Sofi's POV

One week later.

She stayed in TY's house for a week, called in sick so they let her work from home, she only had to go to PH once that week.

She wanted to process everything on her own first without his influence because honestly he could be manipulating her sef at this point. There was so much going through her mind, she forced herself to put her emotions aside, and she started viewing the whole thing (their relationship) from different angles.

-Was he trying to use her to get some sort of revenge against Chief?

-Did he get into her pants to 'conquer' her since she was giving him headache in beginning?

-Was he supposed to test her or something? Did Chief put him up to it?

Honestly she tried to excuse him not saying anything about Chief being his father, she tried to understand how this is a major family secret and how it is okay to keep it from her but it wasn't sticking because Chief is not just some random character. He is her ultimate Boss, when was going to tell her?

She also found the stalking very disturbing! That was a complete violation of her privacy and the fact that he had that done even before they started dating made her skin crawl.

Why would he even do that if he had....has pure intentions? She was so scared that she switched off the data on her phones just in case he has planted some sort of spyware on her phone to keep tabs on her.

She thought about how she has been soaking in ignorance all this time, the fact that Banky didn't even say anything to her about it. Even Amanda! Amanda should have at least given her a hint nah haba.

But then they don't owe her shit, It is their private family business, she is only an employee, If she had kept her hands off him this news wouldn't have affected her in any way.

She almost slapped herself when it dawned on her that Banky actually looks like Dare, she should have known. How could she be so fucking dumb!


"Are you ready to tell me what happened?" Ty Said as she opened the takeout she went out to buy.

Sofi gave her the stalking gist only, she couldn't bring herself to tell TY that Chief is his biological father just yet. She doesn't know how bad that info needs to remain a secret.

Of course, TY defended him; "ehen? it's normal now, I always look up most of the people on my project team, especially the ones I will be reporting to and seeing how you are Chief's right hand man I feel like he just wanted to know what he was up against" TY said. "And look who's talking? Is it not me that followed you to go and stalk him in that club that time, you are a hypocrite Sofi, you too stalked him," TY Laughed.

"That one was normal stalking, babe! He has my medical records, bank account statements, family history, everything, even stuff I didn't even know about myself," Sofi said.

TY paused first, this one shocked her too but she didn't want to show it. "Then I guess you are still a learner when it comes to stalking" TY Laughed. "You're just mad he beat you at your own game abi?"

"Toyin, it's not funny what if he is obsessive? Sometimes he is very clingy and he can be possessive ....and he keeps love-bombing me every time he messes up, these are all red flags"

TY's jaw dropped, she put down the plate in her hand then sat up "Madam, get over yourself! I don't think he is clingy, I think it is the Sex, see men like sex, plus he doesn't have a lot friends in Lagos. Secondly he is not possessive you were the one still talking to your ex. And as for the love-bombing, the man is just rich. I know you like poverty and can't get used to this lifestyle but cut the bullshit Sofi, no Dare slander will be tolerated in my house"

"You are just Dare FC Member," Sofi hissed.

"My point is, talk to him, ask him why he did it, I'm sure he had his reasons. Is this why you people are fighting? You have energy o, it's like boredom is catching you, please come and be going to your house"

TY tried to cheer her up, she said fights are totally normal in relationships and they laughed and talked about other things.

However, when she got back to her house, she cried herself to sleep that night, she was deeply hurt because fact remains that Dare doesn't trust her. How can you love someone you don't trust? Did she at any point in time give him a reason to believe he couldn't trust her.

Or was this some BS gold-digger kinda test? The fact that he is even Chief's son has reduced his spec points with her because she admired him more for being a self-made executive like herself. She respected him for earning that CEO role on merit.

She started reevaluating her opinion of him because it seems like she has been blinded by her attraction to him and she made him out to be this super great guy and boss in her head.

And maybe that was his goal.
Seduce that Sofi girl since she has coconut head.


