Ch. 30

Enjoy x


Harry looked up when the door of his parlor opened , and smiled when he saw Louis . "Hi love . You're all packed ?"

Louis smiled , "Yeah , everything's in my car . I mean , what I could fit in there , honestly ."

"Liam helped you , right ?" Harry asked and opened his arm towards Louis , who pressed against his side , "Yeah , finally he put those muscles to use , the lazy arse ."

Harry chuckled , "Look who's talking about lazy arses ."

"Oi ." Louis pinched him hard in the ribs , Harry winced but laughed , pushing his hand away , "Ow , fuck , I bruise like a peach ."

"Like hell you do ." Louis rolled his eyes , "I'll go make myself some tea , I have a job interview soon ."

"Oh . Really ? You never mentioned one ." Harry followed him , Louis gave him a tight smile , "Yeah . I uh , I didn't tell anyone in hopes it'll make me lucky this time . When I talked about it and told people it always went wrong ." Louis put the kettle on to boil .

"I believe in you , baby ." Harry hugged him from behind , "Where is it ?"

"I won't tell you yet , atleast not until after the interview ." Louis said as he prepared two tea mugs , Harry pouted , "Aw , please ?"

Louis squealed when Harry squeezed his sides , pushing him away , "Stop , no , I won't tell you ." He giggled , Harry smiled , "Alright , alright ."

The parlor's door opened , Harry walked out of the kitchen room to see who walked in , and smiled when he saw Mitch and Sarah .

"Hey , you doing alright ?" Harry asked and walked over , Mitch patted his shoulder , "Yeah , we're good . We were actually hoping Louis is here , what are the chances he is ?"

"Yeah , he's in the kitchen room ." Harry nodded and walked with them , Louis turned and smiled at them , "Hi lads ."

"Hi Lou ." Sarah walked closer and hugged him , "How are you ?"

"I'm okay , uh , yeah . Okay ." Louis nodded and hugged her , "Are you two okay ?"

Sarah nodded , "We are . We wanted to stop by and see you , we haven't seen you since you were fired last week ."

Louis pulled back from the hug , "I'm alright , I promise . Job interviews come and go , that's all ."

Mitch walked closer and put his arm around Louis' shoulder , "We quit our jobs at the restaurant , too ."

"What ??" Louis frowned , "Why ?"

"All four of us did . Us two , Adam and Claire aswell . We won't let ourselves be employed by a homophobic person . And to fire you because of your prosthetic ?? That's just bullshit people need to get over ." Sarah shook her head .

Louis smiled sadly , "You're too kind ."

"We both have job interviews soon , but we were hoping you two were free for lunch in an hour or so ." Mitch said and turned to Harry , who walked closer and smiled , "Yeah , we can do lunch ."


Louis walked into the flowers shop and smiled at the guy behind the counter , "Hi , my name is Louis , I uh , I have a job interview with Audrey Lush ."

The guy smiled back , "Hi , yeah she told me you were coming . Follow me I'll show you to her office ."

Louis followed the guy through the shop to the back , the guy knocked on the door before opening it , "Audrey , Louis is here for his interview ."

"Alright , tell him to come in , thanks Calum ."

The guy , Calum , moved from the door and gestured him to walk in , "Good luck ."

"Thank you ." Louis nodded and walked in , closing the door behind him . The woman behind the desk smiled at him and stood up , "Hello ."

"Hi ." Louis smiled back and walked closer .

"Have a seat ." She gestured before sitting down on her chair , Louis sat down and shrugged his coat off . Audrey opened his application on her computer , "Alright , so I read through your application already , but I'm going to read it once more for you incase you want to change or update anything ."

Louis nodded , Audrey sipped on her drink , "Alright . Louis Tomlinson , twenty two , almost twenty three . Christmas Eve , must be nice . I'm assuming you get this question a lot , but I just have to ask - do you get less presents ?"

"Uh , kind of , yeah . But that's alright , family time is worth it ." Louis smiled .

"Lovely . Alright , uhm , you last worked at a restaurant , means you have experience in customer service , which is perfect ." Audrey nodded to herself , "All of your information in here is current , right ? Phone number , address , bank account ."

"Uh yeah , about the address ." Louis nodded , "I'm moving soon , so I'll let you know the new address once I do ."

Audrey nodded , "Perfect . Your application is perfect ."

"Is ... Is there a 'but' ?" Louis asked quietly , Audrey raised her eyebrows , "Is there supposed to be ?"

Louis swallowed thickly . "Can I - can I be honest with you ?"

"Sure ."

"I - I was fired last week , because I have a prosthetic leg . And I'm gay ." Louis said , "And I've been to seven job interviews these past few days , but no one employed me because of the prosthetic . I just - I just wanted to know if it bothered you ."

"Sweet , first of all , I'm sorry you had to deal with those ignorant arseholes ." Audrey said , making Louis smile a bit , "Second , there's no way in hell I wouldn't employ someone for those reasons ."

Louis nodded , "Okay ."

Audrey gave him a smile , "Awesome . I'll call you in the evening about a time for you to come over tomorrow , there's quite some stuff you need to learn for the job ."

