Amanda's POV
Amanda cradled her tiny growing baby bump as she supervised the brunch tablescaping in the backyard, she was actually supposed to be resting, if Chief sees her here 'working' he is going to lose his mind.
She was already feeling super accomplished that morning for even succeeding in bringing all four of them home together for Easter. Her decorator is an expert but she needed this brunch to be flawless because it is the first of its kind for the Bakares and on top of that the Bakare kids are....disparately fussy.
Dare is an epicurean when it comes to food, he has a fine and refined taste in food so she couldn't serve rubbish, she actually flew in a Michelin star chef to host the brunch.
Yinka is a climate change activist so everything had to be 'eco-friendly'.
Segun is a curator for Sotheby's so she had ensure there was no cheap or tacky tableware on the table and then there is Banky, (Her baby!) that one does not have any problem he only cares about his music, as long as there is enough food and champagne he is good.
She decided to set up the brunch in the backyard just by the new Koi pond she installed a month ago. They (She and Chief) fell in love with koi ponds in Bali so she converted their outdoor swimming pool to a koi pond since no one was swimming in it anyway.
She smiled affectionately as she thought about how her relationship with Chief started 7 years ago like play, and how everything moved so fast after that first date. How did she go from minding her business, living solo in her 40s to being a stepmother to 4 amazing individuals and a step-grandmother to two precious toddlers (Segun's kids) and then now she is even going to be a mother herself.
It feels almost unreal to her sometimes.
Honestly, after her first date with Chief, Amanda understood this particular assignment. She knew from that very first date how much he loved them and she could see that he wanted to work on his relationship with his Children, he wanted to see them more often and he wanted them be close and united.
Amanda still remembers that first date vividly to this day, like it was yesterday. She was in her Brother's house in London o, it was during her annual leave, she was already preparing for the next leg of her trip which is to Houston to visit her Sister when her brother got back from a Nigerian event one evening like that and said his 'friend wanted to meet' her. She laughed in his face at first because she knows all her brother's friends are 'useless people'.
"What's that supposed to mean, don't worry you will calm down when you hear who this 'friend' is" Her brother bragged.
She was stunned when he mentioned the name; Deji Bakare?
That one that cannot stay married to save his life? She had so many doubts in the beginning.
She didn't know much about him but she knew he had been married and divorced...TWICE!. His gist used to be all over the place back in the days but he kinda shed most of his Lagos 'big boys' friends and went under the radar (socially) ever since he became a Billionaire.
Before the date, she had encountered him way back in the days when she was still working for the law firm that represented his Company and a couple of Nigerian oil companies in a joint lawsuit against the Federal Government, it was the firm's biggest win.
Now, even back then she only met him in person like once or twice and it was all business plus he was married at that time so she didn't give much thought to him.
She only admired and respected him from a distance because he was super successful for his age. Mrs. Alabi and the others were older and some of them came from money but he was self-made and he was the youngest in that clique of newly minted oil millionaires, on their way to becoming billionaires.
She did note he was handsome though....lol.
He had this bad boy/player image because he had been divorced (2nd one) for over 8 years but he did not remarry like a typical successful 30+ Nigerian man that cannot do without a woman at home. She was unsure.
However, she agreed to go on the date because she was bored.....and curious. Plus the fact that he asked her out through her brother helped his ministry too, it made her a little bit comfortable, that was an old school move but it worked. Because if a man comes to your family there there's a high chance that his intentions are probably pure.
He picked her up in a luxury chauffeured car (In this London?), They went to an elite restaurant, he shut it down for them (...totally unnecessary), he had bodyguards (again.. unnecessary) at this point she was a little bit put off by his opulent display but she didn't show it. She was still interested in discovering the real person behind this whole new money syndrome.
She maintained a poker face all through. At some point, things got awkward when they ran out of small talk. He was confident in the beginning but it seemed her resting bitch face was making him unsure so, she reminded herself to smile a little.
Then he smiled back and said; "You remind me of my first Son,"
She raised her brows uneasily "Is that supposed to be a compliment?"
"Ahhh... yes. I am not saying you look like him...it is in the attitude. He appears mean and cold on the surface but underneath all that, he is a sweet boy with a big heart" He explained himself.
"What makes you think I am sweet or kind, we've only just met" She asked him.
"You know, that is exactly what he would say" He smiled then continued, "So I am holding on to the assumption that you are a sweet and kind person" He smiled sheepishly, but she found it charming.
He really is a handsome man! She thought to herself.
She smiled (reluctantly) again "How old is he?"
