Ch. 26
Enjoy x
"I hate you so much ."
"Sure you do ."
"I'm serious ."
"I know you are ."
Harry was grinning to himself in the driver's seat , Louis sat in the passenger's seat with pouty lips as he tried his best to glare at Harry's profile . Harry was taking him out on a date , though didn't tell him where they were going , and Louis was getting impatient .
"Can you just please tell me ?"
"We're two minutes away , okay ? I promise you'll know soon ."
"I want sooner ."
"Well , too bad , then ."
Louis groaned and crossed his arms over his chest , Harry chuckled , "We're just around the corner ."
Louis looked out of the window , trying to see the place . Harry took a turn and seconds later , he parked in front of an ice skating space .
"Wh-what ?" Louis asked with a frown , Harry smiled at him , "We're going ice skating ."
Louis shook his head , "I - I can't ."
"'Course you can , love ." Harry stepped out of the car , going around to open Louis' door . "Come on out , Lou ."
"Harry I can't ." Louis shook his head again , eyes getting glossy . "I can't do this ."
"Yes , you can , and you will . Come on ." He unbuckled Louis' seatbelt and pulled him out of the car , closing the door . Louis shook his head and pulled his hand out of Harry's , "No , I seriously cannot do this ."
"But why ? Does it have something do to with your fear ?" Harry frowned .
"No , it's because I'm fucking crippled , that's why ." Louis snapped , crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back against the car , "I can't fucking do this ."
Harry bit his lower lip , he stood in front of Louis and cupped his cheeks , wiping his thumb under his eyes to catch his tears before they fell . "Of course you can do it , love . It'll take a bit of practice but you can do this ."
Louis' bottom lip wobbled , "No , I'll m-make a complete fool of myself ."
"You won't , and if you do then so will I ." Harry kissed his forehead , "Give me a cuddle ." He brought him into his chest , Louis wrapped his arms around his middle and sighed , "I'm worried ."
"Don't be . You'll do amazing ." Harry squeezed him and pulled back a bit to kiss him , "Let's go in , we can have burgers and fries after skating ."
After buying the tickets they stood in line to get their skates , Harry rubbed Louis' back , "Which colour do you want ?"
Louis looked over the colours , "Uhm , red maybe ?"
"Yeah , red is good ." Harry smiled , they got to the counter and gave their shoes along with their sizes . Harry took the skates and they thanked the worker , going to sit at the bench to put them on .
Louis bit his lower lip as he put his foot into the skate , tying the laces before looking at him prosthetic leg . He wanted to try , but at the same time he didn't .
Harry finished putting his skates on and turned to Louis , kneeling in front of him and taking his skate , helping his prosthetic foot into the skate . Louis moved Harry's hair from his eyes , Harry smiled up at him and tightened the laces , standing up and holding his hand out , "Let's go ."
"I don't think I can eyes stand up ." Louis shook his head , Harry held both his hands out , "Up , up ."
Louis sighed and took Harry's hands , standing up with a tight grip on his hands .
"See ? You're okay ." Harry smiled , Louis shook his head , "Standing is the easy part ." He clutched Harry's bicep as they walked towards the ice ring , Harry stepped into the ring and held his hands out , "Come here ."
"Maybe I can stay here and watch you ?"
"No , you come here and skate with me ."
Louis sighed , "What if I fall ?"
"I'll catch you ."
Louis put his hands on Harry's shoulders as Harry held his waist , and as slowly as he could he stepped into the ice , his whole body was stiff .
"There we go ." Harry grinned and kissed his head , "Let's move a bit , yeah ?"
"N-no ." Louis shook his head , digging his skates into the ice . Harry tugged him softly to move his legs , Louis whimpered as he brought a leg forward .
"Baby you're okay , I'm holding you . Let's move a bit ." Harry assured him , Louis took a deep breath before nodding , Harry smiled and slowly moved backwards , pulling Louis forwards with him .
