Warning: Mature content ahead.
Excuse us if you're not 18.

Dare's POV


'What is she doing here?'

Dare was utterly dumbfounded as he walked down the stairs. He was panicking too because he was getting those damn heart flips as well. He was feeling things he had sworn off.

He fought the excitement bubbling underneath his cold and detached facade. He had to pull himself together and he knew how to. Because he has admitted it to himself that he likes her way too much for his own good and he has trained himself over the past few months to use his head more when it comes to Sofi's matter. He is supposed to be following his head right now and not his heart...... or Dare jnr!

She was just a phase.

.... A very good phase. He told himself. He had survived all these months without her and he was doing great, why break now?

He stayed quiet initially because he had a thousand questions on his lips but he didn't know where to start plus he just wanted to stare because, goddamnit! Sofi is beautiful woman.

This won't end well. He thought to himself. She was already disarming him just by standing there and being so fucking cute and sexy at the same time.

Suddenly he realized she was quiet, he had not been paying attention to what she was saying, his whole brainpower was busy suppressing emotions while appreciating God's work at the same time.

"Okay" He said. That was the only thing he could come up with.

Then she mentioned Amanda and that was when his eyes cleared.

Oh, this is why she came? He was a little bit disappointed but he was relieved too.

Then he became suspicious!

So, in the past couple of weeks, Mr. Bakare and Amanda have been scheming to get him to move back to Lagos. He doesn't answer Chief's calls but he talks to Amanda almost on a weekly basis and she has been literally hounding him to open his Venture Capital office in Lagos. She even sent a link to him of a new office building in Ikoyi, said she thought it was built to his 'taste' Lol.

Honestly, he is not even mad at Amanda, he knows Mr. Bakare put her up to it, but if this is what they are trying to do by sending Sofi to him, then they've just crossed the line.

Amanda called yesterday, twice! to find out if he had 'received' the documents (It's a Lawsuit against some deadbeat guy that Japa'd and abandoned his wife and kids in Lagos, just one of Amanda's pro bono cases sha) and she didn't mention that Sofi was bringing it down. Now he can see why she was blowing up his phone. She just wanted to know if he had seen Sofi lol.

His emotions kinda morphed into mild irritation. Mr. Bakare is unbelievable!

Her hand brushed his as she handed the envelope to him, her fingers were cold and unsteady, and he was genuinely concerned about her.

"I didn't know you were the one bringing it," He said what was on his mind in that moment.

"Congratulations on the promotion by the way,............ and your MBA" He added.

Is this part of your new job description? He wanted to ask because, Mr. Bakare has a house here in London, and they have idle Staff there that could have handled this stuff for Amanda. They're trying to use Sofi to resolve the fresh beef between him and Mr. Bakare. Taking the easy way out as usual.

She smiled "Thank you" She was shivering and wait why is she not properly kitted for this weather ffs! He wondered if there was a car waiting for her somewhere, if she is staying at the Bakare's then she's probably going to be chauffeured around. He wanted to invite her inside because it was freezing, the cold wind was whipping at him too. However, he hesitated because what if she doesn't even want to be here, Amanda sent her here.... before he could process his muddled contemplations she said goodbye then took off quickly.


His friend, Jamie was looking at him weirdly because his mood had changed.

"Guys, mind if I take a rain check?" Dare said regretfully. They had drinks and dinner plans in some new Pub around Chelsea.

Jamie's wife, Gina booed him.

"Something came up, I am so sorry," he apologized.

Jamie and Gina are both his former co-workers. He worked with Gina first when he was in the New York branch and when he moved back to London and was on the same team with Jamie he just knew they were going to be perfect for each other. He had to introduce them, they had a lot in common, they were both party animals and kinda annoying in the same manner. They sha had the same kind of energy so he introduced them.

It all started with a simple phone call and today they're married, Gina is still based in New York but somehow, their long distance marriage seems to be working fine. The two wereys said the distance helps them 'focus' on their careers.

Anyway, today they came with a BLACK FRIEND, friend of Gina's who happens to be a BRITISH NIGERIAN, obviously they were trying to matchmake him and her. Gina has vowed to retaliate by 'tying Dare down too' since he is responsible for her elimination from the single and free life.

The Dayo girl is pretty, works in finance too but honestly, he is not open to dating right now,... maybe sex but definitely not a relationship and she looks like she wants something serious, he had no plans of leading her on or wasting her time.

