WARNING: First half of this chapter is NSFW, MATURE Content. You have been warned.
Also i have not edited this, ignore the errors. Sorry i am updating this late (noon) i woke up late.
Before she could completely process what he just did......said. He lifted her off the counter bridal style and headed to his room, she didn't even realize the top part of her dress was off until the cold air in the passage to his room hit her bare back. The heat from his body however, kept her warm.
As he stepped into the room, the super bright smart lights came on automatically and she flinched slightly, when she opened her eyes again the lights had dimmed down and he was smiling at her apologetically.
His room had massive windows that ran from the ceiling to the floor and as the room lighting dimmed out, the radiant glow of the full moon outside filtered its way in through the white or cream or silver curtains, omo she didn't care about the exact colour of the curtains at that point she was only in interested in him and what he was about to do to her.
He started kissing her gently as he placed her down on his massive bed, his hands quickly worked on the remaining buttons on her dress and he finally exposed her completely. He planted flirty kisses along her belly as he moved himself down. He stopped around her waist and caught the waistbeads between his teeth, played with them while his hands sneakily pulled off her panties. He raised each of her leg and extended his light kisses along them too as he glided the panty off spending extra time on her feet like it was some prized possession. Such a tease!
Her heart rate picked up when he suddenly held both legs down, spread them apart then without warning brought his mouth to her succulent zone. His tongue replicated what he did earlier to her with his fingers. He licked and sucked every inch of her and she cried out his name.
His tongue went everywhere, discovered places she didn't know existed. He went to her entrance, teased her then slipped back his finger into her again. Whenever she wriggled too much he placed his free hand on her belly to pin her in place, playing with her breasts occasionally. He slipped in a second finger and she screamed with tears. She had never experienced anything like that before.
He noticed she was about to release because her whimpering and screams had gotten deeper and her breaths were sharper so he increased the speed. His fingers buried inside her heat tormented her mercilessly while his tongue and lips continued unleashing their assault on her super charged sweet spot. She released fiercely while clutching the sheets like her life depended on it gasping wildly, tears running from her eyes to ears, her face and hairline gleaming with sweat.
Dare's POV.
He crawled back up to her almost smirking. Proud of himself for making her cry out his name in ecstasy, for making her beg him for more. Her sweet needy voice still echoed in his ear as he watched her catch her breath. It sent sharp waves of need to his member, making him harder for her.
When she finally opened her eyes fully and saw him smirking at her she frowned briefly then wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.
He thought she was just going to kiss him briefly and fall back to sleep or something but the kissing grew intense, passionate, driving him crazy. Her hands suddenly flew down to his jeans and she grabbed him through the jeans to feel him.
His eyes widened as she rubbed the area. He was actually low key worried for her because if she releases that guy, there's no going back, they're going to go all the way.
She saw the effect her hand had on him so she quickly unbuttoned the jeans and started zipping him down. They rolled over and she came on top of him when she finally undid his zipper.
She sat up on top of him, removed what was left of her bra and dress, throwing them on the floor
'Yes, that's the spirit baby!' He cheered her on in his head.
Her engorged breasts bounced slightly as she pushed his shirt up to his neck, he raised his back a little to help her then pulled it over his head quickly. His eyes were on her the whole time, breathing deeply to calm himself as he watched her embark on her little revenge.
She grabbed the waistband of his boxers pushed it down then paused, she looked at it ardently then looked back at him with shock in her eyes.
As she wrapped her hand around it, a deep groan escaped his mouth and he bit his lower lip hard to stop him from roaring.
She started stroking him gently and his moans started escaping. He bit his lips harder when she caught precum on her thumb while playing with the cap, she spread it around, used it as lubricant. She looked like she wasn't satisfied with the strokes so she started pulling off his pants along with the boxers again.
In a swift move she covered him with her mouth and sucked hard, he gasped and grabbed a fistful of her braids. She increased her grip gradually, sucking away all the tension that has burned him and tormented his very being since the first day he laid his eyes on her but, the fire seemed to increasing, burning out of control.
She increased her pace and he whispered her name, called her all sort of sweet names he could think of.
At a point he couldn't take it anymore so he caught her hand, pulled her up on his chest then flipped them over trapping her underneath him, he pined both of her hands on the bed beside her head and drank in the view of her first; Her braids splayed out on the bed like some African goddess, her soft lips swollen and even sexier, her eyeliner smeared and her eyes begging for him again.
He took that as a cue, kissed her gently then slowly slid his massive length in her, her loud cries were muffled by his kisses.
He moaned and cursed too as his vicious member tore its way through her soft, warm tightness. When he penetrated her completely he started hammering her gently, she was so fucking sweet. He bent one of her leg at the knee to give himself more access to her. He wanted all of that tight sweetness.
He picked up the pace when she got more comfortable with all of him inside and she screamed louder in response not caring if anyone could hear them, she screamed his name loud and clear and he loved it. He pounded her mercilessly while holding her tightly, she started to clutch the sheets again and he increased his pace as she released again. He pulled out and climaxed right after her and collapsed beside her both of them panting wildly like animals.
He gathered her in his arm and pulled the duvet over them, planted another kiss on her head and asked "How are you doing?
She just nodded and held him tighter. She slept off first breathing gently as her heart rate balanced out and he joined her shortly.
1:00 am
"Don't go, sleep over" He said groggily when she started dressing up.
"I don't want to be here when you wake up angry in the morning" She teased him.
He laughed as he stood up from the bed.
