They spent a week in Abuja, visiting his Mother and some of his relatives, everything was happening so fast at this point it was like film trick because this visit was more of an 'introduction' for him and now, everyone in his family knows that he is getting married, she has met the most relevant Aunties and Uncles and cousins.
Honestly, his folks are so warm and hospitable except for one 'socialite' Aunty like that, that was low-key hostile and said Sofi has to learn Hausa before the wedding 'or else'.... The woman kept complaining about having to speak english to her, she said she lived in Lagos for about 3 years and she understands Yoruba perfectly 'You have no excuse'.
Sofi just figured on her own that the woman does not like her but Dare just kept laughing the whole time. He told her to get used to it, said the woman was just catching cruise.
Hmmmm okay oh!
Not like she cares, she has won his Mother's heart already and that is the most important person to him in the world, everyone else can rest (Including Chief lol). She even accompanied his mother to a small wedding reception (because Diana bailed out on her last minute). That evening Dare was super anxious and excited at the same time, he tried to discourage her from going, but she was not fazed because this is her thing and she knows how to manage Nigerian parents and Dare's Mum is even one of the cool ones.
"How did it go?" He asked apprehensively when they got back. He was in the main living room watching football.....he was actually waiting for her, she knew his mind was not there because he was texting her the whole time they were out.
'Are you okay?' 'Do you want me to come get you?' 'Isn't it over?' lol
She looked at him squarely and said seriously, "I am going to snatch your Mother,"
He chuckled.
"It's only a matter of time," She continued as she joined him on the Sofa, keeping a healthy distance between the two of them despite the fact that they were alone in the living room, as per no PDA here "I just need to learn this Hausa first" She smiled.
That his werey Aunt was right about learning Hausa after all. The only downside to the outing was the fact that his Mother had to act as a translator for her because most of the people who came to greet them they just assumed she was a northerner and spoke the language to her.
When she finished giving him gist he glanced around then moved closer to her "Come to my room tonight now" He whispered.
"Are you Mad!" She whisper screamed.
So, they are staying in the family home and she is staying in a guest room. The guest room is kind of closer to his mother's room in the wing where most of the women in the house hang around so he can't come to that area to collect sugar, so he has been trying to lure her to his room on the ground floor.
"Please now,... I am dying here," he pleaded.
"Get away from me" She shot him a death stare.
"How can we be under the same roof and I can't touch you?" He moped.
"If you try me I will extend this till the wedding," She muttered.
"Ah! Okay sorry" He quickly moved away from her and she smiled triumphantly.
After some seconds he turned to her again begrudgingly "I don't even know why you are doing this, they know we live together in Lagos, you think they don't know we are......"
"Okay, Goodnight" She kuku stood up and left him there.
Before this trip, she had brunch with her northern friend, Farida, to get all the 'update' on how to act around your northern christian in-laws. Dare and Diana are 'Tokunbo' they don't even know their own culture like that so she couldn't rely on him to guide her on this one.
Farida told her clearly not to do PDA in front of his parents and that she is supposed to act 'shy' and conservative at all times. But Uncle Dare is here looking for a full course, he better hold body till they get back to Lagos.
"Where is her ring though?" Diana asked them the following morning, they just looked at each other and smiled.
"He didn't propose?" She gasped in horror "..and you agreed to marry him?"
"You are the most unromantic Man in the world!" She said in disgust then she said something to him in Japanese and he almost choked on his food, Sofi didn't understand the phrase but it sounded like her man was getting roasted.
He tried to explain that he kinda asked her without the ring because he didn't have the ring with him at the time but Diana was not having any of it.
She said if her future husband does not go on one knee or make her cry tears of joy, she is 'not doing'.
Honestly, Sofi doesn't care about an elaborate proposal or Dare going on one knee, his actions alone were enough for her. Dare is the most intentional Man she has ever been with, he doesn't need to go on one knee for her to understand just how much he wants this with her.
