2 days later
"Where can I get golf equipment?" Dare asked Soji as he drove into the Company premises on Thursday morning.
While Dare was away in London, Chief was able to set up a meeting with Alhaji Buba. Quite impressive of him considering the fact that the politician spends most of his time between Dubai and LA these days.
The Man is a renowned golfer and he is coming down to Abuja this weekend for an upcoming golf tournament next week so, he invited Mr. Bakare to join him for a short game during his practice session on Saturday morning so they can 'talk'. Mr. Bakare wants Dare to come with him.
Dare doesn't even know how to play golf he thinks it is one of the most pointless sports out there but Mr. Bakare is a decent player, he is actually a member of the golf club they are going to.
"There's definitely a sporting store in VI, I'll check later," Soji said
"Please go there now, we have a game in Abuja on Saturday morning" He gave Soji his card "I need a complete set" he said as he alighted from the car.
He could see her bag and laptop on her desk but she was not in her office, he wanted to look for her trouble small, to see his favorite person before his day starts officially. He did not come into work yesterday so he has not seen her since she left him in her apartment.
Where is my cuteass? He thought to himself as he walked down to his office. He is certainly going to see her later though because they have a meeting scheduled for 2pm with all the managers.
"Welcome back Sir!" Ada jumped to her feet as soon as he stepped into his office section.
Lol. He has told her to stop jumping up to greet him, it's like she has a lot of energy.
"Thank you Ada" he smiled.
"We missed you Sir," She added nervously.
"Are you sure about that?" He raised his brows skeptically because, he is pretty sure most of them were happy he was away and not here to give them 'headache'.
She laughed. "Okay, I speak for myself Sir" she added and the two of them laughed and chatted for a bit.
As soon as he settled in, he dove right into work because he had so much accumulated tasks to sort out that Day. Two weeks away is no joke for a CEO of an oil Company.
Mr. Richards and Mr. Obaze handled a lot of stuff for him, he himself still attended to some issues remotely from London but his table was full, and his schedule was packed to the brim.
Around 11, He got an alert from the Company message board, a smile formed on his face as soon as he opened the message.
It was a general message from HR; a link to an article on the MBA section of The Economist.......Written by his boo!
"Woah" He said as dropped everything he was doing and clicked on the link sharply. The Economist is a major publication. She didn't even say anything about it when they spoke last night, this is big deal! The piece was about how realistic it is for developing countries to adopt natural gas as transition fuel. It was part of her coursework but her faculty submitted it to the magazine, as they should!
It was well written and she made some strong arguments, her points were backed with solid facts and research.
He was smiling sheepishly as he finished off the article as if he was reading a love letter. Honestly, it felt better than reading a love letter to him. It felt like he was taking a peek into her brain.
You see, this is why he was obsessed with her in those early days. Her reports were always perfect, professional and properly written. He didn't even stand a chance he would have fallen for her eventually! She is a complete package!
He is surprised she didn't she say anything about this to him, She is really taking this her 'separating the boyfriend from the boss' policy too far.
Dare: [Link] we have to celebrate this!!!
Dare: I am so fucking proud of you baby
Dare: ...and that's an understatement.
Sofi: 😊🙈
He joined the meeting late because he was tied in another meeting in his office. He was trying to flirt with her the whole time but she avoided his eyes and ignored him. He doesn't usually do this but he was feeling extra smitten by her today and he wanted small attention.
He was at the head of the table while she was seated on the right side, a chair away from the foot, too far!
The first time their eyes met he raised his brows flirtingly with a straight face, he saw her suppress a smile as she quickly looked away. The second time he sneakily tossed a kiss in her direction and she shot him a warning glare. LOL.
When she started her own briefing, he leaned back in his chair as he pondered on how to get her attention again. Halfway through her presentation and when all eyes in the room were on the screen he waited for her to look in his direction before he struck again; The moment her eyes settled on him, he did that thing with his tongue that he does whenever he finds her most sensitive spot. Her eyes widened in alarm and she almost choked on her words.
He smiled wickedly as she started coughing to cover up her weird reaction.
"Are you okay, Miss Ireti?" He said seriously, feigning surprise as he pushed the bottle of water in front of him towards her.
She didn't look In his direction again, even when he asked her a question about her presentation. Lol.
They went to a nice restaurant in VI, her pick this time. He noticed it was not a quiet or low key restaurant. They even ran into some of her acquaintances, she introduced him as her boyfriend, and it dawned on him that she is getting more comfortable with him. She is also going to spend the night with him today despite the fact that it is a weekday.
TBH the weekend arrangements won't even work for them anymore. They are both busy these days, her MBA is getting intensive and she needs to cover syllabus during the weekends, his weekends too are now getting tight with Mr. Bakare back in the country so, naturally she is now much more flexible with him.