"Twenty eight, He is actually an Investment banker here in London," He said proudly.
She nodded attentively as he continued; he mentioned his daughter Yinka a PhD student, second son; Segun the Artist and the youngest; Bankole. She paused for a second when she realized that he just mentioned four Kids.
You see, when she heard he was interested in her she did her small research on him too and she heard he had three not four children.
"Wait, how many children do you have?" She asked him.
"Four" He said then he explained 'Dare'.
"I see" She smiled then nodded ardently. Hmmmmm Nigerian Men.
"That's all of them, I assure you," He added quickly when he noticed she was looking at him weirdly. "But I don't mind...more children" He said as his eyes settled on hers.
She giggled lightly "You do realize I am going to be 50 soon, if you are planning to make more babies shouldn't you be looking for someone perhaps...younger?"
"We live in a modern age Amanda, humanity has evolved and we have achieved a lot of advances in reproductive technology. A lot of women freeze their eggs these days, there is surrogacy, there is adoption, the options are endless, and I am open to every single one of them," He said casually and Amanda had to hold her jaw from dropping on the ground as she stared at him in bewilderment.
Nigerian Man? Talking about adoption and surrogacy!
She took a long sip of her wine because the evening was about to get Interesting. This is not what she expected. He is interesting! She thought to herself.
"Anyway that's not why I asked to see you. I am just making it known to you in advance that I don't.... mind having more children if that is what you want"
'Wait, how did they jump from 'hi' to 'Children talk?'
"I will be very honest with you," he continued "I really like you and I have always thought you are an amazing woman" He started. "I do know some things about you" He confessed that he spoke to her brother because she is a very private person, in fact he cleared out the restaurant because he believes she likes her privacy.
"But, I want to get to know you on a personal level, so tell me about yourself, Amanda" He smiled.
She froze! She did not know what to say, she had forgotten how to do 'dates' and she was smitten by him to some extent so she couldn't even gather her thoughts at that point.
When he saw that she was hesitant, he helped her.
"Okay, let me break the ice by sharing some unflattering secrets about myself with you" He said,
"Okay..." She said.
"I actually flew out to London because I knew you were here for your vacation with your brother and his family and I know that you do this every year. I have been planning this for months and I have been seeing a dating consultant in preparation for this date but, as it is, I have already broken about 3 rules of a 'successful first date' - that is...according to my consultant"
She burst out laughing for the first time that evening "Okay first off, what on earth is a Dating consultant and why do you need one?"
He laughed in embarrassment "Well I have been out of the dating pool for some time now and my social skills are a little bit rusty, and as you know, I have a disturbing history with women and relationships," He admitted.
"I am curious, what are the 'first date rules' you have violated so far?" She asked him seriously.
"I said too much about my children, I just admitted to stalking you and I was not supposed to mention that I have a dating consultant," He said.
"So why did you break the rules?" .......was he giving up on her?
He paused then said in a flirty tone, "I think I got my groove back the moment you started smiling at me, I don't need to play by some phony dating rules anymore"
"So you mean one 'dating consultant' somewhere is about to lose a client?" She laughed.
He paused then this time, flashed his handsome smile again. "If you are saying that right now, it means this date is going in the right direction and I am doing great?"
"I don't know..." She smiled and twirled her hair "I don't want our dating consultant to lose their livelihood so soon, I should make this harder for you" She joked and that was how they clicked.
Their first date went well, she loved his sincerity, he was very open about alot things. The thing is, Men like him always cut to the chase they don't like going round in circles because they don't have time to waste. He was very direct with her.
"So where are you going from here?" He asked on their second date.
"Houston" She said.
"Your younger sister right?" He smiled. lol he even had her Itinerary.
She nodded.
"Can I tag along?" He asked and she chuckled.
"Don't you have work to do or something?"
"I have decided to embark on my annual leave too," He said.
"Who is going to run your Company for you, I heard you are very hands on and won't let anyone else manage your business for you" No but for real, she even heard he keeps all his meetings 10mins max because anything over 10 minutes is a waste of time to him. That is how busy he was at the time.
"My longtime friend and colleague; Paul (Mr. Obaze), is acting in capacity for me, you will meet very soon, he actually introduced me to your brother," He added.
"Aren't you worried they'll take over your company or oust you while you are busy following me up and down?" She teased him.
"It would be worth the trouble if I achieve my objective" He said seriously and she laughed hard because; Yoruba demon in action!
During their 6 months courtship, she wondered why he couldn't keep his ex-wives even with all his money.