Wale (her ex) proposed to her on her birthday in the presence of their friends, it was beautiful and perfect, he had photographers, he shared it on his social media but he still served her hot breakfast...... A blessing in disguise by the way.
"Just give me the ring already," She had said to him the day Yinka brought it but he refused, he has been holding on to it, he said he wants to do it 'properly' before she will remind him 10 years from now that he didn't officially propose to her lol.
As soon as they returned to Lagos, Chief called one weekend like that, said he wanted to talk so she told him she was going home for the weekend to give them some space.
He said they talked for about two hours and they sort of made up. She is dying to hear Chief's side of the story but she didn't ask him for details. He probably does not want to talk about it anymore. She is just glad he is working things out with Chief and she is hoping he has found the answers to those burning questions he has had at the back of his mind all his life.
Dare has informed Chief too that they're getting married, so everyone knows now.
He finally proposed 'officially', like two weeks after the Abuja trip. He was supposed to leave for Cape Town that day but he lied; he had moved the flight two days further.
Funny enough that evening as she got off work she was thinking about how she was going to miss him because she had gotten so used to him. She even branched a salad place first, to grab dinner because she was struggling to stay on track with her 'audio' detox diet plan, thanks to Dare.
He made her drink alcohol one night and then another day he made Swiss cheese stuffed chicken rolls with wine sauce, then one evening they went out to try plantain pizza out of curiosity. She swore it was going to be trash but it was good and that was how she followed him to eat nonsense to stupor.
She has accepted that it is impossible to do fit fam when you are living with Dare so she wanted to salvage her diet plan in the one week he was going to be away in South Africa.
The moment she stepped into the house, hundreds of floating red heart shaped balloons bombarded her. There were roses and lanterns lining up her path from the door all the way to him, she entered the house from the ground floor and as she made her way up the stairs, she saw him standing there, smiling mischievously. She noticed that the entrance from the elevator on the first floor was also lined up with the decoration as well and he was actually waiting in front of both entrances, Lol that cleaning Lady has a lot of cleaning to do tomorrow... She thought to herself as the smile on her face grew wider.
She saw that the female Chef was there too. RIP detox diet!
She was super happy he was still in town and the whole setup was magical it was not over the top but it was intense and classy.
As soon as she got to him, he dropped to one knee then stopped smiling.
"Sofi.....I knew you were the one the day you placed that cap on my head, I made up my mind in that moment,... it had to be you"
She nodded helplessly as the tears started pouring.
"You are kind, thoughtful, brilliant, beautiful inside and out and you make me want to be the best HUMAN version of myself in order to be worthy.."
He sighed lightly "Honestly in my head, we are married already. I don't see me doing this with anyone else because I know that I am taken, I've been taken by you from the moment I laid my eyes on you and I love you so much. I want this to be official so, ..Again... will you marry me?"
4 months to the wedding
They were having dinner one Friday night in the Kitchen, (he had just flown in from Singapore), and she was updating him on the wedding plans.
He didn't look like he was paying attention to everything she was saying. Dare is not interested in all these wedding planning talk, he actually left everything for her to handle. She has hired a wedding planner to help so she had everything under control .....for now but she wanted his input on some things.
She paused angrily at some point and glared at him because he was pressing phone.
He looked up and saw that she was eyeing him then he placed his phone down on the counter carefully and said "So the introduction is also traditional wedding?"
"Yeah" She nodded "And we are going to do the white and reception the day after that"
"Great" He smiled. Lol she knew he was faking interest.
"I just want to keep everything short and simple you know-..." She continued but he cut her off.
"Are you sure about that?" He looked at her skeptically.
"Yes now, TY and Osaze had a small white wedding and it was cute and amazing," She said.
"Is that what YOU want?" He asked again as he carried his plate to the sink to wash.
She wanted to tell him to leave the dishes but he ignored her because his brain is hardwired to do his own dishes after eating at home, especially when the cleaner is not around.
