Ch. 10

Enjoy x


"Come over to mine tonight ?" Harry asked , his phone pressed to his ear .

"Yeah , sure . You cooking us dinner ?" Louis asked , making Harry smiled , "For you , always ."

"Good , good , I'll make sure my second stomach it ready for some dessert too ."

Harry laughed , "How about ice cream for dessert ?"

"Oh I never say no to ice cream , you know that ."

"Yeah , and the weather is still nice for us to have it , before it starts getting cold ."

"Yeah . I love the Fall , though , probably my favourite season ."

"Alright love , I need to go to a customer . See you tonight ?"

"'Course . Bye Haribo ."

Harry smiled and hung up , hoping Louis wouldn't kill him for what he planned .


"What are you going to cook for us ?" Louis wrapped his arms around Harry from behind , Harry smiled , "Salmon with sweet chili ."

"Oh , that's a yes from me ." Louis grinned , watching Harry taking out of the fridge the marinated salmon , placing it on an oven tray before putting it in the oven with a timer for twenty five minutes .

"Now , as dinner cooks , how about we progress ?" Harry asked , Louis furrowed his eyebrows , "Progress ? Progress where ?"

"Getting over your fear , love ."

Louis sighed and looked down , mumbling I should've guessed it before looking back up at Harry , "Alright . What's in store for today ?"

Harry took his hand , "Promise me you wouldn't run away ."

Louis' heart twisted in his chest , shaking his head , "I can't promise you that ."

"Lou -"

"No . I can't promise . I won't ." Louis shook his head , Harry sighed before nodding , "Okay ."

He held Louis' hand tightly as he walked them through the house before reaching the back door . He moved to stand behind Louis with his hands on his waist , "Open the door ."

Louis shook his head and backed into Harry's chest ; he didn't know what to expect , and even though he trusted Harry his whole body was trembling .

Harry circled one arm around him , his other hand reaching the door handle and opening it , pushing him and Louis to stand outside .

Louis whimpered at the sight of Harry's swimming pool , desperately trying to get away from Harry in fear of being thrown inside . In the back of his head he knew Harry wouldn't do such thing , but he was getting anxious just being around a pool .

"Hey , shh , love . Calm down Lou , we're not getting inside . Shh , baby , please listen to me . You are not getting inside ." Harry cooed into his ear , both his arms holding Louis around the waist as he struggled weakly .

Louis felt tears blurring his vision , he covered his mouth with his hand and sunk to the floor with Harry still holding him , his leg kicking weakly as if to push himself away from the water . He wasn't even close , there were fifteen feet between them and the pool , but he couldn't do it .

Harry's hold on him was so tight that it was almost painful , but Harry didn't make any move to release him . He kept talking to him quietly to calm his breathing , nuzzling him when he saw tears streaming down his face .

Louis shut his eyes tightly as he tried to stop crying , his whole body was trembling . The phantom feeling of his skin wet with water , floating , was enough to make him cry harder .

Harry crushed his body into his chest , he kept kissing him and talking to him . When he realized it's been a few minutes he picked Louis up bridal style and carried him back into his house , placing him down on the couch .

"Baby ." Harry moved Louis' fringe from his forehead and wiped his cheeks , Louis rubbed his eyes before sighing , shaking his head , "I have to go ."

"Lou -"

Louis shook his head and gently moved Harry away , mostly because he was weak , "I have to go ." He got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen to get his phone from the counter , Harry right behind him .

He stood in the kitchen entrace and crossed his arms over his chest , his heart heavy with guilt .

Louis took his phone and turned to leave , trying to walk past Harry but Harry blocked his way .

"Don't go love , I'm sorry ." Harry said in a soft voice , hating how blanked out Louis looked .

Louis shook his head , "I have to go ."

"No you don't , Lou , let's -"

"I have to go ." Louis walked past him to the door , grabbing his overnight bag from the entrace and walking out of the house . Harry's heart broke in half .


"No , he called in sick ." Mitch shook his head , "I thought you knew , I mean he was talking about you two having dinner night yesterday ."

Harry nodded , "Yeah , uh , just - yeah ."

Mitch furrowed his eyebrows . "Something happened ."

