Mafu rolled on his bed, bored. Really bored. It's been a week since he got his fever down and now he's bored.
All of his friends are busy, especially his boyfriend, Soraru.
He groaned and buried his face on the pillow and yelled into the pillow before pulling himself up to stare at the ceiling. He growled and yelled.
He yelled to nothing, well more to the ceiling. He didn't know what happen to him, but he felt like he need to yell after a week of fever.
Soraru didn't even contact him since a few days ago, after his fever is down. He knew that his boyfriend was busy but at least he has to spend some time together with him. Just the two of them.
Just the two of us...
Mafu sighed, it's been almost two, no..put that three weeks that Mafu and Soraru haven't spend time with eachother.
"Soraru-san....where are you?"
Mafu rolled onto his right and then left and repeat the whole process over and over again. Mafu pouted.
He grabbed his phone which is lying on the table beside his bed and dialed a familiar number.
After a few rings, the person he called didn't seem to answer, and it made Mafu sad.
"....I miss you...Soraru-san.."
Mafu jolted up from his bed as soon as he heard the door being knocked and a familiar-husky voice.
"'s me, Soraru"
Mafu quickly dashed from his room towards the front door. Mafu quickly opened the door and hugged Soraru. He buried his face on Soraru's clothed chest as he nuzzled it. The raven chuckled and walked in, still with the albino attached to him.
"Mafu..what are you doing?"
"I'm hugging you of course"
"I know..I mean why?"
"I missed you"
Mafu's voice muffled by Soraru's jacket. Mafu un-bury his face on Soraru's chest and stare at Soraru with those big red eyes, glistening with tears. Soraru flushed and chuckled.
"You missed me that much, huh?"
"Why wouldn't I?! You never visit me for three weeks! And you didn't even come to see me when I'm sick! And you didn't answer your phone!"
Soraru widened his eyes and hugged the albino.
"I'm sorry. I've been to busy lately..I know I'm a terrible boyfriend, but will you forgive me?"
Soraru kissed the top of Mafu's head. The albino sniffled.
"Of course..but why didn't you call me or answer my phone?"
"Oh about that, I left my phone in Suzumu's apartment. I was going to get it tomorrow, but I changed my mind"
Soraru smiled softly and it made Mafu's face heated up.
"Because I'll spend my time with this angel right here. I can ask Suzumu to deliver it here later"
"Are you sure, Soraru-san?"
Soraru nuzzled Mafu's neck as they fell to the sofa together. With Mafu on Soraru's lap.
"Doesn't change the fact that I'm lonely for the last three weeks"
"It's only three weeks, Mafu"
"It's almost a month!! And it feels like eternity to me!!"
"Quit whining.."
Soraru flicked Mafu's forehead as the albino stiffen.
"Auch..that hurts, big meanie"
Mafu pouted cutely, almost knocked Soraru's sense out from his own brain.
Soraru kissed Mafu's forehead, to his eyes and his cheeks then finally his lips.
"I won't go anywhere"
Soraru's gentle smile made Mafu's face flushed red and he giggled.
"Don't leave me.."
"Yeah, I'll be here"
"I love you so much, Soraru-san"
"Love you too, my angel"
This is it guys...the last chap.
Gomen (;W;)
I still want to write many things happen in school ._.
Well mostly because of the things going on in my house but..that doesn't matter right now.
And also because this will be the last chap, don't go away yet.
I still have a bonus for you guys. So please read
The me I was trying to be was a bit more than I was
I smiled softly after my friend waved his hand, leaving me alone.
This is fine...right?
As long as I remember, I was bullied. And now, I tried to change myself.
My once snow white hair was dyed black. My once blood red eyes, was hidden behind my black eye-contacts.
This is so painful...
But this is okay, right?
"Oi, what are you standing there for?"
I heard a voice behind me which is so familiar. I turned around and smiled brightly, my first true smile for today.
"I have gone for a few days and look how you become"
He shook his head, I frowned.
"Is that a washable dye you use?"
"Let's go to my house and wash that dye...I like it more when you have that white hair"
Only you can cease my loneliness
I curled up into a ball on the rooftop. I was bullied again.
"You're okay?"
