E2: Heroes to the recsue Part 1

(Comment here if you think the error is in the title.)

The episode opens to a mansion. Someone's voice was heard.

?: Oh, this picture has been a disaster, darling, a complete disaster. We've had to stop shooting because there's been torrential rain for days! So there's nothing I can do besides sit and wait. I don't think I'll be back till late next week at the earliest, but I've had plenty of time to go shopping, and I'm having lots of wonderful presents sent to you. I hope you like them. They're coming on daddy's jet, so you should get them tonight.

The voice that dropped an essay was a voice heard on Chris's phone. This was Chris's mother.

Chris: Thanks, mom.

He then looked at Sonic and Y/n who were laying on the roof.

Chris' mom: Well, I have to be off sweetie.

Chris: (looks back at the phone) Wait mom. There's something I have to tell you.

Chris' mom: What is it honey?

A butler walks towards Chris and places a tray down on a table before walking away.

Chris: Well, remember how you said that I'm not allowed to swim in the adult pool by myself, or at night?

Chris' mom: Christopher, did you go swim in the adult pool at night by yourself!?

Chris: Not exactly. You see, there was someone in our pool who was trying to get out of the pool, so I helped him and this cat who was also in the pool.

Sonic and Y/n looked upset that Sonic was called a cat.

Chris' mom: Oh, you have a big heart, just like I do. Next time, ring for Mr. Tanaka and he'll take care of it, all right?

Chris: All right, mom.

Chris' mom: Is the person you saved still with you, honey?

Chris: Yeah mom, he's right here.

Chris' mom: Could you put him on the phone? I'd like to speak to him for a minute.

Chris: OK then.

Y/n jumps off of the roof and walks up to Chris who hands him the phone.

Y/n: Hey there Chris's mom.

Chris' mom: I just wanted to ask you why you were in our adult pool last night.

Y/n: (lying) Well, being honest here, I don't actually remember. (Weak laugh)

Chris' mom: How could you not?

Y/n; (lying) Well, the last thing I remember was getting into bed. The next thing I knew, I was in the pool.

Chris' mom: Well next time, You should be careful. You don't want your parents worrying about you, do you?

Y/n: Oh, not at all. And don't worry, I already told my parents where I am.

Chris' mom: Well, alright. Hand the phone back to my darling baby please.

Y/n: Sure thing.

Y/n hands the phone back to Chris.

Chris: Hey mom.

Chris's mom: Oh darling, I must run. Kiss mummy goodbye.

They kiss over the phone and the call ends.

Y/n: Hey Chris, not that I don't like... whatever that was, I have to ask. Does Sonic look like a cat to you?

Sonic then jumps down onto the railing.

Sonic: Yeah. Take a good look, buddy. I'm a hedgehog.

Chris: Uh, I know. Please don't be mad. You see, my mom wouldn't understand.

Sonic and Y/n: (confused) Why wouldn't she?

Chris: First of all, she knows I wouldn't risk diving into the pool in the middle of the night to save a little hedgehog, (to Sonic) no offense.

Sonic: None taken.

Y/n: Really?

Chris: What else could I say to her? I couldn't tell her I saved a talking blue hedgehog and a kid the same size as the hedgehog. Speaking of which, where and when did you guys learn to talk?

Sonic and Y/n then starts stretching the top of his head.

Sonic: Good question. Unfortunately, I don't have a good answer, as I don't remember.

Y/n: I'm in the same boat as Sonic.

Chris' phone starts ringing and Chris answers it. This time someone else was on the phone.

??: Chris, is everything all right?

Chris: Hey dad, how are you?

Chris' dad: I'm fine, but your mother just called and told me that you made a couple emergency rescues last night. I guess our security system can't protect against random kids suddenly waking up in our pool or stray cats that decide to go for a moonlight swim.

Sonic and Y/n, despite being told why not, were still a little upset that Chris can't just tell his parents that Sonic was a hedgehog and not a cat.

Chris' dad: Chris, I know you're nice towards other people and animals, but what you did was dangerous. were you hurt at all?

Chris: (shakes his head) Uh-uh. I'm fine dad. Honest I am. After I jumped in and got them out of our pool, both of them were very happy.

