Ch. 23
Enjoy x
"Come here , baby ." Harry held his arms open , Louis walked closer , "I have a feeling we're progressing tonight ."
Harry smiled , "Yeah . But we're going to talk about it first , alright ?" He put his arms around Louis' small body from his place sitting on the back of his couch , Louis leaned his chin on Harry's shoulder , "Tell me ."
"I want us to go outside to the pool ." Harry started , tightening his arms around Louis , "But we wouldn't get in . I blew up a floatie boat , and I was thinking we could fill it with blankets and pillows and just sit inside in the pool ."
Louis shivered and lowered his face to bury in Harry's neck , "Have you been going through Pinterest again ?"
Harry laughed softly ; the fact that Louis was joking around and not freaking out or denying it was already a step forward . "Maybe . Thought it was a cute idea . I haven't seen you properly this week and I wanted to have a nice cuddle . I know it's chilly outside but we'll wear warm clothes and bring a lot of blankets , and maybe some snacks ."
"Can I be honest with you ?" Louis asked quietly , Harry kissed his shoulder , "Always ."
"I - well , I like the idea . It does sound cute and all , but I - I don't know how I would react . Like . I don't know if I'll be okay , or I'll freak out , or be numb - I literally don't know ." Louis rambled a bit , Harry rubbed his back softly and nodded , "I know love . That's why I'm here , yeah ? And whatever happens , I'll be here ."
Louis closed his eyes and relaxed into Harry's body as Harry kept talking ; he loved how soothing his voice was .
"If you freak out , I'll help you calm down . If you're okay , I'll make you smile and laugh . If you're numb , I'll hold you until you're okay again . Whatever happens - I'm here ."
Louis blushed deeply as he kept his face buried in Harry's neck , letting out a soft whine and clinging onto him when Harry tried pulling him away . Harry chuckled and kissed his shoulder , "Okay ?"
"Okay ."
"Want to help me get the boat ready ?"
"Yeah ."
"Well then you'd have to let me go , baby ." Harry smiled , "We'll have loads of cuddles in the boat ."
After changing into comfy , warm clothes Harry carried blankets down to the yard , Louis followed him with a few pillows , knees shaking a little bit . Harry opened the back door with his elbow and pushed it open , he put the blankets down and turned the lights on , taking the pillows from Louis .
"Alright , I need to bring a few more blankets and pillows , want to help or start filling the boat ? Or get snacks ?" Harry turned to Louis , who was standing at the doorframe with his hands clutching it tightly .
"U-um . I - I'll get snacks ." Louis said , Harry put his hands on his waist and kissed his forehead , "You'll be perfectly okay love , I'm here aren't I ?"
Louis nodded , Harry pecked the tip of his nose before turning them back into the house . Louis busied himself with making popcorn and taking Kinder chocolate out of the cabinet while Harry brought more blankets and pillows .
"Lou baby , I'm out here , I'm filling the boat for us alright ?" Harry called from the backyard , Lous replied with a small 'okay' as he waited for the popcorn to be ready . Once it was ready he put it in a bowl and took it to the backyard with the chocolate bars , biting his lower lip before stepping past the doorframe .
Harry looked up with he saw him and smiled , "Just finished . What do you think ?" He gestured to the boat , that was filled with blankets and pillows - looked like a really comfy nest . It made Louis smile , "Looks cute ."
"Come closer ." Harry motioned him over , he took the popcorn and chocolate from him and put it carefully inside the boat , before pushing it halfway into the pool . Louis held his lower lip between his teeth , Harry turned to look at him , "I'm going in first , then I'll help you in ." And before Louis could say anything Harry was already carefully stepping into the boat .
Harry leaned on his knees and held his hands out to Louis , "Hold my hands ."
Louis shifted on his feet , his body trembling . "H-Haribo ."
"You're alright baby , hey , look at me ." Harry cooed , Louis looked at him worriedly . Harry only smiled gently , "I won't let anything happen to you ."
"I-I'm shaking ." Louis shook his head , "I'll f-fall in ."
