E2: Heroes to the rescue part 4

(Type here if you think the eror is in the title.)

(By the way, "this" means this person wrote down words on paper. This means that this person is talking through a walkie talkie or headset or something similar. (This) means the character's thoughts.)

A car could be seen driving on a road. This car has our heroes in it, minus Y/n who's running on the road beside the car. Despite this, Sonic and Y/n both look very bored.

Sonic: It's gonna take forever to get there. I'd rather me and Y/n just go by ourselves.

Y/n nodded his head in agreeance to Sonic.

Chuck: Chill out, you two.

Chris is looking at Grandpa Chuck while holding 2 headsets. (Am I the only one who thinks that what Sonic was given looks like a headset you put on after connecting it to your computer?)

Chris: Is it time?

Chuck: (looks back at Chris) It's time.

Chris gives both headsets to Sonic, who looks at them with confusion.

Chris: Put one on. Give Y/n the other when you start running.

Y/n: What's that?

Chuck: Infrared scopes. I'm certain that Area 99 is filled with motion detectors that set off alarms if hit. If you both wear those, you might be able to avoid them.

Sonic smiles before putting on one of the scopes.

Sonic: Mmm-Hmm.

Sonic reaches down to hand Y/n the other Infrared scope, which Y/n grabs it and puts it on.

Y/n: (smiles) Alright!

Sonic unbuckles and hops out of the car, landing next to Y/n.

Sonic: See ya later!

Y/n: We'll be back as soon as we can!

Sonic and Y/n speed off towards Area 99.

Chris is excited about this while Grandpa Chuck seems surprised.

Chuck: They certainly are something else, aren't they?

Chuck's surprise turns to excitement as he cheers for Sonic and Y/n. He then speeds up to try and keep up as much as he can.


Inside Area 99, Cream, Cheese, and Trip were being escorted somewhere by a couple humans. All of them were scared.

Cream: Ms. Trip?

Trip: (looks at Cream) Yes Cream?

Cream: I'm scared.

Cheese: Cha-chao.

Cream: What are they going to do to us?

Trip: I don't know. (smiles) Don't worry, you two. No matter what happens, I'll do my best to protect you both.

Cream and Cheese both smile back. Suddenly, the humans stop in front of a door, bringing the mobians and chao out of their conversation.

Scientist 1: All right you two (points to Cream and Cheese), you're coming with us. (turns to Trip) You, on the other hand, are to stay in this room until we come for you (presses a button on his lab-coat, opening the door).

The three of them were shocked by this, as they thought that they would be taken to the same place. Trip immediately holds Cream and Cheese close to her and looks at the scientists with the darkest glare she could muster. During this, Trip's eyes glow slightly red, however it does little to deter the scientists.

Scientist 1: Miss, if you don't release them, we will be forced to use extreme measures.

Cream and Cheese look at each other somberly, before pushing themselves away from Trip, who is surprised by this.

Cream: It's alright Ms. Trip. Me and Cheese don't want you to get hurt because of us.

Cheese: Chao cha-chao chao.

Trip is sad to see this, but looks away, her eyes losing the red glow they had, before nodding.

Trip: (sad) I'm glad I got to meet you two.

Cream: (happily) Me and Cheese are happy to have met you as well.

Trip musters a small smile, before walking into the room, the door closing as soon as she's inside.

Scientist 1: Come on, this way.

Cream and Cheese follow the scientists to who knows where.

Trip is seen sitting on the floor in the middle of an empty, barely lit room. As she's sitting in silence, she pulls out her time stone and reminisces about how she ended up here.



We see Trip laying in an alleyway unconscious like Sonic and Y/n. It's a beautiful sunrise as the light reaches Trip, waking her up.

Trip: (groans) What happened? (she starts looking around) Where on Mobius am I?

Trip then checks to see if she still has the time stone she found earlier, which she luckily does. Trip doesn't know what it is, but she feels like she should hold onto it, just in case. She puts the time stone into hammer-space before wandering around trying to figure out where she is. After walking around for a bit, she ends us bumping into a couple of humans. One of these humans is a man with brown hair, brown eyes, and snappy clothes. The oddest thing about his appearance is that he doesn't seem to have a mouth. The other human is a woman with green eyes, green hair with blonde tips, and a fancy dress. They look down to see Trip.

