What I just realized (Soul x Maka & Blackstar x Tsubaki)

OKIEEEE DOKIEEEEE ! Shout out to that person who suggested this. Rafenguard ! :D Thanks for suggesting and voting and commenting and following… Actually you did everything ! xD Anyways,thanks ! :))) Hope you like it :D Now… To the one shot… <3



Soul was in Blackstar's place,playing their usual video games. Tsubaki came to Maka and Soul's apartment to have some 'girl time' with Maka. "Yeah ! 3-2 ! Your god won again ! HAHAHAHAHA !!!" Blackstar laughed. "Hey ! You're cheating !" Soul retorted.

"Why so ? Can you prove it ?" Blackstar snickered. "You pulled my controller's wiring !" Soul huffed. "It's not my fault ! You're not looking !" Blackstar laughed. "Tch. Fine fine. That's just one point. Cool guys don't argue for a point." Soul grinned.

They continued playing again. Then suddenly,Blackstar asked something. "Hey Soul. Do you think Tsubaki likes someone ?" Blackstar blinked. "Well… Yep." Soul shrugged,his eyes not leaving the screen. "Why ask ?" He added. "Nothing… There's just this… Weird feeling I have when she's around…" Blackstar sighed. "Oohhh… So the one who'll surpass god is having weird feelings for a certain girl ?" Soul grinned. "Hey ! She's not just a certain girl…" Blackstar retorted.

"Then what ? A special girl ? For you ?" Soul said. "Well… I don't know ! Uhm… Maybe ?" Blackstar blinked. "Well,if you like her,it's obvious. I can see it in the way you look at her." Soul shrugged. "Look,I don't think it's love. Well… I just don't know." Blackstar sighed.

"Psh. You'll realize it sooner or later." Soul shrugged again. Blackstar just ignored him. But something crossed his mind. Soul took his soda can then started drinking. "Do you like Maka ?" He asked. Soul looked startled,almost spitting the soda in his face. He gulped then sighed,setting the can down.

"Well… It's just the same as you… I don't know if I do. When I think of it,I feel weird.." Soul sighed. "Well,I started thinking you do when you took those attacks for her in a fight with Crona and Asura." Blackstar shrugged. "Maybe…" Soul shrugged also. "Maybe I do like her,but I don't think it'll reach that romantic way." Soul sighed again. Blackstar patted his back. "Come on ! Gods and cool guys don't easily get bothered by girls. Let's just continue playing !" Blackstar chuckled. Soul made his toothy grin,agreeing. "Hey,I'm still 3 'kay ?" Blackstar said. "Yeah yeah. Cheaters don't win." Soul laughed.

[Meanwhile with the girls…]

"So it's just the two of us. I went here cause Blackstar and Soul were hanging out…" Tsubaki said. "I kicked him out." Maka laughed. "So,wanna go to Kid's place ? We can invite Liz and Patti for shoping !" Tsubaki suggested. "Sure."

Maka went to her room then changed into a white blouse and shorts. She got out then smiled. "Let's go ?" Tsubaki asked. Maka took a paper then left a note at the door. "Yeah." Maka answered. Tsubaki smiled,standing up then starting to walk. The two of them kept talking as they walked. "So… Tell,me do you like Blackstar ?" Tsubaki looked startled at Maka's question. "W-well… Y-you're the first one to know…" Tsubaki shyly looked down. Maka laughed. "Cool ! Don't worry,I think he likes you back !" Maka smiled. Tsubaki blinked. "Really…?" She asked. "Yeah ! There's no way in hell he won't ! You were always there for him !" She smiled. Tsubaki laughed,having an idea. "Just like how Soul-kun's there for you ?" Tsubaki smiled. Maka paused,blinking. "U-uhm… Yeah !" She nervously said. Tsubaki patted her shoulder.

"It's obvious,Maka-chan. I can see it. You don't have that same smile when he's around. It's more bright when you look at him." Tsubaki said. "Is it that obvious…?" She asked. "Well… Guys are really slow. They love someone,but they still don't realize it. So don't worry,I think he doesn't notice." Tsubaki smiled. Maka sighed in relief. "Thanks…" She giggled. They continued talking about stuff,until some group of guys blocked their way.

"Uhm… Excuse us but we have to go somewhere…" Tsubaki politely bowed,holding Maka's hand and stepping aside. The group formed a circle around them,having perverted grins.