Louis felt himself slowly relaxing when he managed to move himself without falling or stumbling , Harry gave him a smile , "See ? Everything's fine , I've got you ."
"Yeah . Yeah . Good ." Louis mumbled .
"Think you can do it yourself ?"
"No ." Louis shook his head , "Please , not yet ."
"Alright love . Let's just keep going ." Harry squeezed his waist , "I'll move to your side ."
Louis stood still as Harry moved to his side , holding his hand tightly . He slowly moved his legs , taking shorter steps with his prosthetic because he wasn't fully sure about leaning his whole body weight on it for more than a second .
Harry squeezed his hand softly , "You're doing amazing , love ." And with that he let go of his hand . Louis gasped , "Nonononono , Harry , hold my hand ."
"Look at you , you're doing so good by yourself ." Harry smiled and skated away just a bit , Louis shook his head , "I don't care , please , hold my hand so I won't freak out ."
Harry took his hand , "You're okay love , you're skating like a pro , you're doing it ."
"Can we just fast-forward to when we get burgers ?"
Harry laughed , "My Louis is back to himself ."
"Wasn't so bad , was it ?" Harry squeezed Louis into his side as they left the ice skating place , Louis sighed , "I guess it wasn't ."
"That's what I like to hear ." Harry kissed his temple .
"You know what I like to hear ?"
"What ?"
"The sound of my stomach digesting a burger and fries ." Louis patted his middle , Harry laughed and opened the passenger's door for him , "Let's go then ."
"Stop ." Harry said in a warning tone , Louis looked up and finished his bite of the burger , "Huh ?"
"Stop it , I know you're doing it on purpose ." Harry said and took a bite of his french fry , Louis shook his head , "I wasn't doing anything , I was eating ."
"You're making those sounds on purpose , I know you are ." Harry threw a tiny fry at him , Louis chuckled , "Well I'm sorry , this burger is just really good ."
"Am I better ?" Harry smirked , Louis gave him a cute smile , "Yeah ."
"Want me to show you when we're out of here ?"
Louis laughed with pink cheeks , "Were you planning all of this ? You sound way too smooth ."
"No , you just naturally bring out this side of me ." Harry smirked and leaned his chin on his hand , Louis leaned back in his booth seat and munched on a fry , "Yeah ?"
"Yeah ."
"What were you planning next , then ?"
"Well I can't tell you ."
"Why not ?"
"We're in public ."
Louis covered his mouth with his hand as he giggled , Harry laughed , "I'm kidding . I hoped you could spend the night at my place and we can cuddle a bit ."
"Just a bit ?"
"A whole lot of cuddles . Up for it ?"
"You know how much I love cuddles ."
"I do . Keep eating , love , we have all night to cuddle ."
Louis took a bite of his burger , "Just cuddle ?"
"And kiss ."
"And ?"
"Kiss some more ."
"And ?"
Harry sighed , "I'll rub your back ."
Louis grinned , "That's what I thought ."
"Come here ." Louis opened his arms , Harry smiled and joined him in bed under the soft covers , laying ontop of the smaller boy with his face pressed to his neck . Louis wrapped his arms around his shoulders , "What time do you need to be at the parlor tomorrow ?"
"Nine ." Harry said into his neck , "Not too early , but I need to be up at seven thirty ."
Louis nodded and traced shapes on his shoulder blades , "'S my day off tomorrow , how about we get some lunch together ?"
"Sounds great ." Harry nodded , fluttering his eyelashes against Louis' neck and smiling when he giggles .
"Also , about Christmas ." Harry pulled back from Louis' neck to face him , "We need to think about how to work it out , because there wouldn't be enough space for both our families . Your place is a no , my place is a no , my mum's house is a no , and your mum's house is a no ."
"Haribo , your family is three people , we can work it out in my mum's ." Louis tucked Harry's hair behind his ear , "First , we have a guest bedroom on the first floor , that's for your mum and step dad . The girls will stay at their rooms , Gems can take my old room with her boyfriend , and if it's okay with you we can crash in the living room ."
