Ch. 18
Enjoy x
Louis woke up to Harry shuffling around the bed , he whined , "Stop moving so much ."
"Sorry love , just got back from the bathroom ." Harry smiled , leaning down to kiss his cheek , "Good morning ."
"Morning . What time is it ?" Louis rasped into the pillow .
"Summer time ."
Louis grabbed the nearest thing he reached , which happened to be a red circle-shaped pillow and smacked Harry tiredly , "Too early ."
Harry laughed , "It's nine a.m ."
"Oh , I'm surprised Doris and Ernie didn't jump on us yet ." Louis stretched and sighed out , "When I'm over they jump on the bed until I get up to entertain them ."
"The house sounded fairly quiet , well except for your mum probably making breakfast with some songs on ." Harry pushed his hand under Louis' shirt , trailing his fingers over his back .
"Really ? What did it smell like ? Was it eggs and bacon ?" Louis asked , squirming a little and the ticklish feeling . Harry nodded , "Yeah , that . Also something sweet , pancakes I think . Or cookies , I'm not sure ."
"Remember we're going out tonight ?" Louis smiled , "I'm excited to see my friends . Want you to meet them so bad ."
Harry cooed and kissed his cheek a few times , "'Course I remember , been looking forward to it ."
"I swear to god , if you get along with Oli way too well we're leaving ."
Harry laughed , before the door opened and the two small twins ran into the room , "Wake up !!" They jumped on the bed , bouncing up and down .
Louis groaned , "Nooo ."
"Achoo get up ." Doris lied between Louis and Harry , reaching her hand up to Louis' hair to play with it . Louis smiled , "I'll get up only if you give me a cuddle ."
Doris smiled and hugged Louis , Ernest joined the two and cuddled Louis . Harry grinned and quickly grabbed his phone to take a picture , the twins kissed Louis' cheeks , "Now you get up ?"
"Yeah , we'll be down for breakfast in a bit , tell mumma ." Louis nodded , watching the two getting off the bed and running out of the room .
"They're so cute ." Harry smiled , Louis nodded , "They're my babies ." He sat up and grabbed his prosthetic and fabrics , Harry lied on his side watching Louis pulling on the fabrics and his prosthetic leg before standing up , stretching his arms above his head . He smiled when his shirt rode up showing his tummy , and if he were close enough he would reach out and caress his soft skin .
"Stop staring , it's rude ." Louis said as he padded out of the room , cheeks pink with blush . Harry chuckled , "I'm allowed to stare ."
"Yeah yeah ." Louis mumbled with a smile , going to the bathroom to brush his teeth .
Once both Louis and Harry freshened up they went downstairs , Jay just finished setting the table with Daisy and Phoebe helping her . She smiled , "Good morning , boys ."
"Good morning ."
Louis smiled when Daisy hugged him , he rubbed her back , "You alright , love ?"
"Yeah . I love when you come over ." She nodded , Louis kissed her head , "I'll try to come over as often as I can ."
"Sit down and eat , I'll go get Lottie and Fizz ." Jay said , greeting Dan with a kiss when he walked into the kitchen before leaving to call the two girls .
Everyone sat around the table , Harry smiled watching Louis and Dan helping the smaller twins fill their plates with food . He took the time to fill Louis' plate for him before filling his own , smiling when Louis kissed his cheek and said a small 'thank you' .
Jay joined them at the table with two sleepy Lottie and Felicite , Louis wiggled his eyebrows , "Don't you two look sleepy , eh ?"
Lottie rolled her eyes playfully , Felicite prodded Louis' side , "Yeah good morning to you too ."
Louis prodded her back and laughed , before putting his arm around her shoulders , "Are we having sun time after breakfast ?"
"Oh you bet ." Felicite nodded .
"What's sun time ?" Harry asked him quietly , Louis sipped on his tea , "We take a blanket and lie in the yard , the sun is out and it's really nice and warm , which doesn't happen much in Donny in these months ."
"Are we playing football , Harreh ?" Ernest asked , Harry nodded , "Of course , it'll be fun . Maybe you can teach me some moves ."
Ernest nodded with a smile and gave Harry a high-five from across the table .
Louis lied on his front , ankles crossed and arms under his head as he watched Harry playing football with Ernest ; it was mostly the two of them kicking the ball around rather than goalkeeping , but it was cute nontheless .
Felicite was laying next to him with her sunglasses on ; Lottie was with Jay , Dan and Doris ; Daisy and Phoebe were busy picking songs off their playlist to play in the background .
"Yes ! Yes you did it !" Harry cheered , running over to Ernest and scooping him up , spinning around and making him laugh loudly . Louis grinned , catching Jay's eyes . She nodded towards him , making him grin wider .
"What got you smiling like that ?" Felicite asked , Louis turned his head towards her , "Mumma approves ."
