Sofi's POV

Monday Evening


After the 3-week Executive training in New York, she flew out to Dubai to meet up with TY. She didn't even know they were planning to do a small yatch cruise party for her promotion. 

Bisola and Farrah showed up too that weekend. Osaze was not there but he did Dorime for her in absentia. (He said she is his Gee.) Her future Staff better not find any of those videos of them  'shaking their ass on a yatch in Dubai' online because they will just know she is cruise Madam.

She adjusted her formal work dress as she waited in Mrs. Alabi's home office, pulling it over her knees. The office is actually just a living room with a bookshelf and alot of sculptures. She has been waiting for 30 Minutes now since the time she arrived. Mrs. Alabi's PA called her last week to arrange her first mentoring session with the Billionaire. The woman only had open 1-hour time slots between 7-10pm on Monday and Wednesday. Lol she is such a night owl.

Sofi picked this Monday evening because her own week looks crazy already; she has to move into the new office this week and meet with a gas pipeline-operating firm in Bonny Island so she has to go to PH as well. She didn't even want to push it further before the woman will travel out of the country for another month.

She was a little bit nervous as she waited, not because the woman makes her nervous but because she didn't know what to expect.

"Good evening Ma," Sofi stood up to greet her when she finally showed up after 35 Minutes.

"Congratulations my dear" The woman hugged Sofi "You've earned this" She added as she sat on the couch adjacent to Sofi's.

"Okay we'll keep this short, I have 30 minutes," She said.

Haaaa it was supposed to be one hour nah.

"Where do I begin?" The Woman scanned Sofi's face. "First of all, forget everything they thought you in that fancy business school"


"Nigeria is not a normal country. We are doing business in a Jungle, and what is the law of the Jungle?" She asked.

'Oh shit that's a real question' Sofi thought to herself. She raised her brows as she racked her brain. She has heard many 'laws of the jungle' from 'survival of the fittest' to 'no rules' to 'anything goes'. She decided to go with the least disturbing one.

"errm,...No rules?"

"Very close but that's not it, there are rules, just that they change every day" She said irritably. "So you have predict these rules on a daily basis to survive. You must stay 100 steps ahead of everyone, including the Government, especially the Government. But I am sure you know this already" She said seriously.

"Look, No Oil Major trains its people like Shell. You see Me, Deji and the others, when we started we thought we had all the skills and experience required to do business in this country. We thought we were prepared but we forgot we were Nigerians operating in Nigeria. This country humbled us"

She went on to narrate their struggles with the Banks, the Government, International regulators. Sofi has heard these stories like a thousand times from Chief but it was nice hearing it from Mrs. Alabi's angle too.

"You must stay strong and dogged at all times this is not a job for the weak"

Everyone keeps saying this! It is starting to feel like she is going for 'Squid games pro max'

"And on top of all that, you are woman. As a young woman in this field, they will try to shit on you any opportunity they get"

"These Men..., they will try to take what's yours if they smell weakness on your own part. Do not ever show weakness or else they will run you out."


"And don't ever feel like you might not be capable of doing something because you are a woman, let me tell you a story"

The woman told her about how, when she was younger her own brother tried to discourage her father from sending her to Uni to study Engineering. He had a theory about how the 'book' will not 'enter her head' because she is a girl. Something about how girls keep hair so water does not touch their head every day.


"You know what I did?"

Sofi shook her head.

"I took a blade and I shaved off my hair myself, and I went to my father and I said; Baba, I have shaved the hair send me to school now"

"And I went to school and I studied the same Engineering my brother was studying, look at me today"

Sofi had Goosebumps at this point, so inspiring!

"Have you ever heard about my brother?" The woman asked Sofi.

Sofi chuckled then shook her head.

The woman smirked. "you get my point"

"They will come up with all sort of excuses, theories and myths to discourage you, sometimes even we, women do this to ourselves" She said.

Yeah internalized misogyny.

"But don't fall for it, it is all nonsense."