He showed up the following day. As expected, he came with a huge bouquet of flowers, he seemed exhausted probably from work but still looked fine as ever. She reminded herself to focus on the task at hand.

She didn't accept the bouquet so he placed it down on her table and faced her. He is not going to bribe his way out of this one, she is not a hungry girl and she is not desperate, she has been jilted before and she didn't die. This is a serious and deep issue and they need to address it objectively.

"I am sorry" He started "I..."

"When were you planning to tell me?" She cut him off; he needs to go straight to the point. Dare has sweet mouth and if he starts now she might end up in bed with him. She needs to be in control today. "Were you ever going to tell me?" she smiled weakly.

"Of course I was going to but,..." He licked his lips.

"But what? You didn't trust me enough?" She cut him off again.

"I trust you baby, I just didn't know how to......" He paused "Look, honestly I thought you knew in the beginning" He shrugged.

How TF was she supposed to know their family secret!

"Mr. Bakare and my Mother...they had a relationship but he left her, he disappeared" He looked hurt she could see the pain and anger in his eyes when he said this part. "And my mother moved on" He sighed.

Aha! So he hates Chief and wants some sort of revenge?

"We don't have a father-son relationship he was never in my life, we're more like business partners these days" He chuckled dryly.

She didn't know what to say so she switched the topic to work, because what is he planning to do? What was that about Alhaji Buba? That is why they were arguing in the first place that night.

"I can't disclose anything about that," He said unapologetically.

"Why? I tell you everything and if this is work related, then I have every right to know, what are you up to?" She fumed.

She has been so carried away by his charms that she has not been paying attention to the things he has been doing in the Company. God! Chief must be so disappointed in her.

"I am sorry, I can't tell you, there are other people involved and it would be unfair to them, plus I don't want to get involved with it," He said.

"Wow?" So she is now a baby that cannot handle serious stuff abi?

"Please, I know I don't deserve your trust anymore but just... trust me on this one?" He took a step towards her closing the gap between them, took her hand in his and caressed it gently but she reminded herself not to fall for any of his antics again. 'This man is a dangerous person' she thought to herself.

"I am sorry, I didn't tell you about Mr. Bakare" He added again as he took her second hand and locked their eyes she knew he wanted to kiss her.

This brought back memories of Terra de Pérola and she was about to soften up but then, she suddenly remembered how he had the mind to stand up to President João and how she was blindly following him to do 'ride or die' when he knew damn well that President João couldn't hurt him. Because, he has 'Billionaire child' immunity plus Chief is friends with the Dictator! Like, this is why Yinka gets away with a lot of her civil disturbance in Lagos because no one can touch Billionaire daughter, see how they released her from police custody within an hour the other day!

This made Sofi angrier 'Gosh I'm so stupid' she thought to herself as she snatched back her hands and moved away from him.

"Is there any other thing you need to tell me?"

"Nope" He said.

"Nothing?" She probed further.

He shook his head innocently and flashed that his rare fine smile and she almost lost focus for a second but.... not today! This sis is woke now.

(So here is the thing, she didn't say anything to him about that folder she found the other day, she actually put it back right where it fell from because she didn't want him to know she had seen it.)

"Why do you have a folder of my personal data in your house?" She said calmly as she crossed her arms over her chest.

He looked confused at first then it changed to surprise when he figured out what she was talking about.

"You went through my stuff?" He asked, she took him by surprise with this one but the smile was still on his face.

"That is not the issue; the bigger issue here is why do you even have it? What were you going to do with it?" She kept a straight face.

Honestly, this is the one that bothers her the most like, these offences are forgivable in isolation but everything combined just makes him a huge walking red flag to her career and her personal life right now.

"How long have you known about that and why didn't you say something about it?" He sounded defensive AND condescending. She hated his tone. He should be remorseful.

She knew he wanted to gaslight her at that point, she read all about manipulative boyfriends on the internet during her one week of blanking him so she was ready for him today.

"Dare?" Her voice was shaky "Why do you have my private data?" She asked him slowly again to let him know she was serious. No one can use her head again in this Lagos again!

