chapter five
"Ugh, I wanna rip my head off..." Rainbow groaned.
Sunset smiled. Her friend sat up in bed slowly.
"Sunset... why am I at your house?" Rainbow asked.
"Exactly. Recovering from blackout drunk is not something I'm gonna let you go through alone," Sunset smirked.
"Thanks," Dash chuckled, before wincing in pain from the headache. "Agh."
"I don't get it," Sunset sat up beside her, "Fluttershy said you hardly drank, and you're not usually a lightweight."
Dash simply shrugged.
"Did you eat much before?"
She shrugged again, the questions were too much.
Sunset sighed, "Sorry, I'm here for you, I'll get you some water."
As she left, Rainbow Dash, curious as ever, peered around the room, her eyes absorbing as much as they could without causing too much movement. It was very Sunset. In the corner of the room Sunset's school bag sat, and just visible, Rainbow's own English book. The athlete laughed to herself.
Sunset returned with two icy glasses of water and sat back on the bed next to her friend. "Have as much as you can."
"You're good at this," Rainbow laughed.
"I've had my fair share of experience from my mom," Sunset rolled her eyes. Rainbow frowned, and Sunset regretted what she said, "Sorry I didn't mean for that to get deep."
"Nah it's okay, if you wanna talk about it. Must be hard, your mom drinking a lot," Dash looked at Sunset. It was the first time Sunset had ever seen her friend's eyes that way, a genuine look of concern, from a girl who she had only ever communicated with through sarcasm and jokes. She was taken aback by Dash's sincerity, it was so out of character.
"Uh, yeah, yeah it does get annoying, having to clear up after her," Sunset looked down, then around at her room, "But I'm not blaming her really... and she doesn't live with me - here I mean. This is my dad's house. My mom lives across town and I never really stay with her, it's just closer from the school...."
Sunset felt like she was just blabbering at this point, so she stopped. She knew Dash was trying, but she also knew of Dash's shortened attention span and didn't wanna bore her.
"I love your room," Rainbow smiled, breaking the silence.
"Thank you," she returned as she eased off her bed. She took Rainbow's book out her school bag. "Reminder that this is due tomorrow..."
"Not doing it."
Rainbow huffed, "C'mon I thought you were supposed to be looking after me!"
Sunset smiled and put the book bag in her bag, "Just... I'll leave it with you when I drop you off home..." she looked up and caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, "Jeez, you could've told me I look half-dead."
"Yeah well, you always do..." Dash smirked and buried her face into the pillow, "Now turn off the lights and let me sleep."
Sunset tore the pillow away Dash's grip, "Nope, it's almost one PM. I'm gonna get you some breakfast and we're gonna start our day."
Rainbow sat up abruptly... a little too quick as the room began to spin. "Time flies... Thanks, I'll better get outta your way."
"I'll with walk you back," Sunset grabbed some clothes to throw on for the rest of the day and headed to her bathroom, "Let me change quick and then we'll grab some food."
"Thanks..." Rainbow sighed as Sunset shut the door behind her. She figured she should try clean up a little, as she guessed that Sunset hadn't had the easiest time at that party. Dash felt bad, she didn't usually let it get that bad but her head was pounding and her stomach was churning. And she couldn't remember a thing...
Rainbow finished making the bed and clambered into her shoes. Sunset came out the bathroom, grabbed her bag (with Dash's book) and the pair headed into the kitchen.
"My dad always buys the most random stuff so you can kinda mix and match," Sunset raided through the cupboards. "There's some cereal here... you can have toast?"
Rainbow stared blankly.
"And I don't mind cooking something, we could have eggs or..."
Dash smiled, she loved the way Sunset was just being Sunset. "You're too good to me," she shook her head, "but I'll be fine, my mom will probably wanna make me something, she's probably worried, so I should get back."
Sunset shrugged, "If you say so."
The duo headed out and Sunset walked her friend right up to her front door. She rummaged through her bag, "If I don't see this book in class tomorrow with homework completed..." she threatened.
Dash rolled her eyes playfully, "Okay mom'" she snatched the book. "See ya tomorrow Sunset," she waved her off and headed inside. Sunset smiled.
A/N: okkkk yesss boring I know just bear with me plsssss I'm just getting started I have so many ideas
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