E1: Chaos Control Time Traveling Freaks

(Here's the full episode since I'm deleting all the parts before this. Also I was surprised that I managed to get the last chapter out in under 1h 30m. That's my time limit on my phone.)

The scene opens on a moonlit lake as a big purple cat named Big is sleeping against a tree with his pet frog named Froggy (real original) only to awaken at the sound of alarms.

The alarms are coming from a nearby base as the lights turn on. Seen nearby is someone running at high speed. At the base, gun drones and missile drones are rolling out to stop something. That something reveals to be a tall anthropomorphic blue hedgehog with red shoes,  and green eyes.

His name is Sonic the Hedgehog, also known as the fastest thing alive as he's running towards the base at high speed, not even trying to slow down as the drones start to shoot at him. Sonic just dodges all of the bullets and missiles shot at him with a smirk on his face. Sonic then jumped on the gun drones and got past them. Huge mechs were then sent out and went after Sonic as he went down a hallway.



We then cut to a luscious valley of green hills where tiny animals were living with joy. We then see 4 people walking in a direction.

?: Why are we walking so far in the first place anyway?

??: Yeah, how much farther do we have to go, Y/n?

???: Guys, whatever Y/n wants to show us must be important. He doesn't normally do this.

????: Exactly Tails. I promise you guys that will be in for a treat.

The 1st of these 4 is a pink hedgehog with black pupils wearing a short-sleeved green shirt with a white collar, an orange skirt, a big red headband, white gloves, and blue and white shoes with orange laces. Her name is Amy Rose. She has a huge crush on the 4th person. She is 12 years old.

The 2nd of the 4 is a red echidna with black pupils wearing white spiked gloves, red and yellow shoes with grey plates, and green socks. His name is Knuckles the Echidna. He was the 4th person's frenemy and rival. He's 16 years old.

The 3rd of the 4 is a twin-tailed yellow-orange fox also with black pupils wearing white gloves, red and white shoes, and white socks. His name is Miles Prower, but all his friends call him Tails. He's the 4th person's little buddy and little brother figure. He's 8 years old.

(Ignore Classic Sonic)

The final one of the 4 is a human with rainbow-color hair and red pupils wearing white gloves, a pink tee, yellow-orange shorts, red and white shoes, and blue socks. His name is Y/n L/n. He's 14 years old. Together, they make up the DreamKast.

(I don't have any drawing for this but if someone could link one for me, I will also give you a shoutout as well as a crown and a cookie in the comments.)

As they're walking, they stop in front of a sign that says "LOL". Y/n turns around to Tails, Amy, and Knuckles.

Y/n: Here we are.

Tails, Amy, and Knuckles look around.

Amy: But

Knuckles: There's

Tails: Nothing here.

Y/n: Watch this then.

Y/n pulls out a chili dog and quickly eating it before turning back to the sign and pulling it down like a lever as the ground opens up around them and they fall into the new hole as the hole closes back up and the sign goes back to it's original position.

With Sonic:

Sonic's running through a hall as one of the mechs was chasing him. The second mech crashes through the ceiling blocking Sonic's way, forcing Sonic to go through a doorway on the wall. As Sonic's running out of the hall, he steps on a spring with an ugly face. (Gottem) The spring activates, sending Sonic into the air.

Sonic: Whoaaaa!

The third mech appears in front of Sonic and slaps him away from the base.

Sonic: Whoooaaaaaaa!!

?????: Sonic!

A plane is seen flying towards Sonic. Inside the plane were 2 people. The two in the plane looked like Tails and Amy but were different. This Tails was a little taller and had blueish-green eyes. Meanwhile, this Amy was taller, had dark green eyes, gold rings for the glove cuffs, a small red headband, white socks, red/white/black boots, and a red/white dress with a grey collar.

The drones directed their attention to the plane and started shooting at it as the plane wasn't able to avoid the bullets like sonic as it started smoking.

Amy: Waahh!

The plane keeps going towards Sonic as it catches fire.

Amy: (Looking at the plane) Tails, the plane's on fire! (Turns to Tails) What are we gonna do?

Tails: (Turns to Amy) We're gonna save Sonic.

