chapter six

Another morning of sunshine blessed Sunset and Twilight as they strode into school the next morning.

"I can't believe you two were a thing..." Twilight whispered to Sunset, pointing at the blue haired boy walking a few paces in front of them.

Sunset smiled and shook her head, "I keep reminding everyone that it was so long ago, and I was in a totally different mindset back then. It wasn't right."

"Don't  you still think about it though," Twilight sighed.

"Not really," Sunset shrugged, she peered at her friend, "Why do you ask Twilight?"

Twilight shrugged back, "Just curious. Relationships at school never seem to work out. It's bound to end in disaster."

Sunset glanced at her quizzically, pondered for a moment, then nodded. "I suppose... everyone's different though..." she shrugged again. The pair had barely reached the school gates before being bombarded with a whole lotta Pinkie Pie.

"Guys! Hi! How we feelin'?!" Pinkie smiled, every word the same note. The others stood behind her and Sunset greeted them.

"Recovered from Saturday, darling?" Rarity smiled.

"Could ask you the same thing..." Sunset returned. "It was fun though, thank you."

Applejack laughed, "Yeah, coulda warned us about the crown though..."

Rarity held her hands up by her head, "Word got around, it was not entirely my intention for it to get so... rowdy."

"I bet the cleanup was fun..." Rainbow chirped in from behind.
Applejack nudged her, "No thanks to you throwing up all around."
Rainbow mimicked Rarity's hands up expression, "Not my fault!"

"We better head in," Sunset called the girls over. As usual on a Monday, Rainbow, Rarity and Sunset made their way into English.

"You'll be proud," Rainbow grinned as she took her seat, "Homework's done."
Sunset furrowed her eyebrows.
Rainbow rolled her eyes, "Yes, okay, it could've been better but at least I did it."

The class dragged on.
Sunset decided to start up a quiet conversation. "Guys," she whispered as she scribbled, "I think Twilight has a thing for Flash."

Rarity shook her head, "I don't think so..." she too was scribbling away, "They wouldn't mix well."

"No seriously, she was asking me about me and him and... if I still liked him... and all that, today on our walk..." Sunset blabbered.

"She probably has a thing for you," Rainbow scoffed. She wasn't scribbling, she was doodling.

"Twilight?! No," Rarity exclaimed, a little too loud, as the class seemed to have heard. She quitened her tone and leaned in to her friends... "I don't even think she' know..."

Rainbow snickered, "What... gay? I mean I was joking about the Sunset thing, but seriously, Twilight, she's not straight."

Rarity gave a questioning glance.

"Yeah come on, there's no way you don't see it," Sunset whispered excitedly. She wasn't a gossip... usually.

"Trust me, as a classified gay girl, I can always, always tell," Rainbow laughed. She smiled comically at Sunset ever so subtly before she returned to her doodling, then laughed to herself.

Sunset went red. That felt very very aimed. Sunset had done enough self reflection to know that she was not, in fact, only into guys. It seemed she wasn't the only one to have figured that out.

As the class ended, the girls met by the lockers, as they always did.

"Basketball?" Dash suggested. A few of them had a free period, so they headed to the courts.

This time, it was Dash and AJ on one team, playing Sunset and Pinkie, with the powerful support of Fluttershy sat on the side of the court.

A few rounds passed. Sunset got annoyed. Every time she attempted to shoot, the ball went in the completely wrong direction.

Dash scored. Every. Single. Time.

"I don't get it! First it's soccer, then she can sprint, laps. And now basketball?! How can she keep winning?!" Sunset scoffed at the others, her cheeks a little flushed from the heat of the game and the rage of defeat. Rainbow jogged over, to boast her victory, of course.

"I think it's just cause I'm taller than you," she grinned, standing on her tip-toes to exaggerate the barely noticeable difference in height between the two of them.
"Whatever," Sunset rolled her eyes.
"Okay fine, look," Rainbow laughed, then grabbed the basketball and stood below the post. "The way you're doing it, it's wrong."


Rainbow stood up straight, bent her arm at a strange angle and attempted to shoot the ball, failing. "See, you'll never get it if you do it like that." Dash then picked the ball up again, and shot a perfect hoop.

Sunset was still frustrated, but even so she grabbed the ball and attempted to copy Dash's exact movements.

She failed.

Her failure was so prominent it was even beginning to frustrate Rainbow Dash. The athlete picked up the ball and handed it to Sunset.

"Ok, bend your knees," Dash instructed, placing her hand under Sunset's forearm and moving it to the correct angle. Sunset met Dash's eyes, intending to glare at her in a "whatever, you're so great..." sarcastic type way. The glare however, didn't appear. Sunset simply looked. Dash had that genuine look in her eyes again.  She was concentrating and focused, genuinely determined to see Sunset shoot at least one hoop.

Dash met Sunset' eye contact, then quickly darted her eyes back to the ball. "Okay so, uh..." she moved Sunset hand slightly, "That's the angle you want. Now try shoot."
And Sunset did it. A perfect goal.

"See!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Thanks," Sunset smiled, "Though, not very helpful if I'm playing against you." She sat on the floor for a breather.

"Eh, you'll get it. You're way better than those guys anyway," Dash waved at Pinkie and Applejack, as if she were shooing birds away, then placed her hands on her hips and stared around at the court, mind wandering.

Sunset admired Dash's confident pose. Rainbow had always been that way - confident, and goal driven, and Sunset had always been... jealous of it. No. Jealous was the wrong word to use. Impressed, perhaps.

The bell for lunch interrupted her thoughts. The girls grouped together and headed to the cafeteria, as they always did.

A/N the fact that we're already on chapter six and NOTHING has happened is something I am defo working on <3

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