"So, why haven't you promoted her to a Senior Manager yet?" Dare asked and Mr. Bakare paused.

Dare couldn't understand the delay clearly, the Billionaire knows how good of a Manager she is more than anyone else does. Moreover, she has proven herself (even to him) capable of singlehandedly running the Company.

He would have done it (Promoted her) but he does not have the power to do that. According to Company policy, only that Board can promote on that level because... it is a little bit complex. You see, the Senior Managers are automatically considered for appointment as Company Directors and they are also considered for a sit on the board of the holding Company as well...Yada yada yada... long story short sha, the promotion can only come from Mr. Bakare (The Board).

"She is still young....." Mr. Bakare answered just before he swung his golf club hard sending the ball into the next part of the golf course then continued. "and... i think, I wanted her to settle down first"

"Settle down?" Dare frowned. Okay..WTF

"Yes. MARRY" The older man asserted blatantly... with his full chest, as if that was a normal thing to say.

"I don't understand your logic, would that apply if she were a Man?" Dare frowned.

Chief sighed with a little bit of frustration "You're too young to understand the rationale behind my decision." Dare noticed the Man didn't want to have the conversation, he was trying to brush it aside so he pushed further because he knows Mr. Bakare is not old-fashioned or a Misogynist.

"You're being unfair and...this is actually discrimination along both age and gender lines" Dare said.

Mr. Bakare rolled his eyes as Dare subtly called him out on his BS then he blamed it on the Industry, on the 'Country we live in' then he got personal with his excuses; "It's really in her best interest you know. I don't want her to end up like.....Yinka" He frowned. "Career is not everything, I want her to have some time to herself to build up her personal life too"

Dare reminded him that she is already filling the role of a Senior Manager unofficially and doing way more than her pay grade.

"Also what's wrong with being like Yinka?" Yinka is doing great for herself. Chief is actually being ironic right now considering the fact that the Man is currently on his third marriage because his first two wives couldn't deal with his fixation on work. It was always work first and family second for him.

"Yinka believes she is intellectually superior to everyone else and that is why she cannot settle down" The old man seethed.

Lol they must have quarreled this morning Again.

"What is it with you people and 'settling down'" Dare was slightly disappointed, he thought Mr. Bakare was one of those reasonable and progressive Nigerian Parents.

"So, what if she (Sofi) never settles down or has no plans of settling down? You still won't give her the promotion she deserves?"

"Are you cursing her?" Mr. Bakare scowled.

Dare laughed "What?" Dare was laughing at that point but it was not funny! Workplace discrimination is not funny.

Chief then mentioned her ex-Fiancé, said he thought they were going to do it but sadly, things didn't work out. "So I know she wants to settle down, Speak for yourself........and Yinka" He added with a sneer.

He then went on to rant about how young men of nowadays claim they want educated smart women but are intimidated by them in reality. Then he revisited Yinka's case and fumed about how she called off her wedding years back because she is 'stubborn', he compared her to Bella Adenuga and the Dangote girls said she is very irresponsible. He just went on and on until he veered off the topic as he set up another golf ball on the tee. (He was teaching Dare how to tea off.)

Dare was speechless at this point, he was just staring at the man in disbelief. He couldn't even be mad at the old Man he actually blames Sofi for her blind loyalty to him and the Company.

When Mr. Bakare finally looked up and saw that Dare was judging him he quickly added; "Don't worry I have bigger plans for her, I am not stupid. She is a natural leader"

"And what are these big plans?" Dare asked skeptically though he suspects he wants to make her the CEO of the gas subsidiary that they are currently setting up but, he wants to confirm it before it will enter voicemail.

Chief paused again then eyed him suspiciously this time, "Why the sudden interest in Sofi?"

"Errm..... I am not.... Nevermind!" Dare muttered but he was panicking inside lol. 

You know it actually makes sense that Mr. Bakare would ask him that because the last time he talked to him about her, they were at each other's throats. Luckily, for him Alhaji Buba and his entourage arrived in that moment so Chief was instantly distracted.


The Politician apologized profusely for his lateness, blamed it on a couple of 'logistic challenges'.

As Dare watched them playing from a couple of meters away he couldn't help but notice how, this Alhaji Buba guy seems like a nice person on the surface. The Politician who is also a retired General wears this warm smile on his face and is very soft spoken. Their group started walking to the next hole and Dare was within earshot again.

Alhaji Buba was laughing when he caught up with them. "You are very funny Deji, you think money is my problem?" He said to Chief.

