Episode 18 Get Kaisa's powers back!

Death soul flew in the air on Bleezebulb,flying across the city.Looking down at the ground with narrow eyes. Their mission was to defeat a wolf kishin named Concudo. Although Kaisa had made a deal with Concudo,he didn't tell Death soul about his deal with him. But he did hope that Concudo wouldn't use his own powers against them in battle. It hadn't been to long since he was put on the list of Kishins that needed to be exterminated.But Death soul was told by Kid to take care of this,and that is what she must do.He had been reported to be at a cave in the Arctic,on the top of a mountain.Death soul had wore a white cloak and the same with Kaisa but that wasn't really noticeable while he was in his weapon form. When they flew all the way up to the cave. Death soul landed on the edge of it,making Bleezebulb vanish away. Kaisa changed back to his human form.Death soul took her hood off and looked down the edge to see how far they were up.You couldn't even see the ground,all that was visible was darkness. She stood up straight and walked inside of the ice cave. Kaisa looked at her,already inside.She walked up to his side. He put her hood back onto her head.

"Let's move."He said walking forward,looking around.

"Right."She said,following him. Icicles above them,but what was different was that different kinds of gems were inside of each of them. Which Death soul noticed a lot.Suddenly she heard a voice in her ear.

"Those gems caught your eye I see.."The voice said. Her head whipped around to see who it was,she saw a shadowy figure was hanging upside down from one of the Icicles. She gasped out which made Kaisa's head whipped around too. But when he looked at what she was looking at he saw.....nothing.He blinked twice looking at Death soul.

"What's wrong?"He asked. But Death soul saw nothing now too.

"My...my eyes must have played tricks on me,I'm sorry."She said looking at Kaisa. He rubbed her head a bit.

"It's fine,let's just keep moving."He assured.

"Yeah.."She said as the two began to move forward again. The figure was back in the same spot when they walked away. It smirked widely changing into a monstrous shadow and followed them,blending in with the darkness. The two continued to walk until they reached the end of the cave. They found potions all over the place and crystals glowed from the darkness. Kaisa's eyes widen a bit looking at everything. Death soul's reaction was the same only she began to tremble a bit,seeing blood and human limbs scattered along the place too.

"Oh my gosh...this...this is horrible!"She said,covering her mouth. Kaisa said nothing,his eyes looking horrified.What has his old friend been doing?!

The monstrous shadow creature shot out of the darkness.Kaisa snapped out of his trance and blocked the sharp claws that were going to strike at his miester by turning his arm into a blade.His hood falling off his head.A smirk showed on the shadow's face as it changed into no other then Concudo.

"Well hello again my old friend."He said as he took his claws away.

"Old friend?"She questioned taking her hood off. A confused expression on her face. Concudo gleamed at the sight of Death soul,the first time he's ever saw her in person.

"Wow,this is the enchanting Death soul your so eager to protect. My my she is as beautiful as you say she is."He said,appearing behind her,grabbing her waist.He whispered something in her ear which made her begin to tremble in fear more. Kaisa glared and ran over,his arm still a blade.

"Get your filthy paws off of her!"He shouted. Sighing,Concudo barked. A ice pillar shot up from the ground,hitting him hard in the stomach. He gagged as the pillar went fast up,trying to stab him with a pillar. But Kaisa jumped off quickly before that happened. He landed on his feet on the ground,and began to cough a bit.

"That's gonna leave a bruise.."He mumbles as he began to stand his ground.

"Now now Kaisa. If you remember are deal,you know I won't harm her.But that doesn't mean I can't have a little fun with her."He said,gripping her waist tightly which made her wince.He opened his out and was going towards her mouth. Kaisa glared as he slowly rose and ran at him once again.Before Concudo could bark to attack again.Death soul grabbed him by the muzzle,holding it tightly in her gasp. Kaisa stabbed Concudo square in the chest.He coughed up blood,letting go of Death soul.He backed up a bit,covering his wound with his paw.Kaisa transformed into his katakanas and landed in her hands. Death soul charged at Concudo but he grinned,dodging them quickly. The blood from his wound landing on the ground after each move he took. Death soul swung the blades quickly and swiftly and ended up cutting him here and there.When Death soul thought he was weak enough,she shouted with Kaisa.

"Let's go Soul Resonance!"Death soul began to glow brightly,spikes appearing on her back,legs,and arms. Her eyes opened up wide,the blades turning wider with spikes all over them. Once it was complete,she ran towards him,raising the blades high.

"Death Sla-"Death soul was about to end it all but was stopped by a snake like creature made out of crystals,grabbing her leg and causing her to fall.But she kept a tight grasp on the blades.The teen looked back at the crystal creature.

"What is that thing?!"She said trying to escape its grasp but couldn't. More of them came out of hiding and started to do the same.

"These creatures are my prize experiments.They posses a great power from the crystal there bodies are made from. And I think they wanna play with you."Concudo laughed as they bit into Death soul's legs,causing her to scream a little. That's when Concudo kicked the blades away from Death soul. Causing their Soul Resonance to break,which made the blades go back to normal,along with Death soul's body.The creatures started to grab onto her arms biting them too. She screamed and screamed with more pain. Kaisa changed back to normal but was immediately kicked in the face by Concudo. Causing him to hit the wall with so much force,that the ice cave wall cracked and broke.Leaving a giant hole in the wall,he noticed he was on a new edge that Concudo created. The Wolf Kishin put his paw that was his foot onto Kaisa's chest,crushing it hard and slid him slowly towards the edge. About to make him go over it.

