Chapter 13: Rebirth (2)


Maka held out her hand, and several massive beams of magical energy from her palms right at Crona, each one hitting their target.

Crona: S-So strong!! Screech Resonance...!

The Demon Sword clashed with Maka's Demon Scythe, not even scratching the blade.

Eric: I can't damage him?!

Maka: Heehee!! Take this!

Swinging her free arm in the air, several black pikes emerged from the floor and impaled the Demon Swordsman.

Soul: Damn it-! I can hardly think straight! This magic has me lightheaded, but it's aching at the same time!!

Maka: Here, have some more!!

She dragged her scythe diagonally across Crona's face.

Soul: This, isn't like her at all! Her attitude is like another person.

During the fight, Maka had received multiple slashes, bruises, and even a few fractured bones, yet she hadn't noticed it, or does not care about the injuries, as her own new supply of Black Blood stops all bleeding and fills the cracks within her arms and ribs. All sense of danger has been erased from her mind, she is now what many would call, "Mad Maka".

Crona: Th-This power...I don't know how to deal with this much! What do I do now!?

Eric: I... I don't know either, her soul just suddenly exploded with energy! Jus-Just keep attacking!

The Demon Swordsman did just that, stabbing into Maka's shoulder blade, to no avail however. The Scythe Meister pulled the black black out and kicked it right into Crona's throat, launching them several feet back.

Maka: Is that all ya got?? This is so easy, Vordaas was scarier than this!!

Eric: Crona... I hate to say this, but we'll die if we stay here. The Kishin should be resurrected any minute, but we have to retreat now!

Crona: But-! F-Fen said to-

Eric: Just fucking run!!! I don't care what Fen said, I'm not dying for him today!!

Maka: Oh-ho-ho-hooo, no ya don't! C'mere!!!

With incredible agility, Mad Maka ran up to Crona, latched herself on their back, and sank her teeth into the back of the Tech's skull.

Soul: hurry up with the rest of your plan, Maka! I'm not sure how much longer I can stay in this new mode...!


Somewhere, deep within a black void, Albarn woke up surrounded by three faint lights. As of she was in a swimming pool, she approached the first light. It was a little orange ball, and gave off a familiar aura.

Maka: This, this is my soul. It's so tiny...

Putting that thought in the back of her mind, she went to the next light, a powerful bright cyan.

Maka: And this one is Soul's. He's so rebellious, but he still let's me lead on...he's a really cool guy...and you.

The final light was right behind the Meister. This soul was dim, dry, giving off the faintest magenta light.

Maka: This is Crona's soul? It's so faint though...

She moved towards it, and the whole area shifted to an endless desert.

Maka: This place...Crona's soul looks like this on the inside? Huh? Is that...?

On the surface, a small child wearing a black dress was all alone, drawing a circle around themselves.

Along with themselves, a statue of a young man with short hair stood by the child's side.

Crona: What should we do, big brother? There's only us, and there's nothing for us here, a beach with no ocean. ...But you a better place in the world we could be, right?

The statue, towering over the child, remained silent.

Crona: Yeah, you always know what to do. Whenever I'm unsure of how to do something, you've always been there, to help me... But, now what do we do from here?

Statue: ...

Crona: That's okay, it's hard to think of something, I'll just wait until you do.

They sat down in the sand, within the statue's shadow as to avoid the sun's heat. After a few moments, the child spoke again.

Crona: Did it hurt, big brother? I could hear you from the other room that night? I was really scared, but before that you told me that everything was going to be okay. Is everything okay for you, are you happy about what you did to her?

Like always, no response.

Crona: Sorry, you're still trying to think, aren't you? I'll be quiet then...

"Hey you!"

The child fell over in surprise. That wasn't the voice they were expecting, and they week shocked to see that, in their own little area, a complete stranger was staring them down.

Maka: What're doing here by yourself? What's up with the statue?

Crona: H-How'd you get here?! A-A-And that's my big brother, Fen!

From the little girl's point of view, the tall statue was seemingly looking down at her with a look of suspicion, as if it were really alive.

Maka: That's Fen? What's up with him?

Crona: He doesn't trust other people, it's always been that way with us. I'm not sure if should even be talking to you...

Maka: What's with this circle?

Crona: I...I'm not good with dealing with other people, so being in a circle helps me relax-eh?!

Maka began erasing the circle with her foot, much to Crona's displeasure.

Crona: Hey! D-Don't do that!

But it was too late, the small area around them no longer had the circle. In this massive world, Crona was now open to it all.

Maka: There, all gone!


Within each other's souls, Evans now found himself standing on a large pool of dark liquid, and here is when the very energy Maka's blood alongside Oozai magic was absolutely maddening with no remorse.

Maka: Soul, it's done! Now let's get out of this madness!

The Demon Scythe could see her underneath the liquid, and had to shove both hands in with all his strength in order to reach her.

Soul: This shit's thicker than tar, just a little further...!