"Yeah , I'm okay with it . But is it okay with your mum ? It's extra people ."
"The house is already packed , what harm could it do to pack it with four more ." Louis rubbed his thumb on Harry's cheek , "I already told my mum we're planning on bringing both families together for Christmas , and the first thing she said was to come over to the house . Well , the second actually , the first thing she said was that it was a lovely idea ."
Harry bit his lower lip , "Are you one hundred percent sure ?"
"We'll call her tomorrow before we go to lunch and make it work , I promise it'll be fine ." Louis nodded , "Do you trust me ?"
"Of course ."
"Then believe me when I say it'll work out ." Louis booped his nose , Harry smiled , "Okay , love . Thanks ."
Louis cupped his cheeks and pulled him into a kiss , Harry hummed and wrapped his arms tighter around him . He smiled when Louis started giggling into the kiss , making him pull back , "What ?"
"Don't say 'what' , get your fingers away from my ribs ." Louis pushed at his hands and laughed . Harry smiled wider , "I'm not doing anything ." He kept prodding his fingers into his ribcage , Louis groaned through laughter and grabbed Harry's hands , holding them away from his ribs .
Harry smiled at him and interlocked their fingers , Louis sighed , "I seriously need to start kicking you in the balls every time you tickle me ."
"Oh , but if you do that then we wouldn't have our fun ." Harry smiled and leaned in to peck the tip of his nose , Louis pouted , "You're literally making me choose between no tickles but no fun , and tickle torture and fun stuff ."
"I think the answer is quite rhetorical ." Harry smirked , "You're going to have to deal with the tickles ." He kissed his pouty lips , Louis pulled his hands out of Harry's grip and wrapped his arms around his shoulders , bringing him closer .
He flipped them over , Louis pushed Harry's shirt up and pressed kisses down his stomach , Harry smiled and closed his eyes , letting his head rest against the pillows , though he couldn't help but notice that Louis' hands were slightly trembling from where they were slowly pulling his sweatpants down .
"Baby ." Harry put his larger hand on Louis' small one , Louis looked up , "Is - is something wrong ?"
"Your hands are shaking , love ." Harry sat up to face Louis properly , "I don't want you to do this if you don't feel comfortable ."
Louis blushed , shaking his head , "I d-do want to . I just - I never - you know ? I - it's my f-first time . So I - I want to do this r-right ."
Harry cupped his cheeks and kissed him softly , "It doesn't have to be tonight , it can wait for as long as you need ."
"I don't need to wait . I want to ." Louis nodded before pushing at Harry's shoulders , "Lay back , let me ."
Harry held Louis ontop of his chest , rubbing his hands up and down his back , as the grin never left his face . He kissed his head , "Lou , -"
"Shh ."
"Baby ,-" Harry chuckled , but before he could continue Louis put his hand on his mouth , not looking up from where his face was tucked into Harry's neck . "No talking ."
"I just want t-" Harry started but Louis shushed him again , pressing his hand down on his mouth . Harry prodded his exposed side , Louis whined and brought his arm down .
"I just wanted to ask if you need me to help you off ."
Louis blushed softly and shook his head , "No . 'M already off ."
Harry smirked to himself though made no comment , just brought Louis closer to keep rubbing his back . Louis sighed into his neck before trying to tug the covers up more , "I'm cold ."
"Aw , baby ." Harry brought the covers up to his neck , tucking it around Louis , "Better ?"
"Yeah ." Louis nodded , Harry kissed his head , "Want to go change before we get too comfy ?"
"No . Too comfy . And cozy ." Louis mumbled , Harry smiled , "Okay baby . Get some sleep ."
"Love you Haribo ."
"I love you more ."
"No you don't ."
"'Course I do ."
"No you don't ."
"I'll tickle you again ."
"Fuck off ."
Harry smiled and squeezed him , "That's what I thought ."
Hope you liked it x
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