He had to turn down the invitation for drinks because he is just going to be a killjoy if he goes with them.

His friend kinda understood, he knows about Sofi.

30 minutes after his guests left, he opened Amanda's envelope absentmindedly, Sofi threw him off completely by showing up here. He was not okay, she had taken over his mind.

He couldn't stop thinking about the fact that she was here in London, in his City.

Where is she staying?

He was fighting the urge to go after her. He just wanted to see her again, he wanted to experience that intense emotional mayhem again, .....because it felt good. He was just glad she showed up, he didn't even care if it was because of Amanda anymore.

He called Amanda to get more clarification on what she wanted him to do with the papers it looked confusing.

Amanda's POV



Amanda and Chief were having dinner with Banky at home when Dare called her.

"Dare dear, how are you?" Amanda said trying to hide the excitement in her voice. Chief looked up at her anxiously when he heard Dare's name, then he frowned and picked up a newspaper to disguise, acting as if he wasn't interested in her conversation.

"I am fine, we are doing great," Amanda said as she put the call on speaker.

"How is He (Chief)?" Dare asked.

"He is fine, don't worry about him, I won't let him go out, he is under house arrest" She grinned.

Chief sulked but deep down he was happy Dare was asking after him.

He asked about the documents she sent, he wanted more clarification.

She smiled mischievously, ehen so he has met with Sofi.

She just gave him some bogus instructions but asked him to hold on because the client said the respondent has agreed to appear in Nigeria.

He paused for a couple of seconds then sighed and said; "Okay".

She smiled ruefully knowing he was onto her by now, Dare is not stupid

She wanted to change the topic but he broke the silence first.

"Urrm Amanda?" He said


"Do you know where Sofi is staying?" He asked and Amanda looked up at Chief with a smirk on her face.

She stifled her excitement, cleared her throat then in a much more serious and nonchalant tone she said; "Errm I think they all stay at The Ritz in London......right?" She raised her brows at her husband but he looked away.

"You know what? I am gonna have the travel agent call you now with the full details okay" She said.

"What did I tell you?" She said proudly to Chief after the call.

"Why is he asking you that, why didn't he call her himself to ask?" Chief said as if he was not happy that her little plan was working already.

"What do you know about young people's relationships? Moreover, look who is talking, is it not my Brother that toasted me for you? " Amanda teased her husband and Banky laughed wickedly.

"You know, I think I should start a matchmaking agency considering the fact that I am responsible for Nike and Dapo too" She continued proudly.

"Did you plan this right from the onset?" Chief looked at her suspiciously, he was low-key impressed with her flawless execution of their strategy of bringing them back together.

"Oh no! I never thought Dare and Sofi would get along talk less of dating, it never crossed my mind. He is so strange you know.... like Yinka" She shook her head.

Amanda was shocked they were dating, and initially she thought Dare was just playing with her until Yinka informed her he actually got a ring for Sofi.

"You need to work on that one too," Chief said seriously.

"Relax, she is already in Lagos full time so that won't be a problem. Trust me, all of them will be seated right here on this table by Easter next year" She said confidently.

"I also want her to settle down" Chief said. "She should bring the man she wants to marry here"

"Deji, sweetheart, I can do a lot of things but, I am not a Magician" Amanda said and the two of them bursted out into a wild fit of laughter.

That one has sworn she is not marrying because of climate change. She said she does not want to bring innocent Children into a 'dying planet'.

Segun (Yinka's brother) was supposed to come for Christmas with his family but they changed plans because of the unpredictable travel restrictions flying up and down. Segun does not like stress.

"What kind of Children are these ehhn?" Chief lamented.

"They are amazing kids" Amanda said "They are just.....very interesting fellows" She smiled "...like their father" She rubbed his head flirtingly.

"I am just glad I have you here with me always," He held her hand on the table and they were flirting with their eyes.

"Okay! I am going upstairs to eat" Bank stood up carried his plate.

"Get a room!" He muttered in disgust on his way out of the dining room


Dare's POV



So, the thing is Dare has already decided to open the office in Lagos, his Partners kinda pressured him into it, Sofi was right about supporting the entertainment industry after all, they indirectly attracting foreign investment to the country. He smiled as he thought about her again.

When he made that decision, he was thinking about her too, he has never admitted this to himself but yeah, she was a driving force too. He still had hopes of rekindling things with her, deep down. He tried to kill his feelings for her but he never stopped thinking about her. Apparently, those feelings didn't die too because there he was standing at the entrance of The Ritz.