I sniffed and looked up. Seeing those blue eyes I always find myself lost in it.
He sighed, "Don't try to be tough, got so many bruises"
"I'm sorry" For not becoming much stronger than I am
"No need to say sorry, I'll fix it. I'll always be by your side"
I smiled softly hearing his words.
「If you remember me, then I don't care if everyone else forgets」
As I thought, everyone leave me once again. Everyone except him.
"Why don't you play with your classmate?"
"Everyone don't even know that I'm there"
Soraru frowned and sighed.
"And you are fine by it?"
I giggled a bit and smiled.
"If you remember me, I don't care about others"
People like you are rare
I think you are beautiful
I was staring from the side of the field, staring at the only raven male I know. As soon as he looked at me, I sucked in my breath, blushing a bit.
His beautiful, soft looking raven hair and those deep blue eyes i always find myself lost in it.
"Come one, don't just sit there"
I widened my eyes, and then I smiled.
And I ran right to him.
I want to see your smile, so
「Stay by my side, okay?」
I always observe him, everything about him, but there is one thing I rarely see from him. His smile.
"Why won't you smile, Soraru-san?"
"There's nothing I can smile for"
" don't need to search for something to smile for"
"I will look like an idiot"
"No you won't because.." I smiled softly, "...I'd like to see you smile often"
Soraru flushed a bit, then smile softly. Making my heart beat faster each second.
"Okay then"
I smiled, "Soraru-san..."
"Stay by my side, okay?"
Because I want to be the one who will always see your smile.
I dream because I can meet you in dreams
"Oi,'re okay?"
"E-Eh? W-What is it, Soraru-san?"
"Quit daydreaming, I have called you a few times already"
I blinked rapidly and blushed.
"I-I'm sorry.."
But I was daydreaming about you.. I smiled and giggled.
"What are you giggling about?"
And I giggled again.
「I just want to live so..」 I have no regrets right before my death
Because I have something..someone, to protect
"Just die you monster"
A kick
"Yeah, you are just a monster. You don't belong here"
Another kick
I curled like a ball and whimpered, with kicks flying to me.
"Just go die!!"
I whimpered again and a soft sob tore out from my lips.
"I just want to live..."
I want to be strong...
"Hey, all of you stop that!!"
I heard a familiar voice and the kicks stop. I heard footsteps and felt warmth spread all over my body.
"Do what you can keep that monster, you loser"
The bullies walked away, as another soft sob got out from my lips.
"'s okay, I'm here. I'll protect you"
But...I want to protect you too...Soraru-san
"Un..." I nod
For now...I will let him protect me.
「Do you love me?」
I had called Soraru to the rooftop and now here I am, standing before him, kept staring at the floor, nervous.
"What is it?"
This is it....
"Do you love me?"
"What? Of course I love yo-"
"No, I mean...the romantic way"
Silence. I gulped and held back my tears.
"I-It's okay if you don't. I am being silly..haha-"
Suddenly, the familiar warmth I always feel, embrace me. I widened my eyes as tears started to form on the corner of my eyes.
"I do love you"
Are you going to dissapear someday?
Will you come back again?
"I am going to go aboard"
I widened my eyes from his sudden confession.
"England...maybe I will be there for two years...are you okay with that?"
I bowed my head and smiled shakingly.
...I am okay"
「Please don't go」
「Please don't leave me」
"So...see you in two years...I guess"
I was seeing him on the airport, right before his departure.
"Yeah...don't forget me okay, Soraru-san"
I smiled. He frowned.
"You sure if I leave? I can cancel it if you wan-"
"NO!! I mean..." I bit my lips.
Please...don't go...
"..don't make me become a wall that holds you from your dreams,"
Don't leave me...
"..I'm fine. You can go"
I said with a smile. He smiled softly.
He kissed my forehead and waved at me as he walked away. I smiled as I hold back my tears.
I am okay...
I am lost
Since Soraru had gone aboard, the bullying got worse.
I winced as I treat the old and new wounds I have. I keep them behind my long sleeves. I always smiled, no mater what. I am fine......lies.
