Ch. 3
Enjoy x
The next week consisted of Harry coming to visit Louis (and his friends , of course) at the restaurant . Harry just couldn't get enough of Louis ; his beautiful eyes , bright smile , his round , perky bum . He could honestly go on , but he just really enjoyed being around Louis .
Louis felt like he was having a teenage crush on Harry ; he was smiling and giggling a lot around him , but it was mostly because Harry was being funny and making jokes . But he was also attractive and extremely nice , it made him want to thank his mother for creating such an amazing human being .
"Just so you know , Zayn and Liam are getting closer ." Harry smirked , "Which means I'm going to win our bet ."
Louis was on his lunch break , so Harry decided to tag along and have his lunch with him .
"We don't know that ." Louis shook his head , "If they get together in the next week and a half you win , if they take two to three weeks then I win . And I already know which tattoo I'm getting ."
Harry laughed , "Lucky for you , I already thought of the drinks I'm going to order ."
"What's the bet ?" Mitch approached them , throwing his arm over Harry's shoulders .
"I said Zayn and Liam will get together within two weeks , Louis said a month . We made the bet on Saturday at the bar ." Harry explained , Mitch nodded and hummed , "Well I didn't want to be the one to tell you guys , but they already went on a few dates , and actually started dating on Saturday , Zayn stayed over at Liam's that night ."
The two boys gaped at Mitch , who nodded and sighed , "Sorry for your bet , but hey atleast they're finally dating ." Mitch patted Harry's shoulder and walked away .
Louis bit his lower lip and looked over to Harry , though he couldn't help the giggles bubbling inside as he started laughing . Harry laughed along and shook his head in half disappointment .
"That's a shame , I was looking forward for free drinks ." Harry teased , Louis rolled his eyes , "Yeah well I was hoping for a free tattoo , so we're even ."
"I'm also offended they didn't tell us ." Harry added , Louis nodded , "Yeah , thought they'd say something about it ."
They finished their lunch , Louis took their plates and brought a mop to clean the table . Harry gave Louis a smile , "Thanks for lunch , it was fun ."
Louis nodded with a smile and fixed his apron , "Yeah , it was fun . I need to get back to work , though ."
"Alright , I'll see you later then ." Harry waved goodbye , Louis waved back and turned to keep cleaning the tables .
Just as Harry walked out of the restaurant , Claire was quick to follow him , "Come here , you goof ." She grabbed his arm and took him to the side .
"What is it ?" Harry asked , Claire crossed her arms over her chest , "You like Louis ."
"Well , yeah , don't you ?" Harry tried dodging , though Claire rolled her eyes . "No you dork , you like like him . You never showed up at the restaurant as often before Louis started working , now you come over pretty much every day ."
Harry looked off to the side and sighed , "Okay , but you can't tell him nor anyone , alright ?"
"I'm pretty sure everyone knows already because you're not very subtle ."
"Fine , just let me do my thing , I'll ask him out when we're both ready . I mean , I've known him for two weeks , that's pretty early ."
"I know , just please ask him out , you're so cute together ."
Harry rolled his eyes and chuckled , "Fine , now go back inside so they won't suspect ."
In the evening Louis was watching a movie in his living room , when his phone rang . He picked it up and grinned , seeing his mum's contact name .
"Hi mumma ."
"Hi love , how are you ?"
"I'm good , having a night in , might go to sleep early . How's it going back home ?"
"Oh you know , the usual . Lottie and Fizzy are all about their makeup and fashion , Daisy and Phoebe take notes , and Doris and Ernest being adorably evil ."
Louis laughed , "Sounds like fun ."
"Might aswell take my place if it's so much fun ."
"You wish ." Louis giggled .
"How's the new workplace ? People ?"
"Work is great , people are even greater . Met this really nice group of friends , literally every single one of them is just amazing ." Louis said with a smile , "We hang out a lot , and every Saturday is a night out for them so I'm tagging along , it's been really great so far ."
"That's amazing , love ." Jay cooed . "Has your leg been acting up ?"
"It did a few days ago , I was at the restaurant and it was extremely busy , and it hurt just a bit but my boss told me to sit down for a while so I wouldn't make anything worse for myself . She's really nice , I like her ."
"Don't overwork yourself , thank your boss for me ."
"Sure , yeah , alright ." Louis rolled his eyes playfully , as if he would .
"I need to go get the twins to shower so we'll talk tomorrow , alright ?"
"Sure . Love you mum ."
"I love you , baby ."
Louis had a day off and decided to go shopping for a bit . He walked around the shopping center and bought himself some shirts , pants and a new pair of shoes , when he walked past a tattoo shop and saw Liam , Zayn and Niall inside .
He walked in , Liam turned to face him and immediately smiled , "Hey mate ."
"Hi ." Louis smiled back , Zayn and Niall turned to face him and greeted him .
"Is this one of Harry's shops ?" Louis asked and looked around , Zayn nodded , "Yeah , Liam and I work here . There are two more shops in the city ."
"That's really cool ." Louis nodded with a smile .
"If you're already here , we're having a pool party at my place on Saturday night instead of going out , you're coming , right ?" Liam asked , Louis immediately tensed , his legs almost giving in .
"U-uh , n-no , I - no . Sorry ." Louis said , feeling his breath quickening . He excused himself and walked out of the shop quickly , taking a few deep breaths to calm down .
He got to his car and put his shopping bags in the backseat , he was about to get to the driver's seat when he heard his name being called . He turned around and saw Harry approaching him with a smile .
"Hi , the guys told me you were just at the shop ." Harry said once he was near him , Louis nodded , "Y-yeah , was just leaving though ."
"Oh , okay . Also , uh , why - why don't you want to come to the pool party ?" Harry asked , and Louis swallowed thickly , "Don't - don't want to . Sorry ."
"Don't be sorry , it's alright . Was just wondering . I'm still hoping to see you there ." Harry gave him a smile , Louis nodded but wanted to shake his head no at the same time , because no there was no way he was going to a freaking pool party . "Sorry , I won't be there . Have fun though . I'll - I'll see you tomorrow , I really n-need to go ." Louis rushed and got into his car , driving away .
Harry frowned and walked back to the shop , Niall turned to him when he walked in , "Did you convince him to come ?"
"No , he - he kind of freaked out on me and just said goodbye and left ." Harry shook his head .
"Yeah , it happened when Liam asked him aswell ." Zayn said , "He was stuttering and just walked out ."
"I want to know what's wrong , but he's clearly uncomfortable ." Harry flopped down on a chair behind the front desk , Liam patted his shoulder , "Don't overthink it , he'll come around ."
Harry nodded before looking up at Liam , then at Zayn . He stood up from his seat and pointed at the two of them , "I fucking hate you two , when were you planning on telling me you were dating ??"
Zayn laughed , cheeks turning pink , Liam rolled his eyes playfully and pushed Harry's shoulder , "It's only been two weeks , get over it ."
"I don't fucking care . You ruined mine and Louis' bet ."
"What bet ?"
"On Saturday Louis and I bet how long it'll take you to get together , I said two weeks he said a month , then Mitch came and told us you were already dating ." Harry crossed his arms over his chest , "Great friends you are , arseholes ."
"We were trying to keep it between us for a bit before telling you guys , clearly it didn't work ." Liam sat on the chair instead of Harry .
"I'll get you back ." Harry pointed his finger at them both , Zayn rolled his eyes , "Who are you trying to fool here ? Before you even think of asking Louis out you'll be going all around telling us you're going to ."
"Not true ." Harry fought back , though he knew it was very true .
"Keep telling yourself that , we'll see when you finally decide to ask Louis out ."
Hope you liked it x
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