What are his flaws?
At some point, she asked him, she was curious. She could see that he had no problem attracting quality women or even being an amazing boyfriend, so why was he a serial divorcee.
She is not sure what really went down with him and his ex-wives, he kept it short but he mentioned negligence, commitment issues and dishonesty on his part, he sha took most of the blame and admitted it was his fault. However, the most important thing he said was that he had learned from his mistakes, he is wiser and that he is ready to try again for the right reasons. It kinda settled her nerves.
Back to present day.
She feels they've come this far because she understands him a lot, she reads him easily and she knows what he is thinking most of the time and this is why she went out of her way to setup this intimate Easter brunch just for him and all four of his Children.
There's a bigger dinner with other family members and friends later In the evening but this one is strictly for her Husband and his children.
'I wonder what this one will be like' She cradled her bump again subconsciously. They (The baby) sha cannot be normal lol, not with with Dare, Yinka, Segun and Banky as half-siblings.
"Dare is here Ma," Her Assistant interrupted her euphoric thoughts and she turned around quickly in excitement.
"Please stay here and oversee the setup, they are almost done" She instructed her PA as she sauntered back into the house.
Chief is going to break the news to them during the brunch in a grand way. He bought 5 floors of a new building in Eko Atlantic and he is going to gift it to them then inform them that the fifth floor is for their unborn sibling. They are going to be so shocked! Banky knows already though, but she asked him to keep it a secret.
Segun was introducing Dare to his wife when she joined them in the living area , It's funny how they were conversing as if they grew up together, she is pretty sure this is like the 3rd time Segun and Dare are meeting in person.
Blood is thicker than water indeed!
"Ọkọ iyawo!(Bridegroom)" She teased him and he smiled shyly.
"Happy Easter" He hugged her.
"How is the wedding preparation coming along?" She asked him.
"Great" He smiled.
Segun congratulated him again on the engagement said he will definitely attend the wedding.
"Why didn't you bring Sofi with you?" Amanda frowned.
"She's got some family stuff to attend to as well, but we will be hosting Segun and the kids on Tuesday evening" Dare said.
"You want to steal my 'August visitors' abi?" Amanda protested and everyone laughed.
"Sofi is a charmer, I am afraid if you guys go over to their place you wouldn't want to come back here" She said and Dare smiled sheepishly, he tried to say something in response to Amanda's statement but words failed him because he knows she is right.
Lol he is so in love with her, Sofi is one lucky woman!
"Now I really can't wait to meet her," Segun said.
"You look amazing!" Dare said to Amanda.
"I know right!" Segun joined him and the two of them started showering her with praises.
Yinka came downstairs in that moment too and joined the whining spree, but she knew they were not whining her, her pregnancy glow is crazy everyone has been saying the same thing. Pregnancy looks good on her, she has put on small weight, and her cheeks were rounder, it gave her a cute soft look. They will be so shocked when they find out why she is glowing she could not wait to see their reactions.
Yinka actually arrived earlier but Amanda had to beg her to change into something more appropriate for the occasion. The werey showed up in ripped jeans and a 'save our planet' graphic tee lol. Amanda had to get her to change because she had a photographer on ground, she wanted to make some family photo frames for Chief.
"Ehen! You look much better" Amanda praised her and she pouted. She was wearing one of Amanda's Naeem Khan Summer gowns. It's a good thing they wear the same dress size, just that Amanda is taller but the excess hem gave it a regal vibe, it actually looked better on her.
"Good! everyone is ready, let me get your Dad" She made her way upstairs.
Dare's POV
He was nervous! They have never been under the same roof together like this. The last time they were all together in one place like this was during Mrs. Alabi's daughter's wedding but Segun wasn't even there. It felt surreal, his emotions were all over the place he was glad Amanda put this brunch together, he was happy.
Chief arrived at the table with Banky hopping behind him like a kangaroo.
"What is this? You look like a freaking peacock," Segun said to Banky and everyone laughed.
The boy dyed his hair purple and his beard green.
"Leave him alone" Yinka defended him.
Chief just shook his head.
The brunch started out well, Mr. Bakare expressed his joy of having them all around together for the first time, then he gave them a fatherly speech on maintaining close ties with each other and taking care of themselves.
He announced Dare's upcoming wedding again....as if they didn't know already. Said everyone must attend the London reception. "That's our own event," He emphasized.
The real drama started when he asked everyone for an update on their life/activities/work and future plans.