Immediately he got her booking details from Amanda he grabbed his coat and headed out, but when he got to the hotel, he paused at the entrance.

He told himself was being impulsive. Sofi showing up probably triggered his brain to release excess dopamine, serotonin, and all those damn happy hormones and now he has chased her here because he wants more, like a drug addict.

She is like his drug and that can't be a good thing.

He turned back and took a walk to clear his head. He thought about all the things that let up to this semi-break up.

He actually blocked her because, as it is, there is a less than 1% chance that he might go to jail for illegal acquisition of information and, if that happens then she's going to end up with a convict. He wanted to let her go for a lot of reasons but most importantly, for his own good too.

He pondered over this for about 30 minutes as he walked absentmindedly outside, he wanted to be absolutely sure he was not just being impulsive.

At some point, he found himself in front of a Moncler store on Bond Street staring at a long white winter jacket on display.

The coconut head will wear this one, it is her style and it looks super warm He thought. She probably didn't get a proper jacket because she is only here for a couple of days but, he has been unable to shake off that image of her shivering in the cold, he wanted her to stay warm even if she is just going to be here for one more day.

...Because he loves her and he cares so much about her, nothing has changed.

He is just lying to himself, he is eventually going to run back to her whether he likes it or not. She was not a phase. She is the only woman he has ever thought about spending the rest of his life with, this is not just lust or hormones he loves Sofi.

Warning: Mature content ahead.
Oya this is where it starts o!

Sofi's POV.

'I don't deserve this man'-

He smiled at her as he stepped into the suite; she was just looking at him in bewilderment.

"Okay, first off, please wear this whenever you leave the hotel," He said seriously, as he passed the paper bag to her and dropped his own Jacket on the sofa beside her.

"I have one of those" She tried to frown but failed because she was so happy deep down.

"So why didn't you use it earlier?" He scolded her.

"I wanted to seduce you," She pouted "I am so dumb," She added weakly as fresh tears welled up in her eyes. Wait, why am I exposing myself...must be the alcohol.

He chuckled dryly, his eyes had softened up, and he looked 1000 times finer. He sighed then grabbed her hand and pulled her into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face in his chest.

"You think I could ever forget......you?" He whispered in her ear and she held on to him tighter. He felt so warm and he smelled so good, God! She has missed him!

He pulled back then cradled her face between his palms and gazed into her eyes longingly, he wanted to say something, but she beat him to it.

"I am sorry," She said quickly. He has apologized for everything repeatedly, He has called her and begged to talk, but she ignored him. It's her turn to apologize for her own strong head too.

"No, I am sorry" He said, "I fucked up"

"But I overreacted, and I should have listened to you" She cried. She hated how she let her trust issues get the best of her and how she couldn't even stop for a second to see things from his own angle.

"I deserved it" He smiled warmly "Remember you're supposed to give me hell any time I fuck up?.. maybe not block me for 6 months but.....I know I fucked up too and I am sorry. I have learned my lesson, I promise, just don't cut me off like that again? Please?" He searched her eyes.

She nodded.

He wiped the tears around her cheeks then dabbed around her eyes with his thumb.

"Miss Ireti, let's start over again," He said seriously.

She nodded "Okay"

"Have you been drinking?" He smiled.

"A little" She pouted.

He licked his lips "Without me?"

She smiled as she waited anxiously for his lips to meet hers. He kissed her softly, slowly as his arms circled her again, pulling her closer to him. She kissed him back too hungrily and slipped her hands underneath the layers of his clothing, immediately her cool fingers made contact with his hot skin, he intensified the kiss and she felt him hardening up.

He broke away, pulled off his hoodie together with the shirt then he tore her cardigan off impatiently as he rushed her lips again. His hands ran all over her body as he felt up her soft curves through the smooth satin of her nightwear.

He lifted her up on his waist, and strode toward the bed, placed her down in a sitting position then pulled her hips to the edge of the bed as he dropped to his knees between her legs and spread them apart. He pushed the hem of her nightdress further up her waist, her heart was beating wildly against her chest.

Good lawd!!!

He fixed that his stern gaze on her face as he slid her panty aside and caressed her folds, she moaned lightly and braced herself on the bed.

