Ch. 19

Enjoy x


"So how was the weekend ?"

"It was really nice , Louis' family is just amazing ." Harry smiled ; he was on the phone with his mum while Louis was showering .

"Good , good to hear . Were they treating you properly ?"

"You bet . Jay , Louis' mum , is such a great woman . His sisters are cool , his little twin siblings are so cute , his step-dad is a nice lad . His friends are nice , everything was just so nice ."

"I'm happy you enjoyed it . Are you home now ?"

"Yeah , we're at my house , I'm making dinner ." Harry said , Anne hummed , "Alright love . I have to go now , have a good rest of your night ."

"You too . Love you mum ."

"Love you too ."

They hung up , Harry quickly finished cooking and set the table before going to check on Louis . He heard him talking quietly on the phone , sitting on the bed facing away from the door .

"Don't apologize , you had nothing to do with it . ... I know , I never thought it would happen . ... Not just that , Stan . He mentioned Frank . I dated Frank when I was sixteen , of course I wasn't ready for anything sexual ! God , it pisses me off so much . ... Harry is a sweetheart , I feel bad he was dragged into my mess . ... I wish I could put it into words . He's my world ."

Harry smiled to himself , biting his thumb not to make a cute comment .

"We're at his house , so I'm going to hang up . .... Yeah , I need my cuddle . ... Alright , we'll talk tomorrow . Love you , bye ." Louis hung up , he sat up from bed and turned around , jumping in surprise when he saw Harry . "How - how much did you hear ?"

"Enough to know I give good cuddles ." Harry chuckled , "And that I'm a sweetheart ."

Louis blushed and pushed his fringe back , taking shy steps away from Harry when he stepped closer . Harry put his hands on his waist , "Why are you being shy ?"

"Stop teasing ." Louis slapped his hands away , Harry grinned and wrapped his arms fully around his waist , picking him up off his feet . "You're so cute ."

He carried Louis down the stairs to the living room , where he set two plates for them with dinner and a movie . He put Louis down and kissed his cheek , "Eat up , when you're done we'll cuddle ."

Louis sat down and picked his plate up , watching as Harry pressed play on the movie .

"What movie is it ?"

"Six Underground , heard it was a good one ." Harry said and sat backwards with his plate , Louis took a bite of his food , "Okay . I mean I'll probably fall asleep in a bit but sure ."

Harry smiled and reached over to pinch his cheek , focusing back on his food .

Once done with their dinner the two put their plates on the table , Louis covered himself with the soft blanket and pressed against Harry's side .

"Haribo ."

"Yes ."

"Can I ask you a question ?"

Harry furrowed his eyebrows and paused the movie , turning his full attention to Louis . "Go on ."

"I - I know we've had , our fun before - like , blowies and handies , but - but I - I'm a v-virgin . A-and . And I want , to be with you . Closer . I'm just - I'm scared . I'm scared because I don't know what to expect . So I -"

"Lou ."

"I wanted us to , like , -"

"Baby ."

Louis looked up at Harry , his eyes slightly glossy . Harry sat up and put both his hands on Louis' cheeks , "We will not do anything until you're ready ."

"But I -"

"You're not ready yet , love ." Harry shook his head , catching a stray tear with his thumb . "I'll wait for you , I'm not like them ."

"God , no , I know you're not ." Louis shook his head , leaning forward and wrapping his arms around Harry's neck . Harry wrapped his arms around his waist , Louis sniffled , "I'm sorry . I'm just a scared . I'm being stupid ."

"You're not ." Harry shook his head , "You were played before , it's alright to keep your guard up . I promise I will never do anything to hurt you like that ."

Louis pulled back and wiped his cheek , "I know ."

"I love you ." Harry gave him a soft smile , Louis nodded , "I love you too ."

Harry pulled him into his lap and pressed their lips together , Louis wrapped his arms around his neck . They pulled back , Louis rubbed their noses together , "I'm a little sleepy ."

"Want to cuddle in bed ?" Harry asked , smiling when Louis nodded , "And you'll rub my back , right ?"

"Of course ." Harry chuckled , turning the TV off before he and Louis stood up from the couch , "Go upstairs I'll put these in the sink ." He took the plates , Louis went upstairs and took off his prosthetic and fabrics , getting under the covers just as Harry walked into the room .

"Get in , I'm freezing ." Louis shivered , Harry smiled and turned the lights off , crawling into bed next to Louis . Louis shifted so he was pressed into his chest , Harry held him and rubbed his back . "Are you working tomorrow ?"

"Yeah , need to be at the restaurant at noon ." Louis nodded , relaxing into Harry's hand moving up and down his back . Harry pressed his face into his hair , "Okay . When are you done ?"

"Eight p.m , tomorrow's going to be long ." Louis whined to himself . "You can come spend the night at mine tomorrow , if you want ."

"Always want to spend the night with you ." Harry smiled and squeezed him closer , "Get some sleep now ."


"How was the weekend ?" Sarah asked , her arms wrapped around Louis from behind . Louis smiled , "It was fun . Harry was nervous at first , but my family loves him ."

"Who doesn't love Harry , to be honest ." Sarah released him , he turned to face her , "Yeah , I know . My mum wasn't as embarrassing as I thought she would be , which is good ."

Sarah laughed , "Oh it's really good . When I first brought Mitch to meet my mum she wouldn't stop cooing and taking pictures of us when we were holding hands or generally touching each other ."