Woman: (smiles) Well, hello there little one. How are you?

Trip: (looks up) Oh, I'm fine. I just woke up in an alleyway with a pretty big headache.

Man: (pulls out a small notepad and pencil and begins writing something)

Trip looks confused at why the man is writing in a notepad.

Trip: Excuse me, but why are you writing in that?

Woman: Oh, don't worry about that. My husband is mute, and can't speak.

The man finishes writing and shows what he wrote to Trip.

Man: "Who are you, and are you okay? You look lost, like you're not from here."

Trip: Oh, my name's Trip the Sungazer. I'm alright, but do you think you know where I am?

Woman: Sure thing, Trip. This is Station Square. Town center is that way (points in a direction) if you want directions.

Man: "If you want, we could come with you."

Trip: (smiles) Thanks, and I'll be alright. Thanks for the offer.

Trip starts walking in the direction that the woman pointed in.

Woman: Such a nice young lady, (looks at the man) isn't she Lucas?

Lucas: "She really is, Mitori. However, I feel like her life will be a big adventure now. Not gonna lie, I kinda miss adventures."

Mitori: (smirks) And here I thought you wanted to move to this world to get away from the adventure.

Lucas: (rolls eyes) "You know I hated getting killed over and over by other Imposter.co employees."

Mitori: (hugs Lucas) Sorry babe. I know it's a tough subject. (gets an 18+ idea) Hey. (Lucas looks at her) How about we head back home so I can show you how much I want to keep you happy?

Lucas's face instantly turned crimson as he dropped what he was holding, which was all Mitori needed for an answer. She dragged Lucas back to their apartment, with the notepad and pencil Lucas dropped floating in the air surrounded by a purple aura. The items then followed the married couple to their home. The following events will not be shown as 1, it's not their story and 2, I don't know how to write a lemon.

Back with Trip, she kept walking in the direction Mitori pointed her in when she heard a couple voices.

?: Where are we?

??: Chao chao chao.

Trip looks around in confusion, wondering where the voices were coming from, until she looked up and saw Cream the rabbit and Cheese the Chao on the billboard that the 3 of them were seen on on the news.

Trip: Oh god. (Shouts) DON'T WORRY! I'LL GET YOU BOTH DOWN!

Cream and Cheese look down in surprise to see Trip jumping into a spiked donut, attaching herself to one of the supports, and started spike-wisping her way up. She made it to where Cream and Cheese are.

Trip: Hey there, are you both ok?

Cream: Y-Yeah.

Cheese: Ch-Chao.

Trip: (smiles) Good. My name's Trip.

Cream: (smiles) My name's Cream, and this (gestures to Cheese) is my chao friend Cheese.

Cheese: (smiles) Chao chao.

Before the two could continue, sirens could be heard.

Officer: You up there!

Cream, Cheese, and Trip all look down to see police officers and firefighters looking up at them.

Officer: I would advise that you all come down from there and come with us this instant!

Trip didn't know who these people are, but she could tell that they didn't mean well.

Trip: (puts her arms around Cream and Cheese in a defensive matter)

Officer: I see! (turns to the firefighters) You have permission to get them down.

Firefighter: Roger.

The firefighters use the ladder on the firetruck to get up to Cream, Cheese, and Trip.

Cream: (whimpering) Please.

Trip: (scared tone) Leave us alone.

Trip was holding her arms out in front of Cream and Cheese as a means to protect them.

Trip: I don't know who you all are or what you want, but go away!

Trip, Cream, and Cheese were grabbed by the humans and pulled away.



The flashback ends with Trip sighing, putting the time stone back into Hammer-space, and looked down, feeling guilty that she failed to protect her new friends.

We then cut to where they're keeping Cream and Cheese, as those 2 were in a glass container. Cream and Cheese are just sitting quietly where they're being held as they were warned that if they tried to escape, their friend Trip would be harmed.


Outside, Sonic and Y/n are seen running to Area 99.

Chris: Sonic, Y/n, can you hear me?

Sonic: Yeah!

Y/n: Loud and clear!

Chris: Remember, when you both get to the main building,-

It switched to Chris and Grandpa Chuck.