TY has warned her not to stop him from doing these little house chores because she on the other hand is still teaching Osaze how to 'boil egg without burning down the house' lol.
But, he just returned from a trip and he had a long flight.....and he is her baby.
When he finished with the plate, he came back to the counter picked up his phone, wallet and car keys then said to her as he slipped them in his pocket.
"Baby listen,.... I know the only thing you like more than your Man is Owambe..." He started and she chuckled.
"You are always ditching me on Saturdays especially, to go attend some random wedding or....funeral," He said.
"Meee?" she said in a high-pitched voice, feigning ignorance.
"Yes you....and lets not even begin with the bags of Asoebi and your head scarves and bridal train business.....most of your instagram posts are from weddings and....baby I see you staring at wedding pictures on your phone all the time"
He came to her side of the counter and smiled "I know the Woman I am marrying, just be yourself, do whatever YOU want, you know.....all them crazy wild wedding ideas you've had since you were a little girl? Do it all now because you are not getting another wedding" He kissed her on the lips deeply then tipped up her chin to lock their gaze together.
"I am the only one you are ever going to Wed, I promise you," He said seriously "I am down with anything you wanna do,"
She looked away shyly and licked her lips because, this Man ehhhhhn......
Whenever Dare says 'I am down' he means 'money no be problem' 'I'll pay for it' 'I've got you' or 'get one in every color'.
3 days after they fixed the dates and started planning, his Zenith bank people delivered a Platinum dollar MasterCard to her, he wants to pay for everything including the reception his mother is hosting for them in Abuja. She has told him that her family is responsible for the traditional wedding but he is insisting.
"Just make sure you're doing what YOU want okay and also, please get Auntie Hannah off my back" He kissed her forehead and caressed her hand. "Manage her for me, work your magic on her?...please?" He said in frustration and she smiled and nodded.
The woman is a case! She is the one in charge of the Abuja reception because Dare's mother is currently away in Oslo. The woman has been going crazy with the plans, she calls Sofi like three times in a day to 'speak to Dare' or discuss laces, fabrics or souvenirs.
"You're the best! I'm off to Akin's and we're staying out late, don't wait up for me," He said as he made his way out.
She sat still on the counter for a while thinking about what he said before leaving, not the 'Money part' but the part where he promised to be the only one she is ever going to marry. She didn't even realize she was crying at some point. That was so sweet, his casual vows are the best, and they get her every single time.
9:50 am
In the morning, she got dressed then strolled to his room to quickly check up on him before heading out to Toyin's place. She could see from the security logs that he got back from his guys night out around 4 am.
He opened his eyes the moment she planted a kiss on his forehead then winced painfully as he tried to sit up.
"See your life?" She sneered at him but her hand stroked his head affectionately.
"I'm never drinking again," He said slowly.
"Right" She laughed.
"Where are you going?" He pulled her onto the bed with him and wrapped his arms around her.
"TY's place, we are doing the ultrasound today, remember?" She said to him.
He smiled. "Isn't it too early?"
"No its not, she is in her second trimester"
"I mean you..., isn't it too early to show up in a married couple's home, what if they're bUsY?" He winked.
"You know its 10am right?" She looked at him weirdly then tried to escape from his hold because she knew where he was going with that.
"Give me some Sugar before you go now," He pleaded.
She eyed him and shook her head "You just want to ruin my hair and makeup....werey"
"Are you wearing makeup right now?" he scanned her face and she smiled in defeat as she kicked off her shoes.
"Pink? That means they're having a girl?" Dare said that evening when he caught her ordering pink smoke bombs on her phone.
"Aargh! You're not supposed to see this!" She scampered to her cover her phone screen with her hand. "You better not leak this to Osaze" She warned him. Even TY herself does not know the baby's gender yet.
1 Month to the Wedding......
Sofi ran away.......
As in, she moved out of Dare's house after a major emotional meltdown.