With the DreamKast:

Y/n, Tails, Amy, and Knuckles are falling through the hole until they finally land, with Y/n in a laying position while the others are screaming. Y/n being the only one to land on their feet while the others all land on their butts. Tails, Amy, and Knuckles get onto their feet.

Knuckles: (brushing dirt off of his dreads)
You could've warned us, you know.

Y/n: Sorry about that.

Tails: Never mind that, where are we?

Amy: And what are those?

Y/n, Tails, and Knuckles look at what Any's looking at and see 7 floating gemstones. Each was a different color. There was a green one, a yellow one, a red one, an orange one, a cyan one, a pink one, and a purple one. These are the Time Stones.

Y/n: This is what I wanted to show you guys.

Knuckles: What are they?

Tails: What do they do?

Y/n: These are the Time Stones. They have the ability to control time.

Amy: Y/n, when did you get these?

Tails: Yeah, how long have you had them?

Knuckles: Why didn't you give them to me? I could've held onto them.

Y/n: First off, Amy, do you remember when we met?

Amy: Of course I do. We met on Little Planet.

Y/n: Uh-huh. I got these when we were on Little Planet. I think it's partly the reason of how Robotnik got control there.


Y/n was running through Palmtree Panic Zone in the past when he saw a robot generator.

He jumped up and did one of his signature moves, the Drop-dash. Y/n went right through it as it exploded and all the badniks turned into flowers. He kept going through, going back to the present at one point and met up with Amy.

Y/n: Umm, hey?

Amy: OMG HIII!!!!

She ran towards Y/n at a fast speed and tackle-hugged him onto the ground.

Amy's voice: Wait a second.

Out of the flashback:

Y/n: Yes Amy?

Amy: When we met, I wasn't that excited to see you.

Y/n: (with a small blush) Really? It felt like that to me.

Tails: I can see that happening.

Knuckles: Same here.

Amy just pouts, crosses her arms and looks away with a blush on her face. Meanwhile, while no one was paying attention to them, the Time Stones began to glow slightly.

Y/n: Anyways.

Back to the flashback:

Y/n was trying to get Amy off of him but she wasn't letting go. There were hearts surrounding her. Eventually she did let go, but only when Y/n promised to take her on a date after they got off of Little Planet. Y/n got to the goalpost and saw a giant ring. Y/n jumped into it and found himself in a special stage. After destroying the UFOs, he saw something floating down to him.

Flashback Y/n: What is that?

He reached out for it and it went to him. This was the first Time Stone.

Flashback Y/n: If these are anything like the Chaos emeralds, then I have to collect the rest and keep them away from Robotnik's grubby hands.

End of flashback:

Y/n: That's how I got the Time Stones. Secondly, I basically had them for about a year.

The Time Stones glowed brighter.

Y/n: I come here ever now and then to check on them. I don't use them because I don't want to mess with time unless ABSOLUTELY necessary. Finally, the Time Stones don't like when they're near the chaos emeralds, so who knows what will happen when they're near the Master Emerald.

Tails, Amy, and Knuckles: Oh ok.

The Time Stones glowed super bright, getting everyone's attention.

Knuckles: Have they glowed this bright?

Y/n: No, this hasn't happened before.

Before they knew it, the Time Stones froze time with the DreamKast still able to move.

Tails: What's happening, Y/n!?

Amy: What's going on!?

Y/n: I don't know, guys!

Before they could react, the Time Stones glowed blindingly, and after a few seconds, the room was empty. No Time Stones, no Y/n, no Tails, no Knuckles, and no Amy. It was like they just vanished into thin air. Time was still frozen however, and it would stay that way until they get back.

Meanwhile, on a small island, a small dragon was viewing the island from above.

?????: Man, it would be nice to have some company here. All I see are the same animals and places everyday. Can't something exciting happen?

This was the guardian of the Northstar islands, Trip the sungazer. She's a shy, orange dragon with a brown and yellow dress, white gloves, yellow cuffs, dark orange socks, and yellow and orange shoes. She's the same age as Y/n. (Not-Canon unless sega confirms that 14 is her age.)

Before she knew it, the bright light that had consumed the DreamKast had also consumed her.

In a forest, a bright white sphere appeared for 10 seconds until it vanished leaving the confused DreamKast and the Time Stones in its place.

Amy: (groans) What just happened?

