Warning: Mature content ahead.
Excuse us if you're not 18 😊
Dare's POV
Dare was on a call with the UK forensic auditor that has been on the Alhaji Buba case as he strolled out of the Redrock office building in London. They were on a lunch break and he wanted to get away from the crowd in the halls to make this call.
So, the guy had hit a dead end with the investigations because of jurisdictional issues. Most of the assets Alhaji Buba has in the UK are luxury properties. That was not enough to nail the guy. That one is like normal level for naija politicians.
What they need, for the Minister to be able to go back to the President with her full chest right now is some major stash of illicit funds.
The forensic auditor does not have the legal muscle or connect to look into the books of the shell companies Alhaji Buba owns because they were all registered in Switzerland and these are the companies he used to funnel cash into swiss banks and hedge funds. The Swiss banks are super secretive and will never release client data even if that client dies.
"Shit" Dare cursed under his breath.
The Auditor however, recommended a skilled underground financial investigator based in Zurich. He said the guy is very expensive but he 'delivers' so if this is really important he should consider working with the guy.
He warned Dare that the guy actually works with hackers to obtain some of this data from the Banks' servers and this is very illegal especially in Switzerland. The guy does not conduct his business normally he meets his clients secretly no emails no calls, and the job is delivered in a physical hard drive.
"Okay.." Dare nodded.
"One more thing, he only accepts cash or bitcoins"
Okay that is a little bit too extreme for him, but as it is, they do not have a choice, he cannot go back empty handed.
"How soon can he get it done?" Dare asked
"less than a week,"
Dare paused. This means he has to go to Switzerland twice.
"I need to think this through first, let me get back to you in a couple of hours"
He wanted to talk to Gowon first to understand how much trouble he would be in if this plan fails.
He knows Gowon will support this move even if it is illegal. Gowon has been carrying this Alhaji Buba case on his head and he is doing everything free. He said he doesn't want Chief worrying about it.
It was at that point that Dare finally confronted him about Yinka and the fool told him to mind his business and face his relationship with Sofi. Said Yinka is a grown ass woman. Lol.
When this is over, he is going to revisit the issue, its not funny, they gave him a Job to protect her and not fool around with her.
When he ended the call with the Auditor, he realized he was standing right in front of a popular jewelry store.
He used to sneer at all the men and couples he sees going into the store back in the days, but today he subconsciously walked into the store for the first time. His strolled to the engagement ring section, there was a nice one on special display and it caught his eyes, he started to visualize it on those pretty, soft hands of hers and his heart started beating fast, startling himself.
WTF It is too early Dare He thought to himself.
Proposing is not like saying I love you he needs to wait.. for real. He knows naija women love rings and all but Sofi is.... Different, she has a mind of her own. Plus, she has gone down this road before.
He's known her for over 6 months now but they became official like 2 months ago.
That background investigation Gowon did for him was pretty much accurate but he too needs to get to know her more, through her own lens..... and, he needs to let her into his life too. There's still so much about him she doesn't know yet.
This is all 'heart eyes' behavior he needs to slow down. Obviously, he is crazy about her, you can say infatuated with her at this point, but deep down still, he knows she is the one.
"Good afternoon Sir, need any assistance with that?" A middle-aged store attendant drew him out of his trance. He was embarrassed because now someone has actually caught him.
"No!" He said firmly "No I was....I was just passing by" He disguised.
The old man smiled perceptively. "Are you anxious about 'asking'?"
He frowned and was about to deny but clearly, the man could read him at that point. The man looked like he has been in the business for decades so he definitely knows how to spot a man who is in love.
"Nah!..We just started dating, it's too early" Dare chuckled.
"But you know, if that section of the store makes you nervous, it means your mind is made up already," The old man said again with that clever smile still on his face.
Dare just smiled back in defeat.
"What's she like?" The man crossed his arms and leaned by a counter.
Truth is, this man is good salesperson, and he could see right through Dare at that point because that question he asked him is the biggest bait you can set for any man in love lol.
Dare took the bait gladly and that was how he was stuck in that store for another 20 Minutes talking about her lol. The good thing is he was done with his session at the summit and honestly, he was not interested in the second session. So he wasn't worried about heading back to the event early. This is one of his favorite things to do these days; Talking about Sofi.
They even offered him champagne and he kept on going about how beautiful, smart, kind and selfless she is. He talked about her class and elegance when the Man asked about her style.
The Man now said that they should 'definitely make a bespoke piece for a magnificent woman like that'. The man sha succeeded in getting him to make a down payment for a bespoke design. He said the designer's waitlist is long and the whole process can take between 3-8 months so by the time they finish with the ring it won't be too early for him to ask. They booked him in for a consultation with their designer for Saturday.
He shook his head and laughed at himself as he left the store.