He sighed. "Fine, I.....i wanted to be sure you weren't my Sister, I wanted to be certain we weren't related" He bit his finger nervously.

She didn't like this twist he was putting on it, if he wanted to know that he could have asked Chief, he could have asked her! He is lying!

"No" She shook her head "That's a big fat lie, you've had that even before we started seeing each other"
"You wanted to control me!" she was shaking at this point.

"What? Baby come on!" He smiled. "Listen, I know I fucked up but YOU are overthinking right now," There was a slight hint of teasing in his voice. "Can we not do this, please don't take us back to those ugly days"

"Maybe we should go back in time so I can see things clearly, especially now that I know how deceitful and manipulative you are," She blurted.

"How am I manipulative? You always do whatever the fuck you want," He said in frustration. "You are the one holding the power in this relationship"

Ehen he has started......

"That is what you want me to believe, you got into my head, you misled me, you always talk about how...."

"Sofi, do you even realize how crazy you sound right now?" He cut her off rudely.

"You're the crazy one here!" She snapped back at him. "You never take no for an answer, you are possessive and....and you are over the top! you keep throwing gifts at me for..."

"I'm sorry but isn't that every Nigerian girl's love language?" He deadpanned.

Her mouth opened wide in amazement, this one pained her because he is mocking her on top. Sooo she is now every 'Nigerian girl'. Looks like his old true self is back. She decided bring out her guns too.

"You really thought I was 'fucking' him didn't you?" She said scathingly as her eyes burned with tears.

He frowned.

"This was all some sick twisted game to you right? Your strategy for resolving your Daddy issues?" She taunted him.

"Okay that's enough you need to stop!" He said angrily, he was mad pissed at this point and she enjoyed it, she had finally hit a sore spot. She didn't even notice he was gripping her arms harshly until he released them.

"You know what, I am not going to stay here and listen to any more of this nonsense" He said then stormed out of her apartment without looking back.

She cried her eyes out that night.


One month later.

Dare's POV


Dare was back in London. Going to Naija was a huge mistake, he just opened up old wounds, and created new ones because now he is mad at his mother too, it was much easier for him when all the resentment was channeled towards Mr. Bakare.

He didn't get his closure, he only got a blame shift attempt. Mr. Bakare tried to blame his mother for everything exonerating himself completely so he would not have to apologize.

Why is it so hard for Nigerian parents to apologize? Why?

And as for Sofi, he regrets meeting her. That one actually messed him up further, his Aunt was right after all Lagos girls are evil! The only thing she cares about is her job and not 'offending' the Bakares.

Like, he respects her for being hardworking and laser focused on her goals but she is low-key cold-blooded and selfish. She is broken and she has some deep trust issues. Well, he hopes she has a nice life because he will never expose himself to breakfast like that again.

'Was it even love or just a fixation?' He thought to himself. Maybe she is even right about him being crazy.

He cut everyone off including his Mum, he didn't need their toxicity in his life.


Two Months later

He slipped into depression and it was very bad because he didn't even have work to distract himself with. The Singapore VC partnership offer was for the following year and he didn't want to go back to his former job. So he was idle and depressed; a very dangerous combo.

He wanted her back, he needed her, he wanted to talk to her about everything, come clean about his 'Daddy issues'. He admitted it to himself that he was the one that messed up, and he broke her trust big time.

He started calling her to beg but she hung up on him the first time, then she blocked him everywhere. One night he got drunk and made the biggest mistake of his life. He sent her a voice note lol.

He sent it via email since she had blocked him everywhere, but that was when he knew he had hit rock bottom. Because usually he calls her and she hangs up before he starts saying anything. But when he listened to his own voice note the following morning when he was sober, he realized how pathetic he was and how he needed help.

So he decided to try therapy again. He has done before for his anxiety and it helped a little.

A/N: Phew! Let me go and work on the next chapter, might drop it tomorrow or monday morning.

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