Black Zai: Eh? Seems like you kids have it handled from here, guess you won't need my help for awhile. See you again soon, guur to you both!

With that, influence of magic could no longer be felt, and it was much easier for Soul to grab ahold of his Meister and pull her back into sanity once again. Meanwhile, the Black Blood within Crona's body had suddenly become violent, making spikes jet out of their torso.

Maka: Soul, just sit back for a second, ok?

Soul: What are you thinking now?? You'll be skewered!

Maka: I'll be fine, trust me...

Setting the Demon Scythe on a pillar, Maka calmly walked towards the suffering Crona.

Crona: Stay back!!

The wildly protruding spikes began striking the Scythe Meister, who didn't let the pain stop her approach.

Maka: It's okay, you don't have to be afraid of me...

Crona: A....A-Afraid...that's all I ever have been...!

Finally, Albarn knelt down to meet the eyes of Crona, and gave them something you wouldn't expect with an enemy: A warm embrace.

Maka: Meeting new people can be scary, but keeping to yourself won't make that better. The best way, in my opinion, is to try making new friends that'll help you.

Crona: Fr...Friend? But, Fen's already my...

Albarn gave her hand to the scared, confused child and said,

Maka: I can be your friend....

Crona: I... I don't....

With nothing else to say, Crona could only weep, weep tears of absolute joy.

Soul: Hey, we should get going now.

???: One moment please...

Soul: Eh? Oh, it's you.

The Demon Sword emerged from Crona's back, but somehow, the muscular build had diminished slightly.

Eric: Albarn, I cannot tell you how happy I am that you spared my partner, I didn't believe anyone could show that much kindness in this world anymore. So please, I have a request to make, you don't have to try this, but at least hear me out.

Maka: Um, ok then...

Eric: Fen, the oldest brother of Crona, and leader of this attack on DWMA. I know that all you've seen from him is a complete monster, a heartless killer of even his own allies, but I can assure you that this isn't who he really is.

Eric: His mother, Medusa Gorgon, she tainted his mind with evil, made him commit acts of murder and chaos as soon as he could wield Ragnarak's blade. But even then he knew that what he was doing was wrong, he only killed to avoid harsh punishment, that of which Medusa carried out on both children, regardless of who was responsible. Then one night, a mysterious force clouded his soul with promises of power, freedom to choose his own destiny, and that's when he truly became infected with his lust for greatness. Maka Albarn, if you think you have the strength within you, I beg of you to return Fen to the light he was taken from. I've seen too many fall after his corruption, please let him achieve the inner peace that you helped Crona find.

Hearing this plea, Maka thought about what she's seen up till now, and with her mind made up, she gave the Demon her answer.

Maka: I don't know how yet, but I'll do whatever I can to help Fen!

Eric: You have my respect, young child. Now go, Eternal and Baku may be reviving the Kishin any second now.

Maka: But what about you two?

Eric: We'll be okay, it's the world you should be concerned with right now.

Crona: later, I think...

With that, Maka and soul made their way to regroup with the others.


Fen: Brahnu!

He cut Stein again.

Fen: Brahnu!!

And again.

Fen: Brahnu, brahnu, brahnu, brahnu, BRAHNU!!!

Without any difficulty, the young Oozai sent a barrage of sword slices to the veteran Meister, leaving no room to even breathe. With the final slash, Fen kicked the doctor in the stomach, knocking him into the stone wall with a disturbing cracking noise.

Fen: I've yet to attain the true power, yet not even the mighty Death Scythe Meister can harm me! This is almost like a high, one of-if not the best I've ever experienced, Geh-heh-ha!!

Stein: Impossible, this is the potential of an Oozai...? I never thought someone like this could exist besides Lord Death!

Spirit: He keeps getting stronger by the second, it's as if he's got no limit!

Fighting through the pain, Stein got back on his feet and went towards Fen once more.

Stein: E-Even still, I can't back down....!

Fen: Oh? Despite the beating I just gave you, you're still coming right at me??

Stein: Heh, what can I say? I can't cut you open without getting close!

Fen: OH! Then by all means, get as close as you want!!

Spirit: Sounds like he's ready to go now, but what more can we do? I hate to say it, but we've lost our edge over the years.

Stein: You know, when I was just a kid, many stupid doctors tried to analyze my "demented nature". They believed that something happened to me in the past, something must've set me off and made me like this.

Fen: But that's not true, right? You've been like this since day one.

Stein: Correct. I wanted to go all out as a kid, I wanted to use this madness inside me, but the rules of the Shinigami held me back. Funny, I look at you, and I see myself if I hadn't been stopped by anyone!

Fen: Then let me show you what you've been missing!!

Fen's blade radiated with the magenta gkow of his soul, and he rushed Stein for the final blow...but right as the Demon Sword reached the Meister's neck, the young man stopped dead in his tracks.

Fen: What?! I-I can't move my body...! What did you just do!?

Spirit: I see, good thinking!

Stein: Soul Thread Diffuse Sutures...

Fen: But, I don't see any thread on me or you!