"Well, I was surprised too when I saw that you were scrambling for meagre gas concessions with small boys like us" Mr. Bakare laughed too but it was fake. "So..what then can I do for you?" Mr. Bakare asked him calmly, his fake smile deeper.

The Politician stopped in his tracks and sighed, "Deji, tell me what you think about my removal from office and subsequent suspension from the Party?"

Alhaji Buba's aides and entourage had retreated when their Boss stopped but Dare was walking right beside Mr. Bakare because he was the only one with him on the course, the Billionaire's assistant and security were dispersed around the course and the main building so he didn't move back, he stayed right where he was.

Chief hesitated as though he was thinking hard about how to answer the question.

So, from what Dare knows, the last President was instructed by their party Chairman to fire Alhaji Buba abruptly when the news of his excessive pilfering got out but, according to Gowon, it was really because they had some squabbles within the Party. He was going against the cabal because he controlled a huge portion of the National budget and had gotten so powerful that he was even exerting influence even on the President.

"I don't know how or why you were removed, I don't follow politics Sir," Mr. Bakare said, still maintaining his fake smile.

"Deji?.. Save that sanctimonious act for your Forbes and CNN interviews, I know you and your friends fixed the current Minister of Petroleum" He paused then looked at Dare's direction. "I also know she is a very close friend of the Madaki's"

"Honorable, the Presidency forwards their nominees to industry leaders for recommendations and.. yes, we endorsed her just like...almost every other Oil Company in the Country!"

Alhaji Buba scoffed "'Recommended?' Is that what you people call it these days?" The politician said then laughed wickedly.

Chief sighed then subtly checked his watch to let the Politician know that he was wasting his precious time with his small talk.

Dare was impressed with that move.

You see, Chief has stepped down as CEO of the company but he is still a very busy person and he values his free time more than anything else. He probably has some family engagement with Amanda and Banky later today. He said he is trying to be a better Father to Banky.

Alhaji Buba got the message because he stopped beating about the bush and went straight to the point. He said he wants to start his own Political Party in the next couple of months and he wants 'support from the Industry'. He also wants a seat on the Board of Chief's holding Company and he said so many other things. He, infact asked nicely. Lol.

Now here is the problem, what he said is actually code for; He wants to use Mr. Bakare and his Companies to bring in his money into the country and he wants Mr. Bakare and his Billionaire friends to support him. Him being on the Board of the Company will clean up his image and give him some credibility as a real 'Businessman'.

"I'll think about it Sir" Mr. Bakare nodded.

"By all means, please take your time Deji" Alhaji Buba said nicely as he patted the Billionaire's back. But obviously he was not asking, he had already cornered them by jumping on their block.



"Oluwadamilare...........What do we do now?" Mr. Bakare said as the flight attendant poured him a cup of his signature green tea on the flight back to Lagos.

(So Chief calls him 'Dare' as in the Yoruba version intentionally, this time he even used the full form.)

"Give me a week" Dare answered and Mr. Bakare raised his brows inquisitively.

"I'll come up with a plan, I need to speak with the Minister first" He added and the older man nodded trustingly.

Dare understands that Mr. Bakare wants them to pull out of the block, transfer their interest to another Company and wait for new opportunities. He was never too keen on the Gas project. It has always been driven by Mr. Obaze....and Sofi from the beginning.

And from all indications, Chief didn't want to negotiate further with this Man, the only reason he has come this far is because of the Minister.

Honestly, the Nigerian Government's wahala is too much sef, typically they would have gone with President João's offer without thinking twice about it. Plus, Dare is kinda cool with President João now. (Although Sofi won't be going anywhere near Terra de pérola for anything! lol he still doesn't trust the werey when it comes to Sofi.)

But Alhaji Buba's audacity made him really mad. It is in the way he was disrespecting Chief who has worked hard all his life to get to where he is. 

Mr. Bakare, Mrs. Alabi, and the big 5 sacrificed so much for decades to get to where they are today. They fought legal battles with the Military Governments back in the 90s to retain their titles and still fought with the democratic regimes. Chief literally sacrificed his personal life, health.... everything to get to where he is today and one crook that stole money meant for the security of hundreds of millions of Nigerians has the effrontery to disrespect him like that.

Nigeria is a very funny country, how do people like him get away with stuff like that and still come back to hold political office?