Plus they can't be together this weekend because of the golf game he needs to attend on Saturday with Mr. Bakare in Abuja and he has to be back in Lagos by Sunday for Akin's daughter's dedication. He has asked her to come with him and she said yes.
After the date, they were in his living room netflix'ing and chilling. Not THAT chilling o, she was on her period but he still wanted her around. They were just lounging and gisting. He was still hyping her up and gushing about how his girlfriend is the baddest.
"It's not even a real article, it was just a submission for my coursework, these schools just send them in to market their MBAs" She laughed.
"I don't care what it was originally for, it was featured on The Economist" He has ordered for 5 hard copies of the magazine issue already. She has been downplaying the whole thing but he was not over it yet.
She even received an email from a Nigerian business daily as well, they want her permission to publish it next Monday. He was very happy for her. He knows she is super happy about it too; she has been in a very upbeat mood all day.
He kissed her forehead. "I am proud of you" he said for the umpteenth time that day and she smiled meekly.
"Why are you such a high-flyer?" he twirled a braid that that fallen across her face as he tucked it behind her ear.
"Look who's talking!" She chuckled.
"Okay, I was pushed hard by my parents, yours is natural, I'm sure you were one of those annoying brainy kids that submit their test scripts first?"
"Nooo" She laughed.
"You probably collected 'double promotion'...twice, in primary and secondary school right?" He continued teasing her.
To be honest if Sofi had half the privilege and opportunities he had she would have been on another level right now.
"No! I was not always like this, I didn't even like book" She said.
"I am serious" She smiled. "I used to be spoiled brat"
"You? how?" Hard to believe, she comes across as one of those well-behaved types.
"I think..... I started putting in more effort into my academics and life generally when I started living with my Aunt"
He paused to listen because he knows she started living with them after her parents passed away.
She told him about how she heard her Aunt and her husband (Uncle) arguing one night about changing her school. That was like 2 years after she moved in with them, her school was a top private boarding secondary school in the outskirts of Lagos and they couldn't afford to pay the tuition anymore they had four kids of their own to take care of.
She was going to SS1 so her uncle wanted them to move her to her cousins' school which was much more affordable for them but her Aunt said no. She said her sister (Sofi's Mum) has always wanted that school for Sofi, she said her sister has been talking about the school even before Sofi was born and her parents went through a long and rigorous waitlist for her admission.
Even Sofi, at the time couldn't understand why her aunt kept on insisting on the school, she was even happy that she was about to be transferred to day school. Her Aunt offered to pay for the tuition herself and that was when she started the baby supply business.
"Now that I am much older, I think it was just her own way of coping with the grief, my mum was her immediate younger sister" She smiled. "Because honestly, there was nothing special about that school" She chuckled.
She said that was the event that motivated her to sit up, because she knew she couldn't let the woman down. She had no excuse fall below the top 10 in her class.
He was just smiling quietly; he wanted her to keep talking, she rarely talks about her childhood. This is the farthest she has ever gone with him, down memory lane and he could see she was getting emotional, in a good way from the nostalgia. Plus she was still in high spirits from the whole news of her article.
"What were they like?" He asked her softly.
He is aware they died in a car accident here in Lagos. 'A container accident' to be specific according to Gowon. He didn't want her talk about the accident, that must have been extremely traumatizing for a 12 year old... for anyone at all. He just wanted her to talk about them. The good memories.
She looked up at first as if she wanted to ask who? but then she realized almost immediately that he was asking about her parents.
She fell silent and he saw that her warm vigor was reducing gradually. "I don't remember much about them anymore" She shook her head
"That is the part that hurts the most, when I try to think about them"
"Like, I can't even picture their faces on my own anymore" she added as her eyes welled up with tears.
He froze at that point because he didn't know what to do, she was getting upset.
"But do you know what I DO remember...vividly? The anger I was feeling towards them the day they died.."
"I don't understand why I can't forget that" She looked him in the eyes vulnerably. "I was upset because it was our visiting day and I had a performance...but they didn't show up" Her voice was shaky and she was breathing heavily "I thought they missed it because they had other things to do,.... I thought I was being neglected"
"I was so mad at them,.... I couldn't understand why they would miss my visiting day, they never did"
"So I was Angry the whole day"
"I didn't know they were......." She gestured desperately with her hands, remorse, and guilt written all over her. He noticed her hands were trembling. "They were going to come, they were on their way to my school"
"I wish I could take it back... that anger..... My Mother was pregnant........" She covered her face with her hands as she broke down completely and his heart broke into a million pieces.
He pulled her quickly into his arms and held her tight, she was crying uncontrollably.
He felt so powerless and frustrated because he didn't know what to do, he didn't know what to say or even where to start. He didn't know this part of the story. For some reason he assumed she was in the car with them and somehow miraculously survived the accident.