Soraru-san...I miss you. Without you..I am lost
The more you trust, the greater the betrayal
The more you love, the greater the harm
It has been two years, and I got a news that Soraru is back now. I quickly ran out from my house and find myself near a cafe. The cafe that he likes to go so much. I saw him..sitting there. With a blonde girl.
Then I saw them laughing together. I can see his smile, so happy. My eyes widened. I smiled bitterly and walked away.
I just got back home when I received a call.
"What is it Soraru-san?"
"I'm back"
"Really? I don't know that..." lies.. "Do you want to hang out later?"
"That's what I'm trying to say. I'm breaking up with you...sorry"
I saw that coming
"W-Why...?" I failed to hide my shaky voice
"It's just...well my parents need grandchildren so..this won't work...I'm sorry"
And he cut the call. I slid down on the front door and curled up, sobbing my heart out.
Happy now?
Is he not happy enough with me?
Am I a bother to him?
He's not happy with you. Look how happy he is with that blonde girl
You are so weak and un-independent..he got tired taking care of you
I smiled bitterly, after seeing the truth.
Can I dissapear?
Don't worry. I'm not gonna bother you anymore
This has to work...
I can't be a bother to him anymore...
I should just dissapear..
My existance is nothing anyway..
Not without him...
I smiled and climbed the chair. I hold the rope close to me. A silent tear slid down my face.
"I love you...Soraru-san"
And I kicked the chair.
A raven haired male stood there, staring at the albino hanging from the ceiling. A silent tear fell, and regret coming.
"I'm so sorry...Mafu"
Well...there you go. Sorry ;W;
I shouldn't do this, but I don't want to go yet ;W;
For you guys, my lovely readers I'll give one more don't cry okay? ;W;
"Hhh..ah..Soraru..san..I'm hyaah"
Mafu went limp on Soraru's arms and the raven sigh.
"You always came so fast, why don't you wait for me?"
"B-But...I..can't. It's too much, Soraru-san"
The older sigh again and stroke the younger's white hair.
"Okay, but tomorrow I'll give you training"
"Yup..and you'll love it~" he smirked.
Seeing that smirked on Soraru's face made Mafu shuddered and almost made him regretting of what will come tomorrow.
The next day, Mafu opened his eyes. Only to be greeted by darkness. He panicked.
He can't move, not with chains on his hands and legs, holding him firmly on the bed. Mafu shuddered as he felt the cold air stroke his nude body.
He realized that his eyes were covered with blindfold, and with his (very uncomfortable and embarassing) position right now, he knew there's only one culpirt.
He heard a soft chuckled and a pressure on the bed right next to him.
"Morning Mafu~"
"Soraru-san, this?"
"It's your training time"
I knew something bad will happen when he said 'training'...
He got tense when felt Soraru shifted from sitting position beside him, to hovering on top of him.
"S-Sora- hmph"
Mafu was silence as soon as lips connected to his own. Soraru swalowed Mafu's soft moans as he put his tongue in.
After a few minutes, he finally let go of Mafu's mouth.
"Oh..I only kissed you and you're already hard?" Soraru asked as he touched Mafu's erection, earning a shiver and a small moan from the albino, "This is why you need training. You need self control~"
Soraru squeezed Mafu's erection softly and the albino bucked his hips onto his hand.
"Nope, you're not gonna have it so soon"
Mafu whined and shook his head. Soraru kissed his forehead and started to stroke Mafu.
Soraru kept looking at Mafu while moving his hand up and down, then he felt Mafu twitched in his hand.
Mafu came. But before he can finished, Soraru grip tightly at his erection, making him moan in pain.
"N-No...why? Soraru-san, let go"
Haven't finish with the pleasure yet, Mafu begged Soraru to let him come.
"No, not until I'm inside you~"
Soraru kissed Mafu's lips hard, he nibbled on the bottom lips, earning soft moans from the albino. Soraru moved his hand from supporting his body, to Mafu's ass, entering one finger immediately.
Mafu gasp when he felt Soraru's finger pushing its way in.
Soraru add another finger inside Mafu, scissoring him.
"Okay, now get ready"
Soraru whispered to Mafu's ear.
"H-Huh...? NNGAAAH"
Mafu yelped in surprised when he felt something hot and thick entering him from behind.
