Episode 19 A new student
Death soul and new looking Kaisa flew all the way back to Death City. After telling Kid that they completed their mission. They decided to walk back home together,since it was getting so late out. Death soul looked at her wounds that had been bandaged up when they went to the DWMA.Two pairs of red glowing eyes appeared from the alleyway. Staring at the three of them. After licking their lips,they pounced out of the shadows and grabbed onto Kid.Pinning him to the sidewalk. Death soul gasped out turning to Kaisa. He nodded changing into his weapon form.But before the blades landed in her hand,one of the kishins holding down Kid,let go and kicked Death soul so she couldn't reach the blades. She was sent flying into a building,hitting it on impact. Then fell to the ground,coughing up blood. Kaisa grit his teeth,changing back to his human form But was stopped by the kishin that kicked Death soul putting a foot on his back and pushed him to the floor. Crushing his back. Kid struggled in the other kishin's grasp. Not able to reach his guns at the moment. Death soul noticed her 'brother' and partner in pain. Though she could feel all the pain within her trying to keep her down. She fought it and began to get up. Eventually she managed to get up to her feet and ran back over.
"Get the hell off of them!"She yelled out,her anger and madness beginning to consume her.Her eyes changed to red,her teeth sharpened until they were fangs. Her skin paled along with it. Kaisa and Kid looked at her,eyes wide.She screamed out as chains shot straight out of her entire body grabbing onto the two kishins. She swung them around and threw them at a building. Kid got up quickly and helped Kaisa up to his feet. The kishins landed on their feet glaring at Death soul. One of them took out two special machine guns,while the other began to grow more and more muscular. The larger one charged at Death soul while the other shot the guns at her. Her eyes glowed red,the chains went back inside her body as she began to dodged the bullets as fast as she could. While the giant kishin made his way up to her. He grabbed her by the neck,choking her and lifted her up into the air. Though,the choking wasn't doing anything,when the gun was aimed for her face and shot it. When it was about to hit her,she caught it in her mouth,holding it tight with her teeth. She spit it out and kicked the kishin holding her in the face. Causing him to let go.He backed away a bit then heard a voice in his head.
'Retreat back to the lair.'It told him. The big kishin looked at the other holding the guns.
"Boss has ordered us to retreat."He said. The other nodded as the jumped onto the rooftop of a building. Disappearing into the darkness. Death soul began to pant and cough. Her body returning back to its original form.
Kid walked over to her,Kaisa's arm around him so he could stand.
"Death sou-"
"Let's just go home now."She said,interrupting the fully grown reaper and began to walk the way there. Kid followed her,not saying anything after that.
A young boy sitting on the edge of the roof with the two kishins watched them as they went to their home.
"Her powers are growing faster then I expected."He said,leaning his head into his hands. "You two watch over her as much as possible and report to me every single detail. Got it?"
The kishins nodded their heads.
"Yes sir."They said with a nod. They boy's grin grew larger as his third eye glowed from beneath his hair.
"This will be fun."He chuckled to himself.
Next day...
Death soul was sitting at her desk in Stein's classroom. Hands together and on the desk. Kaisa by her side,looking off to the side,but glanced back at his meister every minute. Senna entered the room,along with Yozora,Arashi,and Firefly. They headed up the stairs towards their two friends.
"Sup guys."Senna said to Death soul and Kaisa.
"Hey."Kaisa was the only one to respond. Yozora glanced at Death soul,waiting for her to respond to them,but nothing was said. She was just staring at her hands,but was trembling just a little. Her pupils shook,seeing blood on her hands and eyes staring at her from everywhere. But the illusions vanished from Yozora punching her on the arm.
"Death soul! Wake up dammit!"shouted Yozora. Death soul shook her head and looked back at her friends.
"You okay there Death soul?"Arashi asked.
"Y-Yeah,I am now..."Death soul said,rubbing the spot where she had been punched.
"What happened there dude?"Senna asked,crossing her arms.
"Well I-"
"Okay everyone,take your seats. Class has now begun."Stein shouted,interrupting her.
Senna sighed as all her friends took their seats.
"Okay class,today we are going to be having a new student join us today.He's from a distant country so he'll have to be shown around here.Death soul since your closest to Lord Death.You'll be showing him around."Stein told her.
"Oh,yes sir."Death soul nodded.
"Alright,you can come in now."Stein called out. The boy from the rooftop walked inside. Everyone watching him.Senna eyed him carefully as he stood in the middle of the classroom.He raised his head high,staring at all of the students around him.Looking for a specific one in particular but his search was interrupted by Stein.