"We had a good run old friend.But I'm afraid that your time is up. And don't worry about your dear partner,I'll take care of her. She's in good hands,of should I say. She's in good paws!"Concudo began to laugh like a hyena. Pushing Kaisa near the edge some more. He grabbed onto Concudo's leg and tried to get it off and try to escape. But it was no use...right before he was about to fall over,Concudo wad grabbed by the tail and pulled over inside. Causing his foot to be released off of Kaisa,but the body still fell off. But before he plunged to his death. His hands grabbed onto the ledge. Keeping him from falling,although it wouldn't be much help for long since he was beginning to slip. Death soul punched Concudo in the face then stomach. Afterwards she threw him at his bottles and experiments. Some of them fell out of the shelves,and broke once they hit the ground.One bottle landed on Concudo's head so it didn't break but then rolled off into his paws. He looked at the label and it said.
'Kaisa's Powers.'

Death soul ran over to Kaisa,kneeling down and helping him up from the edge.

"Thanks Death soul."He said,now back inside the cave.

"Don't mention it."She smiles then looked back to Concudo.Her eyes went to the bottle in his grasp and saw what it said.

"Hey! He's got something that has your name on it!"She yelled. Kaisa's eyes widen a bit,knowing what it was.The Wolf Kishin grinned,putting it in his mouth like a bone and ran away on all four legs.

"He's getting away! Come on!"She yelled running after him. Kaisa hesitated,closing his eyes talking a deep breath.Then opened them back up,running after Concudo with his miester.

Eventually,Concudo reached a dead end.The only way he could escape was jumping out of the entrance,and without his flying potion,that be suicide. He looked back over and saw Kaisa and Death soul standing in front of him,going closer and closer to him.

"Come on Concudo,hand it over."Death soul demanded. Concudo started to think to himself then grinned,the bottle still in his mouth.He ran at Death soul,head butting her hard in the gut,but before she can go flying back.He latched his paw onto her belt and threw her not to hard towards the entrance. She landed hard on the ground but began to slip away off the edge because of the icy floor. Kaisa ran over and reached out for her. When Death soul reached out for him too,only the tips of their fingers touch. Death soul fell off the edge and fell down the darkness of the ground.Her scream for Kaisa's name faded along with herself. The weapon's eyes widen as he screamed out for his miester. Concudo smirked and moved closer to Kaisa. But when his head whipped around,looking at Concudo.The look of anger and sadness was on his face.

"I'll kill you!"Kaisa shouted out,getting up quickly.Running at Concudo,his body began to glow a teal color. Which caused the powers inside the bottle to begin thrashing around inside of it. Cracking the bottle.Concudo gasped,Kaisa's hair began to go upwards. His entire body glowed a bright teal.He slammed his hand onto Concudo's chest.Greenish,Teal sparks of lightning went off from his palm.

"DIE!!!"He yelled out,a wavelength hitting Concudo hard in the chest and soul. Symbols appeared all around Kaisa. The bottle finally shattered. The teal ball with the star symbol on it flew out of it and went inside of Kaisa,straight through his chest. When it was back inside of Kaisa,his soul began to change completely.He began to float in mid air,his entire body changing completely,glowing so bright,it blind any person who looked at him. Stars started to go around him,shooting beams at him as he changed. His hair went up all the way,growing longer and more messy,changing into a grey/silver color. His clothes changed to a long sleeve shirt,haft white and haft black,along with a red X going in the middle of his shirt,his red color opened up to each side of his neck.His long sleeve pants completely red. His dress shoes changed to grey,with a star on the back of each one. Lastly,a teal star tattoo appeared on his right eye.He landed onto the ground and opened up his now dark teal eyes. He looked at himself in shock.

"What the? What happened to me?"He question to himself as she checked himself out. Concudo weakly grinned,blood traveling down his mouth.

"It's...your true self..."He said weakly. Kaisa glanced over at him,as he began to walk over to him.His arm turning into a blade.

"Well,this is the end of you.Goodbye Concudo."He stabbed him in the chest.Concudo smiled as his body disintegrated into nothingness,leaving a red soul behind. Kaisa grabbed it and ate it up.

"Now I gotta find Death soul."He said,running towards the edge,suddenly his legs began to go incredibly fast and ran to the edge faster then a blink of an eye. Kaisa's eyes widen but smirked,liking it as he went to go find her. But before he ran to the edge. Bleezebulb flew in,Death soul laying on it.Knocked out. He stopped running.

"So you saved her? Thank you."He said.Bleezebulb places Death soul on the ground and vanished. Kaisa gently shook his Meister. She moaned as her eyes began to open up. Her eyes looked over at Kaisa,not recognizing him,she screamed.

"YETI!!!"She got up quickly to run off but fell back down. Her arms and legs in pain from the crystal creatures biting her. She turned to Kaisa.

"Please don't eat me Yeti!"She pleaded.

Kaisa looked at her confused.

"Yeti? Death soul it's me,Kaisa."He informed. Death soul blinked and looked at him closely.

"Kaisa? You look way different now,what happened?"She asked.

"Well,the bottle that Concudo had was holding my inner powers. It broke and returned to my body but it transformed me into this.I have new powers and everything. Concudo said that it was my true self."Kaisa informed.

"Oh I see."Death soul nodded then froze up."Wait! Where is Concudo now?"

"I ended his life,and ate his soul don't worry about it."He assured her.

"Oh okay,thank goodness."She put a hand on her chest relieved. "But now we should head back to the academy and tell Kid we succeeded in are mission. And plus,I wanna show people your new look."She said with a bright smile.

"Okay then,let's get a move on."Kaisa changed into his blades.They landed into Death soul's hands.What was now different about them,was that at the handle,it had a teal star on it. His miester smiled at it and summoned Bleezebulb. She hopped on and was about to take off. Before they took off,Kaisa looked back at where he killed Concudo. He took a deep breath as Death soul flew back to Death city.

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