"They say the woman is a weaker vessel and honestly, Sofi I am a born again Christian but that is the most distorted verse in the bible. God never said anything about the content of that vessel. The substance that 'weaker vessel' carries is NOT weak"

Preach mama!

"I always tell them the woman is an upgraded version of the human being, we are human 2.0. The IPhone 1 is physically stronger than the iPhone 2 but does that mean it is better than the iPhone 2?"

Tell them sis!

The woman went on and on and told her more stories about their challenges as entrepreneurs in the early days and how they overcame. Even the woman was enjoying the session because she was reliving some nice memories.

At some point, the PA came to notify her that she had spent one hour already.

"Wow! I didn't know that" She laughed.

She rounded up the pep talk then gave Sofi a book she wrote, she even signed it for her, then she handed her a small oppulent business card. The card was plain there was just one phone number on it; no name nothing just a telephone number.

"Mentorship is not a crash course. It is a long-term journey. Call me anytime you need advice or help. That is my personal number, your number has been added to the list of numbers that can reach it so call only with your number"

See levels!

"Thank you so much ma, I am grateful"

"You're welcome, I wish you all the best, I know you will deliver," She said as she stood up then Sofi stood up too.

As the woman walked her to the door, she cleared her throat then said. "Soooo, when are you bringing ọkọ iyawo (Husband) for us?" She said lightheartedly as Sofi slipped the card into her purse.

Ahh ahhhnn! Nigerian parents ooooo, who did this to Nigerian Parents?

Sofi was just weak. Lol.

"What? You think I will not ask you that one," The woman eyed her.

Sofi just smiled a little bit flustered because she didn't see that coming. Just see how the woman went from gingering her to take over the world to marriage talk.

"Marriage can be beautiful, no human being is an island Sofi. I know you can take care of yourself but it is nice to have a life partner. Don't be afraid of it, there will be good times, bad times, crazy times (she laughed dryly). I do not regret marrying Baba Nike. And my children..... see forget all this money my children are my purpose, it is worth it"

Sofi nodded.

"We are your parent's ehhn, and we want what's best for you when we harass you for marriage"

Sofi smiled.

"It can be beautiful...that's if done right. Just find a good, God fearing, peace loving and supportive one okay?" She said as if it is easy in this Lagos to find a 'good man'.

But at least she is glad the woman placed emphasis on Peace loving. Peace of mind is very important. Not Dare and his 'rich kid', 'politician child' family drama web.

"I will work on it Ma," Sofi smiled politely.

"Good, I will be that expecting asoebi o!" Mrs. Alabi added and Sofi laughed.

Sofi headed out with a smile on her face. Marriage talk aside, this one entered her. Especially that story about how she had to cut her hair just to study engineering. This one is our very own Mulan right here. Honestly, Nigerian women have come a long way; she thought about her own mother briefly too and the struggles she had to deal with as a girl and professionally. TBH she is grateful for women like Mrs. Alabi and Amanda because if Chief hadn't worked with someone like Mrs Alabi in the past, he would not put so much trust in a woman and a smallie like herself.

When she got to the foyer, she was flipping through the book the Billionaire gave her when a leaflet in the book fell to the ground and slid towards the door.

She was about to go to pick it up when she heard a nice deep voice say; "Let me get that for you"

A tall guy picked it up and as he walked towards to her, she noticed he was a fine guy but she soon realized it was Mrs. Alabi's last son when he got close enough.

"Thank you" she said as he handed the flyer to her.

"You're welcome," He said flirtatiously as he held out his hand for a handshake.

Oh God no! LMAO even his own mother told her to stay away from niggas like him.

She smiled respectfully and shook his hand.

"I am Tunde" He did not release her hand.

"I know! how is Nike?" She wanted him to understand that she knows Nike and that she is probably older than he is.

"I...have no idea she is in her Husband's house" He shrugged.

"You're right" Sofi smiled.

