4- It's all Black and White
I open my eyes to see the room I fell asleep in, only something is wrong. It's all black and white. I've seen this happen many times before, it's obvious who's responsible.
After last year, Ford had warned me that there is a high risk of him returning, so he's working hard on a way to defend ourselves in the event of a weirdwaggedan #2.
The little surprise and nervousness flowing through me washed away as I stood up, leaving a mix of annoyance and anger.
"Bill?" I call into the shadows.
"Why hello there pine tree!" A familiar voice echoes back.
"What do you want Cipher!" I grit my teeth and get in a battle stance.
"Wow kid, calm down! Can't a guy just come to say hello?" At that moment he steps out of the shadows. This is not the Bill Cipher I know. (We all know the iconic human Bill, there's a picture up top too ❤️)
"What's with the new look?" I ask hesitantly, looking it over.
"You like it? Let's just say it was one of those gifts you can't return." He sighs, making two chairs appear and sitting in one. "I could say the same for you, what's with the get up?" He says gesturing for me to sit in the vacant seat. I blush, realizing I had fallen asleep in this silly dress and am still wearing it!
"I-um- didn't really have a choice." I stutter, sitting down. He nods understandingly and we sit in silence for a moment before he speaks again.
"You're right though," I look at him confused "about me wanting something, I actually..." He hesitates "need your help." My eyes widen, this despicable, immoral, evil Dorito who has tried to kill me and my family on numerous occasions wants my help!
" this is about your human form, isn't it?" I quickly try to decipher his game.
"In a way, yes" he looks down at his feet. "I'm glad you're sitting down Dipper because this is going to be a lot of information!" He used my real name, this must be serious. I lean closer giving him my full attention. "every demon such as myself will receive a soulmate sometime in their lives," he began "a higher power chooses this couple and bestows the responsibility on the two. Today was my turn and the result was... Surprising to say the least." He stops and looks into my eyes, with sorrow. Wait what does he... Oh no. My eyes widen again as I urge him to continue. "I know this is definitely a mistake and there is a way to fix it, but my assigned soulmate is... You." He looks down again and I feel as though I'm going to faint. "My boss gave me this meat-sack and a mansion in the demon realm to aid me in 'gaining your affection'" he cringed out the last words "he said if we wish to revoke the assignment we both must do a test. If we pass, we go our separate ways and this is all over with." I think it over in my mind, this can't actually be happening! What kind of game is he playing at? But he seems so sincere and why would he lie about this? The questions are swirling out of control.
"What happens if we don't pass?" I ask after a silence.
"The assignment stays and I'm stuck in this flesh bag forever," he states simply, "but if we don't do the test and fall in love naturally, I can go back to my triangular form." I nod in understanding, I really don't think he's lying about this.
"Wait, but how could I be your soulmate if I'm a human? Aren't you supposed to be with an other demon?" I pry, still not fully understanding everything.
"According to my higher ups, you are the alleged 'god of love and music'" he replies, snapping in a book with his magic. I look over the pages it's open to. There's a picture of a beautiful women in a dress of light flowing around her, she seems to be singing. "The goddess is said to be female which makes this even more unbelievable. The legend goes, she was threatened by a strong evil and forced to flee many years ago. She transferred almost all of her magic into a crystal, before she was found. With what was left of her power she set a spell on the crystal to find its next rightful owner and restore the powers to their heart." He finishes as I look up from the book.
"And if this assignment is right, I am the rightful owner?" I try to clear this business in my head. Bill simply nods and snaps the book away. "This has to be wrong right? I mean I can't be some sort of God and fall in love with you!"
"I surely hope so, because we are going to do that test and I don't want to end up as a human forever. Plus you're not exactly my type." I roll my eyes at his remark.
"You're not exactly Prince Charming either!" He laughs and gets up, preparing to leave.
"I'll pick you up at noon tomorrow and we will do the test. I don't exactly know what we are to do in this test but I'm sure it won't bring you any harm, deal?" He held out his flaming, blue hand. I hesitated before shaking it and he disappeared.
I wake up to Mabel jumping on my bed and the girls waiting to the side anxiously.
"Come on bro bro we wanna hear about the date!" Mabel yells, I roll my eyes and sit up.
"Alright fine, just stop yelling and get off my bed!" She obliges and they all sit around me on the floor as if I'm an old war hero about to tell a story. "Well, he took me out to a moonlit picnic in the woods, we danced and he tried to kiss me." I sum it up quickly, ignoring the ohs and aw's coming from the crowd. "Look guys I know you love this idea but it can't happen! I don't love him and I already figured out that he doesn't love me either." They all frowned.
"What do you mean he doesn't love you?" Mabel whined "he asked you out tried to make you fall in love with him! He kissed you!"
"It's not me he wants, Mabel, it's you. The whole time he looked at me like a girl, like the Mabel he might have a chance with. He's not even gay! And he didn't kiss me, I pulled away." Mabel shakes her head at this, obviously denying everything I just said. The other girls are booing by the end of my little rant.
"You just don't like him because you're scared, it's okay Dipper I'm here to help you." She reasons, the rest of her posy nodding in agreement.
"Mabel you know I don't love him, why aren't you listening to me? I'm your twin and you would rather side with that psycho?!" She just crosses her arms at my plies, shaking her head.
"Dipper hes changed and you know it, I'm doing what's best for you!" The other girls nod again, crossing their arms like hers.
"He made a move on me and fed me spaghetti! He's a creep, just like when he was in love with you. I helped you get out of this mess, why can't you help me?!" I can feel my face heat up and water come to my eyes.
"This is different, Dipper," she continues to ignore my plies "it's love this time and you aren't even giving him a chance! He's changed and you are too, your gonna go out again and let him win you over." She gets up and starts to leave, the other girls leaving through the door ahead of her.
"But..." I start but am interrupted.
"And it's not up for discussion!" She slams the door behind her.
Great now I have to date that creep again? And be his little girlfriend! I guess if it's that important to Mabel I could suck it up for a while until I can figure out a way to break it off with Gideon.
I sigh and get out of bed, changing into some black jeans and a black Undertale t-shirt. Suddenly I remember my 'dream'.
I guess I'll have to tell Mabel about that later, but only her; the last thing I need is for Ford to try and stop me or try to kill Bill when he hasn't even done anything wrong yet. Yet.
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