"You're the one who defeated the kishin,right ?" Said one of the guys. Maka glared at him,then backed away. Tsubaki started to be worried. "Where's your partner ? I know that he's a guy named Soul." The same guy grinned. Maka gritted her teeth.

"I'm not telling you where Soul is. Now get out of the way before we fight you to death." She warned. Another guy in front of Tsubaki patted Tsubaki's head. "So,where's that kid who'll… 'Surpass god' ? Him and Mr. Evans did something to us. And needs payback." He said. Tsubaki clenched her fists. "You won't touch my meister !" She yelled.

"Oh ? Really huh ?" The 3rd guy chuckled. Well… They were 6 of them… "Tsubaki,Chain scythe mode." Maka commanded. Tsubaki nodded,turning to a chainscythe. "Oohhh,so the scythe technician are now using a chain scythe ? Let's see you try." The guys chuckled.

[Back to the guys…]

"I'm bored…" Blackstar yawned. "Let's go back to Maka and Tsubaki. I'm sure they're bored too." Soul suggested. Blackstar agreed so they went to Maka and Soul's apartment. When they reached it,Soul saw the note.


We went to Kid's house to fetch Liz and Patti for shopping. See ya later ! :)


"Kid's house." Soul shrugged. Blackstar snatched the note. "Okay." He shrugged also. They went to Kid's house,of course. "Oh,hey Soul and Blackstar. What brings you here ?" Kid asked,opening the door. "Hey Kid. Well,Maka left a note saying she and Tsubaki fetched Liz and Patti. Did they already passed here ?" Soul asked. Kid made a confused look. "Liz is in her room,asleep. Patti's playing with her stuffed girraffe. What are you talking about ?" He blinked. "Huh ? But…" Blackstar showed him the note.

Kid sighed. "Maybe you came way too early. They still haven't came here." Kid shrugged. "Maka's an early bird… So I'm sure she left this and quickly left with Tsubaki… Where are they ?" Soul mumbled,starting to feel weird. Blackstar sensed it too. "Death City's one hell of a city. There are a lot of muggers around here…" Blackstar muttered. Soul sighed. "I hope they're fine..." He said.

"You came from the short route. Maybe Maka and Tsubaki are still on their way in the long route to here. Why don't you two join them ?" Kid smiled. Soul toothy grinned then nodded. "You're right. Thanks bud." He gave a high-five. Kid was about to react when Blackstar high-fived his other hand. "Your god knows it." He chuckled. Kid laughed.

"Go on and find your ladies." Kid chuckled. "Thanks Kid ! You'll have my autograph once we get back. And they'll be full eights !" Blackstar yelled. Kid chuckled again. "I'll be waiting !" He yelled back. Soul and Blackstar made their way to the long route.

They were talking about things until they passed into a strange alleyway. There were noise of coughing and beating up inside. "Blackstar,wait…" Soul said,pausing. "What ?" Blackstar looked at him. Soul grabbed his arm then went to the alleyway.

When he reached the dead end,he and Blackstar got shocked at the sight. Tsubaki was on the ground, wet from the small blood pool around her. Maka was leaned against a corner. Both have blood pools around themselves,and both barely awake. Six guys in front of them that seem to have perverted grins. One went near to Tsubaki,about to flip her skirt when…

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER !" Blackstar raged as he ran to the one near Tsubaki,throwing a punch. The six went to him as Soul sprinted to the girls. "Maka ! Maka,hang on !" Soul said,trying to pick his partner up. He glanced at Tsubaki,then tried carrying her near Maka so he can tend to both easily. "Not so fast,Evans !" Soul gasped when he heard his real last name. He stood up,glaring. "You did this to them,didn't you…" Soul mumbled. "Isn't it obvious ?" The other smirked.

"Why them ?! We're right here ! You didn't have to bring them with our debts to you !" Soul yelled. "It's him ?!" Blackstar panted,backing near to Soul. "Yeah." Soul replied. "You…" Blackstar glared.

"I SWEAR YOU'LL PAY FOR HURTING THEM ! ESPECIALLY TSUBAKI !" He raged,focusing his soul wavelength to his hand. He then shoved it in the guy's face. He easily got knocked out,because of Blackstar's strength. His wavelength's one of a kind. Soul looked back at Maka,who was holding her wound with her hand. His eyes narrowed as he felt anger take over him. He joined Blackstar in fighting the other 5 left.

It took them just a few minutes to knock them out. They both brought the two to the infirmary then waited outside. Blackstar was quiet,staring at the ceiling with his eyebrows slightly furrowed. Soul was resting his chin on his palm,sighing.