"You won't , I'll hold you . Do you trust me ?"
Louis nodded , he covered his eyes with his hands and took a deep breath , before stepping forward and clutching Harry's hands . Harry smiled , "There we go . I'll help you in now , okay ?" He waited for Louis to nod before placing his hands on his waist and carefully bringing him into the boat , sitting him down and pushing the boat slightly away from the edge .
Louis' body remained stiff as his hands clawed at Harry's biceps , Harry pulled him closer and maneouvered him into his lap sideways .
"Look at you , baby . My brave baby . I'm so fucking proud of you ." Harry wrapped his arms around him and kissed his forehead , Louis turned his face into Harry's chest in seek of warmth , "'M cold ."
"Aw , we can't have that , can we ?" Harry smiled and lifted a blanket up to cover Louis , "My little baby , got to keep my baby warm ." He kept going in a silly voice , mostly in hopes to make Louis crack a smile .
"Shu'up ." Louis mumbled , forcing back a smile . Harry kept his arms around him , "Can my baby look up so I can give him a kiss ?"
"No ."
"Why not ?"
"Because you're an idiot ."
"Oi , take it back ."
"I take it back ."
"Thank you baby ."
"You're a goober ."
Harry couldn't help but laugh , squeezing Louis in his arms , "I'll get you back later , after you kiss me ."
"Then I won't kiss you ."
"Why not ?"
"So you wouldn't get me back ."
"If you don't kiss me I'll get you back so fucking bad ." Harry threatened in a teasing voice , Louis sighed and looked up , bringing Harry down for a kiss ; he had to accept that Harry would mess with him nontheless , and might aswell give him a kiss to lessen the payback .
Harry smiled and cradled Louis' face closer , humming and smooching his lips and cheeks over and over . Louis couldn't help the smile spreading on his face , "Okay , okay , enough ."
"No , more kisses ."
"Yeah , no more kisses ."
"Heeey ." Harry laughed , "Don't act like you don't like my kisses ."
"Right , now pass me the popcorn ." Louis tried sitting up , but Harry held him still backwards in his arms , "Admit you like my kisses ."
"Will you keep being annoying if I don't ?"
"Yes ."
"Then yes , love your kisses more than I love ice cream ."
Harry gaped at him , "That's the best compliment I've ever gotten ."
"Just pass me the popcorn , you goober ." Louis let out a tiny giggle , Harry leaned in and kissed him once more before reaching for the popcorn bowl , "You have to sit up if you want to eat , you'll choke on these if you lay down ."
"Okay , mum ." Louis sat up , pushing back every bad thought when he shifted on the boat , feeling it floating calmly . Harry pouted , "Hey , don't call me mum , we just kissed , that's weird ."
"Oh my god , Harreh ." Louis face-palmed Harry grinned at him , "Alright , give me your foot ."
"No ." Louis pulled his foot back , "There , you can have this one ." Louis handed him the prosthetic one , Harry threw his head back while laughing , "No , Lou , I can't massage this foot , I need your other one ."
"No way , I know you , you'll tickle me ." Louis pulled his shoulders and started munching on the popcorn .
Harry laughed , "I'll tickle you nontheless , just let me give you a foot rub ."
"I swear to god I will kick you in the throat with my prosthetic foot and it'll ruin your perfect face ." Louis said as he slowly placed his foot on Harry's lap , Harry grinned , "Aw , you think my face is perfect ?"
"It wouldn't stay pretty if you tickle me ." Louis poked his chest with his big toe , Harry took his foot and rubbed the bottom of it gently , "Knew I needed to bring my toothguard ."
Louis cracked a smile and tried hiding it while eating the popcorn ; he was actually more relaxed than he thought , he was fully aware he was in a pool , but something about beind fully dry , covered in soft blanket , pillows and having Harry there with him - was comforting , it took over the thoughts that were threatening a freakout .
"Haribo ."
"Yes love ."
"I - I'm actually okay ."
Harry was confused for a split second , before realizing what Louis was talking about . He smiled , "I'm happy you are ."
"Thanks for being here ."
