Ch. 28

Enjoy x


"I don't have anything important scheduled for today ." Harry handed Louis his tea mug , "Want me to go with you ?"

Louis thanked him for the tea , then shook his head , "No , I'll be fine on my own . Thanks though ."

Harry nodded , "Okay . Call me if you need anything , I'm going out for groceries ."

"Okay ." Louis nodded . It's been two days since he was fired from the restaurant , he gathered his strength and decided to go out job-hunting . He didn't want to admit it out loud to Harry , but he did want Harry to come along , to keep him calm and sane . But he didn't want to seem like a child so he told Harry he didn't need him to come along .

Harry sat next to him with their plates of breakfast , "We're lucky I even managed to make this breakfast , there was pretty much nothing to work with in the fridge ."

Louis smiled softly , "Looks good , you mastered it ."


Louis walked out of the ice cream parlor with his hands in his coat pockets , sighing to himself ; working there sounded quite nice , but in times like the winter when people barely walk in is not what he was looking for . Not to mention the way the manager kept eyeing his moves , specifically his prosthetic leg . It was too obvious .

He walked by foot to his next stop , the diner Harry talked about ; he knew the place from walking past it , but he never actually got to get inside . It took him about ten minutes to walk there , cleaned his shoes before stepping inside . He walked up to the barista , "Hi ."

The barista smiled , "Hello , how can I help you ?"

"My name is Louis , I uh , I'm here for a job interview ." Louis said , the girl smiled wider , "Oh , hi ! I'm Maria , Harry told me you're coming ."

Louis smiled back , "Yeah , uh , Ron knows about me , right ?"

"He does , told him about you ." Maria nodded , "He's actually not here right now , but he needs to be here any minute now . Want anything to drink ?"

Louis sat on the bar stool , struggling just a bit to get on it properly . "Uhm , hot chocolate would be nice . Thanks ."

Maria turned to the machine . "So , you and Harry , huh ?"

Louis smiled , "Yeah ."

"You're not from here , right ? Never saw you before ."

"No , I moved here less than a year ago ." Louis shook his head , taking his money out to pay for the drink . Maria nodded , "And how did you meet Harry ?"

"I - I was working with his friends at the restaurant , if you know Mitch and Sarah and all . So yeah ."

"That's cool ." She smiled and placed the mug in front of Louis , mumbling mostly to herself , "Always knew Harry is into small boys with blue eyes ."

Louis blushed softly and pursed his lips not to grin , looking down at the mug . "How do you know Harry ?"

"We're good friends from high school ." Maria said , "I went away for a bit , and moved back here a year ago ."

Louis nodded , "That's nice . Did you study ?"

"Kind of . I took a Photography course , and the best one I got accepted into was in Spain ." Maria smiled , "Now I work part-time here , and I'm a part of a really nice crew of event photographers ."

"Like weddings and stuff ?" Louis asked , Maria nodded , "Yeah , that too ."

"That's so nice , that you get to do what you love ." Louis said with a smile , Maria nodded , "Yeah , I love it . That's actually how I met my girlfriend , on that course ."

"Oh that's lovely . Does she live here ?" He asked , Maria smiled but shook her head , "No actually , we're kind of doing long-distance right now . She doesn't live that far away , it's about two hours by car , and we try to meet up as much as we can , but as for right now we're saving up the money to move in together ."

"I hope you two make it sooner than you believe ." Louis nodded , Maria smiled , "Thank you ."

The diner's door opened , "Hi Maria , sorry it took longer than I thought ."

The two turned to the door , Maria smiled , "It's alright ." She then turned to Louis , "This is Ron , the owner of the place ." 

Ron looked up , Louis hopped off the bar stool , "Hi , I'm Louis ."

"Hi Louis , nice to meet you ." Ron shook his hand , then his eyebrows furrowed , "I uh , let's go talk in my office , alright ?"

Louis nodded and took his hot chocolate mug with him , following Ron to his office at the back . Ron sat behind his desk , Louis sat on the chair in front of him and put his mug on the desk after sipping on it .

Ron pulled out a few papers , "Alright . Louis Tomlinson , age twenty two , soon-to-be twenty three I see ." He read to himself the rest of the papers , Louis bit his lower lip as he waited for him to continue .

"So , I take it as you have experience in waitering , bartending , customer service ."

Louis nodded , "I do ." He said , and got quiet for a few more seconds before asking the dreadful question . "Is there something wrong ?"

"No , your application looks good ." Ron shook his head , before looking over the papers once again . Louis swallowed thickly , and as much as he tried to remain calm he couldn't hold himself for too long . "It's because of my prosthetic leg , isn't it ?"

Ron put the papers down , "Don't get me wrong , your application does look good , -"

"But you don't want a crippled person to work here because you don't want the said crippled to mess up ." Louis completed his sentence . "I know , I've heard this before ." He said bitterly .