Chris: go in through an air vent. That should be a blind spot for security. Got it?

Sonic/(Y/n): Got it!

Chris: (Turns to Grandpa Chuck) But Grandpa, after they get in, how will they know where to find their friends?

Chuck: Give me that! (grabs the communicator from Chris) (into the communicator) Listen to me, Sonic and Y/n. Once you get inside, you won't have much time, so think quickly and act quickly.

Y/n: Thinking quickly and acting quickly are our specialties!

Chris: Grandpa, what if they don't?

Y/n: Chuck, can you hand the speaker to Chris for a second?

Chuck obliges and we switch back to Sonic and Y/n.

Y/n: Listen, I know you're worried about me and Sonic, but if me and him are the same, we've gone through things like this before.

Sonic: Yeah, don't worry. We'll be fine, trust me.

Chris: A-Alright then. Just... be careful, ok?

Sonic/(Y/n): Don't worry about that. We got this.

Sonic and Y/n arrive at Area 99 and start looking for the air vent. However, the cameras have already detected our 2 heroes.

Security system: Intruder alert. Sector D.

Sonic and Y/n zoom past all the cameras with a smirk on their faces. Sonic then spots the air vent and tells Y/n. They then hop in and start sliding through.

Sonic: We're inside the air vent.

It switches back to Chris and Grandpa Chuck.

Chris: Be careful, ok? If what Grandpa told us is right, you both might get seperated.

Back with Sonic and Y/n, the air vent splits off into 2, causing Sonic and Y/n to, unfortunately, get separated.

Sonic: (nervous chuckle) Yeah, about that. That kind of... just... happened immediately.

Chris: (sigh)

With Sonic, he gets to an area of the air vent which he can stand on, save for the low ceiling.

Sonic: (rubs his butt) Feels like my butt has skid marks on it.

He then looks in front of him to see infrared lasers.

Chris: How're things looking for you Sonic?

Sonic: Just great.

He then looks down to see a hatch which opens to the halls of Area 99.

Sonic: This'll be a piece of cake.

He opens it and hops out, making sure to stick to the walls in order to not get seen.

Sonic: Heh. I'm too fast for 'em.


(With Y/n)

Y/n lands in the middle of a dark hallway, where everywhere he looks shows the infrared lasers.

Y/n: Well, ain't this a fine "How do you do"?

Chris: How are things on your end, Y/n?

Y/n: Not too great, to be honest.

Y/n manages to weave in between all the lasers in order to not get caught. He makes it to a door, which he opens to arrive in the lit up halls like Sonic was speeding through. He's about to continue on when he hears a whimper from one of the rooms. Curiosity gets to him and he opens the door, surprising Trip, the person who was in there.

Y/n: Hey, are you alright?

Trip: (scared) Wh-Who are you?

Y/n: My name's Y/n. Y/n L/n. I'm here to get you out of here.

Trip: (surprised) R-Really?

Y/n: Yeah. (offers his hand to help Trip up) Come on.

Y/n smiles which causes Trip to form a small blush on her face before grabbing Y/n's arm, him pulling her up.

Trip: Wait, we can't leave yet!

Y/n: Why not?

Trip: I have some friends I need to help.

Y/n: (smirks) Don't worry, me and my friend are on it.

Trip: O-Oh! Well, w-w-where is your friend?

Y/n: (a little frustrated at the vents) We ended up getting separated on the way here.

Trip: Oh.

Y/n: (regains a neutral look) Don't worry, knowing him (and me) he's on his way to save them as we speak.

Trip: Th-Th-Thank you.

Y/n: (smiles) No problem. Now come on, let's go save your friends.

Trip gains a determined look and a smile on her face as she follows Y/n, with Y/n making sure to stay at a pace that Trip can keep up with.

(And that's where I'm leaving this part off. Sorry, I know I said I wanted to put Area 99 as a whole in one part, but I realized while writing this part how much of the episode I still have to do, so I'll be doing 1-2 more parts before posting the full episode. Also that section I put there with Lucas and Mitori was a sneakpeek to a future story. I'm scrapping the "Impostor but human" story and replacing it with a "Rhythmic revolution x male oc" story. Anyway, I hope you liked this part, and I'll see you next time. Bye!)

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