Tails: (groans) So bright.

Knuckles: (groans) Talk about a flash bang.

Y/n: (groans) That was weird.

They all then see the Time Stones floating infront of them before floating away. They don't even get to say anything before they hear an explosion as Y/n then speeds off leaving Tails, Amy, and Knuckles in the dust as they chase after him.

With Sonic:

Tails pulled a lever in the plane shooting a missile at Sonic. The missile opens up revealing a glowing ring. This is a power ring as Sonic grabs it and powers up using his own spin dash as he easily destroys some of the drones and 1 of the mechs. The 2nd mechs slams its fist on Sonic before it also gets destroyed and Sonic shoots straight into one of the lights, destroying it and entering the base.

Meanwhile, Tails and Amy made it to the ground but was still going forward.

Tails: Hang on Amy!

Amy looks forward and screams, seeing that they were headed right for a giant rock and the plane was gonna hit it.


Tails: I KNOW!!

All of a sudden, the rock breaks apart, letting Tails and Amy pass right on by. After a couple of seconds, Tails is able to stop the plane and looks back at the rock to see a familiar face.


This Knuckles looks like Y/n's Knuckles but is taller and has purple eyes.

Knuckles is seen looking at Tails and Amy before turning to the base with a "Hmph".

Amy: What's his deal?

Knuckles stares at the base in silence for a while before saying something.

Knuckles: Overkill. Just like always.

?/??/???: SLOW DOWN!!!

This catches Tails, Amy, and Knuckles off guard as they look toward the yells only to get a blast of wind in their faces as they look back and see a rainbow-colored blur headed towards the base.

Tails/Amy/Knuckles: What was that!?

We then see said rainbow blur stop in front of the drones and last mech that Sonic missed to reveal Y/n. The drones and mech see Y/n, identify him as a threat, and start attacking him. However, all Y/n does is smirk as he runs in place for 3 seconds before shooting off and curling up into a ball as he's able to take care of the drones. The mech tries swatting him like a fly before Y/n runs on the side of the base, flipping off once he's almost at the top, curling into a ball, and dropping at fast speeds, piercing through the mech. Once he hits the floor, he smirks before immediately shoots off to the base, climbing the wall, and entering through a different light.

In the distance, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy are all left speechless that a kid could move and destroy robots as quick as Sonic himself. Meanwhile, Y/n's Tails, Knuckles, and Amy are silently cheering for Y/n. Meanwhile, somewhere else in the forest, another white orb appears and disappears leaving a confused Trip.

Trip: (Groans) Where am I?

She looks around seeing nothing but trees and starts walking around.

Trip: When I said I wanted to see something new, this isn't what I meant.

She keeps walking before Tripping (get it?) over something.

Trip: Ow! What the?

She looks at what tripped her only to see the red time stone on the ground. Interested in it, she picks it up before her eyes glow red for a second before turning back to normal. She then puts the Time Stone into hammerspace and continues exploring.

Inside the base, we see doors shutting automatically as we then see a yellow Droid shutting the doors from a monitor. This is Decoe.

Decoe: Dr. Eggman, the facility is in 100% lockdown.

Dr. Eggman is a human evil scientist with an IQ of 300. He's bald but has a bushy brown mustache and wears gray goggles, tinted glasses, a red vest, black pants, and white gloves.

Eggman: Why does that cursed Sonic always get in my way?

??????: He doesn't get in your way Dr. Eggman.

Nearby is a glass container holding a scared cream-colored rabbit with brown eyes wearing a reddish-orange dress with a white collar, white gloves, white socks, and red and yellow shoes named Cream the Rabbit holding a scared blue and yellow chao named Cheese.

Cream: Sonic just tries to stop you from doing all the bad things you like to do.

Cheese: Chao chao.

Eggman: Oh is that so? Well he's too late to stop me this time.

Eggman pulls out a red emerald. This is one of the seven Chaos Emeralds. Eggman reveals that he has the other 6 in his new invention.

Eggman: Once I insert the last Chaos Emerald, my energy amplifier will be invincible.

Cream: But you can't do that.

Cheese: Chao chao chao!

Cream: That's right. Sonic won't let you get away with this!