They were both thinking of the same thing. Why they suddenly felt that anger,What will happen if they didn't arrived in time,What if they… Died. The images of their thoughts made them upset. Soul sighed,then Blackstar looked at him. "Soul." He said. "Did you felt the same ?" He asked. Soul looked at him.

"Same feeling you had ? The anger and the fear of losing… One of them ?" Soul answer-asked. Blackstar looked away,then slightly nodded. "I did…" Soul answered. Blackstar sighed. "Me too…" He agreed.

Soul smiled,looking at his bestfriend. "I know it now." Soul said. Blackstar blinked. "I'm afraid of losing Maka cause I love her. It's as simple as that." Soul said. "Now at the exact time she wakes,I'll tell this to her. I don't want to waste chances. Who knows,this might happen again but in some other way,and then die ?" Soul shrugged. Blackstar grinned. "You got it bro." He smirked,bro-fisting with Soul.

"Cool one,bro. You made your god proud to be your best friend." Blackstar snickered. "Tsubaki will be surprised after this. And I swear I'll kick the asses of whoever tries to get in our way." Blackstar said. Soul just laughed.

When the door clicked,they both looked at Stein,who was behind it. "How is Maka/Tsubaki ?" Soul and Blackstar asked in unison. "They're fine. They just need some rest. The wound they both had isn't that deep,so they're safe." Stein said. Soul sighed in relief. "Can we go see them ?" Blackstar asked. "Sure." Stein said. They smiled then thanked him. He just nodded then left.

"But… Blackstar." Soul poked him. Blackstar looked at him. "What if we get rejected ?" Soul asked. Blackstar playfully nudged his shoulder. "Cool guys don't think negatively. And besides,I'm sure Maka can't resist a cool guy." Blackstar grinned. Soul chuckled. "Thanks bro."

They opened the door,seeing the two already awake. Soul smiled,going beside Maka. "Hey." He said. Maka slightly smiled,sitting up. Soul helped her. "Hey." Maka replied. Blackstar went beside Tsubaki then asked her about what happened.

"Who are those guys ? They were looking for you both…" Maka asked. "They're just jealous guys cause I will surpass god and Soul's a cool guy." Blackstar bragged. "Uhm… Yeah ?" Tsubaki giggled.

"But we ended it. So you don't have to worry." Soul smiled. Maka just nodded. "Hey,Soul…" Blackstar looked at him. "You said you'll—" Soul took a random empty bottle then threw it at his face. "Shut up ! I will ! Just wait !" Soul snorted.

"Ow !" Blackstar held his forehead. "You midget ! How dare you do that to your god ?!" Blackstar huffed. Tsubaki sat up. "Are you okay ? Let me see…" Tsubaki turned his head to her,then looked at his forehead. Blackstar grinned then took the chance. He held Tsubaki's chin up then kissed her right in the lips.

Maka and Soul watched,Maka smiling. Tsubaki was blushing furiously when Blackstar pulled away. "B-blackstar,w-why did you…" Tsubaki shyly stuttered. Blackstar chuckled. "Isn't it obvious ? I love you,Tsubaki ! I realized it just now." He said.

Tsubaki looked at him,quite startled. "So… You don't…?" Blackstar asked. Tsubaki smiled then quickly hugged him tight. "I thought I'll be rejected by you…" Tsubaki mumbled. Blackstar slightly blushed,but he smiled then hugged back. "Of course not. A god like me can't reject a goddess !" Blackstar chuckled.

Maka smiled,watching the newest couple. "How sweet… I wish I just had the same…" She mumbled. Soul chuckled then placed his arm around her. "Don't be jealous,Maka. The cool guy beside you is about to make your wish come true !" Soul toothy grinned. Maka blushed,looking at him. "You mean you…" She mumbled.

"Yes. A cool guy fell in love with a bookworm like you." Soul chuckled. Maka laughed,then playfully Maka-chopped him. "You idiot." She chuckled. "And because you said you love me,I can finally get you to study !" She giggled. Soul grumbled.

"No way." He sighed. Maka laughed then gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Just kidding. I love you too,Evans."

Okaaaaaaaaaaay… I actually think that suck :/ I messed with my first suggestion :/ Sorry ! TT^TT Anyways,you can still request or suggest anything ! :D Thanks for reading that piece of failure I made… I hope it made you happy or what even though I see it as a piece of crap. XD See ya all soon !


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