Louis raised his eyebrows . "Does that - does that mean -"

Audrey smiled wider and winked , "I'll see you tomorrow , Louis ."

"Thank you ." Louis smiled and stood up , giving her one last smile before walking out of the office . He walked over to Calum , who was at the front desk .

"Hey , how did it go ?" Calum asked , Louis smiled , "I uh , yeah , it was good . I'm starting tomorrow , apparently ."

"Oh , that's amazing ." Calum smiled .

"How is Audrey ? As in - as a manager ." Louis asked , slowly putting his coat on .

"She's really great . She's really friendly , and she's funny , and cosiderate ." Calum nodded , "She never treats any of us employees as if she's better than us , and I really appreciate it . She's just so cool , even my fiance loves her ."

Louis smiled , "That's actually really calming , to be honest ." He buttoned his coat , "Will you be here tomorrow ?"

"Yes . See you tomorrow , then ?"

"Yeah , see you ." Louis smiled and walked out of the flower shop , the smile never leaving his lips .


Louis walked back into the tattoo parlor , Zayn smiled from behind the desk , "Hi Lou ."

"Zee ." Louis grinned and rounded the desk to hug him , "Haven't seen you in a while ."

"Yeah , Liam and I were visiting my family ." Zayn wrapped his arms around Louis , Louis put his chin on his shoulder , "Was it good ?"

"So good , missed them a lot ." Zayn smiled , Louis pulled back , "Is Harry still here or is he out ?"

"He's in his office , was waiting for you ." 

Louis nodded and pecked Zayn's cheek before going to Harry's office . He slowly opened the door , Harry was sitting behind his desk on his phone .

"Yes , that would be perfect . Thank you so much ." Harry motioned Louis over , Louis silently closed the door behind him and tip-toed over .

"Yeah , that too . Just the same order . Yes ." Harry pulled Louis to sit on his lap , still intently listening to the other side of the phone call .

"Yes , that's perfect . Thank you ." Harry said and hung up , he put his phone down and turned to Louis , "How was your job interview ?"

Louis bit his lower lip as he smiled , "Guess who's going to be a florist ."

Harry smiled wider , "You got a job at a flower shop ? That's fun ."

"Yeah ." He wrapped his arms around Harry's neck , "Who were you on the phone with ?"

"I was doing my monthly order ." Harry said as he tightened his grip on Louis' waist , "You know , needles , ink , papersheets , latex gloves . The usual ." He said , "Mitch and Sarah should be here soon , and we're closing the parlor for a bit so Liam and Zayn can join us ."

"Perfect ." Louis smiled , leaning in to kiss him . Harry leaned back a bit on the chair , humming as he brought Louis with him . Louis pulled back from the kiss , smiling as Harry kissed his cheek a few times , "After lunch I need to go to my apartment , so the ones who bought the furniture could take it ."

Harry nodded , "Alright . And tomorrow we sign the contract with the agent , he'll come over here in the morning ."

"Okay ." Louis smiled , leaning closer to Harry to kiss him again .


"I need to be there tomorrow at ten a.m , and I'm off at two p.m ." Louis said as he walked into the living room , after Audrey called him .

Harry smiled and patted the seat next to him , "It's perfect , the agent comes over at nine ."

Louis sat next to Harry and leaned into his side , "After we sign the contract , when's the earliest we can move in there ? Or at least start putting our stuff there ?"

"After signing we have five days before we can start , so the first thing we'll do is clean the house properly , then file out your apartment so you can end your lease ." Harry put his cheek on Louis' head , letting Louis cover them with a soft comforter . 

"Also , I took the time to talk to my mum about Christmas ." Louis said as he snuggled closer to Harry , "The only thing she would need help with is the food , because we're a lot of people so lots of mouths to feed , so I told her we'll help with buying and cooking , and whatever we can cook here we will ."

Harry nodded , "And she's fully okay with hosting everyone ?"

"More than okay . She's looking forward to it ." Louis smiled , Harry kissed the top of his head , "Alright . We should go Christmas shopping soon , too ."

"Yeah ." Louis sighed , "My sisters are getting so old , I don't even know what to get them ."

"I'm sure you'll figure it out ." Harry chuckled , "You can always ask your mum , like , if she overheard them saying something about anything they wanted ."

"I do that , and I secretly ask Lottie and Fizzy every year and tell them not to tell anyone , but still ."

"What about Clifford and Bruce ? Do they get Christmas presents too ?" Harry asked with a chuckle , Louis laughed , "Oh yeah , I always buy my babies something . Last year I got them new collars and leashes , since Clifford chewed his leash apart . I was thinking about getting them new , proper beds this year . Like , a full pillowed bed for each one ."

"That's such a cute idea ." Harry cooed , "Lucky pups ."

"We should get a puppy when we move in ." Louis looked up at him , Harry smiled , "What about a cat ?"

"No , I want a puppy ." Louis shook his head , "I want someone to be excited when I get home , not glare at me and hiss ."

"I'll be excited when you get home ." Harry smiled widely , Louis huffed , "I still want a puppy ."

"We'll see ." Harry squeezed him into his chest , even though deep inside he knew he would get Louis a puppy in a heartbeat .


Hope you liked it x


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