He unconsiously tigthen his ass and Soraru groaned from the feeling around him.
"Mafu..too tight"
"Hyaah aah nnghh..S-Soraa AAH"
Soraru kept thrusting hard and fast into Mafu, despite the albino's loud and unchecked moans.
Soraru leaned towards Mafu's ear and whispered.
"Let's come together, shall we?"
And with that Soraru release his grip on Mafu's erection as the albino came. Followed closely with Soraru coming inside the albino.
Soraru stroked Mafu's hair before he pulled the chains off and took off the blindfold. Mafu stare at Soraru with teary eyes.
"Haah haah S-Soraru..san.."
Soraru kissed the albino's lips. Not that the albino can fight back since his energy had been taken away a few minutes ago.
"Now sleep. You need it"
Mafu can only nod weakly and fell asleep.
It's been a few weeks of Mafu's 'training' and when Soraru said 'training', he meant it.
Mafu felt like his hips will break if Soraru give him more 'training'.
"Soraru-san has no restrain..."
Mafu mumbled to himself. It was two days ago that Mafu received his 'training' and now he's stuck in his (well, Soraru's bed).
Mafu likes to think that it's the effect of the training...because for the past few days he got horny whenever Soraru's scent stuck on him.
Mafu felt his body got hotter. The urge got too strong that Mafu started to touch himself.
"Hhh aah hnngh..."
Small moans and pants leaked out of his mouth as he tried to contain them.'s not enough..
Mafu took his pants of and lift his hips up. He licked his fingers while stroking himself and then he entered himself.
A long moan escape his mouth as his fingers got into himself. He is still loose since it's almost every week that Soraru gave him 'training'.
He's been fingering himself for a few minutes and he can feel the familiar warm feeling on his stomach, yet he can't cum. No matter how hard he tried, he can't.
I wanna..come..Soraru-san
A gasp escape Mafu's mouth as he heard the door opened. His eyes widened as he saw Soraru with wide eyes, standing in front of the door.
"Aahh..Soraru-san..I'm sorry"
Soraru smirked and stroked Mafu's slender back, earning a moan from Mafu.
"You were trying to cum..right, Mafu?"
"Too bad, I gave you training to restrain yourself..remember?"
Mafu moaned, trying to get his head to clear up is really difficult right now.
"Haa..aah..please Soraru-san..enter me.."
"Are you sure? You look like you're enjoying yourself"
Mafu moaned as he felt the tip of Soraru's finger touch his erection.
"It's not enough..haa..please... Soraru-san, I need you"
Soraru chuckled and he kissed Mafu's back.
"Okay, but must prepare me"
Mafu understood and pulled Soraru's zipper down. Mafu took out Soraru's half-hard erection before putting it into his mouth, earning a loud groan from Soraru.
While Mafu prepare Soraru, Soraru reach out and put in his finger into Mafu, earning a moan from him.
"I think it's enough"
Soraru pulled Mafu away, along with his and Mafu's fingers and lift him up onto his lap.
Mafu nodded and Soraru slowly put Mafu down on his erection.
Mafu screamed as he felt a foreign yet familiar thing enter him. Soraru started to move Mafu up and down as Mafu moaned louder and louder.
Soraru groaned as he fasten his pace, feeling Mafu squeezed him, telling him that he'll come.
"Let's come together, shall we?"
Mafu came followed by Soraru, filling his inside. Mafu leaned on Soraru as he tried to take as much air as he can. Soraru kissed Mafu, pulled out and lay him down.
"I love you"
Soraru laid himself beside Mafu and kissed his forehead.
"I love you too"
Okay, now it's finish. I'm so sorry that I have to end this book orz
But after reconsidering it, I think I'll make a second book of soramafu~ Please look forward to it!
And for the requests you guys gave me, I promise I'll make them in the second book orz
And also I probably won't write smut as often anymore since my mom and my dad found out *shiver*
Anyway, I got a fever since a few days ago and I still have a fever today, but I decides to make this long 3000+ words of last chapter for you guys (so there might be many mistakes here, forgive me)
I might publish the second book soon, but not too soon.
Thank you everyone for your support. I really appreciate it. I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH.
So, see you guys!!
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