She bit her lower lip as he found her nub and started stroking it lightly, as soon as she got wet enough for him, he replaced his fingers with his hot delicious mouth and she let out a gasp and threw her head back, her body was on fire.

He licked, sucked, nibbled on her as she cried out in ecstasy. He started extending his strokes and his tongue was going down about to say hi to her hole when they heard the damn doorbell ring.

He paused then raised his head in frustration.

"I think its room service, I ordered for Champagne," She said, as her cheeks burned from the heat firing up in her body.

She wanted to go get it but he placed a hand on her belly and pushed her down on the bed so she'd be comfortable. "Stay still, I'll get it," He said ravenously then he stood up.

"Don't move an inch," He warned as he walked towards the door shirtless, just his jeans around his slim waist.

He is so fucking hot. She smiled flustered as watched him hungrily.

She heard him talking to the hotel staff, and she heard him say something like 'she is busy' lol.

He came back with the champagne trolley and parked it beside the bed.

He stood over her first admiring her half-naked body before he joined her on the bed and pushed her up completely. He slipped her nightwear off and she was now completely naked for him.

He placed a hand over one breast and caught the other nipple in his mouth, when he finished playing with the boobies he started heading down again. He planted kisses between her breasts, along her belly then he tugged at her waist beads with his teeth then looked back at her and smiled slightly, as though he wanted to say nice one!, the hunger in his eyes had tripled at this point.

He ate her out until her legs were shaking but he didn't let her come, he took off his jeans instead and entered her slowly. She cried and dug her nails into his back and he covered her mouth again with his, only breaking off to watch her or hear her moan loudly as his massive hardness tore into her warm soft tightness.

Then started fvcking her, increasing the pace with every thrust while she wrapped her arms around his neck desperately. When he saw that she was about to come he stopped again then he flipped her over roughly.

She laid flat on the bed panting, her ass completely exposed to him, waiting for him to take her, finish her. But he didn't do anything for a while, she was waiting.

What is going on? She thought impatiently.

Suddenly he grabbed all of her waist beads with one hand and yanked her up to him in a kneeling position. She felt his angry hardness pressed up against her, then he planted kisses around her upper back and shoulders as he continued playing with her beads, she was shaking with need at this point, why is he wasting time.

"Baby?" She said. She was tipsy so she couldn't even form shy today, she was hungry for him.

"Hmmm?" He answered mischievously as he bit her ears.

"Come on" she said breathlessly.

"What was that?" His voice was thicker than usual.

"Give me" She whined, she sounded so needy.

"Give you what?" His hands were sliding to the front part of the beads around her bellybutton.

"I want you," She bit her lips.

"You do?"


"But you blocked me" He said as his hand released the beads and started making its way to her throbbing wetness "Why did you do that?"

She could not answer that he had her clit between his thumb and forefinger.

"Now see horny you are," He said as his hot breath grazed her ear.

"I am sorry" She managed, lol he is so petty.

"Are you going to block me again?" He asked and she could swear he was smiling at this point, werey!

"No" She answered but that came out as a moan because his fingers were doing crazy things to her.

"What was that?" He dipped a finger inside her and she gasped and cried out as he pushed it deeper inside her.

"I won't blo .." Before she could say it, he removed his finger and entered her unannounced and she screamed and fell on her hands, she was now on all fours. He grabbed waist with both hands and pounded her aggressively and she relished every delicious thrust he took, she pushed her hips back out against him. He groaned as he cupped her ass, squeezed them, spanked them while ramming into her like a wild beast.

When he was about to come he started playing with her again, urging her to come for him as he increased his speed. He came right after she did, he released inside her.

She was in the safe period of her cycle, but honestly, she didn't care. She is ready to have Dare's babies, she is ready to put everything else on hold for him.


Under she sheets as they cuddled, he couldn't stop kissing her, not just planting kisses here and there he was devouring her lips nonstop. It was as though he was trying to collect all the kisses he missed during their break.

They pulled apart and she smiled at him affectionately.

"What?.... you starved me!" He defended himself.

I am not complaining baby She thought to herself as she planted a peck on his lips.

He pulled up the blanket over them and kissed her forehead. He asked how she was doing, asked about her Mum and her cousins and her friends.

"Did Amanda pressure you to come see me?" He asked casually.

She propped herself on her elbow "No, but why are you asking?"

He told her about Amanda and Chief's shenanigans and she laughed her head off.

He begged her not to tell them they're back together.

