Like, 3 weeks later...

Sofi's POV.


Sofi was back in her office on this particular Monday morning sorting through the huge pileup of work that was waiting on her table after the one-week leave she took.

As she quickly scanned through her inbox to find the most urgent task, she thanked her lucky stars that they left for Singapore before DPR announced the winners of the gas blocks. The list was released Friday evening, they've not even had the time to celebrate in the office because the whole HQ is super Busy, everyone's schedule is packed right now and no one can go on any leave or holiday in the next couple of weeks.

Dare couldn't come in today because he has to be in Abuja with Mr. Richards this morning to sort out the signature bonus at DPR and negotiate the terms with their partner Company. She herself is going to PH tomorrow with a representative from the partner Company to meet with NLNG officials as well, so she has to attend to everything on her table today.

She started with Mr. Obaze's emails. The Man almost got a heart attack last week after the announcement when he could not reach her, lol. She felt guilty small about that. TBH, the timing of her leave was kinda bad, 'but the break was worth it!' She smiled shamelessly as she flashed back to moments from her trip with the Bae.

So, from the way it went she just figured that he actually arranged the whole trip because of her birthday. As in, he fixed his business meeting during her birthday week just so he could 'steal her away' with him (In his own terms).

The 'Business' he had there, was just one meeting with a Venture Capital firm that wants him as a partner to source tech investment opportunities in the EMEA region. The meeting didn't even last up to 2 hours because he caught up with her in the mall later that afternoon and patiently followed her around as she did some light shopping. Light shopping because, Singapore is expensive AF and because she knows, she will be visiting Dubai later in the year now that TY is moving to the UAE. Shopping is always sweeter and maybe cheaper in Dubai, this Singapore is not her mate...it is for rich people like Dare lol.

Dare is low-key Minister of enjoyment. Like he works hard and can be rigid sometimes but he knows how to chop life. He blew her mind away with the itinerary lineup and 'spoiling' spree he went on, he went all out for this one. The whole experience was magical for her and damn! Singapore is such a beauty and one of the cleanest cities she has ever been to in the world.

At this rate, she is officially a spoiled girlfriend, though she is still struggling to get into character because the ajekpako in her is used to 'suffering'. She is still very much uncomfortable with super expensive stuff like those exorbitant restaurants they dined in, or the so-called luxury travel connoisseur that planned and managed the whole trip for them.

Nevertheless, she was glad he had fun too because he has not taken a break since he joined the Company; almost a year now. He even wanted them to extend the trip to Bali for the weekend but her naija passport disgraced her and now he is trying to acquire one of those Caribbean passports for her in the interim. He said he is used to having her around and he is not comfortable with the fact that he may not be able to 'steal her away' again on short notice.

Hehe! Small her o.

Honestly though, they are super close now, they are like best friends because he has ousted TY. She knows everything about him, his plans, his goals, his habits, his pet peeves etc.

He actually asked for her opinion about the VC job because his initial plan was to start his own Venture Capital firm in Lagos once he leaves the Company. Now though, he is seriously considering the partnership offer from the Singaporean firm.

She sha does not know much about Venture capital so she has asked him to give her like a week to research before she can give him her own opinion. He is going to be based in Lagos if he takes the offer, just that he will be travelling a lot.

"Sofi! Thank God, You are back" Ada stormed into her office with her laptop in her hand. "How was PH?" she said as she plopped down onto the visitor chair.

"Fine" Sofi lied. She told everyone else she was going to PH for work, Mr. Kola (the HR guy) is the only one that knows she was on leave.

"What did you bring back for me?" Ada said as she reached for the candy bowl as usual.

"From Port Harcourt?" Sofi laughed.

"Yes now. oya buy me Lunch" Ada frowned.

"But there is free food in the cafeteria now"

Ada whined, said she was tired of 'office food' she wanted something different so Sofi agreed to order them special lunch from a new restaurant that has just opened in VI.

"Oya come and help me do this work." Ada pushed her laptop towards Sofi. "Mr. Madaki gave it to me two weeks ago and I don't even know where to start, he just called me now to email it to him and I don't want to ask all those arrogant pricks downstairs for help, they will start looking down on me" She added irately.

"There is no shame in asking for help babe, that's how you learn" Sofi muttered as she read the document.

"Noooo! Me I can't deal with them, they are not chill like you," She said as she popped one candy her mouth.

Sofi started explaining the task to her then she paused, "But Ada, you should be able to do this by now, this is basic stuff, and the tutorial for this software is even available on the internet"

Ada leaned down in the chair and pouted, continued acting like one baby.

Sofi stopped and observed her closely. "Wait, have you started the PMP course I told you about?" She asked her. She has been gingering her to get a project management certification for months now because it will boost her CV and help her get into juicy projects.

"Sofi...... I don't have the time," She said.

"What do you mean you don't have time? You are single, you live alone, you don't even do third mainland traffic anymore, when do you now want to start it?" Sofi couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Babe, me I don't like 'book' o, just leave me let me just be managing myself jeje and be going," She laughed.

"Sweetheart no one likes 'book', but we have to take these courses to grow," Sofi said to her as she finished off the small computation then returned the laptop.

