Ch. 17
Enjoy x
"You seem nervous ." Louis smirked in a teasing voice , Harry glared at him as he continued packing his bag , "Shut up . Should I remind you how nervous you were meeting my mum ?"
Louis scrunched his nose and punched his shoulder lightly , "Oi ."
Harry smiled , "Now you understand how I feel . You have , like , a hundred siblings ."
"I have six . And a mum , step dad , grandma and grandpa . And two dogs ."
"A whole bunch of people to meet at once ." Harry grumbled half heartedly .
Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's waist from behind , "Haribo ."
Harry hummed, Louis pressed his face between his shoulder blades , "You're handsome and charming , my family will adore you . Mum already does because you make me yummy food ."
Harry smiled and turned in his arms , cupping his face and pressing a kiss to his lips . "Love you ."
Louis stretched up and pecked his nose , "Finish packing , we need to leave in an hour ."
Harry sat in the passenger's seat , smiling to himself as Louis told him short stories about Doncaster as they passed places .
"We used to hang out here a lot ." Louis nodded towards a small cinema building , "Meet up all the lads and watch a movie ."
Harry turned his head to look at Louis , "Did you tell them you were visiting ?"
"Course , already scheduled a hangout at Stan's place , we're going . It'll be fun ." Louis nodded and stopped at a red light . "Although I just know they'll tell you embarrassing stuff about me ."
Harry laughed softly , "Come on , like my mum said nothing embarrassing ."
"Yeah , well , it's cute when it's you . I was really embarrassing ."
Ten minutes later , Louis parked outside his old home and turned to Harry , letting out a giggle , "Are you breathing ?"
Harry shook his head , Louis squished his cheeks with one hand , "Want me to give you mouth to mouth ?" He smirked , laughing when Harry nodded .
"Help me get my bag up the pathway and I'll kiss you ." Louis gave his cheeks a squeeze before getting out of the car , Harry following close behind . Harry took both their bags and followed Louis up the pathway and front stairs , when they reached the porch Louis turned to Harry and gave him a kiss , "It'll be fine . It's a bit chaotic because of all the people but it'll be fun ."
Harry nodded and stole another kiss before Louis turned to the door , walking in without knocking .
"I'm home !"
Within seconds two little kids were sprinting towards them , squealing before hugging Louis' legs . Louis grinned and leveled down , wrapping his arms around them , "Helloooo ."
Harry put their bags down and closed the door , Louis stood up , "Look who I brought with me ."
The two kids turned their attention to Harry , who smiled and went down on his knees , "Hi . I'm Harry ."
"You're Achoo's prince charming !" The little girl smiled , Louis blushed softly when Harry looked up at him .
"Say your names , loves ." Louis told the two kids .
"I'm Doris . This is Ernie ." The little girl said , Harry held his hand out for her to shake , "It's very nice meeting you , pretty girl ."
Doris giggled , Harry shook Ernest's small hand aswell , "You too , buddy ."
"Do you like playing football ?"
"Oh I love football ." Harry smiled , "Do you want to play football with me this weekend ?"
Ernest nodded excitedly , Harry smiled and gave him a high five , letting Doris play with his short hair .
"Louis , I didn't hear you coming in ."
Louis looked up and smiled when he saw his mum , going to greet her with a hug and a kiss on the cheek .
"I called out when we walked in , and the twins squealed quite loudly ." Louis said , Jay nodded , "It's alright ."
Harry stood back up , heart hammering in his chest . Louis turned to Harry and wrapped his arms around his middle , "Mum , this is Harry . You heard about him ."
Jay smiled at them , Harry gave Jay a dimpled smile , "Hi , really nice meeting you . Louis talks quite a lot about you and the family ."
"He talks about you , too ." Jay nodded , "Go settle down in Louis' old room while I make us tea ."
Harry and Louis nodded , Harry took their bags and let Louis lead him up the stairs .
"The room is a bit small , but we'll manage for two nights ." Louis said and opened the door , smiling when he saw that his mum put on his favourite soft bedsheets , along with towels and a sweet smelling candle was flickering on the table .
"The bed is also a little bit small , so uh - "
"We'll cuddle really really close ." Harry put the bags down and wrapped Louis in his arms , squishing him into his chest . Louis laughed , "I can't breathe ."
Once they put their clothes in the drawers they went back downstairs to the kitchen , Jay had a plate of cookies on the counter with three mugs around it .
"Sit down boys . Harry do you want sugar in your tea ?"
"Yes please , one spoon . Thanks ." Harry nodded and pulled a chair out for Louis , before sitting down next to him with Jay sitting across from them .
Jay handed Harry his mug , he thanked her and smiled when Louis held up a cookie for him to bite on .
"Take a bite . You'll fall in love ." Louis said . What he didn't expect was for Harry to bite his finger cheekily . Louis blushed , "Not in front of my mum ." He whispered , Harry grinned and took a bite of the cookie .
Jay smiled at the couple . "Alright , enough for now . Lou , let me talk to Harry here ."
Louis picked up his mug and took a sip , his cheeks red with blush .
Harry turned to Jay with a smile , Jay smiled back . "Louis said you're a tattoo artist ."
"I am . I own three parlours around the city . I actually thought about selling one , and use the money to redecorate the other two ."
"Interesting . How old are you ?"
"I'm twenty five ."
"And you've always wanted to be a tattoo artist ?"
"Well , I always liked tattoos . They're symbolic , tell a story . Look nice . When I was younger I actually wanted to be a florist , my mum used to garden a lot and the house always smelled so good . So I have a rose for my mum , on my elbow ." He rolled his sleeve back , "One of the first tattoos I got ."
