Ch. 20

Enjoy x


Louis walked into one of Harry's tattoo shops , smiling when he saw him talking to Gemma . He slowly approached to not interrupt their conversation , but then Gemma turned her head and grinned when she saw him .

"Hi , how are you ?" She walked over and gave him a hug , he smiled and rubbed her back , "I'm good , you okay ?"

She nodded and pulled back , "Harry is trying to help me decide on what tattoo to get . I'm a bit picky ."

"I'm picky , too . Took me a long time to decide on this one ." Louis pulled the hem of his pants up to show her the surfboard tattoo , she smiled and nodded , "Looks good , Harry is really good ."

"He is ." He smiled , before realizing he hadn't greeted Harry yet . He turned to him and pecked his cheek , "Hi love ."

"Thanks for paying attention to me ." Harry squeezed his side , Louis pushed his hand away with a grin , "I know , I'm sorry , but Gemma is my favorite Styles ." He turned to her and winked , she winked back before going to the kitchen room .

Harry sighed and pretended to leave , Louis laughed and wrapped his arms around his middle , "Nooo , I was just joking . You'll always be my favorite . Always you ." He grinned into the middle of his back , Harry put his hands on Louis' small ones that were pressed to his abs , he turned around in his arms and leaned down to kiss him properly .

Louis smiled and brought his arms up to wrap around his neck to keep the kiss going , Harry hummed , "I need to go , Gems is waiting for her tattoo ."

"Gems can handle herself for a minute more ." Louis mumbled as he kept kissing him , Harry smiled , "Want to go to my office ?"

"Harreh !" Louis pulled back and smacked his chest , Harry laughed , "I meant to kiss properly , I promise . Just don't want people to watch us ."

Louis pursed his lips before nodding , "Okay . Not for long though , don't want anyone to suspect ." He scrunched his nose and giggled when Harry picked him up , carrying him to his office and kicking the door closed with his foot .


"I'm done ."

Louis stood up from Harry's couch with the remote and turned the TV off , throwing the remote on the couch and walking out to the kitchen . Harry followed him , he wrapped his arms around him and brought him into his chest , feeling Louis' rabbiting heart against his chest .

He kissed his temple , "You're alright . I'm proud of you for going this far ."

Louis sighed and let Harry hug him , Harry pulled back a little , "Want to try something else ?"

"Not really . I can't watch anything on the TV anymore ."

"I was talking about the pool ."

Louis froze before slowly looking up at Harry . "Wh-what ?"

"I was thinking , maybe we could try the pool too ? Just dip our feet in ." Harry suggested . 

What he didn't expect , was for Louis to push him away with a hurt expression . "Are you kidding me ? Are you fucking kidding me ??"

"Lou , hey , it's -"

"No don't tell me it's okay . It's hard for me , it's so fucking hard ." He started tearing up , "I'm not as strong as you think . Stop trying to push me , just please fucking stop . I can't do this , it's way too much - just stop ." Tears rolled down his cheeks as he walked past a shocked Harry and grabbed his shoes .

Harry quickly followed him , "Baby , baby stop - stop ." He tried grabbing the shoes from his hands but Louis stepped away from him and sat on the couch , pulling his shoes on quickly .

"Lou can you stop for a second ? Let's talk about it ." Harry sighed , Louis shook his head and stood up from the couch , "No . I'm leaving ."

"Lou -"

"Don't touch me ." Louis walked past him and grabbed his overnight bag , Harry grabbed his arm , "No , you're not leaving until we talk properly ."

"Let go , I don't want to stay here ." Louis pulled his arm out of his hold , before opening the door and walking out of the house .

Harry grabbed his hair and ran after him , "Louis . Louis please , don't just leave . I was only trying to help you -"

"Well you weren't helping one-fucking-bit ." Louis opened his car door and got in , pushing the key into the switch and turning the car on , driving away .


"No ." Louis shook his head , "I'm not coming out until he's leaving ."

"Louis you're being a bit childish ." Mitch sighed , "He only wants to talk ."