Sofi scolded her as she returned to the email she was working on. She informed Ada that Mr. Richards has told her that he wants the Company to retain the receptionist corper because she is writing ICAN exams. Sandra (Receptionist corper) is already doing serious tasks for the finance department and if they retain her, she is going to be get a bigger role than because of the additional certificate she has.

She finished composing her response to Mr. Obaze's first email, hit the send button then looked up and saw that Ada was glaring at her.

"I am not kidding, that's what's going to happen, you can't be an assistant forever you need to upgrade your CV and skills if not, all these kids that graduated yesterday will become your 'Madam' " Sofi added seriously.

Ada crossed her arms across her chest slowly then said, "Is that how you got to where you are today?"

"Of course that's how I got here! I worked my ass off and look at all the certificates I had to sit for plus I am still on it"

"Right" Ada said sarcastically.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sofi frowned.

"Sofi..., I am not stupid, and the fact that you are still keeping up this act is what pains me the most because, it shows that you think I'm an idiot," She said bitterly.

Sofi fell silent. Okay?

"Let me keep this short so we don't keep going round in circles." Ada sat up properly and looked Sofi in the eyes "I saw you....you and Mr. Madaki the other night in Lekki" She sneered.

"You guys even came in your car, he was holding your hands and he even wrapped his arms around you inside the store, don't even try to deny it, I KNOW about you two!"

Sofi was speechless, at this point. lol.

Ada continued. "And then last week, both of you suddenly disappeared together, you told me you were going to PH for work but guess what? I called the guys in PH and they said you weren't there" She sighed.


"Look, I'm not even judging you or anything, I'm just mad that you were fooling me. And to think you even pretend to hate him?" Ada said with disgust and Sofi felt this one.

"I'm sorry" Sofi was guilt-ridden.

"It's all good sha, I'm happy for you O but, please cut the BS and stop deceiving me,... telling me to write on yeye exam" Ada eyed her. "Show me the real way jor"

"It's not what you think babe, it's not like that... we....we are not.....we are in love" Sofi herself cringed the moment that sentence left her mouth she was so embarrassed and dazed that she had lost the ability to string a coherent sentence together.

"Eweh!" Ada bursted into laughter. Even Sofi laughed too because that was funny.

"Okay listen, I'll tell you everything I promise. But please that is not how I got here and you know this more than anyone"

"This is the first time I am dating a coworker in my life. He does not even send that I am his girlfriend when we are in the office he still treats me like everyone else. We are not like 'that' and it's not what you think, we are serious," Sofi said. She went on to summarize how it all happened and apologized for hiding the relationship from her.

"You have to acquire new skills and upgrade your CV if you want to grow in this Industry," Sofi reiterated, she needed Ada to understand that.

Ada pouted, "Abeg jor me I'll just go and marry rich man sef, all these your 'book' talk is stressing me"

"Okay fine, I can understand if that is what you want but you need to have a backup plan, just in case you don't catch your big fish," Sofi laughed.

"Is it not YOU that stole the big fish I was targeting?" Ada said and Sofi cackled.

"Crush snatcher oshi" Ada sneered "You snatched your own friend's crush, I am afraid of you! Wait, since when did you start seeing him sef...?" She eyed Sofi.

Sofi paused to think back. When did they even become an item? "Urrrmmmm, after that Alabi Wedding... but like, we became official after the Terra de pérola trip".

Ada threw her hand on her head. "Jesus! You are a snake Sofi. Wo! you have to buy me lunch for 2 weeks before I can forgive you for this betrayal"

As Sofi recollected the timeline of their relationship, she realized that they actually started seeing each other during that first trip to Abuja. She quickly flashed back to those early days when he switched and started being sweet to her after their epic fight. If you add all those early days sef then they have been together for almost a year now, she was still trying to wrap her head around it because it still feels like a new relationship to her despite the fact that she has grown so accustomed to him.

Ada demanded for more gist and 'compensation'. Sofi gave out enough tea to keep her away for a day. Ada promised to keep it a secret, though Sofi does not care if anyone else finds out. She has made up her mind on Dare. She is not even afraid of Amanda or Chief discovering her little secret anymore. She knows what she is doing and she knows where she stands with him.

"If you want me to forgive you, connect me to his brother," Ada added a new compensation as she stood up to leave.

"He doesn't have any brother" Sofi smiled.

"Urrrm what about friends?" Ada demanded.

"Most of them are married but..."

"Hmm, you are trying me, you must manufacture boyfriend for me before I forget about this O" Ada said just before she dashed out of her office quickly.

LOL. He has like three single friends in Lagos, and many single cousins in Abuja and the rest of the world.

The other day he actually said he wanted to introduce Toyin to one of his Pilot cousin like that. He said they have the same vibe and their job schedules are somewhat similar. But, Sofi told him to wait because Toyin is currently going through a major transition and she is not in a good place mentally. Moreover, Sofi knows that TY is not over that Osaze guy. Before her friend will go and serve her future in-law breakfast the way she served poor Gbenga lol.