Jay smiled as she listened ; she could very clearly see how Louis fell in love with him .
"You know how a month ago I told you I got a tattoo ?" Louis asked his mum , Jay nodded , "Yeah ."
"So , Harry tattooed me . Look ." He lifted his leg up and rolled his jean back , showing her the surfboard tattoo .
Jay gaped in surprise , "You - you even got the sharkbite ."
"I did ." Louis nodded . "For the past few months Harry's been helping me get over my - my fear . It takes time , like , a lot of time . But we're progressing ."
Harry nodded , "Yeah , he's been really brave facing it ."
"I still have trouble being near pools and lakes and all , but watching it on TV is okay now ." Louis said , grabbing Harry's hand to hold it in both his small ones .
Jay smiled , "You two are so precious ."
In the afternoon his other four sisters were back from school , he greeted them with cuddles and introduced them to Harry .
"Does Louis force you to rub his back for him ?" Daisy asked , Harry chuckled , "He does , all the time ."
"He used to bribe us with ice cream to rub his back , so annoying ."
"Oi , I can hear you ." Louis called from the other side of the living room , where he was sitting with Ernest .
Harry laughed , "He can be , yeah . He forces me to rub his back and give him a foot massage ."
The girls laughed , Louis strode over and crossed his arms , "So now you're making fun of me with my sisters ."
Harry smiled , "Should I remind you that you teamed up with my sister against me ?"
"Yeah , well , we were two against one , now it's five against one . Unfair , Haribo ."
"Aw , you call him Haribo ?" Felicite cooed , Lottie nodded , "I know , it's so cute ."
"He's my Haribo , and he buys me Haribo packs ." Louis put his hands on Harry's cheeks and squished him , making his lips pucker .
Just then the door opened , and Dan walked in with two dogs . "We're baaack !" He unleashed the two .
Louis grinned , "Cliffy boy ! Come here ."
Clifford looked up when he heard Louis' voice calling him , excitedly running over and jumping on him . Louis laughed and kissed his head , "My Cliffy , my boyo ." He scratched behind his ears .
Harry watched with a smile , before Louis helped Clifford down on his front paws . "Cliffy , say hi to Harry ."
Harry let Clifford sniff his hand , before launching forward to lick his face . Harry laughed and scratched down his sides and up to his ears , Louis grinned watching them before pulling Clifford away , "Alright Cliffy , he's mine , back off ."
Another dog joined them , Louis picked him up , "Hi Brucie baby ." He kissed between his ears , scrunching his face when Bruce licked his cheek .
"Brucie , this is my Harry ." Louis sat on Harry's thigh with Bruce in his arms , Harry put one arm around his waist , his other hand petting Bruce .
"Brucie is a golden doodle , Cliffy is a labradoodle ." Louis said , "We got them after the accident , these two helped me a lot emotionally ."
Harry squeezed his hip softly and nodded , smiling when Clifford jumped on the couch to sit next to them . The couple didn't notice they were left alone in the living room , Phoebe sneaked back in to take a few pictures of them before sneaking back out .
Clifford licked Harry's cheek , making him smile . Louis kissed Harry's other cheek , Harry quickly pulled his phone out to take a video , grinning with his eyes squeezed shut as Louis and Clifford gave him kisses .
After dinner Harry and Louis helped Jay clear the table while Dan helped the girls pick a movie to watch .
"Where do I put these ?" Harry asked , holding a few plates .
"The lower cabinet , next to the oven on the left ." Jay said and handed Louis another plate to dry .
Once done they joined everyone in the living room , Jay sat next to Dan as Louis pulled Harry to sit next to him .
"What movie are we watching ?" Louis asked .
"The new live-action Aladdin ." Lottie said , taking a handful of popcorn .
Louis put his chin on Harry's shoulder , "We sometimes sing along to the songs so you can join if you know ."
Harry smiled , nodding as he wrapped his arm around Louis' waist . Movie night was actually really cute ; they sang along , laughed at the jokes and boo'ed when Jafar was being mean .
By the end of the movie Louis fell asleep on Harry's shoulder , but woke up as the lights were turned back on .
"Let's go to bed ." Harry said quietly , Louis nodded and stood up from the couch , "Good night ." He told everyone , letting Harry lead him by the waist up the stairs to his room .
"Do you want me to help you take your prosthetic off ?" Harry asked , "You're sleepy ."
"I'll do it ." Louis said and pushed his sweatpants down , taking his prosthetic and fabrics off before maneuvering himself into bed next to Harry .
Harry pulled Louis closer , "Your family is lovely ."
"Mm , told you so ." Louis smiled , "I think Doris has a crush on you ."
"Does she ?"
"Yeah , been giving you heart eyes since we got here ."
"Lovely little girl , she is ."
"Hey , you're mine ."
"But Doris is a real cutie ."
"I'm a real cutie , too , thank you very much ."
Harry laughed and kissed his cheek , "Give me a kiss ?"
Louis lifted his head up and kissed him softly , wrapping an arm around his neck . Harry gripped his waist before tickling him a little , "Bedtime , sleepyhead ."
"Fookin tease ." Louis mumbled to himself , whining when Harry tickled him again , right on the spot he knew he hated .
He let out a squeal , Harry laughed and shushed him with a kiss , "Stop , everyone's asleep ."
"Well then don't tickle me , you idiot ." Louis pushed at his shoulder , Harry put his arms around him , "Okay , okay . Sleepy time now ."
Hope you liked it x
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