"Why don't you introduce yourself to the class and tell a little bit about yourself."He said. The boy sighed a little.
"Well alright,my name is Axusa.And I'm a meister.And I'm the prince of my clan where I'm from."He said,shutting his eyes,trying to sense out a specific soul. He found it within a second and opened up his red eyes,looking up at the person. Death soul noticed the boy known as Axusa staring at her.
"Why don't you have a seat Axusa. After class,the black haired girl with lines on her head will show you around. Her name is Death soul and she's a Grim Reaper."He said. The boy nodded with a smile.
"Thank you Doctor Stein."Axusa said as he walked to his seat which was on the other side of Death soul. After a long heavy sigh,Stein began class.
After class...
The bell rung,and everyone got up and headed to their next class. Death soul stood up rubbing her eye but then saw Axusa standing up in front of her which made her flinch.
"Oh right,I'm supposed to show you around. Sorry I forgot."She said with a smile.
"It's alright.Im just honored to meet a Grim Reaper such as yourself."He said,dipping his head.
'This makes me sick! She still pretends to be a Grim Reaper! She'll be punished for this!'Asura's inner voice told him.
"Oh thank you,it's a pleasure to show the prince of a far away country around this place.Anyway let's get this tour on the role."She said.
Kaisa and the rest of Death soul's friends looked back at her.
"We'll catch up later."Senna said as they all left the classroom.
"Oh bye!"Death soul waved to them and started to walk down the hall,Axusa by her side. She began showing him all around the place like the classrooms,the cafeteria,and the Death room. After a couple of hours,it was the end of the day,and everyone was heading home. Death soul and Kaisa headed back to the mansion.Kid along with them,though Kid was looking around more vigilantly. Keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity around them. But nothing happened so he brushed it aside. Continuing his way to his humble of home.
"You can't escape me child! There's no where for you to go that you could escape the madness so easily!"Asura's voice echoed throughout the city. Death soul began to run away from the giant kishin,hovering over the city.
"Running are you? I won't let you get far!"He said,a giant black grew over the city. Shadowing over Death soul from above,she gasped running faster. The kishin laughed as the wave caved in and swallowed the city. Racing after the black haired girl. She summoned her skateboard Bleezebulb and flew away and fast as possible. But suddenly,the skateboard she rode on opened up a mouth and bit onto her leg. She winced then her eyes widen,seeing her skateboard begin to mold into a horrific looking monstrous kishin like creature. She was tackled and pinned to the ground by it. As the black wave began to reach its prey,Asura spoke up.
"Don't worry my dear daughter,let the black blood carry all your fears away. It'll sooth your worries away."Asura said,enjoying his own words. Death soul's eyes darted over to the black blood wave,watching as it crashed onto her. Her skateboard kishin changing into black blood,going along with the flow of the black substance. Death soul started to swim back up to the surface. Popping her head out with a gasp. Asura gleamed down at his child,his body began to shrink to normal size,he walked through the black blood with ease. Unlike Death soul who was struggling to stay above surface.
"It's no use struggling child. Your already in the black blood. Now all I need you to do is now let it enter your body.But it doesn't look like you have any open wounds on you right now. Maybe we can fix that!"Black hands like tentacles shot out of the water. Latching themselves onto Death soul's arms, and lifted her out of the black blood river. So she was dangling in the air. Her eyes began to fill with fear as she looked down at her father. Black spears shot out of the black blood river and stabbed Death soul all over her body. Her Reaper blood splashed out of her body. She screamed out in agony and pain. A burning sensation spreading throughout her entire body.
The hands that held her let go of her. Dropping her into the deepest parts of the black blood river. Asura walked over to the spot where she'd been dropped and reached down inside for her. He grabbed onto her arm and pulled her out,though her body was still in the black liquid surrounding them. He only pulled her haft way out so she could breath. He held his daughter close in a warm embrace.
"I'm truly sorry I had to do that to you my dear child. But I had no other choice,I can't have you slipping through my madness so easily. Now can I?"He smiled,saying it right next to her ear. Death soul's eyes were now a bit duller and lifeless. So she gave no reaction and just stayed the same way. That only made Asura's grin grow wider.
"That's a good girl,now you can't run from daddy anymore!"He laughed as a bunch of spider like eyes opened up in the darkness,surrounding them all.
Death soul woke up with a loud shriek. Sweat pouring down from her forehead. After her scream,she started to hyperventilate.
"It was...just a dream...just a...dream..."Death soul repeated to herself.
From the tree where Axusa stood,he stared at Death soul and grinned.
"Just a dream you say? We'll see about that."The kishin boy laughed out.
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