fucking long ." Harry flopped down on the bed , head on the pillows , "I'm so tired ."

Louis smiled and finished getting changed into comfy bed clothes , "Yeah . But it feels nice , I like our new house ."

Harry smiled and turned to lie on his side , holding his arm open for Louis "Give me a cuddle ." Louis got into bed and pressed himself to Harry's chest , Harry wrapped him in a tight cuddle , "I love you ."

Louis blushed softly as his smile widened , "I love you more ."

"No you don't ."

"Course I do ."

"No way , baby ."

"Yes way , Haribo ." Louis lifted his head up a bit and booped Harry's nose , "Just give up , I love you more ."

"No , you give up , because we're being grossly cute and I love you more ."

"Whatever you say . I still love you more ."

Harry smiled and leaned his head down , pressing a sweet kiss to Louis' lips and rolling to lie ontop of him . Louis cupped his cheeks as he opened his knees to fit Harry between his thighs , sighing out quietly as he felt Harry gently rubbing against him .

He smiled as Harry kissed down his neck , before pushing his shirt up and kissing around his belly .

"N-not the tummy ." Louis giggled and pushed Harry away a bit , Harry chuckled and leaned down again to press more kisses to his ticklish belly , before playfully blowing a raspberry .

Louis squeaked and slapped at Harry's head lightly , "Get away from my tummy , you weirdo ." He laughed , Harry laughed along and skipped his belly , moving down to the side to suck a few lovebites on his hip .


"Want me to help you change ?" Harry asked in a quiet voice , Louis shook his head from where his face was buried in Harry's neck shyly .

Harry absolutely adored how shy Louis would get after being intimate with him , he thought is was one of the cutest things . Even though Harry blew him a few times before , he still got shy and soft afterwards .

"Baby , you'll be uncomfortable . And you need to take your prosthetic off ." Harry rubbed his back , Louis pulled his face out of Harry's neck to get up , making Harry smile and coo quietly at the sight of his pink cheeks .

Louis stood up from the bed and went to the walk-in closet , he took off his sweatpants and underwear , changing into clean boxers and taking a new pair of sweatpants in his hands to the bed , since he had to pull the prosthetic off .

He sat on the bed , Harry moved off the bed and kneeled in front of him , "Let me ." He slowly pulled the prosthetic leg off it's pin and disconnected it , placing it aside , then moved to roll off the fabrics on Louis' thigh .

Louis watched him with a soft smile and pink cheeks , "Thanks ."

Harry smiled up at him and kissed his knee , "Get in bed , I'll go get us water ."


I'm sorry , I'm kind of busy lately . Hope you still liked this chapter x


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