Sofi's POV
His trip was supposed to be for a week o, but now 12 days have passed since he left and the worst part is he does not even know when he will be done with whatever it is that is keeping him there.
He calls her everyday though on voice or video. But she wanted him, she wanted to be in his arms again. He said he had to stay back for some other stuff with his former Company and this got her worried because, what if he decides to go back to his old job? He was in Switzerland the other day for this same stuff, it's starting to look like they've hooked him again.
She went home that Tuesday evening brooding because she was missing him so much, she couldn't even lie to herself anymore.
She was a little bit sore because work was hectic today, so after showering she drew herself drew herself a warm bubble bath and poured herself a glass of sparkling wine. She kept her phone closely because he calls her every evening around eight for their 10-20 minutes long call.
"Hey baby" He said softly.
"Are you done with the Zurich business?" She hassled him. He had better be back in London o and preparing to return to Lagos before she flies down to that city to bring him back herself.
He laughed "Yes"
Ah thank God! He should be back in London tomorrow to round up the 'stuff' and fly down to her.
"How did it go today?" He continued
She switched to her AirPods so she could balance properly in the tub as she started narrating her day.
"What are you doing right now?" He interrupted her at a point, he must have heard the water splashing because of the AirPod sound sensitivity.
"I'm taking a bath" She grumbled, "I'm stressed"
He lowered his voice "You're..... naked?"
"mhmmm" She said sultrily, the wine in her system was already performing.
He fell silent for a while then he ended the call abruptly and called her on video straightaway.
His eyes were a little bit tired. "Are you not sleeping? Look at your eyes!" She scolded him.
"I just woke up" He said as he peered into his phone screen to look for boobs because she was hiding under the water "Let me see you now"
"No" She rolled her eyes, "Come back to Lagos if you want to see me " She taunted him but still moved her phone away further and pushed herself up a little, just enough for him to see small cleavage.
He smiled then glowered at her hungrily, she could see the arousal building up in his eyes lol. TBH she is also dying of konji. They had plans that night they were supposed to meet up before his trip but Mrs. Alabi just showed up and ruined everything.
They have attempted small phone sex since he left; during that Farrah's wedding weekend but she was sharing a hotel room with Toyin so she couldn't really do it, plus she wants the real thing! Phone sex is NOT it!
He moved about a bit as if he was distracted and then she heard a voice.
Soji's voice! and that was when she noticed he was in a car.....his car!
"Is that.........Soji's voice?....are you back?" she sat up swiftly in the tub.
He nodded as a smirk formed on his face "We just got off third mainland bridge"
She gasped, "Are you serious!" Her free hand clasped her mouth
"Just wait for me in that tub, I'll be there in less than 10 Minutes," He said seriously, his voice had gotten deeper at this point; she knew he was hard lol.
Immediately he ended the call she got out of the tub in excitement. She wanted to make everything perfect. It was already soothing enough with the relaxing music playing on her mini bluetooth speaker, and the soothing aroma of the bath oil she poured into the water earlier but she needed to replicate those perfect scenes from movies because, why TF not!
She really loves the way he surprises her, she was expecting him back on Thursday or even Friday because when they spoke last night he was still in Switzerland.
She smiled sheepishly as she brought out some of her most expensive scented candles, the ones she has been hoarding for..... God knows what? lol. Unconsciously checking herself in the mirror as if (he has not seen her face already) she lit up the candles and quickly fixed her apartment then returned to the tub to wait for oga.
This was his first time in her apartment proper; usually he just walks her up and turns back at the door or the living room. So he was kinda lost trying to find his way to her bathroom. He smiled warmly when he finally found her.
He paused and leaned on the bathroom doorframe, he had a bottle of champagne with him, Ever so thoughtful!
She bit her lower lip and leaned back, inviting him and then he started unbuttoning his blue shirt with one hand impatiently, he dumped the champagne somewhere..... probably on the floor and rushed towards her. He was still taking off the shirt when his lips met hers.
This particular kiss was one of the most powerful they have had. The fiery tenderness and rawness of it held everything he wanted to say to her and everything she wanted to say to him, time kinda stopped in that moment for her or passed in slow motion because he possessed her mind and soul and body and spirit in that moment.
They did some naughty stuff in the bathtub for like 10 minutes, (Dare is a certified werey lol!) before he impatiently carried her out, grabbing one towel along the way to pat her dry before dropping her gently on her bed.
It was chilly in her room so she was pleased when he enclosed her in his heat as he crawled up on her. He kissed her again, then pinned her hands over her head and took her.
After the hot session, they were gisting and catching up when he stood up and pulled on his trousers. He said he wanted to get water from the kitchen. When she offered him dinner, he said he already had dinner on the flight. He is going to sleep over; Soji will bring fresh clothes for him tomorrow morning because he has a meeting with Chief by 10am.
"I love your place," He said as he did his zippers and she laughed.
"Are you mocking me?" No but seriously have you guys seen his place?