Felicite smiled , "Aw , that's amazing . I mean I knew she would , but it's still so nice ."
"Yeah , I knew that too . Harry is a sweetheart , everyone loves him . Kind of scares me , sometimes ."
"Why ?"
"Because , he's so sweet and nice and it's hard people using it to get their ways . Not everyone , of course , but the ones who do just piss me off ."
Felicite nodded , "Yeah , makes sense . Anyway , you two are lucky with each other ."
Louis smiled , "God , I'm really lucky ."
Harry walked over and sat next to Louis , "Mind if I join your sun time ?"
"Lie with us ." Louis scooted over a little , Harry leaned on his elbow with his head propped on his hand , "Ernie is really good ."
"He is , I got him to like it ." Louis smiled , "I couldn't really play with my leg early on , I still can't , but we like watching games together . Doncaster Rovers , Manchester United . Promised to him that when he's older I'll take him to a proper game ."
"Cute ." Harry smiled , "Did you use to play ?"
"Yeah , loved it in middle school and high school . Then I was really , really into surfing . Then , well , you know the rest ."
Harry nodded , fingers brushing Louis' fringe from his forehead . "When are we going tonight ?"
"Ten at Stan's place ." Louis closed his eyes and relaxed into Harry playing with his hair .
"Are you nervous ? It's just a boys' night ." Louis smiled as he parked the car outside Stan's small house , Harry shrugged , "It's kind of - I mean - I want to get along with your friends ."
"You will , Haribo ." Louis opened the door and stepped out of the car , Harry followed and shut the door behind him . He grabbed Louis' hand as they walked up to the front door , Louis knocked and stepped back .
The door opened , and there stood Stan , grinning , "Lou !" He wrapped Louis up in a hug , Louis smiled and hugged him , patting his back , "Hi bestie ."
"Oi ." Stan chuckled , he pulled back and turned to Harry , "Hi , I'm Stan , Louis' bestie ."
Harry smiled and shook his hand , "Hi , nice meeting you ."
"Come on in , we have a long night to embarrass Louis ."
"Fuck you , lad ." Louis gave Stan's shoulder a push , making both Stan and Harry laugh . They walked into the living room , where Luke was sitting . Luke smiled and gave Louis a hug , "Hi , mate ."
"Lukey ." Louis grinned and turned to Harry , "This is Luke , the ladies' man . Lukey this is my Harry , so keep your hands off him because I know you ."
Harry chuckled and shook his hand , letting Louis taking his jacket off his shoulders . He felt Luke and Stan looking at his tattooed arms , so he busied himself with grabbing a bottle of coke and pouring it into a cup for Louis , handing it to him when he returned .
Louis smiled and took the cup , Harry took a beer bottle for himself and followed Louis to sit on the couch .
"Wait , so you're a tattoo artist ?" Luke asked , Stan nodded , "Yeah , he's the one who gave Louis the surfboard tattoo ."
"Oh , wow . You're good ." Luke nodded with a smile , "Louis' tattoo is sick ."
Louis wrapped his hand around Harry's bicep , Harry smiled , "Yeah , thanks . Looks good on him , symbollic ."
Luke was about to comment again , but then the door opened and Oli and Calvin walked in . Louis grinned and stood up from the couch , letting Oli wrap his arms around him and pick him off his feet .
"So good to have you back for a bit , was afraid you forgot about us ." Oli said and put him down , Louis rolled his eyes , "I couldn't forget you even if I tried ."
"Aw , because you love us so much ?" Oli cooed , Louis raised his eyebrows and let Calvin wrap him up in a hug , "Because you wouldn't stop texting in our groupchat and tag me in every Instagram post you see ."
"Guilty ." Oli pinched his cheek , then turned to Harry , "Hi , I'm Oli , and Louis likes to act as if I'm not his favorite ."
Harry chuckled and shook his hand , "Hi , I'm Harry ."
"Yeah , he's Harry and he's my favorite . Deal with it ." Louis said and pulled out of his hug with Calvin . "Harry this is Calvin , don't get any closer to his phone please ."
"Shut up ." Calvin cupped Louis' mouth , "He's only saying that because of all the embarrassing pictures and videos I have of him ."
"Oh I would love to watch them ." Harry smirked , Louis pushed Calvin away , "You're all arseholes ."
Harry put his arm around Louis , "Come on , like Niall didn't show you my high school videos ."
"Yeah , well , yours were cute . I was so embarrassing ." Louis sat down on the couch , Harry laughed and sat next to him , "Cheer up , I haven't even watched them ."
Louis had his arms around Harry's middle while Harry laughed with Oli and Stan ; Calvin was having a bathroom break , and Luke was sitting aside eyeing Harry . Harry , who was caught up in the conversation , was oblivious - but Louis wasn't . It pissed him off how Luke looked at Harry , but he didn't want to ruin the night by being jealous .