Louis chuckled , "Oh no , my mum knows not to do that . It's enough that we have Niall here ." He jumped when two hands squeezed his sides , turning around to see Mitch , "I'm happy that you're back but we have work to do ."

"Sneak up on me like that and you'll never have kids ." Louis pushed him away , Mitch pinched his cheek before pushing him and Sarah out of the employees' room .


Harry knocked on the door to Louis' apartment , seconds later the door opened and Louis smiled , "You don't need to knock , I left the door unlocked for you to come in ."

"You need to keep your door locked , Lou ." Harry walked in and closed the door behind him , locking it . Louis sighed , "I know I know , don't turn into my mum now ."

"Oh we don't want that , do we ? You can't kiss me if I'm your mum ." Harry put his arms around him , Louis laughed , "Harry that's gross ."

Harry kissed him , "What are we having for dinner ?"

"I actually ordered pizza not long ago . At first I thought about cooking something but I'm just too tired so I ordered ." Louis leaned into his chest , Harry nodded and squeezed him closer , "Okay . So , how about we progress a bit tonight ?"

Louis turned his face to bury in Harry's chest , he sighed before pulling back , "Alright . What are we doing today ?"

"You have a bath tub , right ?"

Louis shivered , knowing where Harry was aiming . "Haribo , I -"

"I know love . But you'll be alright . I'll hold you ." Harry kissed his forehead , Louis sighed , "We - we can try . Not for long , though ."

"Not for long ." Harry promised . "When's the pizza here ?"

"In , like , ten minutes or so ."

"Okay . Stay here while I fill the tub ."

"Or , or I can - like , go with you ? It might make me less nervous ." Louis asked , Harry nodded with a smile , "Come on ." He took his hand and went to the bathroom with him .

He made sure the water was hot enough before plugging the tub , adding soap to the water . Louis sat on the closed toilet seat with his arms wrapped around himself , Harry kneeled in front of him , "I'll take your prosthetic off , okay ?"

Louis nodded , watching Harry carefully pulling the prosthetic off befoe rolling the fabrics off his leg , leaving it bare . "Want to change into something else ? Or we can sit in the tub in our boxers ."

"Boxers is fine ." Louis said in almost a whisper . Harry leaned in and kissed his cheek , "Look at me , baby ."

Louis looked into Harry's eyes , Harry gave him a gentle smile , "You will be okay . It's just a tub of water and soap ."

A few minutes later the bath was filled , when there was a knock on the door . Harry stood up , "I'll get it , be back in a minute ." He said before leaving to get their pizza .

Louis bit his lower lip and looked over to the tub , he wanted so badly to reach into the water and unplug it , but to do that he had to stick his hand into the water , and no he wasn't going to do that .

Harry walked back into the bathroom , "Our pizza is here , I put it in the living room ." He kneeled in front of Louis , "Now we're getting in ." He pulled his shirt over his head before helping Louis out of his shirt .

"Haribo ."

"Yes love ."

"Can I wear your shirt when we're out of the water ?"

Harry smiled , "'Course you can ." He took his sweats off then helped Louis out of his own short sweats , leaving the two of them in boxers . Harry could feel Louis' heart racing from where he was pressed to his chest , he kissed his forehead , "Talk to me ."

"I'm - I'm scared ." Louis' voice trembled , Harry stepped into the tub with both his hands on Louis' hips to steady him . "You're okay love , I'm here . I'm going to help you in , alright ? I'll lift you up so you can get your leg in ."

Louis nodded , Harry counted to three before hoisting Louis up and into the tub so they were both standing inside .

"See ? Just water and soap ." Harry rubbed his sides , noticing the goosebumps on his skin .

Louis' leg trembled under his weight as he tried shifting closer to Harry , Harry pressed their foreheads together , "We'll slowly sit down , love , okay ?" He said , Louis whined softly but nodded , his eyes already glossy with tears .

He let Harry turn him around to his back was pressed to Harry's chest , Harry supported his weight as he slowly sat down in the tub with his arms fully circling Louis' small body .

"H-Harry ."

"Talk to me , love . Tell me what's on your mind ."

"Just w-water and soap , right ?"

"Just water and soap , baby , nothing else ." Harry kissed his bare shoulder , "You're doing amazing . Keep talking to me ."

"F-feels like I'm eighteen again ." Louis said quietly , "I - it feels like I have my wetsuit on ." Louis' hands brushed his arms , "Like - I'm tanning on the beach ."

"Bet you looked so good tanning your little body on a towel ." Harry smirked slightly into his shoulder , making Louis crack a small smile . "I - I can almost feel my leg . Or , what it felt like to have two legs ."

Harry kept pressing kisses to his shoulder , seeing Louis' hand reaching down to his thigh , trembling fingers grazing the end of his thigh . He grabbed his hand and interlocked his fingers , "Keep talking to me ."

"I remember h-how scared I was . On the surfboard ." A tear rolled down his cheek , "I remember lifting up the hospital blanket only to see my leg missing ."

"And now you're okay , and I'm here , and I'm holding you . You're okay love ." Harry kissed his cheek a few times , "Let's get out of the tub ."

He helped the two of them out of the tub , sitting Louis on the closed toilet seat then handing him a soft towel , "I'll go get you clean underwear ."

"And your shirt ?"

Harry smiled , "And my shirt , of course ."


Hope you liked it x


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