"Let's start with the youngest" Chief looked at Banky. Banky's eyes widened at the mention of his name then he gulped down the champagne in his glass and said "Me?" and everyone laughed.
"No, me" Segun teased.
Banky cleared his throat at first then paused.. "Why do I have to start? Shouldn't it be the eldest or maybe ladies first" He looked in Yinka's direction and she eyeballed him.
"You do realize that phrase is sexist" She frowned.
"Oh dear God, here we go again" Segun rolled his eyes.
"Yeah? and me going first is not ageist?" Banky retorted.
"The way you people turn a simple conversation to a political debate in this house beats me," Segun said.
"Oyinkasola" Chief intervened "Please will you do us the honor?" He pleaded with her.
She told everyone about her activism accomplishments and bragged heavily about the new anti-gas flare bill she drafted which is in its second reading at the Senate. Dare was impressed with that one he was super proud of her, even Mr. Bakare was impressed. Besides, pushing for legislation amendment was better than carrying placard up and down on the streets of Lagos.
She said her organization has planted about 20,000 trees so far but then she surprised everyone by saying she wanted to leave the country for a year to work on a short MRes (research masters) that she signed up for. "Its just for year degree I will be back as soon as I finish"
Banky looked at her weirdly when she said that then gulped down another glass of Champagne. It looked like they were hiding something. Those two are up to something.
Segun and Banky started arguing on who will go next again, obviously, Banky was avoiding this conversation because he knew they were going to drag and shred him for deferring his studies to chase his failing music career.
Chief ordered Banky to go next but he refused to say anything. He had nothing to show.
"You better go back to school if you don't know what to do" Segun started with him, He went off on him, said his music is trash. He was very brutal Dare was signalling to him to stop but he didn't. Banky looked like he was going to cry, Yinka on the other hand defended him and attacked Segun back "why can't you people understand this is what he is passionate about?"
"Dare please tell us what you've been up to" Chief finally said something.
Dare kept his own very short and straight to the point.
"He is going to invest in my record label too," Banky said when he started talking about Nigerian startups.
Chief raised his brows sceptically.
"Yes, but that is after you go back and finish your degree" Dare reminded him of the conditions he has to meet for him to fund his music business. They had this conversation and honestly Dare actually thinks he is going to be better off as a record executive or maybe a producer than a rapper. He can't rap! lol
"You will be wasting your money investing in this one," Segun told Dare.
"It is such an irony that you call yourself an artist yet you keep discouraging him. When you decided to be a sculptor, no one stopped you" Yinka came for Segun again.
"That is because I had actual talent!, I was selling my work in the streets of Paris as a Teenager even before I went to Art school" Segun bragged. "How many singles have you sold Bankole? what are your stream numbers?"
"Ignore him," Yinka said to Banky.
"You are very insensitive and cruel" she faced Segun again.
"No, You two need grow up and start being realistic!" Segun snapped at her.
Dare could see that Yinka was visibly hurt by his comeback, she wanted to say something back to him, but Chief intervened again this time.
"Segun, that's enough, let's hear from you" Chief said.
It's like Segun is everyone's medicine in this house, he is like the executor, Dare thought Yinka was the savage one but Segun is savage pro max. Wow!
Segun talked about his work then he said something about Sotheby's starting NFTs auction and that caught Yinka's attention.
"NFTs and cryptocurrencies are bad for the environment you shouldn't-"
"I don't give a shit-" Segun cut her off.
"Language!" Chief said.
Then Chief asked him if he had any project he was working on in Nigeria.
"I want you people to invest some of your time and capital here, you know something to give you ties to your homeland. Especially you Segun"
Segun then said he wanted to dabble into Agriculture, he said he was thinking about to investing in an oil palm project somewhere in Akwa Ibom state" Chief nodded, he liked the idea.
Yinka cleared her throat. "So you people want to cut down trees in the forest to make room for your palm trees?"
Dare knew where she was going with it so he tried to change the topic but Yinka continued obviously, she was still mad he told her and Banky to 'grow up'.
She started criticizing it. She said palm trees do not absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere like forest trees and large-scale oil palm farming is unethical.
Chief was smiling this time to Dare's surprise, initially when Segun was dissing Banky Chief was happy, someone was finally on his side but now that Yinka is attacking Segun with climate change, Chief was still smiling, he seemed to be enjoying the whole sibling gbas gbos between them. Dare wondered if this is how they were when they were younger and perhaps their bickering was giving him some sort of nostalgia.
"Don't try me with that Climate change bullshit, I am not Daddy!" Segun warned her.