'Please release my hand before you mother will come and catch you. I don't think you're the ọkọ iyawo she wants to meet lol' Sofi thought to herself.

"You are?" He asked as he released her hand as if he heard her thought.

"Sofi" She said.

"Oh, you're THE Sofi?" He said.

She raised her brows.

"Don't mind me. I am a clean energy enthusiast and I keep tabs on participants and key players in the country. Congratulations on the job by the way"

"Thank you" Sofi smiled politely again.

"I have been telling her," He pointed towards the wing that houses his mother's office. "To move to cleaner energy but...."

"Babatunde!" His mother's PA cut him off "Mummy wants you...NOW!" The woman called out from the stairs.

Thank God!

"Give me second Auntie Iyabo" He said to the woman begrudgingly.

He looked back at Sofi again and smiled seductively, werey was not eve trying to hide it. "I guess I'll be seeing you around,....Sofi" He said almost in a whisper, then walked off.

LMAO. They have come again!


That night as she rounded up her work at home. She shopped small for new furniture. Her promotion comes with a new apartment. She picked Lekki phase 1 because......She likes Lekki jor.

Ikoyi or VI is for old people. TY used to complain about it too, she used to rant about how it's just married men, foreigners and grandpas in her estate. Forget that she is finally getting married now o, Osaze is a unicorn and they actually met in a CLUB, in Lekki. So she is staying in her Lekki abeg.

She thought about everything Mrs. Alabi said to her that day. She thought about how the woman is still positive about marriage despite the fact that, one time like that her husband was shamelessly dating one popular A-list Nollywood actress. Another year it was separation rumors but it seemed they reconciled. The whole marriage thing is sha scary.

Maybe that is why the woman was emphasizing on 'peace of mind' and 'supportive spouse', perhaps that is the most important thing.

If she is being honest with herself, Dare is the most supportive Man she has ever been with. Like, she is not sure if it is because Chief asked him to mentor her but, he was super supportive in his very little, subtle and big ways. He was also emotionally supportive and he gave her peace of mind during the relationshipbut that was until his family drama came to light.

She misses him so bad, she is not over what he did to her and what he said to her that night but she is missing him, he was an amazing and super caring boyfriend. If you take away his secretiveness, he is also unicorn.

She noticed he has stopped trying to reach her in the past 2 months, the last time she heard from him it was an email. He sent her an email with a voice note. She was almost tempted by that voice note to call him back and unblock him but she 'stayed strong'.

In the voicenote, he apologized for not telling her about Chief, he apologized about that night they had a fight and what he said.

"If you want me to see a therapist, I'll do it for you baby, but please just call me and....let's talk?. I need to see you," He said in the voice note.

She almost called him the first time she played it but she paused and told herself not to fall for it. It could be one of his tricks again. At the time, she told herself that he was just trying to gain sympathy, trying to make her feel guilty for calling him crazy when he is the one that called her crazy first.

She has been analyzing everything and honestly, these days she feels like she overreacted. It actually makes sense that he would want to be sure that they were not related. Some Nigerian Fathers can distribute seed for Africa especially if they are wealthy. And to be fair, she too stalked him in those early days. If she had the resources he had, she probably would have done the same to him.

Now that she is a CEO and has to protect her public image and reputation, she cannot just jump into a relationship with a random stranger in this Lagos anymore without doing small background check on them. Before she will go and carry one kpo kpo garri. So in the last few weeks she has been growing soft on that crime of his, just that it was too much but she feels like she is ready to let that one go.

However, she cannot call him now again because he has stopped calling and sending messages. Looks like he has finally moved on because he did not even call to congratulate her on the new Job. She knows, he knows about it. TY told her that Osaze met him in London again about two weeks back, he is now working with the Singapore firm and he is even financing a project with Osaze.

She sent out some emails, closed all her browser tabs then she opened an incognito tab and typed 'Dare Madaki' in the search bar. Lol.

