Sofi's POV
In the morning she tried calling him again but still couldn't reach him, his number was not connecting so she responded to his email (That he sent almost 4 months ago). In her email she asked him to call her or send a number she can reach him on but he didn't respond and she started freaking out by noon because she knows Dare does not play with his emails. That's where he starts his day, and he responds to his emails within seconds.
Maybe he has blocked me. She panicked.
She downloaded a virtual SIM app and got a UK number (lol) then dialed his number again.
He answered.
"Hello" That his smooth deep voice filled her ears and she froze, she was dazed because hearing him now that she knows so much more about him hit different but at the same time, she was also shattered because she just confirmed that he had blocked her...everywhere! A hard block, he has probably blocked her email as well.
"Hello" He said again, this time he sounded a little bit irritated then he hung up immediately.
She didn't try to call him again, as an 'experienced blocker' herself she knew that pestering him, is only piss him off. And her heart won't be able to take it if he hangs up on her or says something mean like; 'Don't call me again'.
'But why did he block me all of a sudden' He was still calling to beg nau.
She thought about that time he told her to block her ex as a way of letting him know that she had moved on.
Did he move on? Did his new girl ask him to block her?
She went online and started reading some garbage articles on the internet about breakups and exes and somehow she landed on a 'how to get your ex back' website lol.
3 weeks Later
Sofi started moving things out of her apartment to the new apartment but she was taking her sweet time because she still has 5 months left on her current lease. Her new place is ready but she has some sentimental attachment to this place, it is her first place and it has been sanctuary for the past 4 years, HER place.
On this particular Sunday, she just packed some books and gadgets in a suitcase and was wheeling it out to her car when she ran into the Landlord downstairs, he was supervising some maintenance work.
"Sofi, how are you? I heard you are moving out?" The elderly Man asked her.
Her Landlord is one of the most unproblematic Landlords in Lagos; he gives single people his apartments without any discriminatory treatment. The only time they see his face is during the holidays like this when he comes to naija, because he is based in the UK.
She smiled nostalgically "Yes Sir. I am-"
"I hope you are moving to your Husband's house Sha?" He cut her off as he scanned her over his glasses.
Ah ahhn nawa o!
"No, I am moving to a bigger apartment, I got a promotion...it comes with free accommodation" She frowned at him.
He scoffed "Ah! you better go for deliverance O, all the Ladies that stayed in this building went from here to their husband's house, you are the only exception" He seemed unhappy that she was about to ruin the selling point his agents probably use on single ladies to justify the crazy rent and service charge.
Sofi's jaw dropped. She was speechless.
"You need special prayers my daughter," He added seriously, lowering his voice this time.
Single women have suffered in this Lagos sha.
She wanted to school him, tell him how 'moving to husband's house' is not a big deal anymore, even married women own and live in their houses these days and some couples share rent etc. However, she just let it slide, he is just suffering from Nigerian Parent Syndrome, and it's no use arguing with Nigerian parents on these issues. Your mouth will just pain you.
"Mr. Ugo, at least I got a huge Promotion in this house, that's something now?" she smiled. That one can be selling point for the apartment too lol.
"If you say so" He shrugged "As long as we get to say CONGRATULATIONS" He finally smiled.
"Thank you!" She smiled.
Normally, what her Landlord said would have made her sad but honestly, this marriage pressure does not get to her anymore because she KNOWS she is going to do it when the time is right, with the right person.
Just yesterday, her mother asked her to come so they would go visit one pastor like that. She said his Nephew is around and Pastor wanted her to meet him.
Her Mum was even was like; "At least Pastor Yomi is doing something for you and not just 'praying' over it" The Woman bragged about how her own Pastors are 'action pastors' and not just 'vision pastors' lol.
Luckily, for her though, she was able to escape that one because she has a summit to attend in London later in the week. She is leaving for London on Wednesday afternoon.
She is going for an oil & gas finance summit in London, Chief was supposed to attend too since he is back to being the CEO of the Main Company but his doctor advised against it because of the new variant, so she is the only one going.
She was happy about this particular trip because she needs a break from Lagos, and because she has some Chief bridesmaid tasks to run for TY in London. But most importantly,...DARE.
She is going see Dare.
She is not even sure if he is currently in London but TY is going to codedly get more info for her from Osaze. TY has been gathering tea for her from Osaze because she does not want him to know she wants him back yet. She doesn't even want him to know she is aware he has blocked her lol.