Their row escalated with Yinka threatening him with violence. Dare looked at Mr. Bakare wondering when he was going to intervene but he was just eating his food quietly and enjoying his meal.....and the drama. Banky's face was buried in his food too.
Soooo this is normal? Lol.
They continued arguing and Dare was getting uncomfortable with the fight, Yinka was reminding Segun about how she used to beat him up when they were younger and how she would do it again today. She even started removing her earrings and Dare looked at Chief again but he was still calm.
"Yinka..., please stop!" Dare said but no one was listening to him.
After a while Banky said; "Guys I have cancer!"
Everyone froze, then their eyes darted to Mr. Bakare to check if he has fainted but he was still eating his food quietly as if he didn't just hear what Banky said.
"OMG! Banky" Yinka rushed to Banky's side.
Immediately everyone calmed down the werey said "I'm just kidding!" then laughed.
Dare and Segun looked at him in shock.
"What?" Yinka was horrified.
"I had to break up that embarrassing fight, how can you people be doing that at your age and right in front of Daddy, you two are shameless agbayas" Banky sneered.
Yinka smacked his head. "What kind of a joke is that? are you mad!"
And that was how another fight started again between Yinka and Banky this time. She was ripping him apart and he was loosing this fight because no one defended him so he decided to take her down with him.
"Dad! She is pregnant too!" Banky blurted. And Chief frooze, he put down his cutlery carefully and looked up at Banky. This one finally got his full attention.
"Wait who..." Segun was very confused as much as Dare was at this point.
"Amanda is pregnant, we are getting a new sibling, Yay!... but yeah Yinka is pregnant too" he repeated the final part to Mr. Bakare directly and the old Man looked like his soul just left his body.
Segun's jaw dropped to the ground.
"I....i don't understand" Chief said, his voice was shaky but he tried to stay calm.
Yinka turned away from him then put her head down she was mortified. Dare has never seen Yinka Bakare put her head down.
"I thought you didn't want kids and....... you have no plans of getting married?" Chief continued.
"You are having.....sex....unprotected sex?!" he raised his voice, he could not even hide his disappointment.
She started crying.
"At your age? You have a PhD!...How does a.....how can you be so irresponsible!" his hands were shaking.
"What is going on here!" Amanda showed up looking startled she must have heard the ruckus.
"Yinka is pregnant," Chief said to his wife feebly. Amanda smiled and started oohing and awwwing but then she paused almost immediately as it dawned on her that Yinka- I am never ever getting married- Bakare is pregnant!
"Wait,.....who?.......you are seeing someone?" Amanda's excitement morphed into utter shock.
Yinka stood up angrily and said she was going to her room.
Amanda looked at Chief "Don't overthink this, you need to stay calm okay,... just breathe"
Honestly Dare was worried about him the most at this point, this bomb Banky just dropped is going to raise his blood pressure.
Chief stood up too "I need some air, excuse me" he said breathlessly.
Amanda signaled her PA to get the family Doctor as she followed Chief into the house.
"No wonder she didn't touch her Champagne," Segun said. Yinka that can drink for Africa.
"You are evil" Segun turned to Banky "Why did you expose her like that?"
"I had to do it; this is why she is leaving the country. She is confused, she doesn't even know what she is doing and she was having a mental breakdown" Banky sighed "She needs support from grown-ups, I can't help her"
"Why is she confused though? who is the Father?" Segun asked Banky.
Dare held his breath at this point because, its either that 'youngest' House of Reps dude that she has been working with or..........
"Gowon!" Banky said.
"Who is Gowon? He has got to be just as crazy as she is to even-" Segun continued joking about it but Dare was boiling inside.
"I need to head out for a bit, I'll be back before Dinner" Dare said to them as he turned around and headed for the parking lot.
"Take me to Gowon's house," He said to Soji immediately he got into the car.
He knows the fool is around because they are supposed to meet for one business they have tomorrow morning. He tapped his feet impatiently as the car moved out into the driveway.
'Hope Gowon has written his will,' Dare thought to himself.
Because he is going to meet his maker today!
And that was how Easter brunch scattered......
A/N: My people, we are back! So, i am going to start Yinka and Gowon's book (Flaming Shadow) this weekend.
You guys are getting a sequel for Sofi and Dare's book after Flaming Shadow. It's actually going to be a sequel for all 3 books but, it will center around Sofi and Dare's lives.
I need to stop taking long breaks, i struggled to write this epilogue because i have lost my (small) writing mojo that i am managing o! lol
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