He has an IG account but it is just a burner account he said he opened it to monitor his little sister because she was 'travelling too much'. She accepted his follow request back then but has blocked him now.

She scrolled past the first search result, which was his LinkedIn page and scrolled down, but there was nothing new. Usually she would just close it but today she went to the second page and there was something new that caught her eye. It was news with the name Madaki, but it was not about him it was about his mum.

She was appointed as the Nigerian Ambassador to Norway, Sofi opened the news site and saw that the news was published like 3 weeks ago.

Wow that's nice. She thought to herself. There's levels to this game o! She and the Minister are 'best friend goals'.

She read about how the woman is going to be the first Nigerian Ambassador to Norway, prior to this, the Ambassador to Sweden covered all 4 of the Nordic countries with presence in Nigeria.

This must be because Nigeria is planning to go into a management deal with 6 Norwegian Hydroelectric firms to manage the new Hydroelectric projects they're constructing up north. She is going there to protect their deal. 

Eyah, looks like Diana has to learn a new language now lol. Sofi thought warmly about his sister. The girl is very fluent in Japanese, Sofi knows this because they follow each other on IG and most of her posts are in Japanese. (She has a tiktok too but Sofi didn't tell Dare about the tiktok, before he will start monitoring her there too).

Dare speaks and writes fluently in Japanese, he speaks small Dutch and Spanish too. But his Hausa remains her favorite. He sounds so hot when spe.......

Wait what. Stop, Sofi stoppppp!!! No more 'headache men', No more weakness.

She closed her laptop plopped down on her bed it was past 12am but she couldn't sleep so she opened up her phone and went straight to her camera roll....to the couple selfies from those sweet good old days. Selfies in his car, in his bed, in Singapore, when she got to the one where he kissed her forehead instead of posing for the selfie the tears came. She didn't sleep till 2am.


On Friday she was rushing to round up her tasks in the office when a call came in, she looked at the phone and saw that she actually missed a call from that number earlier because she was in meeting. She wanted to return that call and others on the ride home. The number was a 'serious' number it looked like one of those special numbers so she answered it immediately, must be important.


"Hello, is this Sofi?" The voice asked. It was a woman's voice and for some reason, Sofi's heart stopped when she heard the voice.


"My name is Lydia Madaki, I am Dare's mother"

Omg!!!!! Jddhfvisfhwiosdfkhueywuycihwdufawchwla!!!!! The phone almost slipped out of her hand.

"How are you?" The woman continued but Sofi's mind was frozen at that point.

"I....urrrmmm. Good evening Ma!... I...i am fine" She stammered lol.

"Okay so, I am in Lagos for work" The way she pronounced the Lagos ehhn as if she was the one that named it ."But I will be leaving tomorrow and I would love to have a word with you, are you available today?"


"Yes Ma, i...I've just closed from work. Urrrmm I am free right now"

lol Sofi you're such a Simp!

"Okay then, can I send my Driver to come pick you up?" She asked. Sofi could tell the woman was smiling at this point.

"It's okay, I'll come over myself" At least she didn't stammer this time.

She sent the address to Sofi.


She was staying in Eko hotel, it was a 2-day event. Sofi sharply pulled up that event on the internet so she would at least know what it is about and not go and say something dumb there. It was organized by the Nordic consulates in Lagos, even the Vice President was in attendance yesterday.

The woman even sent a Staff to come get her from the lobby to the restaurant. She was nervous as she followed the guy.

The Woman waved from her table as soon she saw them and Sofi walked alone to the table, the woman looked better in real life, younger than her pictures on the internet. She looked so chill, calm, and graceful. The gracefulness was not superficial, like she was not trying hard to be graceful, it was effortless.

"Good evening.....urrm your excellency" Sofi said Awkwardly and the woman chuckled lightly. "Please call me Lydia or Mrs. Madaki. I'm not used to people calling me that yet" Sofi wanted to enter the ground.

Its oversabi that will kill you!