"I think I'll be in a good mood with you around'' He wrapped his arms around her waist as she buttoned up her dress. She felt so soft in his arms.
''Yeah, I don't think I am ready to test that theory, also...work tomorrow" She turned around in his arms and kissed him. ''Some of us are not CEOs, I need to be at work by 8am"
He laughed.
He drove her home himself because he didn't want to wake Soji up. Walked her up to her apartment, when she opened her door, he inched closer and kissed her again.
"You know you can take the day off right?" He whispered.
"No thanks, I don't want to be transferred to Port Harcourt" She whispered back and he laughed silently.
The next day (Friday) they were both super busy. She was screening some sub-contractors while he was meeting with banks and financial people.
It was 4:30pm when she finally came to his office with one of the contractors who wanted to see him personally to discuss an issue that was beyond her power to resolve. He was exhausted and hadn't even had lunch.
She looked so beautiful. Her eyes were a little bit heavy with sleep... his fault. He wished she would just come with him in that moment so he could take her away, back to his bed, ensure she gets enough sleep but 'he is a professional' plus she is very stubborn.
After the short meeting he approved whatever modifications they wanted to do and the contractor thanked him as they stood up to leave. He called her back.
"Miss Ireti, please wait"
She said goodbye to the contractor.
When the contractor was out of sight, he looked at her then smiled.
She didn't smile back.
Ahn ahn she is too serious lol. He thought to himself.
"Let me take you out for dinner tonight" He said seriously but it was a plea.
"i.....errm, today is my best friend's birthday. We are throwing a party for her" She said.
"What about tomorrow?"
She chuckled "I am attending a wedding in Ikeja"
"Wow" he blinked, "I guess I have to start booking appointments weeks in advance then?"
She smiled
"I'm guessing u have church on Sunday too?" Plus she needs time to herself to rest. He was crushed but he understood.
He scheduled a flower delivery to her apartment against Sunday evening when she gets back from the mainland because she said she would spend the weekend at the family home in Ikeja.
Monday morning, as he walked to his office he stopped in front of hers right after shooting her a text. She looked up and smiled at him. She had new hair; one of those curly braids. He was glad she looked well rested and energized compared to Friday.
He called her on the phone when he got to his office and asked her out again but she turned him down.... again. She claimed she had somewhere to be in the evening. He felt she was turning him down because she didn't want to go out publicly with him so he called back and asked her to come to his house on Tuesday but she said no... again and he frowned.
'Okay this is strange' He said to himself as he hung up. He low-key started panicking and wondering if she was reconsidering the whole thing, perhaps she regrets what they did? Did she sleep with him because she was under the influence?
He decided to give her breathing space, he actually kinda rushed things with her and he started regretting why he didn't stick to his original strategy of winning her heart over gradually. He blamed his Oga at the base as his mind wandered further; 'Or maybe she did not enjoy it?' He quickly diverted his mind to another topic realizing he was overthinking.
Sofi's POV
As Sofi did her makeup on Wednesday morning she started thinking again. She has been freaking out because she had SEX with HIM as in Mr. Madaki! Her boss! When she went there that night she thought they were just going to.... talk and maybe kiss small. She never expected it to escalate to third base!
The whole thing was driving her insane because she couldn't stop thinking about it.....him. He made her come.......twice! The only other person she has slept with is her ex and that one was always about his own needs, he never took care of her own needs like that. Honestly she was kinda hoping he would suck in that area but he is AMAZING and now she literally needs him and it bothers her.
It bothers her because....he is going to wield complete power over her.
He is a dangerous man, he is smart, successful, freaking handsome, hot and great in bed. He is bringing everything to the table!...Shit, he is bringing THE table too and honestly she felt intimidated. She didn't feel like she had enough leverage in this thing they've got going which is why she was developing cold feet.
She needed more time to wrap her head around it and carefully think about this whole thing since her career is also involved. They're allowed to date coworkers but he is not just any coworker. If things go south she might have to leave the Company.
9:15 am
When she got to work she approved some payments for some contractors but she had to take the cheques to him to sign because they were huge USD payments and only the CEO signs that. So she stood up and went to his office, she wanted to give it to Ada to take it to him because she didn't want him to 'catch' her alone.
"He is not coming today" Ada said as she filed her nails.
"What? Why?"
"He is going for CDS"
She didn't know he was serious about the CDS. She thought he was just making mouth. She called him when she got back to her office.
Those cheques need to be signed today. She should have gotten them signed on Monday but they were too busy and she thought he was coming in today.
The payments are going to foreign and domiciliary accounts and it will take more than 24 hours for the payments to get through. She wanted the contractors to get their payments by Friday because Friday is the last business day of the month.
"Are you coming in today" She said when he answered.
"Nope, I have CDS in Epe" His voice brought back memories from that night.
"Can you please branch the office before you go?" She told him about the Cheques, she offered to bring them downstairs to him in the car so the Staff won't laugh at his NYSC uniform again.
"Sofi, is this urgent I'm already on my way to Epe" He said.
"Yes, it's the USD payments and I have to take them to the Bank today" She said.
"When are you going to the bank?" He asked
"By noon.... latest"
"Bring them to my house by noon and go to the bank from there" He said casually and she froze.
"Dare?" She said seriously.
"Yes love" He teased.
"Do you know where Epe is? There is traffic on the express there is no way you'll make it back by noon"
He sighed then said "I'll text the door lock password, let yourself in when you get there" He said quickly then hung up before she could say anything.
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