"Yes ." Harry bit his lower lip , "I fucked up , to say the least ."

"I won't get into your business , but mate , if you truly care about him then go after him ."

"I know , and I will , I just think - I think he needs a bit of time for himself ." Harry crossed his arms over his chest , Mitch squeezed his shoulder , "Alright . Do your magic , H , I know you can ."


Louis was sitting with a tea mug on his couch , his phone pressed to his ear as he rambled on to his best friend , Stan .

"I completely ruined it ." Louis pouted in tears , "He was just trying to help and I lost it ."

"You should really talk to him , Lou , you don't know what he thinks ."

Louis chuckled humorlessly , "Oh I know what he thinks , he thinks I'm weird and a complete idiot for the way I reacted ."

"Again , Lou , you don't know that . Fucking talk to him , will you ?"

"Not yet . I need to be emotionally prepared for this breakup ." Louis wiped his tears .

"You won't break up , you drama queen ."

"We will , he deserves so much more than a disabled freak ."

"Hey ! What did I tell you about calling yourself that ?"

"Don't lie to me , Stan , everyone thinks that . I literally don't have two thirds of my leg ! I hate water ! I'm so fucking weird -"

"Okay you'd better listen to me or I'm making all the three hours drive to you to cut off your other leg ." Stan cut him off , "You are not a freak , or weird . So fucking what ? No leg , no problems , mate . And I swear that if you weren't weird we wouldn't be friends , so you're blessed with being weird and my best friend . And you'd better start believing it or I'll throw you in the middle of the ocean ."

Louis couldn't help but smile through tears , wiping his cheeks as he sobbed . "I love you so much ."

"I love you too , Lou . Go freshen up and get your man ."


Harry fixed his hair and tightened his hold on the boquet of flowers before knocking on Louis' door . It took a few seconds before he heard footsteps approaching the door , then a key twisting before the door was opened .

"Hi ." Louis said quietly , looking up at Harry for barely a second before moving from the door to let him in . Harry gave him a soft smile and 'hello' before walking inside , Louis closed the door behind him .

"Brought you these ." Harry handed Louis the boquet , Louis smiled and took it with a small 'thank you' , cupping one flower in his hand and leaning in to smell it . It smelt amazing .

Harry watched him with soft eyes , taking a mentel note that Louis liked flowers .

Louis placed the boquet down before turning to Harry , "Want some tea ?"

"Yeah , tea's good ." Harry nodded , Louis nodded aswell , "Wait for me on the couch ?"

"Sure ." Harry smiled , and before he could regret or overthink it he leaned down and pecked his cheek , then went to the living room .

Harry sat on the couch and watched Louis in the kitchen making the two of them tea ; the living room , kitchen and dining table in Louis' apartment were all in one large area , which gave the place a whole feeling .

Once done Louis picked up the mugs carefully and went to the living room , placing it down and sitting next to Harry .

Harry grabbed his hand , bringing it between both his large hands . "Can I start ?"

Louis nodded , watching him bringing his hand up and pressing a kiss to his knuckles .

"I'm sorry I pushed you too far . It was wrong of me . I want to help you , I really do , I just have to be more sympathetic towards the fact that you hate water ."

"No , you - you're fine . I'm the problem ." Louis squeezed Harry's hand , "Sorry for freaking out like that ."

"Don't apologize , love . I know how hard it is for you ." Harry shook his head , "You're fine , and I'm sorry , I won't do it again ."

Louis bit his lower lip . "I want you to help me . And I want to get over it , as much as possible . But , but it's hard . Like , really hard ."

Harry kissed the back of his hand a few times , "How about we sit and have a talk before doing progress stuff ? I'll tell you what I think we should do , and you'll talk to me about it ."

Louis gave him a soft smile , "I can do that ."

Harry smiled and kissed Louis' hand once more before tugging on it lightly , "Come cuddle ."

Louis quickly threw his arms around his middle , face pressed to his chest . Harry hugged him and kissed his head , "Closer ." He said before leaning backwards and pulling Louis fully into his lap , holding him around his hips . Louis chuckled and snuggled into him , "Want to stay the night ?"

Harry smiled , "Don't have to ask me twice ."


Hope you liked it x


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