Two weeks later, Sofi was in her office when Mr. Richards and one of his boys came to seek for help because Mr. Madaki wanted to run a quick mock audit ahead of the external auditors coming in next week.
So, thanks to Mr. Bode and Mr. Obi's mega fraud, the board were sending in independent Auditors for a 'special audit'.
Mr. Richard wanted her help because she herself started out her career at one of the big four accounting firms, he wanted to know what to expect in a Special Audit. She didn't really have much experience with Audit but she knew some things so she was able to help them.
Then around 5:30pm as she was preparing to enter TGIF mode, Mr. Obaze called her too. He said officials from the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) are also coming for a compliance Audit on Monday morning and Mr. Madaki wanted to run a mock audit with him too virtually so he wanted her to help put some of the data together and do the physical stuff he couldn't do virtually.
When she joined them in the meeting room, Mr. Richards was there with two other managers from the accounting department.
Mr. Madaki was seated at the head of the table grueling Mr. Richards as usual. He looked displeased when he saw her, as if he didn't want her there.
The feeling is mutual asshole. She thought to herself as she took a sit very far from him.
They ran into a major setback around 8:45 pm. There were some issues with formatting and she could not import all the work she had done for Mr. Obaze to Mr. Madaki's new software.
He could have just worked with the old one but he just likes stressing people. He said it will be a red flag if the auditors see that the Port Harcourt branch is using a different software.
"Sir, I don't think we can finish this today, we are going to need at least a whole day to transfer everything to the new software," She said to Mr. Obaze.
Dare looked at his watch then asked "So, do you people want to come in tomorrow to finish it?" He asked everyone in the room.
Mr. Richards and the two other managers from accounting all chorused "Nooooo!" Even Mr. Obaze that was attending virtually sef said no.
"We've already stayed late, I think it's better we finish it tonight," Mr. Richards said as he munched on his dinner.
Dare then looked at her. As if, he wanted to hear her own, response.
TBH She was very tired at that point but it is going to suck if they have to come to work again tomorrow....on a Saturday.
"We can't import the whole data today or even tomorrow without some sort of programming, the format is completely different and the data is too large for a manual transfer" She explained instead of answering his question directly. If he just accepts the old software, everyone can go home in the next 1 hour.
"And the ICT guys have closed for the day, they would have done it for us" One of the Accountants added.
"Do you know the language the source code is written in?" He asked her.
"Errrm" Who sent her to suggest programming, she looked it up on her phone quickly and saw that it was the one called 'C++' before she could answer he strode around the table to her side.
"Let me see it"
She pushed her laptop to him and he started typing some things on it. He opened her browser and did some quick searches.
Thank God she closed all her browser tabs before joining the mock audit session, she that was busy shopping for underwear and reading about relationship tips earlier lol.
He then opened the source code file and started working on it. He was sitting so close to her she could smell that his perfume. She stole a quick glance at his face, he looked exhausted too but he didn't look like he was ready give up.
His sleeves were rolled up a little and she could not help but notice his slightly ripped forearms, his huge hands made her laptop look small.
He paused then bit his lips and she looked away quickly. She suddenly became more conscious of his proximity to her; she didn't know what to do with her hands again so she picked up a random paper on the table and started fake reading it.
After about 15 minutes he pushed back the laptop back to her, "Try it again," He said as he stood up to go back to his chair.
She tried it again and in one swift command, it started importing.
"Did it work?" He asked
"Yes" she nodded.
"Thank You" She added begrudgingly. That was the heaviest thank you she has ever said in her life but she had to say it, credit must be given where it is due, he just saved them hours. Plus she has home training.
By 11:50pm they were done.
"Thank you Sofi!" Mr. Obaze's voice echoed through the speakers.
Mr. Richards gave her knuckle. "Well-done" he smiled.
"I think we're all set now, Great job everyone," He said without looking at her. Refusing to acknowledge her contribution.
