Ch. 12

Enjoy x


"Love , tell me ." Harry grabbed Louis' hand , Louis shook his head , "I promise it's not a big deal , I'm just being dramatic ."

"I want to help , though . It's not nothing if it bothers you ." Harry caressed his hand , Louis bit his lower lip , "Promise you wouldn't laugh ?"

"I won't , tell me ."

Louis gave Harry's hand a gentle squeeze , "I have my doctor's appointment in a few days , I have it every six months . Just a regular check up on my leg . And I - I don't like the doctor's . Also I fucking hate needles ."

Harry smiled softly , "Well then , looks like I'm coming with you ."

"Please don't , I'm a mess when I need to go in there . My mum wanted to come with , but I told her I got it this time , didn't want her to drive all the way here ."

"I didn't ask . I'm coming with you ." Harry shook his head , Louis pouted , "Can't I change your mind somehow ?"

"Nope . Sorry not sorry , love ." Harry kissed his cheek .


Louis' knee was jumping under Harry's hand , Harry squeezed his thigh , "You're alright , Lou , calm down ."

"I can't . I hate the doctor's ." Louis shook his head as he bit his nails , eyes wide open .

"Louis Tomlinson ."

Harry stood up and grabbed Louis' arms to pull him up , Louis went unwillingly as Harry's arm wrapped around his waist .

They walked into the room , Harry closed the door and smiled at the doctor .

"Good afternoon ." The doctor smiled back , Louis gave her a small smile back as he sat down on the chair holding Harry's hand tightly .

Louis gave the doctor his information before he was placed on the checkup table . He unclipsed his leg off and took off the fabrics , cheeks red with blush .

The doctor asked him questions and wrote down on the clipboard , before moving to check Louis' leg . Louis held his hand out towards Harry , silently asking him to hold his hand , Harry took his hand and squeezed it .

"Your leg seems to be in a good shape , although it has shrunk from lack of excersice . Your muscles are stronger than average , which is very good , so all we need is to take your blood and get the results in a few days ."

Louis whined at the blood-taking mentioning , the doctor smiled softly , "You'll be okay , it takes less than a minute ."

Harry smiled at Louis' pouty lips , "How about this ; if you take your blood test I'm taking you out for ice cream when we're done ."

"Don't you dare bribe me with ice cream because I can't say no ." Louis pointed an accusing finger at him , Harry laughed ,  "I know , love ."

"You're evil ."

"I know ."

"You're satan ."

"I know ."

"You owe me much more than ice cream ."

"I'll remember that ."

Louis put his prosthetic leg back on before laying back on the table with his arm extended out , Harry sat next to him on his other side and held his hand .

The doctor wrapped the elastic band around his upper arm and gave him a stress ball to squeeze , Louis looked away and shut his eyes tightly , whimpering when the needle went in . Harry kissed his forehead a few times and ran his fingers through his hair , frowning when a single tear slipped from his eye .

The doctor finished quickly and put a bandaid on Louis' wrist , "All done ."

Louis cradled his arm to his chest and sat up , letting Harry help him off the bed by his waist .

"The test results will be ready in three days max . See you next time ."

Harry thanked her and lead Louis out of the building , he gripped him around the waist tightly .

"You alright now , Boo ?" Harry asked as they reached his car , Louis nodded , "Yeah . 'm good ."

"Okay . Let's go get some ice cream now ." Harry smiled and opened the passenger's door , Louis shook his head , "Let's just go home ."

Harry frowned , "You love ice cream , though ."

"Yeah , well , I don't want ice cream anymore ." Louis looked down to his lap . Harry sighed and leaned in to kiss his temple before closing the door and going to the driver's seat .

They drove in silence , Harry kept glancing at Louis . He inaudibly sighed and parked in the closest parking spot outside of a grocery store , "I'll be right back ."

Louis watched him getting out of the car before he disappeared into the store . A few minutes later Harry walked out of the store and got back into the car , wordlessly placing a paper bag at Louis' feet before pulling out of the parking spot .

Louis couldn't help but sneakily peek into the bag , heart melting when he saw two Ben&Jerry's ice cream tubs , Kinder chocolate bars and a pack of gummy candy .

They reached Harry's house fifteen minutes later , Harry couldn't help but chuckle quietly when he realized Louis was still cradling his arm to his chest . He took the paper bag with one hand , the other on the small of Louis' back . Louis took the keys from Harry's hand and opened the door for them , taking his shoes off near the door .

Harry put the paper bag on the living room table and sat on the couch , offering Louis the soft comforter , as the weather was starting to grow colder . Louis took it and wrapped it around himself , sitting close to Harry's side as he watched Harry unpacking the paper bag .

Harry handed him a chocolate bar , "I'll go get spoons for the ice cream . Then we'll talk ."

Louis took the chocolate with a pout ; he knew Harry wouldn't let him avoid this talk . He curled up on his side with his face stuffed into the cushions , Harry walked into the living room and smirked when he saw Louis . He sat down and put the spoons on the table , "Lou ?"

Louis didn't respond , making Harry chuckle , "Are you pretending to be asleep ?" He shook his shoulder , laughing when Louis pretended to snore . He wrapped his arms around him and pulled him up , holding him against his chest .

"Do we have to talk ?" Louis asked with a pout on his lips , Harry chuckled , "We don't , but it would be really nice if we did . You don't have to answer if you don't feel comfortable enough ."

"I - I do feel comfortable . It's just hard talking about these things ."

"I know , baby ." Harry nodded and rubbed his back . "Want to tell me what happened with the blood-test ?"

Louis sighed and closed his eyes , letting himself relax into Harry's chest as he rubbed his back before answering . "Back when I was at the hospital I had a needle in my arm for so fucking long . It was so uncomfortable and I hated it . I accidentally hurt myself twice because of those needles , and like , I don't like blood . I mean I know I love The Walking Dead but it's a different kind of blood , you know what I mean , and I just - don't like blood , don't like needles ."

Harry kissed the top of his head , "You were brave today . I'm proud of you ."

"You say that like I'm a four year old ." Louis smiled , Harry squeezed him , "You're as tall as a four year old , though , so ..."

"Do not mock my height ." Louis pulled back from his chest and pointed his finger at him , Harry laughed softly , "I love your height , you know that ."

Louis rolled his eyes playfully and reached for the ice cream , he opened it and took a spoon , leaning back on the couch . Harry leaned closer and opened his mouth , silently asking Lous to feed him ice cream . Louis scooped up a spoonfull and fed it to Harry , smiling at him with light blush on his cheeks .

Harry reached for the remote and turned the TV on , "What do you want to watch ?"

"Don't care , really ." Louis shook his head before shoving more ice cream into his mouth . Harry wiped the corner of his mouth with his thumb fondly , licking the bit of ice cream that came off .

They watched The Big Bang Theory cuddled on the couch eating ice cream , Louis put the empty ice cream tub on the table and looked down to the crook of his arm , where the bandaid still was . He took it off with a slight nose scrunch , Harry took his arm and leaned down to press a kiss to the tiny , barely noticable red dot on his arm .

Louis smiled softly and kissed his cheek , "Can you pass me the Haribo , Haribo ?"

Harry laughed and reached for the pack of gummy bears from the table , Louis took the bag , "Don't laugh , you got Haribo on purpose , I know you did ." Louis poked his dimple , Harry scrunched his nose , "Or , maybe I got you sweets because you're sweet ."

"Oh my god , stop being cheesy . It's weird ." Louis giggled and opened the pack , taking one out and feeding it to Harry . Harry wiggled his eyebrows , "You love it ."

"I love you ."

"I love you too ."


Hope you liked it , even if it was short x


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