Eggman starts to laugh as we see a white bat with jade eyes wearing a 'revealing' jump suit, pink socks, white gloves, and white boots sitting on a ledge out of sight. This is Rouge the Bat, a jewelry thief.

Eggman: You're wrong Creamy Dreamy.

Eggman laughs some more.

Eggman: He can't stop-

Eggman doesn't get to finish his sentence as someone burst through the wall. The smoke clears to reveal Sonic, still powered up by the power ring.

Cream: SONIC!

Eggman gets nervous at Sonic's arrival.

Eggman: Sonic...

Eggman: Too late.

Eggman puts the red Chaos Emerald into the machine, presses many buttons, and pulls out the final button. Eggman just had to press it and the energy extractor would be invincible.

Eggman: You'll never stop me now Sonic. All I have to do now, is to push this little button.

Sonic: Yeah, if you can push it before I can grab it.

Eggman gets nervous at that but sees a gun drone behind Sonic, giving him confidence.

Eggman: Heh. Why don't you give it a try?

Before the gun drone can start to shoot, another explosion is heard as another part of the wall is shown blown up, surprising everyone there. However, Sonic thinks that this is at least one of his friends coming to help him.

Sonic: Sweet entrance guys, but I got this covered.

?: What are you talking about? Who are you?

The smoke clears to reveal Y/n himself as everyone was confused. Eggman was the first to say something.

Eggman: Who the devil are you!?

Y/n: (Turns to Eggman and smirks) Heh. Looks like the Time Stones sent me to this time period. Well, (Gets in position to Peel-out) this will be fun. Name's Y/n, by the way, Robotnik.

Eggman was already annoyed by this new arrival and how cocky he was.

Y/n: So let me guess, You have a plan involving the chaos emeralds and I have to stop you, huh?

Everyone was shocked by this. Eggman noticed a gun drone behind Y/n as Eggman smirked.

Eggman: Go ahead and try.

Both gun drones start to shoot at their targets as Sonic snapped out of his confusion and the 2 of them started dodging the bullets. Sonic and Y/n were impressed by each other.

Sonic/(Y/n): (thoughts) He's as fast as me.

Eggman: Don't let them get away!

The gun drones kept shooting.

Eggman: Stop them, no matter what!

Suddenly, Y/n and Sonic jumped infront of Eggman as both gun drones locked onto them, causing Eggman to panic.


The drones didn't listen as they began shooting at Y/n and Sonic, who jumped away in time. Eggman ducked under the bullets fired, causing the energy extractor to be shot. Eggman gets up after the bullets stopped firing, and realized that in his panic, he ended up pushing the button to activate the machine by mistake.

Eggman: Ahh! Here we go.

However, the machine was too damaged to activate properly and starting sparking.

Eggman: (Turns to Y/n and Sonic) What have you done!?

Everyone was too in shock to move as a bright light filled the room, consuming them.

Back outside the base, the bright light started expanding outside the base as Sonic's Tails, Amy, and Knuckles are seen staring at it.

Sonic's Amy: What is that?

Sonic's Knuckles: It used to be Chaos Control.

The light ended up reaching them and they got consumed.

Meanwhile, in the forest, Trip saw the light and started running from it due to fear. Unfortunately, she tripped again and the light consumed her.

Meanwhile, Y/n's Tails was seen flying away from the light carrying Y/n's Amy and Knuckles. However, Amy lost her grip and fell into the light, causing Tails and Knuckles to go in after her. The light ended up consuming everyone on the planet, including the other 6 Time Stones.

The bright light fades away with Sonic and Y/n laying unconscious in some sort of black void. Y/n quickly wakes up.

Y/n: (groans) Talk about a Flashbang. (Looks around) What the?

Y/n then hears Sonic groaning as he ends up awakening. Sonic shakes his head.

Sonic: Man, I must've passed out or something.

Sonic then sees Y/n staring at him, holding his hand out.

Y/n: Here, let me help you up.

Sonic stares at Y/n's hand for a couple of seconds before smiling and grabbing it as he's pulled onto his feet.

Sonic: Thanks there.

Y/n: No problem.

Before they could continue their conversation, a couple of bright lights were heading straight for them as the lights made a honking sound. Sonic grabbed Y/n's arm and pulled him away. Once they got out of the way, a couple more bright lights started heading for them, honking at the duo. This time Y/n pulls Sonic out of the way.