"I want you to understand my point of view , okay ? I would love to hire you , but I don't want to take the risk ."

Louis laughed humorlessly and stood up from his seat , "Thank you for your time , I won't be coming back here . You can shred the application for all I care ." He grabbed the hot chocolate mug and left the office , going to the bar to put the mug .

Maria raised her eyebrows when she saw him , "That was quick . How was -"

"Thank you for the hot chocolate , and for scheduling my job interview ." Louis gave her a smile through glossy eyes and walked out of the diner . He hugged his coat tighter around himself and covered his mouth with his hand to muffle his sniffling , making his way back to his car to drive home .


Harry knocked on the door to Louis' apartment , biting his lip nervously . He hadn't heard from Louis all day , and to say he was worried was an understatement . He figured the job interviews didn't go as well as they both hoped , otherwise Louis would have called to tell him about them .

He knocked on the door again before sending Louis a text saying he was outside the door , and seconds later the door opened . Harry gave him a soft smile , "Hi love ."

Louis gave him a faint smile and opened the door wider , Harry walked in and watched Louis locking the door behind him . He took Louis' small hand in his own and went to the living room , "I take it as your interviews didn't go well ?"

Louis could only shake his head , Harry sat on the couch and pulled Louis to sit next to him , cuddling him into his side . "Want to tell me about it ?"

"I'll give you one guess to figure it out ." Louis said softly yet bitterly , Harry bit his lower lip and squeezed him , "In both places ?"

"Yeah ." Louis sighed , "I'm so tired of it all . I'm perfectly capable of everything , why do I have to be put in this situation ?"

Harry kissed his forehead , "Don't be sad . We'll be okay . We'll get through this together ."

Louis pushed his face into Harry's neck , "Sorry you're dragged into this ." He whispered , trying to force the tears away .

"I'm not dragged into this . I'm here because I want to be ." Harry rubbed his arm , "Don't ever think this is any bother to me ."

Louis let his tears wet Harry's neck , Harry held him silently before squeezing Louis in his arms , "I took the time today to look for places for us ."

He smiled softly when Louis pulled back from his neck and wiped his cheeks , Harry kissed his forehead , "I managed to find four potential places , we'll go see them tomorrow ."

Louis nodded and put his cheek on Harry's shoulder , "Can we just cuddle for now ?"

Harry cooed and brought Louis closer . "Are you hungry ?"

"A bit , yeah ." Louis nodded , Harry rubbed his side , "What do you feel like eating ?"

Louis sighed , "If I'm being honest I just want to stuff my face with every unhealthy food right now ."

Harry chuckled , "So you're in the mood for something that's unhealthy that'll get you stuffed ."

"Yeah . Like cheese ravioli . Or a big cheeseburger ." Louis traced the collar of Harry's jumper , Harry kissed his head , "How about I go out to get food and dessert , come back here and watch your Netflix show with you ?" Harry smiled , Louis poked his dimple , "Sounds good ."

Harry lifted his chin up and pressed a long kiss to his lips , Louis let his hand rest on his forearm as he melted into him . Harry pulled back and pecked the tip of his nose tenderly , "I'll go get our food ."

Louis nodded and pulled back from their cuddle , Harry stood up from the couch and went to the door , unlocking it and stepping outside , before sighing and walking back into the apartment , letting the door shut behind him .

Louis looked up when he saw him , eyebrows raised with a questioning look .

"I can't just go seeing you like this , want to see you smile ." Harry pouted as he walked up to him , he grabbed the sides of his head and kissed him messily on purpose , letting his lips wander all around his lips , cheeks and chin , leaving trails of saliva .

Louis laughed and pushed him away , leaning backwards , "Oh my god , Harreh , that's gross !" He managed to pull away and lied on his back , wiping his face , "Ugh , that felt like a slug running a marathon all over me ."

"How offensive of you ." Harry sraddled his hips and dug his fingers into his sides , "Apologize !"

Louis threw his head back in laughter and grabbed Harry's wrists , trying to pull his hands away , "No ! No ! Stop !"

Harry grinned in mischief and tickled him up to his ribs , where he knew Louis hated the most .

"Nonononono - Nooo ! I'm sorry ! I'm sorry I love your kisses !" Louis called frantically through his laughter , growing weaker and weaker . Harry stopped and leaned down to kiss his cheek , "Apology accepted . Wasn't so hard , was it ?"

"I hate you ." Louis breathed out as Harry got off him , Harry scrunched his nose , "You have time to calm down from this attack , because when I'm back you're getting it two times worse ."

He laughed when Louis threw one of the couch pillows at him as he walked to the door , he blew him a kiss and walked out of the apartment , thinking about just how much fun they would be having once they lived together .


Hope you liked it x


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