12:15 am
Sofi started her official car in the parking lot then opened her phone; she saw five missed calls from her friend Bisola and over 30 other notifications. She connected her phone to the car's Bluetooth then called Bisola back, hoping it was not an emergency.
"Babe! Where have you been, I have hot premium gist for you!" Bisola shrieked.
The gist was about her ex's separation from his wife.
Mtswww. She has heard already.
She was too tired to even respond as Bisola bashed him and cursed his generations all over again so she opened a funny post Toyin tagged her in on IG and she bursted into laughter. Instead of her to start driving home she opened the comments section and laughed even harder as she scrolled through the funny comments then all of a sudden she heard a loud knock on her window and she jolted, her phone almost fell out of her hand.
When she looked, she saw that it was Mr. Madaki standing there like one hoodlum. WTF that was scary! She was still in the office premises but still! This is Lagos and its 12 midnight.
"Bisola let me call you back" She hung up quickly as she lowered down the window still jittery from the fright he gave her.
"Where is your Driver?" He asked as he scanned around.
"He has closed for the day"
"Why?" He frowned.
Ah ahn. What is his own? He wants to fire people for not doing overtime too.
"I released him, he lives on the mainland," she said firmly. Their Company drivers are paid for overtime so they are supposed to stay back even if the Staff they are driving is working overtime. But biko the Man's wife had a baby two weeks ago if he stays till this time then he is going to have to sleep on the Island and go back home tomorrow.
She can drive herself from VI to Lekki after all there is no traffic by this time.
"It's quite late you shouldn't be out driving alone by this time" he said.
Lol her that goes clubbing with the girls until 4am. Wait; was that concern in his voice?
"Do you want to join me? we'll drop you off" He offered as his driver pulled up his car.
"No.. thank you, its fine my house is not far from here" She shook her head strongly.
"Where do you live?"
"Lekki phase one"
He paused, as if he was trying to map out the route in his head then said, "You know what, we will drive behind you till you get home"
She wanted to say no but he quickly turned away and she saw him pointing at her car as he said something to his driver before entering his car.
When she got to the expressway there was small traffic around quilox thanks to the idiots that always park on the road so she peeped through her mirror for the third time and they were still there, following her. He is serious about tailing her o.
She took some time to admire the headlights of his Benz, it was very bright but not blinding or harsh.
He has taste sha,......and money! Because that car can buy an estate in Ibadan.
Just after the toll gate, there was a police checkpoint ahead, as she started slowing down to bring her car to a halt where a heavily armed police officer stood flagging her down, her phone started ringing.
It was him but she couldn't answer because she has read somewhere that you are not supposed to make phone calls at police or military checkpoints. She was not sure but she didn't want to take any risks.
"Good evening madam" the police officer said as she brought down her window.
"Good evening Sir"
"Where are you coming from and where are you going to?" He queried, the man looked like he was drunk sef.
"I am coming from work and I am heading home"
"By this time? Where do you work? Let me see your ID card and Drivers Licence" The officer balanced very well then subtly signaled his boys to seal the barricade tighter as he wiped his nose.
Wahala! She thought.
As she searched her bag for her ID her phone started ringing again and Mr. Madaki's driver flashed the headlights of the benz. She handed the ID and licence to the policeman.
"You can take the call" He said to her as he flashed a torch on her particulars.
She disconnected it from the car bluetooth first before answering so the police officer won't hear their conversation.
"Hello" She said into the phone calmly.
"Give him the phone," Mr. Madaki commanded. Lol does he think Olopa will listen to his grammar? She gave the officer the phone anyway.
"Who is that?" The officer formed at first as if he was not interested in speaking to anyone but he was already stretching hand to collect the phone.
"My Boss...he is the one in the car behind"
The officer looked at the Benz and she could almost see a smirk form on the his face as per finer car = bigger fish.
"Hello.....Okay.....Alright" The officer said into the phone then returned it to her and started walking eagerly towards the Benz.
2 more cars arrived behind them and a holdup was gradually forming but the expressway was still empty nonetheless.