Chris' dad: Yeah, I get why the cat would be happy, but why the kid as well?

Chris hands the phone to Y/n, who jumped down again.

Y/n: Gonna be honest, sir. I can't swim at all.

Chris' dad: Who is this?

Y/n: My name's Y/n.

Chris' dad: Oh. Well, have you talked to your parents about this?

Y/n: (lying) I have, but they told me "If you're scared, just don't do it."

Chris' dad: Well, alright then.

Y/n hands the phone back to Chris.

Chris: Hey dad.

Chris' dad: Hey Chris.

Chris: If I needed help, I could've asked Grandpa or Ella or Mr. Tanaka to help me. Don't worry, Dad. They're taking care of me.

Chris' dad: Well they better be. Listen, Chris, I've got an important meeting to get to, so you call if you need anything, okay? And no more late night swims, Okay?

Chris: Okay dad. I promise. See you soon.

Chris hangs up the phone again and looks toward our short heroes, only to see Sonic shaking his head disapprovingly and Y/n grabbing his arm with guilt in his eyes.

Y/n: I really don't like lying, you know.

Chris: I'm sorry Y/n, but my parents would think that you were crazy.

Y/n: Yeah, I get it.

Chris: (realizes something) Oh, I almost forgot. You guys must be pretty hungry. I was thinking you might want a bite to eat.

Y/n: Now that you mention it, I am pretty hungry.

Sonic: Yeah, I could go for something too. What's on the menu?

Chris grabbed the plate and the bowl off of the tray.

Chris: I don't know what you would prefer, Y/n so I hope you like it. However, I did check out hedgehogs on the internet and found the perfect thing.

Chris hands the plate to Y/n, which had F/f on it which he tries and gives a thumbs up to Chris. Chris then hands the bowl to Sonic who takes a piece of what's inside and puts it in his mouth, before spitting it out (on F/f accidentally) in disgust.

Y/n: Aw.

Sonic: (to Y/n) Sorry. (turns to Chris) What is this!?

Chris: Cat food?

Sonic: Egh! No wonder it tastes like cat in it!

Chris: The website I looked at said that most hedgehogs love cat food. I guess that doesn't include all hedgehogs. If you want, I can get you a bowl of crickets.

Sonic slaps the bowl away and jumps onto the tree that Y/n was resting on earlier.

Chris: No! Please don't run away!

Sonic: Sorry kid, but crickets don't do it for me.

Chris: I'll get you what you want, just please don't go!

Sonic: (smirks) Heh, I'm out of here! (to Y/n) You comin?

Y/n: (smirks) Sure thing!

Y/n hops up to where Sonic as he turns to Chris.

Y/n: Thanks for letting us stay for the night and for the food.

The two then leave.

Chris: Come back! Sonic! Y/n! You two could get hurt out there!

Chris then looks sad as his new friends were gone.

(And there we have it. The first part of this episode. Sorry it took so long, I got wrapped up in other things. However, I will put aside more time in order to get more chapters out. Anyways, what did you guys think about this? Let me know. Before I end this chapter, I just want to tell you he's, she's, and they's that in every chapter from now on, including this one and the full episodes, I will put in 1 intentional spelling error. First person to tell me where it is gets 3 points. I will tell you if you got a point. Once you get enough points, you can go to the shop book that I will post in a little bit and spend your points there. You can't reuse any points, once you spend some points, those points are gone. Anyway, I will see you all next time!)

(Edit: I thought that at least someone would've found the error here by now. However, I won't give up yet, as I know you guys are smart. But if no one finds it within 1 week from today, then I will give you a hint on where it is. However, that will result in the error being worth 1 less point. Every hint I give will be clearer then the previous, but the error will be worth less points until someone either finds the error, or the error becomes pointless if someone finds it. I also decided that each error is worth 3 points now instead of 1 to make up for this. I will do this on every chapter here that I post, including every other FYI page. The FYI page will only be worth 1 point however, and will have a different error each time. See ya.)

(Hint #1: It's not at the bottom half.)

(Hint #2: One of the six-letter words isn't spelled correctly.)

(Hint #3: The word Rescue in the title is spelled incorrectly.)

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