Her Mum was stressing her, Dare's Aunt was stressing her, heck even the wedding planner was stressing her with her incompetence, the Makeup artist she booked 4 months ago cancelled on her, everyone sha was pissing her off.
She even had a small fight with Bisola recently and she has been feeling very bad about it because Bisola has been her rock especially now that TY is heavily pregnant and cannot really move about. She was very close to becoming a complete bridezilla with the way things were going.
Then, to top it all, she had a huge fight with Dare and he is still mad her.
Here is what happened;
So, Chief and Dare's mum have fresh beef now because his Mum feels like Chief tried to turn her Son against her (lol) so they are back to being 'enemies'.
For all the events they put a 'no gifts' note in the invites because they don't want to end up with cars and gifts they won't use. They asked the invitees to just send their prayers or donate to charities on their behalf (For the ones that want to show themselves by force).
That was the only thing that impressed Dare in the whole wedding planning business, he liked that she came up with that idea.
"This is why I love you," He said to her proudly that day and she smiled sheepishly, she knew he was going to like that one.
Now, the moment they sent the invites out, Chief saw that Dare's mum was hosting a reception in Abuja and he got jealous and now, he wants to do his own reception too for them so he is planning a mad reception in LONDON.
Amanda has carried it on her head already she has hired a London based event planner and she is already looking at venues. When they told Dare about their plans though, he said No, he said they don't want another reception.
Off course they were not ready to take no for an answer, so they sent Sofi to 'work her magic' on him so he would agree. They wanted to do the reception 2 weeks after the actual wedding so Amanda didn't even put a halt to their preparations when Dare said No the first time because she said they were strapped for time.
The first time Sofi brought it up with Dare, he said NO without mincing his words.
"Why are they doing it?" He asked her "You don't have any friends or family in London, It is totally unnecessary, distasteful, and a complete waste of money, they are not gonna turn our wedding to a circus, tell them the answer is still NO" He said to her curtly and she dropped it real quick.
She likes Owambe o, but honestly, she thinks a London reception is too much. She doesn't mind the Abuja reception they have all their traditional rites and stuff lined up for that one, she is actually looking forward to that one because she wants to experience his culture plus it is actually for his family members who can't travel to Lagos. He has a large extended family on both sides.
She really didn't want to bring it up again but Amanda was on her neck, the day she brought it up again, they had a zoom meeting with the London event planner and they were talking about cake tasting and florists already! These Nigerian parents (that have money) are just bored and are always looking for an excuse to throw a party.
She started the talk with him again by implying that 'It's only fair that Chief gets an opportunity to do his own thing too since his Mother is doing her own in Abuja'
He looked at her with disappointment in his eyes, she felt it but she didn't stop because...pressure! "Just let them have it, it will make him happy" She continued.
"Sofi, if you people go ahead with this you will attend it alone, I'm not going to be a part of it," He said to her angrily.
"Why don't you want a London reception?" She whined, "You don't want all your little girlfriends in London to know you are getting married abi!"
His jaw dropped in disbelief "Wow,...emotional blackmail? you are something else! You know what? I don't care what you think, there won't be a London reception, and that's final" He said furiously then walked out on her.
As a spoiled girlfriend that she is, 'e shock her' she was used to having her way with him especially with the wedding. This one pained her and she didn't know how to break the bad news to Amanda. He even stopped talking to her and she couldn't take it anymore so she packed some of her stuff and moved to TY's place, she was stressed...and she was afraid of losing him.
What if he says he is not 'doing again'?
Maybe this is why her ex even dumped her. She started harbouring negetive thoughts again.
TY told her to take it easy; "Just relax and enjoy the process. It will never be perfect I know you are low-key a control freak but you have to accept the fact that it won't be perfect"
"Ha! Vendors will fall your hand you've not seen anything yet" TY narrated some of her own wedding headache and drama.