He even got more annoyed when he remembered how Sofi prayed over this Project the other day she said the grace before they had breakfast. He wanted to tell her that they won but he couldn't because of this Alhaji Buba problem.

There is no way they're pulling out of this project.

'I am going to fight this' He thought to himself.


As soon as Mr. Bakare's Jet touched down Soji was already waiting at the hanger, Chief wanted him to come with him to another short meeting but he was exhausted and cranky plus, his sprained shoulder was aching.

"You should have that checked by a Doctor, it might be a rotator cuff tear" Chief said when he saw him still clutching the shoulder as they dismounted the aircraft.

"Nah its fine, I think the aircraft cabin pressure amplified the pain" Dare brushed it off. He didn't even notice the sprain when it happened he only did after the aircraft took off so it must be a minor injury.

That boring golf is actually exhausting, its funny how it is the choice of sport for most old men and women.

"Lekki" He said to Soji immediately he got into his car.

Soji knows where he means. He has already called her. He knows she is not going anywhere today, she said she wanted to do some coursework.

He really shouldn't be distracting her, plus they have a date tomorrow; Akin's child dedication. But fuck it! he needs his woman NOW, Not tomorrow.

Sofi's POV

Moments ago....

She was already done for the day and was going through her IG and watching TV when his call came in.

"Heyyyyy, so how did it go?" Golf with Chief and some Abuja big shots must have been interesting for him.

"Good,...... I am back in Lagos" He said then suddenly his voice changed "I sprained my right shoulder" He sulked like one baby.

"Awwww my poor baby. I hope it's not that bad"

"I don't know..... I can't really move my arm" He whined.

"Are you serious! Should we go to the hospital?" Abeg o! What kind of golf are they playing in Abuja.

"Are you home?" He asked instead.

"Yes. Do you wanna come over........ so I can have a look?" lol it's like werey wants to come over but he is disguising because, he said he was not going to 'disturb' her today since they're going out tomorrow.

"Okay. I'm on my way!" He said with excitement as his voice switched back to normal and she chuckled.

"Do you want me to get you something?...Dinner?" He asked.

She smiled after the call, he is so cute when he babies up to her like that. Not everytime 'Hard guy' .

She drew him a hot bath, pampered him small when he got to her place and while she was massaging the shoulder she realized truly that he must have wrenched it during the game because he winced a little as she gently dug her fingers into his right shoulder.

"Is this the one you put in your hair?" He lifted one of the bottles of oil she was using for the massage.

"Mhmmm,...it's just coconut oil" She answered.

He told her about how he hated it when he was little because his Mum used it for everything however, said he likes it now because of her.

They ate dinner together, gisted then around 12am'ish he said he wanted whiskey but she only had wine in her apartment. She wanted to place an order online but she was not so sure of the delivery hours so he found a place close by and they decided to go out and get it.

Soji had taken his car home to return tomorrow morning because her apartment provides parking for only one car. Seeing his car in her estate makes her nervous sef, before her G-boy neighbours that drive anyhow will go and smoke their Igbo and bash his car. They've bashed her car before so...very possible.

She wanted to drive but he offered to, "Your night driving is scary"

"You think I'll allow you to drive me with one arm?" She teased and he laughed then said she has 'healed' him already.

They entered small traffic on Admiralty way. Lekki people can party for Africa sha! All the lounges and clubs were packed there were so many cars parked on the streets, creating traffic up and down.

"Sorry about this, I know you're an Ajebutter, this is what we the masses have to deal with" She teased him and he laughed.

"I don't mind, as long as I'm stuck with you" 

"You are so cheesy!"

He smirked.

Sunday 10:45am

Soji brought his car in the morning and left for the weekend. He doesn't need a bodyguard for private stuff. He only needs the protection for work engagements. He drove them to his place first because he needed to change to something appropriate for the event.

She herself was wearing an elegant midi-length Ankara dress, (She went with it after extensive consultation with all her friends on what to wear to a child dedication). She took off her heels and slipped under his duvet while waiting for him to shower and get dressed. His room is always so cold, one would think he relocated to Nigeria from Russia. She couldn't remember how to regulate the AC so she just hid under the duvet instead and pressed phone.

She heard him in his closet rummaging through stuff and was glad he was out because they were already running late for the church service. His phone started ringing so she took it to him, as a sweet girlfriend that she is. Though she sharply peeped to see who was calling him and it one 'Henry' (Akin).

