23- Ford's Genius Plan
Ford POV
After that whole fiasco Dipper and Bill went to bed. I had invited Bill to stay with us because we were 'still sceptical'. He accepted and snapped a queen sized bed in Soos' break room for the two of them.
When the pair was gone Stanly and Mabel followed me down to my lab to go over the plan.
"Alright Gruncle Ford, what's your genius plan!" Mabel says enthusiastically.
"Well we know for sure that Dipper is in danger being around Bill, so we need to separate them. Once they're separate we can capture and contain Bill." I explain.
"How are we gonna separate them, you invited him to live with us! And even if you get them apart for a little while, they both have a lot of power. Way more than we can handle." Stanley criticizes.
"We're going to separate them forever, I've been working on a serum that when mixed properly and injected causes the subject to have a vivid vision of their worst nightmare. If we modify it so that the nightmare is about each other, they will believe it and hopefully think they lost each other."
"But that means they have to actually love each other and not be lying." Mabel deduces.
"It's the best we can do." I say glumly.
Dipper POV
After everything was over, I was really tired so Bill and I went to bed. Ford said they were still sceptical about us, so he told Bill to stay at the mystery shack for a while. I think it's a good way for them to get used to us being together, but Bill seems a little nervous about it.
He magicked up a queen sized mattress in Soos' break room, which Soos was surprisingly okay with.
When Bill and I got in the room I closed the door and locked it, just incase.
"Um," I stop before getting in bed "I have a bit of a problem." I gesture to the wings and claws from my demon form.
"Oh," Bill laughs "just try to get rid of it."
"I didn't think of that, thanks." I say sarcastically with an annoyed expression.
"Use your magic, like you do with your flames. It will be easier to use your magic now that it's all at you fingertips." He explains.
I close my eyes and slowly I can feel the wings folding away along with the claws and sparks seem to fall from my hair.
"There you go!" Bill cheers as I open my eyes to see that I'm back to normal.
He takes off his shirt and climbs into the bed, patting the other side for me to lay down. I oblige, taking off my boots.
"What's with you and your shirt?" I laugh while climbing in.
"You like?" He wraps his arms around me, pulling me down into the duvet.
He begins to kiss me and it feels like heaven. I can't even remember where I am, all I can focus on is his lips and all he focuses on are mine.
After a few minutes of making out we giggle and fall asleep holding each other. He's everything I ever wanted, everything I need.
*time skip!*
When I wake up, Bill's arms are around my waist and I'm cuddled in his chest. I don't know if it was the fact that I was extremely tired or that Bill makes me feel safe, but I had the best sleep I have experienced in a very long time. I didn't need alcohol or Gruncle Stan's back medicine, it just happened. I wiggle around a bit and Bill seems to stir.
"Sorry hun." I whisper.
"It's alright, I was about to wake up anyway." He mumbles sleepily, without opening his eyes.
"You don't even need sleep." I realize, looking up to his now open eyes.
"I can just work in my head." I nod in response to his answer.
"Cool." He starts to laugh after I say this. "What?"
"You're adorable." He sighs, wrapping his arms back around me.
"Ugh." I push him off and get up, walking to the door
"Where are you going!" Bill whines.
"To change." I sigh, looking back at his pouting face. "I'm not staying in bed all day Bill." He sighs in defeat and snaps his fingers. Suddenly I'm wearing black jeans and a plaid shirt. "Thanks..." It sounds more like a question "but warn me next time."
We make our way down stairs and notice that nobody else is awake.
"What do you want for breakfast?" I ask, turning on the coffee maker.
"Can we have those human, cake, things!?" Bill says, jumping up and down excitedly.
"Pancakes? Sure, you really like those huh?" I laugh, pulling out ingredients.
"Yeah." He giggles.
"Here I'll show you how to do it human style!"
After we finish measuring and mixing, Bill holds a bowl of pancake batter.
"Hey, now would be a good time for you to practise your magic." He suggests.
"Good idea, what are you thinking?"
"Here," he hands me an empty plate. "Levitate and move this around with your flames."
"Bill, this is a plastic plate, I'm gonna melt it."
"Not if you don't want to." I roll my eyes at his, once again, amazing tutorial. "Its true! Put out a flame." I oblige and he sticks his hand in it. I immediately disperse the flames.
"Bill! What is wrong with you!" I yell.
"Nothing, look!" He laughs, holding up his unscathed hand. "You didn't want the flames to be hot so I wouldn't get hurt. Your magic is your subconscious, it does what you want and need it to do before you even know what that is." I gasp at this knowledge and levitate the plate harmlessly. "Now you're getting the hang of it, try making another flame that's hot with your other hand." I raise an eyebrow, but try it anyway. The plate remains cool while another flame gives off heat.
"I did it!" I laugh. Bill laughs too and launches some batter into the air. I burn it with one hot burst of flame and catch it with the plate. We gasp and laugh.
"What's going on in here?" Gruncle Stan startles us from the door, causing me to almost drop the plate.
"Oh, hey Gruncle Stan. Sorry, did we wake you?" I say politely.
"No, that's alright. I just smelt food and came to check it out." He smiles gently at us, but in his eyes he seems sad for some reason. "What are you making?"
"Pancakes!" Bill giggles "they're kinda my favourite." I laugh at how cute he is and flout the plate over to Stan. He seems scared of it, but takes the pancake anyway. Bill snaps on some syrup for him and he smiles.
"What's with all the magic?"
"PineTree is practicing." Bill answers for me, he shots another glob of batter into the air and I blast it then place it on Stan's plate. He takes a bite and his eyes go wide.
"This is so good! We should cook stuff with magic more often." We all laugh as I cook the rest of the pancakes and sit down to eat.
As we're eating, Mabel comes in, staring at Bill and I sceptically. She sits down and takes a pancake in silence.
"Mabel, I'm sorry about what I said last night. I didn't mean to be so harsh." I say thoughtfully.
"It's fine Dipper, I don't care." She snaps at me.
"Please don't be unhappy!" I beg. "What do you want me to do to make it up to you?" She thinks for a second.
"I want to know everything that's wrong with your head, everything." she responds coldly. I sigh and look at Bill. He nods and takes over the answer.
"Dipper has depression, anxiety/ panic disorder and insomnia. He is also vulnerable to many other disorders, such as anorexia, which he is very close to, and alcoholism." Bill explains solemnly "he also has a past of PTSD that is gone now." He adds. I nod and hesitantly look up at Mabel. She seems satisfied at the answer and walks away.
"Dipper, I..." Gruncle Stan chimes in, I totally forgot he was there "I never knew it was that severe!" He seems shocked and sad.
"It's okay Gruncle Stan, I have Bill to help me through it." I give him a gentle smile and snuggle into Bill's chest. Stan smiles sadly and walks away to get ready for work.
That was I kind of chill chapter because it's 'bout to get intense. And you 'bout to get shook! (That was soooo stupid but I'm keeping it because it's funny.)
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