"I know this is going to be stressful for you, but I don't want them to drag you into any of this," He said to her seriously.

She nodded. Anything you want baby! After all, when they started dating SHE was the one that wanted them to keep it a secret and he did that for her.

"I don't want them to even think they can use you to reach out to me. Shit, I don't want them to use you for anything," He said in frustration.

It was at this point she realized she had to tell him she met his Mum too. Before he would think his Mum is also trying to reach out to him through her.

"Baby, I met with your Mum," She said then sipped her Champagne.

He was shocked, his eyes almost popped out of their sockets. "When? In Nigeria?"

She nodded. "We had dinner in Eko hotel she was there for an event"

.....So he has not spoken to her since then.

He looked alarmed but not surprised like, he knows what his Mother is capable of. Lol.

Sofi recounted everything and explained to him that Lydia was not even aware they were 'on a break'.

"She just wanted to meet and...give me her blessings" Sofi smiled sheepishly.

He was quiet, he didn't know how to react to that.

"I think you should.... you know..... Call her?" She pleaded with him.

He smiled "Sofi, sweetheart" He held her face "it is best if you stay out of this one too, okay?"

He reiterated again that they are all trying to use her to reach him instead of doing the 'right thing'.

He said he is not speaking to his Mother too because Chief gave him copies of the letters he wrote to her asking for access to him, and all her responses where she refused.

"She never told me that part of the story, she just blamed him for everything," He said angrily "Listen, don't worry about them, they'll be fine" He held her face up with his palms.

"But I worry about you" She placed a hand over his on her face. Honestly, she's worried about him. She just wants him to find peace, it is very key for him to get some form of closure.

"You didn't tell me anything meanwhile, you've been nothing but my rock and you are always there for me. Dare you are human too and if I don't know what you're dealing with, I won't be able to help or be there for you" she said "You need to open up more to me, I promise to always put you first no matter what" Her eyes welled up with tears again.

He looked deeply into her eyes, he seemed speechless, and for a second it looked like she had gotten to him but then he smirked and said;

"Wait a minute, Just how much did she tell you?" He smiled uncomfortably.

His toxic masculinity was fighting back, he was trying to change the topic. She decided to drop it for now. The most important thing is they are back together and she has more context to work with, plus she understands him better now.

"Well, let's just say it's too late for you to take another woman home because your mother will chase her with a broom" She said smugly.

"I see," He smiled.

"I know everything about you now," She bragged. "And I have seen all your embarrassing baby pictures, and I have you Mother's WhatsApp number"

"Oh God!" He looked scared and she laughed.

They talked and gisted and at some point he said he was hungry, she wanted to call room service again but he took her out instead. He called an Uber and they went to this really cool 24-hour restaurant with a breathtaking view of the City.

It was already past 3am when they got there so they just ate breakfast and continued catching up. He told her about his new job and how he has decided to open his office in Lagos, she told him about hers too, and they spent the whole night abi morning talking, catching up, and gazing into each other's eyes affectionately until sunrise. After their dinner/breakfast they went to his house.

"You have to extend your trip," He said sleepily as he gathered her in his arms in bed. She agreed to extend it by two days.


When she woke up around noon, he was not in bed. She brushed her teeth with a new toothbrush she found in his bathroom then hijacked one of his sweaters.

He came into the room and saw her looking out the massive window.

"That's a balcony," He said.


He opened the door for her and they went out onto the balcony, it had a nice view of the garden.

"This is such a gorgeous view" She gushed.

"Wait until you see it in the summer" He smiled as he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. "Good morning...afternoon" He whispered into her ears and she giggled.

"Okay lets go back inside, in I am cold," She whispered.

He laughed then pulled her in and closed the doors quickly.

"Move in with me" He said casually.

"Okay thanks, but I have a Company to run in Lagos" she smiled.

"I mean in Lagos, move into the house" He licked his lips.

"Why?" She was confused.

"Because, I am moving back to Lagos next month, and we're getting married after that" He said and she froze.

"Don't worry this is not the proposal" He said quickly when he noticed her shock "But yeah I mean........... YOU know that's where we were headed anyway," He said continued.

"I.....i just moved into my new apartment," She said.

"You don't want to marry me?" He made a sad face.

Shut up Sofi just say yes!

⬇️⬇️⬇️Don't forget to vote ;)

A/N: Guys thank you for the love and concern. I am better now.

I'll try to update again tomorrow.

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