According to TY, Osaze said; "I am not sure if He (Dare) is seeing someone yet, but I think he is over her (Sofi), he has stopped whining about how he is missing her"
That one pained her, but she is not giving up she has coconut head.
"Are you going with a plus one?" The travel agent asked Sofi on the phone.
"Why are you always asking me this 'plus one' question, you know I am single" Sofi laughed.
"I don't know nah, most of your fellow Directors always travel with a plus one, and it could be anyone, wife, sugar baby, child, friend, parent, the Company covers plus one expenses for all Directors"
"Are you serious?" Sofi asked, she keeps forgetting she is now a Company Director too.
"Yes, you didn't know?" The travel agent chuckled.
"Why didn't you tell me this before the New York trip" She would have gone with Toyin, Bisola or even her Mum to chop life for 3 weeks, for free!
"Can you.......do a plus one, but only for the hotel?" She said timidly.
"Oooooh!...... Is the lucky man based in the London?" The travel agent teased her.
"Did I tell you I am bringing a Man?" Sofi snapped. Lol guilty conscience. The Travel agent just laughed and the two of them yabbed each other small before she hung up.
Honestly, she does not even know why she is asking for the plus one reservation herself but..... she is hoping Dare can meet her there....like if TY fails to get his new address then maybe she can just find a way to 'lure' him to her hotel room and maybe.... tAlK.
Before she even talked to his Mum she was low-key just waiting for TY and Osaze's wedding because she knows he's going to attend. She was planning to pepper him at the wedding but now, she is not waiting anymore she wants him back NOW!
She has been foolish and her Landlord is probably right, she needs that deliverance because how do you lose a man like Dare!
As she prepared to leave for the Airport, Amanda called her.
So, Amanda was supposed to go on this trip too with Chief (She is always his plus one) but they cancelled. She wanted Sofi to help her drop something off with DARE!. She apologized profusely for 'inconveniencing her'. Lol.
"It's not urgent, just take your time and do it when you're free okay" Amanda said to her on the phone.
Sofi just smiled. If only she knew. She just helped her confirm he is in London and she just gave her his address on a platter of Gold!
She stared at the envelope on the ride to the Airport; it was addressed to him with his home address. Address that she has been looking for up and down. She ran her hand over his name and smiled optimistically like one mumu.
This is a good sign.
Friday Evening
She was finally done with Business and was ready to go find Dare. She was even low key hoping she would run into him in the event since he is a finance professional but that Venture Capital firm he works for invests in tech only, they don't touch oil and gas. But still.... she was hoping deep down in her heart that he was watching her presentation. He told her he watched her live during that Lagos one and he loved it.
Back in her hotel suite, she stood over the two sweaters she laid out on her bed; she was torn between the two of them. She wanted to show small cleavage but the problem is it is freezing outside.
But she needed to show small brezzz, because Dare likes boobs. Like, if you want to kidnap him just set boobs for him as bait. She smiled mischievously as she picked the one with a low neckline. She was wearing a camisole inside and she is going with a wool scarf.
She wore her jeans over her leggings and paired it with the flat boots she bought the day she arrived.
She didn't wear the puffer jacket she has been using since she landed in London, the coconut head wore a lightweight thin cream coat because it was much more stylish.
The hotel receptionist called a black cab for her, and it arrived within 5 minutes. The Taxi was very warm and the driver was nice.
The ride to his place was like 30 minutes, the traffic was light this evening. If she had taken the tube though, it would have been a 15-minute trip but she is terrible at navigating underground/subway systems plus she does not want to walk, it is COLD!
She saw from her map that were in the South Kensington, her heart raced faster, and her palms got sweaty. She took deep breaths to keep herself calm.
The Taxi stopped right in front of his house. The cold hit her like a truck the moment she alighted from the warm Taxi and she quickly wrapped her wool scarf snugly around her neck. She looked around the neighborhood, It was beautiful and looked expensive AF. She is not even a fan of this whole London traditional architecture, she prefers contemporary and modern designs (Like his house in Lagos). But this quiet and serene enclave was fiiiine. It was one of those London squares, this one was a garden square surrounded by long stretches of white and brown Georgian terraced houses.
As she approached his doorway, she noticed the entrances of the two apartments next to his had some form of christmas decoration but his own was conspicuously bland.
Lol this is definitely his place. She thought to herself.
She sighed, took one more deep breath, and then rang the doorbell. She could almost hear voices but she wasn't sure if they were from the apartment or the neighbours.