Stein: It's not visible, because they're in your body. It was hard to find, but I stitched up your nervous system.

Fen: Well then, why haven't you finished me off then. Your scythe is in your hand now, all it would take is a simple chop and you'll be done with me! What happened to wanting cut me open?!

Stein: Well, the truth is...I'm using everything I can to hold you in place, I can't move either without deactivating the threads.

Fen: And with my sword just inches to your throat... Heh! You're just stalling for time now. Y'know, if you let the blue Oozai fight with you, this situation would be in your favor, not very smart of you after all!

Stein: It doesn't matter anymore, it's up to the rest now...

(The Kishin's Chamber)

Baku: Ok we need to hurry up, they'll be here soon.

The cyclops opened the case, assembled the large syringe inside, and filled it with the canister of Black Blood.

Baku: Here we go, not much left but to inject the bag, looks like it's made of flesh...

Eternal: ...Hey, wasn't there an Oozai with those DWMA kids?

Baku: Riivrax? Yes, what of it?

Eternal: Did you see him anywhere behind the Shinigami boy? I don't sense his soul near Fen or anybody.

Baku: No bu-'re right. I didn't see him, I didn't sense him fighting with Crona either, then that must mean...

As Baku connected the dots in his head, he could hear something above him, something unzipping...then a wave of magic nearly hit the syringe, just missing by an inch due to the Demon's quick reflexes.

Baku: He's already here!!

From a large zipper in the ceiling, the blue Oozai dropped down whilst summoning a ring of tear shaped Bullets around his waist.

Riivrax: I had a feeling that you'd get past the students, so I made sure to get here first as the final line of defense! The Kishin will remained sealed!!

Baku: Shit! We have to get past him, can't let him destroy this blood!

Riivrax began throwing several of his Bullets, but suddenly the strange man wrapped his scarf around his ankle, lifting him off the ground.

Riivrax: What the-?! Who is-!

Baku was shocked to see Riivrax shooting at nothing, but he instantly recognized what was before his eye.

Baku: He's suffering from the Kishin's illusion! Keep an eye on him, I'll inject the blood!

Eternal: You got it!

Kid: Move it!!

To make matters worse, both the assassin and Shinigami finally reached the main chamber.

Riivrax: Huh? Kids! Baku has the Black Blood, we must destroy it before he gets to the seal!

Eternal: Oh, no ya don't!!

The immortal Demon activated his False Heart, and created a large wall of thick ice in front of the trio.

Riivrax: There is no defense I can't get through,   Pogaan Riivrax Nos!!

With a flurry of palm strikes to the icy barrier, dozens of little zippers ran across the wall and unzipped themselves, crumbling Eternal's defense. As soon as his way was clear, Black★Star rushed past everyone as they fought Eternal, dead set on destroying that container.

Black★Star: Uncanny Sword Mode!

Baku: I heard of this technique, he'll definitely get me with that easily! Fireball Volley Technique!

Turning his head 180 degrees, and having a mouth with sharp teeth appear, Baku sent multiple small balls of flame from his gut at the assassin, knocking him out of the air. But unfortunately for him, the blast sent the syringe flying out of the Demon's arms, rolling to the corner of the room.

Baku: Shit!

Black★Star: Alright!!!

Baku had prepared to run towards the needle before the Meister reached it, but the man in red appeared in front of him, locking his body in place by fear alone.

Baku: I know it's fake, but this illusion is so powerful without actually hurting choice, One with the EarthTechnique!

Baku was suddenly sucked into the ground like clay, and his upper half re-emerged next to the Black Blood before going back down.

Black★Star: Oh, c'mon!!

Baku: It's too late, I'm injecting it now!

Emerging in front of the Kishin's seal, Baku began to push the needle into the bag. But for whatever reason, it wouldn't go through.

Baku: This skin is too thick, It's not going in!

Eternal: Here's some help, buddy!!

The Demon sent a block of ice right for the syringe, which will surely help pierce the bag with ease.

Riivrax: No!!

Black★Star: Too late, asshole!!!

With a single move, Black★Star cut the syringe in two, spilling the blood all over the floor.

Baku: I....can't believe it!

Black★Star: Hahaha!!! I did it!! I saved the whole damn world!

Baku: ...Heh, hehehehe!! Hahaha!!!

Black★Star: Huh? What's so funny?!

Riivrax: No...oh God, no!

Kid: You...idiot...!

Eternal: Hah! You need to get your eyes checked, boy! It wasn't the needle you hit!

The whole room changed for the Meister before his very eyes. Instead of half a syringe laying on the ground, it was stone. And looking up, he felt all his bravado leave at once. The syringe in question, was sticking into the bag, empty, and a melting block of ice that shattered upon impact.

Eternal: It was the statue! The Kishin messed with your head too, that's why you thought it was all over!

Black★Star: You, you GOTTA be kidding me!

Baku: You stupid kid, your overconfidence made you miss entirely. It's quite the opposite, you've doomed the world!

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