How do you go back in time and tell that 12 year old that it was not her fault, because he could see from her body language that she blamed herself for it back then... she still blames herself subconsciously for it. She is still harboring regret, guilt, and grief.
"It's okay" He whispered shakily in her ears "It wasn't your fault" He managed to say as he squeezed her tight in his arms rocking her gently.
After a while when she stopped sobbing and was calmer, he lay down with her on top of him on the sofa, he wanted her to fall asleep. He cradled her head gently on his chest to make her comfortable. The night is still young but they should definitely call it a day.
Planting kisses occasionally on her forehead, he rubbed her back until she slept off.
And when she did, the tears he had been holding back broke free, he squeezed his eyes shut and tried to control his breathing so as not to wake her up again.
Around 12am or thereabout he carried her upstairs and tucked her in his bed gently. He did some work for about an hour before going to bed himself.
In the morning, she left quietly without waking him up. He wanted that kind of morning moment they had in her place the last time but she just left him a note instead on his laptop.
Off to work,
I love you!
He smiled deeply as he grabbed his phone to reply that but was yanked out of his fluffy mood by the (eight missed calls from Gowon) notifications blocking his home screen.
He grunted as he fell back in bed because he knew why the man was blowing up his phone. Gowon wanted a copy of the Alhaji Buba data he had acquired from Zurich. Dare was holding on to it since the man has agreed to meet Mr. Bakare, but Gowon wants it and he wants everything, he wants to turn it in to EFCC. He seems so have something personal against Alhaji Buba.
His call came in again.
"When are you bringing it?" Gowon demanded
"I told you to give me some time, we need to assess...."
"You don't need to assess anything you've done your part, hand it over" Gowon barked impatiently.
"Listen Dare, this is bigger than whatever business you people have with him, give me a copy, I will handle the rest"
If Gowon hands it over to EFCC today they're definitely going to 'pick up' Alhaji Buba like... tomorrow. That Swiss hacker had uncovered enough evidence to nail Alhaji Buba with a minimum of 20 years in jail and the man is already in his late 60s they would literally end him.
When Dare started explaining why he needs to calm down again, the rude MF hung up on him. lol
Why is he such a hothead? No wonder Yinka likes him. Dare sneered.
Two wereys!
When he got to work he stopped right in front of Sofi's office, she was buried in work, eyes glued to her screen, phone in her hand on a call. He stood there for almost a minute before she looked up and smiled warmly, he smiled back with a slight wave of his hand. She didn't chase him or frost the glass today, they were having a moment.
"I love you" He mouthed to her and she nodded.
He continued to his office, he was glad she was already in a better mood this morning, he has ordered for a big bright bouquet to cheer her up plus Toyin is back from her offshore shift and they're hanging out with the girls tonight. However, with time he is going to convince her to talk to a professional. What she is dealing with underneath her beautiful and warm smile goes deeper than she thinks. He wants her to overcome and not bury that burden no matter how long it takes.
Saturday 10am
The golf course was packed with so many people because of the upcoming tournament. The tournament was sponsored by CBN so half of the golfers present were top Government officials, Bank MDs etc.
"How is it going at work?" Mr. Bakare said after he teed off as they walked to the ball. Alhaji Buba was running late so Mr. Bakare was playing a solo to kill time and teach Dare the basics of golf.
These days the man does not even ask him about the day-to-day running of the Company anymore. He is now very comfortable with his management. The only thing bothering him right now is this Alhaji Buba problem.
"Great" Dare said. During his trip, he didn't have to worry about anything, they did encounter some issues in the Company while he was away but Sofi fixed half of them even before he returned.
He couldn't wait for this golf game to be over so they can fly back to Lagos, his Mother and Sister are not in town so he doesn't need to branch home, this annoying Alhaji Buba was already 45 Minutes late at that point, the man just keeps getting more annoying with each passing day.
"I heard Sofi had a piece published in The Economist," Mr. Bakare said. "Have you read it?"
"Yeah" Dare nodded calmly.
"That's huge for her, and for us she mentioned the Company too you know" Chief smiled.
"Yes....I guess" Dare said nonchalantly, disguising, as if he is not her biggest fanboy.
"That girl is incredible,...outstanding" Mr. Bakare continued as he positioned himself for his next swing.
'And she's all mine' Dare thought to himself but continued forming as if it was nothing because if there's one person HE wants to hide this relationship from, its Mr. Bakare.
Dare is not even sure how he is going to react to it but he is certain the man would complicate things for them and put them (especially Sofi) under unnecessary pressure.
He actually likes the way they are moving at their own pace, the only people that need to know about them, do already.
"So, why haven't you promoted her to a Senior Manager yet?" Dare asked and Mr. Bakare paused.
A/N: *Clears throat* I have received mild threats for scamming you people last week with update promise 😂. let me run and hide 🏃♂️
Happy new month!!!!
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