"No, I love it here, it is lovely, elegant, warm....just like you"
"Thank you" She smiled sheepishly. Her place is not bad sha. It is small but she knows that it is appealing....small.
"Why do you have a treadmill?" He said when he returned with a tiny gift box.
"ahhn ahhn I have to stay fit now" He is obsessed with her curves, so she already knew where he was going with that.
"Don't loose weight o, you're perfect" He said as he started unwrapping the box, she could tell it was jewelry.
Hmmm he has gone to buy her something again, he is a jewelry guy after all. After the bracelet, he gave her a pair of gold earrings one weekend like that. It's like she will soon join TY and become jewelry collector.
He climbed the bed then straddled her, she saw him taking out something that looked like a chain. fathoming it was a necklace she smiled. Bracelet, earrings, necklace...she has complete set now. Her jewelry collector calling is about to take off.
"Close your eyes" He smiled mischievously and she did.
The cold air in her room hit her midriff as he pulled the duvet off her slowly then she felt his warm hands on her waist. Her heart raced faster and she felt herself getting hot inside. He lifted her waist gently then slipped his hands underneath and she felt the cold metal of the chain around her waist.
"Okay, you can open your eyes"
She didn't need to look at it to know what it was. He was playing with it when she opened her eyes. It was a double layered beaded gold chain. The intricate piece caught light enchantingly and glistened richly despite the fact that the room was dark.....It was so pretty.
Where did he even get it?
"Ileke that went to Harvard" She said and he laughed.
"Thank you" She added.
He kissed her belly then covered her up with the Duvet. "Bed time for you" he said then sat beside her his back resting on the headboard.
"When are you leaving for work tomorrow?" He said as he opened his laptop. He said he had some things to work on.
"You should get some rest, it's past 11" He said.
Lol, who told this one she is ready to sleep.
"Good night" He kissed her forehead then kissed her lips but she kissed him back fervently and touched him. She didn't stop until she felt his member rising again. He almost threw his precious laptop on the floor when he finally gave in and turned her over...aggressively.
She knows ileke drives him insane and they have to launch this Harvard ileke tonight. 😈
The following morning she made him breakfast; pancakes and scrambled eggs, he is going to need food when he wakes up. They were up till 1am last night lol.
He slept later though; he was still working on something. She just hopes he is not carrying double responsibility on his shoulder because now that he is back, his office is going to be flooded with issues he needs to attend to as well.
She tugged the duvet around him snugly. Seriously having him in her bed hit different. It made their whole relationship more real to her she didn't know she needed this moment..... him sleeping peacefully in her bed.
She kissed his cheeks stealthily, not to wake him up but he caught her hand when she tried to turn around and pulled her on to him.
"Are you sure you can't take the day off?" He whined groggily.
"I have meetings," She caressed his head, his hair was fuller, she knows he will soon get a haircut he likes his hair very low.
"You look gorgeous," He whispered as he took in her outfit and she smiled.
"Go on" He released her "Kick ass..... as usual" He said and she nodded then Kissed him on the lips and dashed off to work.
She met Soji and her Driver gisting downstairs, He said he had just arrived with Dare's clothes. The guy is trying sha, he works round the clock, thank God he got some time off while Dare was away. She informed him that there is breakfast upstairs if he is hungry but he declined politely.
There was a suitcase in her room when she got back home that evening. She knows he is not coming back tonight so why did he leave it there.
She decided to open it to see what her 'sweeerat' packs in his bags but she saw that there was a tag on it and it was actually addressed to her.
She opened the box and was astonished.
You see ehhn she thought he was playing when he said he likes to 'spoil his woman'.
This uncle actually got one of those personal luxury shoppers to empty out some stores for her.
Ordinary 2 weeks trips, that's why he bought the whole London for her?.. Does he not know what to do with his money?
She called him immediately to thank him.
"You left something here" She formed.
"Do you like them?" She could sense the smile in his voice.
"I am tempted to say yes, but this is too much Dare"
"It's not," He said curtly
"If you don't like any of them we can return and get get a replacement just call Maria" He said seriously.
Is he kidding? Everything in that box is on point. They even got her shoe size right, how did he even know her shoe size?
"Thank you, I love them"
"And I love you" He said. "Can I call you back? I'm about to get into a meeting"
"Okay, sure"
"I'll call you when I get home okay?" He said.
Ehen they've started o. Meeting by 7pm. He did not even come to the office today but he has been super busy all day. He only texted her earlier in the morning when he was heading out.
The text>
Dare: Holy shit! i want the recipe for these pancakes!!! 9:30am
A/N: Guys sorry 🙏. I was on vacation and i've noticed It's impossible for me to write when i'm not in Lagos.
Also my notifications are a mess so if i have not responded to your post, its wattpad ooo.
38 is coming out later tonight i'm on it 😅
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