Then the door opened but it was an Oyibo man standing there with a bottle of beer in his hand, looking merry.
"Hello?" The man smiled at her.
Who is this one now? Abi did she come to the wrong doorway?
"Urrm I am her to see Dare" She pulled her coat closer to cover the little skin that was showing because she was just collecting winter breeze for nothing.
"Dare!" The guy called out his name. The way the guy butchered the name with his British accent ehhn It was as if he was saying 'Terry' lol.
This our name don suffer sha.
She saw him coming down the stairs and her heart stopped, she froze, everything stopped in that moment. He was laughing at something someone must have said upstairs but the moment his eye landed on her he stopped laughing and the smile on his face disappeared.
He was wearing black tee, and jeans. His hair was full, as if he skipped two haircuts. She was reminded of how handsome he is as he approached her. Dare is not that typical buff-beard-gang fine boy. He just has that unique gorgeousness that pulls you in and just traps you in there without your permission. The friend noticed the weirdness between them so he excused himself and went up the stairs.
"Hey" She smiled when he got to the door. She was shivering a little at this point she didn't know if it was because of the cold or her nerves or both.
He nodded, he didn't say anything the look on his face had changed to that cold look he gives off sometimes, and right now it was giving 'What the fuck are you doing here?' vibes.
Honestly, that's a good question, she didn't even call to inform him she was coming, this is kinda rude. She hates it too when people visit her unannounced. Unless you are TY......or Dare.
"Urrrm I am in town and...." She stopped because she heard that guy's voice again upstairs then it was followed by a female voice, they were laughing.
He was still looking at her inquisitively as if he wanted to say 'ehen, and so...'
"urrm I came for business, I attended that finance summit...and urrrm I ." She had forgotten everything she wanted to say at this point because he was looking at her intently, his gaze was piercing through her and she couldn't read him.
It scared her
In addition, she was cold; her ears were hurting already because the cold wind coming from the Garden was slapping her exposed ears directly. She shouldn't have tied up her braids in a ponytail.
For a brief second his gaze fell to her exposed chest before it went back to her eyes. Then he said;
"Okay?" He said his first word to her. He kinda looked confused but still unwelcoming.
God. He is really over me. He has moved on!
Normally Dare would grab her into those warm arms of his and kiss the shit out of her. Yet, here she was standing in the cold, shivering while he is looking at her like she is dead to him.
An alarm went off in her head. Telling her to abort the mission, it is over.
She opened her bag quickly and rummaged for the envelope Amanda gave her.
"Amanda asked me to give you this" Her unsteady hands made her look clumsy as she handed it to him.
"I didn't know you were the one bringing it" He finally smiled but it was a dry smile. He was just trying to be polite he seemed displeased by that.
He looked at the envelope then said "Congratulations on the promotion by the way,....and your MBA" He nodded again without any emotion.
"Thank you" She smiled but she was in severe pains inside. Her eyes welled up with tears on the inside, like she could feel the tears gathering inside but on the surface of her eyes felt dry. So the trapped tears was just suffocating her.
"Okay...Bye" She said shakily then turned around quickly.
She walked very fast without looking back, thanking her stars that didn't wear the high heel boots she bought yesterday. She was crushed and she felt so ashamed of herself, she felt so shallow for even thinking she could use her sexiness to win him back when she knows damn well that he is not shallow. He used to worship her body while they were together but he has sense and self-control.
Maybe he is probably back to his senses. Maybe he was really at a low point when he developed feelings for her and now that he is much better, and has probably gone to therapy he can see now that she ain't shit. He can now see her for the selfish, self-absorbed narcissist she Is, and how she is just disguising as a sweet person.
She kept walking straight until she got to the end of the street and outside the square. She found herself on a road that looked busy so she waited for a Cab but after a minute of waiting, she quickly opened her Uber app because it was getting too cold.
She checked the app and saw that most of nearby cars were 20-30 minutes away. God!
She knew she couldn't wait in the cold for another for 20-30 minutes so she looked around and saw a cute bakery ahead. She didn't even try to read the name it was too long and it was in French so she just entered and ordered for some pretty looking cakes called the 'the merveilleux' and a cup of hot tea.
She felt much better as she sipped her tea while waiting for the Uber. She didn't even have the appetite for the cake, she was not hungry she just wanted to buy something baked, not just tea in the bakery.