"Always ."
"Want some popcorn ?"
Harry shifted closer and opend his mouth , Louis fed him popcorn and smiled . They finished most of the bowl , Harry pulled the boat to the edge of the pool and put the bowl on the side before turning to Louis .
Louis put pillows comfortably behind his back and leaned backwards , smiling when Harry crawled over to him and settled ontop of him , face in his neck and arms around him . Louis brought the blanket to rest on Harry and cover them both , Harry kissed his neck softly , "Love you baby ."
"I love you too ." Louis nodded and trailed his fingers up and down Harry's massive back and shoulders , relaxing into his warmth and smell while closing his eyes .
Harry wriggled a bit and hummed into Louis' neck sleepily , Louis smiled softly , "Don't fall asleep on me , you'll strangle me to death ."
"Not my fault you're tiny ." Harry mumbled against his neck and smiled , Louis dug his fingers into his ribs and wiggled them up to his underarms , whining when Harry didn't react , "You're crushing meeee ."
Harry chuckled , Louis kept digging into his ribs , "Harreh ." He let out a giggly squeak when he felt Harry's fingers wandering around his sides , "Wait , wait , no wait , Harreh - this isn't fair !" He giggled heartedly , his knee kicked upwards when he felt Harry's fingers on his ribs . Harry groaned and pushed himself up , hands moving down to cup his crotch .
Louis laughed , "You're so lucky I didn't kick you in the face ."
"You menace ." Harry breathed out , "You'll pay for it ." He reached his hands out , Louis laughed and squealed while pushing Harry's hands away , pleading him to have mercy on him .
Harry grinned mischievously when he managed to dig his fingers into his belly , drinking in every giggle and crinkly smile and cute laugh . He stopped to let Louis breathe , Louis slapped his chest weakly , "I hate when you do that , I'm the most ticklish person in the entire world ."
"You're also the most adorable person in the entire world ." Harry smiled and leaned in to kiss him , "Especially when you laugh ." He poked him in the side , grinning when he jumped away and giggled , "You're such a goober ."
"Yeah , your goober ." Harry nodded , "Now your goober wants a kiss ." Louis cupped his cheeks and pulled him down , pressing their lips together . Harry smiled and leaned closer , he let Louis control the kiss for a bit before taking over .
Louis took one hand off Harry's cheek and put it on his side , trailing it down before cupping his crotch over his sweatpants . He felt Harry's lower abs flexing as he hummed , pulling back just a bit , but before he said anything Louis spoke quietly , "Can I ? J-just , like , a handie ."
Harry couldn't help but smile , he nodded , "Sure , baby ."
"'M really cold ." Louis mumbled and shifted closer to Harry , Harry wrapped him tighter in his arms , "Let's go inside the house , yeah ? It's already late ."
"Mhmm ." Louis nodded , Harry pulled the boat to the edge of the pool and lifted it over , carefully getting out and bringing Louis with him . He handed him the popcorn bowl and chocolate wrappers , "Put these in the kitchen and go upstairs , get ready for bed ."
"Don't take long ." Louis yawned , Harry smiled and gathered as many blankets as he could fit in his arms , carrying them into the house and throwing them lazily in the living room , before going to take the pillows . He put the boat aside safely before locking the back door and going upstairs .
Louis changed into pajamas and brushed his teeth , Harry walked into the room and threw his clothes off , "I'll join you in a minute ."
Louis nodded and sat on the bed , taking off his prosthetic and laying under the covers . He watched Harry brushing his teeth with the door open , soft blush on his cheeks and his lips red and swollen from the kisses .
Harry threw on a shirt and sweatpants and wiggled in next to Louis , Louis wrapped his arms around his neck and pecked the tip of his nose , "Thanks for today . It was nice ."
"My brave baby ." Harry smiled and kissed his lips , "Love when your lips are red from kisses ."
"Go to sleep , goober ." Louis smiled and pushed him away when he leaned in for a kiss , Harry smiled and kissed him once again , "Love you ."
"Love you too ."
Hope you liked it x
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