"I can't talk to him yet . Please tell him to leave ." Louis said quietly from the other side of the bathroom door . Mitch sighed and left the bathroom , giving a worried Harry an apologetic look . "He wouldn't come out until you leave ."

"Are you fucking kidding me ." Harry mumbled to himself , "God , this is annoying ."

"It's none of my business H , but he needs to get back to work . I'm sorry ." Mitch squeezed his shoulder , Harry sighed and nodded before turning around and leaving .


"Louis ..."

"Shh , don't say it . I know . I know I'm stupid ." Louis wiped his cheeks with his phone pressed to his ear , "But I can't . I ... I've been thinking this past week . And -"

"Please for the love of god don't say that , you know better than that ." Stan sighed , "You're being so fucking stupid , you'll regret doing it ."

"I'll regret it even more if he keeps suffering because of me ." Louis rubbed his eyes .

"Promise me you won't . Please ."

"I can't ."

"Louis !"

"I'm sorry , I can't promise ." He said , Stan breathed out partly in anger . "Please call me when you decide being reasonable ."


Louis needed fresh air . He felt suffocated . So even if it was three in the morning , he put on warm clothes and grabbed his phone , going out for a walk . He walked aimlessly around , reaching the park where he and Harry had their first kiss .

Tears filled his eyes as he walked over to their usual bench , the one they would always sit at and kiss until they were breathless . He froze when he saw someone was already sitting there . That someone being Harry .

Harry looked up when he saw him , before getting up and walking over to him . He stood in front of him and crossed his arms . "Are you ready to talk to me ?"

Louis nodded and reached his hand up to wipe his cheek , he took a deep breath and looked up at Harry . "I'm sorry , I just - I can't do this ."

"I know , I won't push you anymore ."

"Th-that's not what I meant ." Louis shook his head , his voice breaking . "I can't d-do this to you anymore ."

"I'm okay with being yelled at from time to -"

"I meant us . I can't do this to you anymore ." Louis sniffled , biting his lower lip .

Harry's arms slowly fell to his sides . "I'm sorry , what ?"

Louis covered his face before taking his hands off , looking everywhere but into Harry's eyes . "I c-can't do this to you anym-more . You're amazing , an unbelievably amazing person , and I'm really messed u-up . You don't deserve to put up with this , with my p-problems . You des-serve to be happy , not yelled at ." He stopped when he lost his voice , muffling his crying into the palms of his hands as he took a few steps away .

Harry saw red .

He grabbed Louis by his elbows , "Don't . Don't you fucking dare walk away from me . Are you fucking stupid ?" He shook him a bit , before wrapping his arms around him so tightly it knocked the air out of his lungs .

"How can you be so fucking blind , for fuck's sake ." Harry crushed his bones inside the hug , "I love you , I'm in love with you . Fucking hell , Louis , how can you even think - for one second - that being with you doesn't make me happy ?"

Louis cried heavily into his shoulder , hands fisted into Harry's jacket as he slowly lost his balance , legs giving in under his weight . Harry held him tightly into his chest , so so tight it physically hurt Louis but inside he was hurting a lot more . 

Harry picked him up off his feet and carried him to the bench , where he sat with the small bundle of mess on his lap , still holding him tightly .

Once Louis was calmed down he pulled his face out of Harry's shoulder , tiredly knocking his forehead against Harry's . "'m sorry ." He whispered , Harry bumped their noses together , "I love you . So fucking much . Don't ever think that being with you is any kind of burden to me . I love helping you , I love being there for you . You're my baby and my world , please never forget that ."

Louis teared up again , he nodded , "I love you too . I'm sorry . I love you . I'm sorry ." His voice was weak and scratched .

Harry shushed him and wiped under his eyes , "Want me to take you home ?"

"I'm already home ." Louis buried his face in his neck tiredly , "You're my home ."

Harry smiled softly and kissed his neck where it showed behind his ear , "My place or yours ?"

"Yours , please ." Louis whispered , "I love you ."

"I love you too , baby ."


Sorry if it's a bit short . Also I felt like it needed a bit of drama .

Hope you liked it x


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