"I got your number from Diana" She said seriously as a waiter pulled out a Chair for Sofi.

Sofi was so scared at this point.

Is she about to pay or threaten me to leave her Son? Like in the movies? Biko, we are not even together anymore Ma.

"How is she doing?" Sofi said trying to release small tension because she was the one making the situation tense. The woman is chill.

"She is fine, she's gone back to school" She said then sipped water.

Sofi nodded. She has been looking forward to the day she would finally meet this woman but she has never thought about what she would do, how she should act with her. And this one is even worse because Dare is not even here..... and they've broken up.

She told Sofi about the event she came for, (Sofi nodded with keen attention as if she has not googled the event already) then she said she is leaving for Oslo in a week.

"I know you are wondering why I called you here today. I decided to reach out on my own so we can finally meet" There was a little bit of guilt in her smile which means Dare does not know she is here.

"He said he was going to bring you, but that was many months ago. I am guessing he won't bring you to me anytime soon considering the fact that we are not on speaking terms" She smiled painfully.

Wait what!

Sofi was struggling to maintain her smile at this point. so that werey is fighting his Mum too. Is he mad!

"Well, you're beautiful and Diana says you are a good person" The woman continued.


"Or....is that an exaggeration?" She asked with a serious face when she noticed Sofi's confusion.

"urrm yes... I mean..no" Sofi shut her eyes in embarrassment.

"I am just kidding" The woman smiled mischievously.

So this is where Dare gets his deadpan humour.

"Anyway, I called you here today to tell the things I would have told the two of you together, if he had brought you over as agreed" She sighed "But I guess now he is probably going to run off somewhere with you and tie the knot privately"

At this point, Sofi wanted to say she has not spoken to the werey for almost 6 moths too but she didn't know how to put it. She didn't know how to say it to HIS Mum. Also why didn't he just tell Diana they've broken up abi he is not talking to Diana too?

"Or.. have you two done that already?" She asked but this time she actually looked like she suspected it.

Sofi shook her head vigorously "No, we.." She wanted to say it but she didn't want this conversation to end. She wanted to hear the woman out. And the she (low key)sounds very heartbroken, how can he not talk to his mother for months? Does he know how lucky he is to have grown up with both parents? And then he has biological father again on the side hustling to be in his life. 

She decided not to mention that they've broken up because she needs to go pull his ears, he can be an asshole to her o but he shouldn't do that to his mother abeg?

The waiter brought Mrs. Madaki's food then she asked him to take Sofi's order.

"I'll have a glass of water" Sofi said politely.

"It is offensive to turn down food where we are from" The woman said as she inspected her own tray.

Even the waiter smiled this time. Sofi sha ordered for chicken caesar salad and something else off the menu she cannot even remember because she was so nervous.

As the woman dished her food meticulously, Sofi considered helping out, but she just stayed still; that would be ridiculous, this woman is modern and simple person, and northerners are not even like that, they dont like eye service, she is just going to come off as one oversabi.

The Woman's table manner was on point, Sofi felt so pressured just watching her set up her plate and napkins. Yup, Dare definitely downgraded with her in terms of class and elegance because what in the Princess Diana is this.......she now remembered how Dare said his Mum actually named Diana after 'Princess Diana' because she is a princess Diana fan.

Makes alot of sense! Pressure tripled.

Sofi felt like running away at this point, she wanted to disappear. She knew the basics o, but she was tempted to quickly look up 'advance table etiquette' on her phone but, she knew she couldn't touch the phone because that one is a major table bad manner.

"He can be a difficult person... sometimes" The woman started cutting the salmon on her plate gently "But he is a good boy...Man" She chuckled lightly as she corrected herself then took her first bite.


"And he is a special one" She added. "I had him when I was nineteen you know. My father was very upset about the pregnancy, he swore he was going to tear the baby out of my womb with his bare hands" She smiled then sighed.

Sofi was shocked, it was in that moment she realized the woman was about to give her Dare's history!

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