Calvin came back and sat down with them , when Harry sat up a little , "Alright , I need a bathroom break too . I'll be back with more beer ." He put down the empty bottle , Louis stood up , "I'll go show you to the bathroom ."
"I'll be fine on my own Lou , promise ." Harry said with a smile , pressing a peck to his cheek before getting off the couch to go to the bathroom . Louis watched him until he disappeared down the hall , Stan put his hand on his knee , "You're tense , you weren't like that when you first got here ."
"Yeah , uh , it's - it's nothing ." Louis shook his head , before rubbing his eyes . When he opened them , he noticed that Luke wasn't in the living room with them . He jumped up from the couch , "Where's Luke ?"
He went to the kitchen , Luke wasn't there . He padded up the stairs , slowing down when he heard Luke talking to Harry .
"Yeah , sorry , you're just really beautiful ." Luke chuckled , Harry nodded , "Uh , thanks . Now excuse me , I need the bathroom ."
"Sure , go ahead . Want me to go in there with you ?" Luke smirked and took a step closer , Harry pushed at his shoulder , "Listen , I'm not interested . I'm with Louis and I love him , now step away ."
"Right . Right ." Luke took a step back , "Just - can I -"
"No . Go ." Harry shook his head , then Louis decided to approach them .
The two looked up when they saw Louis , Luke quickly taking a few steps back from Harry .
"Don't worry , we weren't doing anything ." Luke chuckled humorlessly .
Louis crossed his arms over his chest . "No . Harry wasn't doing anything , but you were ." He raised his eyebrows , "What the fuck is your problem , Luke ? It's not like you didn't know Harry is my boyfriend , you very clearly know we're together and yet you still try to have your way with him ."
"It's not like that ." Luke shook his head .
Harry stepped away from Luke and put his arm around Louis , "Let's go love , it's not worth it ."
"No , I want to hear ." Louis shook his head and turned his attention back to Luke . "Tell me . What were you trying to do with Harry ? Why would you think he would want to do anything with you ?"
"It worked with your other three ex-boyfriends ." Luke smirked .
Louis froze in his place . "Excuse me ?"
Oli , Stan and Calvin were halfway up the stairs when they realized something was going on , pausing when Luke talked .
"Your exes . They're your exes because you're a coward in bed and they needed their satisfactions ." Luke said , "Frank , for example , tried with you a few times but you kept rejecting him , so I was there for him . Billy and Jesse tried too , but realized quite quickly that you being crippled was a turn off ."
"Okay stop talking ." Harry shielded Louis behind him , but Luke kept talking . "They liked you , they really did , but having anything sexual with you wasn't something they wanted . And again , I was there for them ."
"Y - You hooked up with my exes ?" Louis asked in disbelief .
"Well , they weren't your exes yet when we hooked up , so ..."
"It doesn't make it okay , at all ." Louis shook his head , "I actually thought you were my friend . I trusted you , and there you go , admitting to helping my ex-boyfriends cheat on me . I - I can't believe this ."
"Luke what the fuck ?" Oli frowned , "What the actual fuck ?"
"Get out of my house . Right now ." Stan pointed to the door , Luke raised his hands in surrender , "Not like I was planning on staying ." He said before walking out of the house .
Stan turned to Louis and held his shoulders , "What the actual fuck just happened ."
"I feel sick ." Louis whispered , Harry quickly wrapped his arms around Louis , "You need to breathe , Lou ."
"I'll go get you water ." Calvin said and ran downstairs to fetch a water bottle from the kitchen .
"I can't believe that fucker ." Oli mumbled to himself , following Harry , Louis and Stan down the stairs . Calvin returned with the bottle and uncapped it , Louis rejected it , "I want to go home ."
Harry nodded , Stan wrapped Louis up in a tight hug , "I'm sorry Lou ."
"Don't be . You're not the one who fucked me over ." Louis patted his shoulder , Stan nodded and pulled back , "I'll call tomorrow ."
Oli and Calvin hugged him goodbye aswell , Harry kept his arm around Louis as they walked out of the house . They reached the car , Harry took the keys from Louis' hoodie pocket , stopping when he saw tears running down his cheeks .
"You didn't deserve this ." Harry whispered and embraced him tightly , Louis pressed his face against his shoulder sniffling quietly . "I feel so awful ."
"I can only imagine how you feel ." Harry rubbed his back , "He's such a dick , I'm sorry love ."
"Harry ."
"Yes love ."
"I-if I - if I rejected you in bed aswell ... w-would you -"
"No , baby . Never ." Harry shook his head , "I will wait for as long as you need . I love you , I love what we have . Sex can wait , and I'm perfectly okay with waiting ."
Louis nodded and sniffled again , pulling back to wipe his cheeks , "I love you too ."
Hope you liked it x
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