"And, you guys will fight.... A LOT, there will be a lot of tension but it's all going to pass, I promise you" She took her friend's advice but she was not ready to go back home yet because she was not ready to face Dare plus Osaze was away on a business trip so she stayed longer with TY.
She was hurt he talked to her like that but she was also ashamed of herself at the same time for pushing him to the wall, she even tried to manipulate him......that was low, she has to apologize for that one.
By the third day (In TY's house), she decided to work from home because she didn't have any meeting scheduled for the day so she just stayed in the guest room and worked on her laptop.
Around noon, she looked up from her screen and she saw him standing there, leaning by the door with his hands in his pockets, staring at her quietly. He was wearing a navy blue native and he looked so handsome and peaceful. She wanted to hug him but she needed to claim small rights first, as a spoiled girlfriend.....Fiancée that she is.
He smiled at her first when their eyes met but she looked away and pouted. TY or Osaze must have informed him she was in their house.
"Small fight, you ran away" He said "Is this how you want us to do the marriage?" He teased and she chuckled dryly.
He joined her on the bed. "What is going on with you?....talk to me"
She broke down and started crying like one fool, she told him about the makeup artist, her fight with Bisola, how everything is 'falling apart' and how these challenges are starting to feel like 'bad omen'.
"I am mentally exhausted," She sobbed uncontrollably as he rocked her gently.
"Okay,...... let's get married this week" He said.
She looked up at him in shock with her swollen eyes then sniffed his breath "Are you drunk?" She asked and he laughed.
"No, let's just go to the registry and do it, honestly I've been thinking about it a lot lately" He said. "These events.....they're just parties, I don't want you connecting these negative experiences to us, we were fine and solid before this whole parade and nothing will change that"
He said Soji is already working on getting an early slot for them in Ikoyi registry. Initially, they were planning to do the court marriage privately after all the ceremonies, in their own time but right now she doesn't care about the wedding anymore if they like they should eat sand at the reception. She just wants to skip to this peaceful stage where TY is already because she is so over the owambe fever.
So she agreed.
And that was how they quietly tied the knot one month to the actual wedding. It was very short and simple, Soji acted as his witness for him and she called Bisola to be her own witness. She also wanted to apologize and bond again after being a complete bitch to her.
She wore her favorite cream-colored dress suit while Dare just dressed as if was going to work. Bisola even came with a cute bouquet to complete the look for her. She is the sweetest.
After the court wedding, she felt like at peace with herself. It's like the trauma from her failed engagement contributed to her stress and anxiety sef.
He finally agreed to go for the London reception, he actually has stuff to do that week in another country, but he will make it.
After the Abuja set of events, they flew straight to Obudu mountain resort for a mini-honeymoon ('Mini moon' according to Diana)because, she was exhausted and she was not ready to go back to the Lagos madness yet. And honestly, they needed a break before the London reception.
Funny enough, the Obudu trip was freaking expensive for them because of the heavy security they had to go with, but it was worth it. They stayed in one of those bulletproof presidential cabins and she couldn't get enough of the scenic views of the lush green mountains, the dewy air and the waterfalls.
Their phones were switched off, they were disconnected from the rest of world it was only Diana who knew where they were because she was the one that suggested the mini-moon.
And Gowon too because he put the security team together for them, they had 15 undercover bodyguards scattered around the resort with them. Dare not does not play with security whenever they travel outside Lagos or Abuja.
The way he made love to her during this mini-honeymoon was different, he would subconsciously caress her belly, kiss it, cradle it, drop those his random vows here and there... with a lot of cuddling sha! She was in heaven.....literally.
"Baby,....you need to switch on your phone" He said to her on the 3rd morning in the resort. They were supposed to hike to the Cameroon side of the mountains to find a secret waterfall that day but they were interrupted by an urgent call....from Gowon.
Her heart almost dropped when he said that, they had been offline for 3 days. What on earth happened?
It was work. They needed her attention at work.