She peered back through her mirror again; she could see the Policeman talking to them it looked like they were arguing.
Hayy God! This Mr. Madaki should not go and piss off the officer o! The man is with her license and ID last last it is money they want.
She tapped her steering wheel nervously, as she waited. When she looked back again she saw the officer jumping like a monkey and saluting the Benz then he started jogging back towards her car waving his gun in the air and her heart dropped.
When he reached her window he returned her licence and ID with two hands "Ride on Ma" He bowed as he signaled his colleagues barricading the way to open it for her. "Please drive safe Ma, I'll call my colleagues in front, they won't stop you"
Just how much did he drop to make a Lekki police officer switch like that.
When the officer saw that his boys were wasting time with opening the barricade he pointed his gun at them and yelled; "I say make una open road for my big sister before I fire all of una here! Una no dey hear!" He rushed and started picking up the tyres himself.
They continued the trip and indeed the police officers at the next checkpoint on admiralty way did not stop her or them.
Dare's POV.
They approached what looked like the gate of an estate, she honked a little then the gates flung open and she drove in.
"Where is this?" He asked his driver.
"We are still in phase one" Soji said as he continued tailing her.
"What's the crime rate like here?"
"Pretty much nonexistent, just don't park your car outside overnight"
She made a weak turn and one of her rear tyres climbed the sidewalk; both of them burst into laughter when they saw that.
"Women are strange drivers," Dare said.
"I swear " Soji said. "But maybe it's because of our lights" Soji tried to defend her small.
She finally drove into a building and soji brought the car to a halt then he called her phone again.
"Hello" She sounded very tired. He could hear her seatbelt alarm beeping which means she has taken it off.
"Is this home?"
"Yes" She answered.
"Okay, goodnight" He hung up
"Lets go Soji"
He didn't want her to feel pressured to come say thanks to him or be nice to him because of this. He noticed how she struggled to thank him earlier when he sorted the software issue for them. Lol
He would have even dropped it when she declined because she looked very uncomfortable when he offered to give her a ride but he was genuinely concerned for her safety. So he had to come up with something else.
This decision to accompany her was impulsive but he did not regret it considering the fact that they encountered two checkpoints in the short trip.
Plus the whole overtime is kind of his fault. He was the one that recommended that a special audit be done to the board in the last meeting he had with them.
He has already created stronger internal controls but he needs an extra layer of assurance that his systems can reduce any risk of fraud in the future.
He should have known though that Mr. Obaze would rope her into the DPR one because he saw that agbaya Mr. Richards earlier in her office too getting help from her.
When they finished the mock audit earlier, he wanted to praise her specifically because she did an exceptional job but he is not going to normalize this pattern of her doing everything while being the lowest paid manager in the room.
How can they be collecting armed robber salaries and benefits while she is the one carrying the bulk of the work on her shoulders every single fucking time.
She is either dumb or has some serious savior complex issues to be doing this much and not demand for more pay or even a promotion.......or maybe she is just way too nice.
Sofi's POV
The following week was hectic; on Monday, it was the DPR officials first but everything went well, they passed all the assessments. Then the external Auditors came with full force on Tuesday but they were over prepared for them as well.
Guess that is the only advantage of being led by a perfectionist like Mr. Madaki. She still wasn't a fan of his strict and harsh ways but it worked. He was 5 steps ahead of the auditors.
On Wednesday as she settled into her office the HR manager came to meet her looking worried.
"Sofi we have a problem, take a look at this" He handed her the letter in his hand.
It was from NYSC Monitoring team; they want to come and verify if a certain corper has been reporting for their primary assignment and they were coming today.
She is aware they have two corpers Sandra at the reception and another new guy in accounting.
"What is the problem?" She asked. The corpers have been coming to work and they go for their CDS. There's no cause for alarm here.
"Turn over to the next page" Mr. Kola smiled.
She flipped to the page where the details of the said corper is stated and her jaw dropped.
Name of Corps Member: Dare Madaki
I'm working on the next chapter come back tomorrow morning.
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