She tried to eat one of the cakes but she paused because the first one had chocolate shavings and it looked like the chocolates Dare used to buy for her in Lagos. She broke down, the tears finally came out. She was the only customer in the bakery she didn't care she just cried her heart out.
The Uber arrived and as she stood up, the salesgirl noticed she hadn't touched her cake.
"Do you want me to pack that for you?" The blonde woman asked nicely. Sofi nodded and thanked her. Eyah the woman must have seen her crying.
She packed them in a cute box and even added extra for her.
The lady said it was a Christmas special or something, Sofi thanked her again.
She didn't know London people were this nice or was it just pity? The girl is the nicest person she has met so far in this city. Other than the doorman in her hotel everyone in London is mean.
She went back to her hotel feeling miserable. Knowing that he has really moved on broke her heart into one million pieces.
And it is her fault, she pushed him away when he needed her the most. All those months he was calling and begging her she thought she was a Queen and more abi.
See her life now.
"Babe everything happens for a reason, if it's not meant to be there is nothing you can do" TY said to her on the phone. It was a video call.
"Don't worry the right one will come at the right time, don't beat yourself up" TY consoled her. "You have done your part"
"Where am I going to find another man like him? He was a good one. Toyin you know the streets are rough," She sobbed. She was on her second glass of wine already so her emotions were all over the place.
TY assured her that Osaze has some nice friends that are coming for the wedding, told her not worry. "Men full ground" She bragged.
"I don't want them, I want him," She cried.
"Why? Is he the only Man in the world?" TY snapped, her eyes almost popping out their sockets.
"And why do you even need a man?" She continued. "You don't need a man to be happy,"
When she realized how amusing that sounds considering the fact that she is getting married soon, she added quickly;
"See forget this whole wedding matter, don't feel pressured by it, I don't need Osaze to be happy" She said.
"Ah!" Sofi heard Osaze yell in the background.
"Will you keep quiet" TY glared toward Osaze's direction and Sofi laughed.
"Listen babe, you are doing great with this thing called life. Look at you, a whole MD crying like one baby because of man" Toyin continued her scolding.
When TY finished talking some sense into her she ordered her to call room service and get a bottle of champagne for herself because she doesn't give herself enough credit.
"I know the Company will pay for all that, do it now" TY waited for her to make the call.
"Hurry up and come back home before they start banning inbound flights I don't want you to spend Christmas there alone, you need to be around people you love okay," Toyin said with worry.
"Okay" She said to her friend. TY is right, the UK Government banned flights from Nigeria to the UK just two days after she landed and it looks like the Nigerian Government might retaliate.
She felt better after the call. She knows she will need more time to get over him completely but she felt much better after talking to TY and laughing small.
She changed to her nightwear and pulled a knit cardigan over it, her room was warm, but she was still yet to recover from the cold she chopped during her failed mission.
She plopped herself down on the bed and started going through her social media, after about five minutes she paused and frowned.
'Wait, I am not giving up' She thought to herself.
'Dare is mine' She whispered aggressively.
(Lol, It was the alcohol, the alcohol was getting to her head)
She started re-strategizing. She thought about going back tomorrow morning to REALLY talk to him. She is going to dress properly for the weather and not try to be sexy. The cold affected her today that was why she couldn't say anything to him.
And why was she even expecting him to just welcome her with open arms after the things she said to him and after she blocked him first... for months.
She decided to go back first thing in the morning ready to fight any aunty she meets there. She is not going to play nice on Dare's matter. She is going to get her man back!
And..... they didn't actually break up they were only on a break he never said he is not doing anymore.
"He still feels something for me, I saw it in his eyes" She started crying again.
The suite's doorbell rang and she was startled but then she remembered she ordered for champagne. As she walked the length of the massive suite to the door, the werey in her actually wished it would be Dare lol.
Normally, Dare would track her here, he would find her because he knows already that this is where the Company Directors stay whenever they are in the London. Even if he doesn't know that, he would always find a way.
But she laughed at herself for even being arrogant to even dream of that.
She wiped her eyes and her face with the back of her hand before the hotel Staff will dash her extra Champagne out of pity again like the bakery girl.
She tied the belt of her cardigan then opened the door.
She was too shocked to even react.
It was not the hotel Staff with her Champagne.
It was Dare. Standing there, looking fine as ever, he had his outerwear in one hand and a Moncler paper bag in the other.
I don't deserve this man. That was all she could think of at that point.
A/N: Guys i am sick but i am still writing, i cant wait to finish this book too, should end at 55.
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