"Thanks" he said just before he answered the call but held on to her hand signaling her to wait. Her gaze briefly fell to his midriff, he was wearing only a white towel around his slim waist and her mind started cooking up ashawo thoughts. He rushed the call then hung up real quick.

"I need your help, pick out something for me now" He said seriously "I don't want to ruin your drip" He added as he led her to his native section then stood behind her.

She went through the array of natives, most of them were new still in their sealed bags so she had to unseal them. He was standing way too close behind her and that his clean, sexy and woody shower gel abi aftershave fragrance was intoxicating her and intensifying the ashawo thoughts that were building up in her mind.

She quickly picked a deep grey senator kaftan and when she turned around, he was smiling sheepishly. She eyed him first then placed it on his chest. "Wear this. Hurry up o, we are going to be late" She warned then headed for the exit but he refused to get out of her way.

"Dress me up naw, you know I hurt my shoulder" He said with a straight face.

Her jaw dropped and she bursted into laughter, "Look at this agbaya, I thought you said I 'healed' you last night"

"Yeah?, I think I need more healing" He lowered his voice then moved closer to her, his eyes scanning her hungrily and that was when she realized he played her by claiming he didn't know what to wear. She glared at him.

Her own thirsty thoughts flew out the window in panic because if she follows this weyrey to 'play' they're definitely going to miss the church service.

"Dare... we are going to miss the church service, and how can you be thinking about........when we are going to CHURCH!" She said trying to keep a straight face but failed as the chuckle escaped her lips.

"Is the baby not a product of ...?" He smirked and she couldn't hold back the laughter anymore.

He grabbed her waist and pressed her to him. "This is in fact, how it should be celebrated you know"

"You're crazy"

"Come on i've missed you" He said as his member hardened against her thighs. 

"Pretty please?" he added seductively, his eyes were so sultry and beautiful.

LOL! she is actually surprised he didn't try anything last night, probably because he thought she was still on her period, but today he confirmed she was done when she was getting dressed earlier.

"Why are you always so horny?" She said under her breath.

"You made me this way" He said weakly with his eyes now fully trained on hers, summoning her soul out of that place called 'self-control'.

"You did this to me" He added.

She kissed him. Honestly, there is just something inexplicably hot and beautiful in the way he is so candid with her and how he shows her his vulnerabilities.

"No one will even notice our absence in the church," He added in breathless anticipation when they pulled apart. Still trying to convince her to 'relax'. Then caught her eyes again as he waited for the quickie approval.

Immediately she nodded, he lifted her and placed her on the table or whatever that thing is in his closet, pulled up her tight dress and ate her out, then he carried her to the bed, (His shoulders had magically recovered again lol).
He covered her lips with his as he struggled to undress her then her phone started ringing. He passed it to her. It was Wale (Her ex) She frowned and tossed it aside.

He smiled and continued 'work', when he finally finished taking of the dress, her phone started ringing again, but she ignored it.

"You sure you don't wanna take that?" He stopped. You see ehhn, Dare does not like interruptions when he is engrossed in something, even at work.

"No" she panted.

Warris all these.

"Why?" He raised his brows. He must have seen the caller ID the first time. She could sense small jealousy in the way his demeanor changed.

"It's my ex" she said, so it won't look like she is hiding something from him.

He paused. She has told him about him, he's told her about all his exes too...the main ones o. But at least none of them call him for anything. The only one he is still kinda in touch with is the ex from the rival Investment firm and that's because they literally still have some business together.

"Does he know you have a boyfriend now?" There was a smile on his face but his eyes......his eyes were heated.

Her heart started racing faster and she kinda felt guilty because she too would probably react in the same manner if any girl at all starts calling him anyhow. Not to talk of an ex.
She, that broke up with him because of his sister.

"He knows" She managed.

Dare raised his brows and bit his lips, suddenly she remembered their encounter with President João and how he was ready to exchange blows with the dictator because he was hitting on her.

She wanted him to calm down, she wanted him to know there was nothing going on. She didn't want him to start doubting her. And... how can he even feel threatened by Wale? Does he know he is the Ideal speccc, full option!

So she decided to answer the call, but she put it on speaker first.

"Hello" She said, still maintaining eye contact with her Man.

A/N: Long time no see!

I've been busy guys, this quarter (Ember months) is usually very busy for me at work. And Family too has been keeping me busy but we must finish this book o! I will try to update this weekend but if i don't then its gonna be next thursday (Latest).

I am so sorry,  Ma binu,  Ku Yi Hakuri, Ndo. hehehe

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