There was an accident in one of their sites in Port Harcourt and Mr. Obaze is not in the country and the representative from the project partner company has failed to resolve the issues, and now Government officials have sealed off their site and halted drilling........blah blah blah. She sha had to be in Port Hacourt that morning.
What kind of wahala is this? She thought to herself.
She looked at Dare after the call with her new Assistant, her eyes were heavy with worry but he just smiled nodded "You have to go" he said.
He said he even wanted them to leave the resort because he was already getting anxious security wise so he told her pack her stuff. "Let's meet at home tonight," He said to her softly.
They even sent a helicopter to airlift her out to Calabar so she could fly from there to PH and then take another helicopter to the facility.
"You have to stop being understanding, you are just going to spoil me," She said to him as they walked hand in hand to the helipad.
"Don't worry this is not our real honeymoon. Once we go away (for the real one), I don't care if the whole company is burning down you're not moving an inch," He said.
"I swear" She supported him.
"So, have you made up your mind?" He asked her again about the honeymoon destination. They both want to go somewhere they've never been before and it has to be a non-English speaking country. They want to literally get lost together for a whole month.
He actually mentioned Madeira Island while they were in Abuja and it is winning with them because she failed to mention the country it is located in. That is another bingo game they're playing with the destinations and this is why she is yet to get her own suggestions to stick, Dare knows his Geography very well. He got all the countries of the places she mentioned right.
"Phuket Island" She smirked, she wanted to say Bali initially, but awon travel influencers have casted that destination and Dare definitely knows where Bali is.
"Hmmm where is that again? Malaysia?" He furrowed his brows and she laughed at him wickedly.
"Wrong! Ha! finally I mentioned a place you don't know" She jubilated.
"Thailand" He said and she frowned. "I know it's in Thailand, I failed on purpose because I want you rest" He teased her.
"You're ruining it!" She sulked but he just flashed his charming smile and squeezed her hand softly.
"Okay, we'll do both" He said "Two weeks in Thailand and two weeks in Portugal, how's that?"
"Yayyyyyyyy!" She hugged him.
"Why Thailand though?" He asked her.
"Because our first date was in a Thai restaurant," She smiled warmly.
He was confused at first but then he realized the first time they went out together was actually in Abuja.
"Hmmmm, was that our first date?" He paused.
"Mhhmmm" She smiled sheepishly.
"Wow... I had no Idea, I thought that was just me grabbing dinner with my....remarkable coworker," He said.
"Well, that was day I started catching small feelings for you" She confessed timidly.
He paused again "So you mean I wasted one whole month after that, trying to woo you?"
"You're cruel," He said and she laughed lightly.
He helped her strap the seat belt then smiled at her again "See you later... Mrs. Madaki" He said and she grinned like one mumu. He has been calling her that since she decided to change her last name.
He walked backwards slowly as the helicopter rotor system started up again, he watched them take off with full concentration, she knew he was assessing the take-off in his head.
She heard him praising the pilot earlier when they got to the aircraft for an 'incredible landing' lol. Those are the kind of things that interests Dare, she doesn't even know the difference between smooth or rough landing her own is they should sha not throw her away inside bush or river biko, she just married the most amazing man in the world and she is still at the beginning of her 'happily ever after'.
She looked out the window again and sighed because, he was still standing there.
"I love you so much" She whispered to herself.
AN: Congrats guys! we finished the book. This is my longest published work, it was supposed to be short story o, but I got carried away.
Anyway, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING. You guys are amazing!
I'm going start updating Yinka and Gowon's story in April, that one is going to be wild! (lol).
Also, i might/may/will do a sequel for the series but it is going to be one book, this is where the 3 stories will collide. Let me know if you want a sequel.----->
Aaaaand I forgot to cast Dare so here goes;
His name is Patrick Dante Oke, discovered him in a movie on Amazon prime last year and I think he has so much potential but nollywood Directors keep giving him supporting roles because they are COWARDS!!! Anyway this is our Dare and y'all remember Shalewa Ashafa is Sofi.
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