Dare was like "What do you mean it's complicated? Is she single or not?" And that was how she 'accidentally' gave him TY and Osaze's gist because..... that's just how close they are now! He knows everything about her and her cousins. He knows she has 2 Nephews and a Niece. She knows everything about him his family, his friends.

Las las sha he dropped the matchmaking plans but only because he knows Osaze personally; "We are only backing down because Alfred is my guy" He said.


Weekend at Dare's place.


"Look this article says hot chocolate will help" Dare said as he passed his phone to her.

They were chilling on the sofa in his living room and he was giving her a foot rub because she had mild cramps. He was searching the internet for anything that could make her feel better.

She chuckled. "I have never heard of that one". On top of the cramps she also had food aversions this month, she couldn't even eat dinner earlier, and that didn't sit right with him.

"Maybe we should try it," He insisted.

She liked the idea of something hot so she just nodded. As a freshly minted 'spoiled girlfriend' that she is.

He stood up and went to the kitchen, leaving his phone with her. She wanted to do small amebo, go through his phone but she just smiled and placed it down carefully.

'Really Sofi? You still doubt THIS GUY?' She thought to herself. Also, if he had something to hide he would never leave his phone with her, this is not the first time he has left his phone with her. And the funny thing is, SHE cannot even leave her phone with him not because she has anything to hide but because of the razz and embarrassing chats she's had with her friends . Especially her chats with TY, and then if he ever sees the group chat with her friends he is just going to know that he has been dating a packaged agbero all along lol.

He returned with a steamy mug of hot chocolate for her and a glass of whiskey for himself. He placed her legs back onto his laps to continue the foot rub and she remembered her drama with Ada earlier this week.

"Ada knows about us," She said

He snorted. "You told her?"

"No, she caught us that day we went to buy drinks in Lekki" She said then took a sip of the delicious beverage. "Mhhhm this is good" She exclaimed he even added cinnamon to it sef.

"Told ya" He smiled proudly.

"Thanks" She smiled.

"Well at least now you'll stop worrying about us getting 'caught' at work," He said as he picked up his phone again.

"I knew you, would be happy about it," She said.

"Well, if you put it that way" He smiled impishly "I mean, I am certain she's going to spill it and everyone will know now, that you are my property"


Two weekends later

She wanted to cook efo on this particular Saturday, she had branched Ebeano earlier to do some grocery shopping right after she called her Hausa friend, Farida to make some enquiries on what to cook for her 'Arewa brother'. That conversation was actually funny because Farida freaked out initially, she was like; "Don't do it! don't cook for him, don't sleep with him, he won't marry you, they are shady as fuck!"

Farida thought it was a new relationship, lol she does not know that they've 'entered expressway' already. A lot people do not even know she has been in a relationship for more than 6 months now. She just smiled calmly as Farida panicked on the phone. She has gotten to this stage where no one can tell her anything about this man anymore because she knows him better.

Dare is not your typical Naija man, he does not fit with any of the stereotypes. She has been trying to place him in a category for months now but she fails every single time because he is just...him. Farida only calmed down after she gave her more background around the relationship. She then backtracked and said the north eastern and north central ones are a little bit more liberal, but she still warned her. "Sofi, Yoruba demons are learning work where my Arewa brothers are, BE CAREFUL!" lol.

Farida sha recommended efo because 'every Nigerian eats that' in her own words. She said Dare is an IJGB so he may not be familiar with real Northern dishes sef. Farida herself grew up in Lagos.

He was surprised when he saw her cooking that morning, he came to gist with her small in the kitchen, asked her if she needed help then he forced her to listen to one annoying Naira Marley song before he dashed out to get a haircut.

Immediately she packed the final semo, she heard the doorbell.

At first the assumed the doorbell was him but then she remembered that everything in the house is automated, he wouldn't be ringing the doorbell and he would come through the elevator not the ground floor.

'Must be a delivery guy' she thought to herself as she rushed downstairs to get the door. She was wearing his t-shirt and jeans, she had her heavy crotchet locs tied in a scarf and her face was a little bit greasy from the entire semo-spinning struggle.

She was sha looking like one house girl when she went to get the door and saw a very pretty, elegantly dressed lady standing there.

"Hi, good morn...afternoon" Sofi smiled at the woman.

"Hello, please I'm here to see Dare" The Lady said in a strong UK IJGB accent and suddenly it became very difficult for Sofi to hold up the smile on her face. Not just because the Lady said she wanted to see HER MAN but because she even pronounced his name correctly. That little detail alone ruffled her feathers; she thought she was the only girl that had that monopoly (at least in Lagos).

In the office, everyone else just calls him Mr. Madaki, even Toyin still struggles when pronouncing his name.

The Lady raised her eyebrows curiously, waiting for Sofi to say something.

Stay calm sofi...

'Expect an update before 1st October'   ----> lol I can make mouth ehhhn.....

I couldnt update last week because I was coerced into watching squid games so i used all my free time to watch the series instead of updating. 

 Also it seems the ojuju that attacked facebook sites last week came for Wattpad today because I couldnt open the book to update it. I had this ready since 9am  but my Wattpad was not working. 

Thank you all for your patience I will update 43 tomorrow.

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