Y/n: What is going on!?

Sonic: I don't know.

Suddenly a couple of bright lights were right in front of them as a massive truck was right in front of them. It turns out that what they thought was a black void turned out to be a busy street.

Sonic/(Y/n): Where are we?

They both look around at all the faces.

Sonic: What are they all staring at?

Y/n: I think their staring at us.


A couple of police officers run towards the 2 of them.

Sonic: So they can talk?

Y/n: What's pride month?

Officer 1: What is that thing?

Officer 2: Looks to me like a big hedgehog.

Officer 1: A blue hedgehog.

Officer 2: Well, whatever it is, we better get it out of here before it can kidnap this boy.

Officer 1: Speaking of which, we better contact his parents.

Officer 2 leans down to Sonic and Y/n's level with a smile.

Officer 2: Hey guys. Wanna ride with me to the station?

Officer 1: Are you sure you can handle this? I can call for backup.

Officer 2: Don't worry about it. I have 3 kitty cats at home and a nephew I take good care of. This is easy for me.

The officer starts making kissing noises. Sonic makes a stern look on his face as he crosses his arms. Y/n, on the other hand, makes a disgusted face, causing the officer to back off.

Officer 1: See? They've got bad attitude.

Officer 2: Alright. But they can't escape me!

The officer lunges for them, but Y/n and Sonic sidestep out of the way with ease. This causes the first officer to take out his baton.

Officer 1: Why you-

Y/n: (Pretending to be scared) You would really harm a defenseless kid like me?

Sonic sees this and smirks. Meanwhile the sarge comes up to the officer.

Sarge: T'e kid's right. Besides, I t'ink we can handle this without getting rough. (The kid's right. Besides, I think we can handle this without getting rough.)

Officer 1: (sighs) Alright then. (Puts away his baton)

Y/n: Thank you. (Smiles)

Sarge: Duffy get behind 'em

Officer 2/Duffy: Right, Sarge.

The Sarge, Officer 1, Duffy, and another officer surrounded Sonic and Y/n. Sarge then looks at Y/n.

Sarge: You may wan' ta move away from this little boy. (You may want to move away from this little boy.)

Y/n, still playing along, nods and walks out of the way. Sarge then looks at Sonic.

Sarge: Alright, when I say t'e word, we're all going to jump him at once. (Crouches) All right t'en, is everybody ready? Let's do it!

All four of them jump at Sonic, dog piling him.

Officer 3: All right Sarge, I think I got his leg.

Duffy: I got him round the neck, Sarge.

Sarge: All right, let's pull him out at the count of t'ree. 1, 2, 3!

All of them pull away, revealing that Sonic was nowhere and that they only got each other. They quickly let go as Sonic was standing next to Y/n. The 2 speedsters look at each other.

Y/n: I swear I'm not this dumb.

Sonic: Don't worry, I believe you.

Sonic was then caught by a net by Officer #who cares.

Officer ._.: Don't worry Sarge, I got him.

Y/n then decides to stop playing along as he grabs Sonic's hand through the net and runs away, bringing the Officer with them as the others tried stopping them but they get dragged away too. Eventually they go through a cop car as Sonic is free from the net and the police are crammed in the car and the two of them start running on the road.

Sonic: Thanks for that.

Y/n: No problem!

Sarge: (into his walkie talkie) ATTENTION ALL UNITS!

As Sonic and Y/n were running, the sarge's voice was heard.


We see a police car driving with 2 police officers that are too calm in a situationlike this.

Officer #50: I've never seen a blue hedgehog or a kid with rainbow-colored hair before, have you?

Officer #69: The blue hedgehog they're talking about might be one of them fancy cars from overseas.

69 then turns to 50.

Officer #69: Hey, maybe if we catch it and take the kid home, the captain's gonna let us take it for a spin.

50 was pleased with this idea.

Officer #50: I bet it has one of those cute little hood ornament that looks like a he-

50 was interrupted by a couple of thuds. Both officers look out the front window to see (surprise surprise) a blue hedgehog and a kid with rainbow-colored hair standing on the hood of the car with a serious look on both of their faces.

Sonic/Y/n: I don't know how I got here, but I gotta find a way home. (looks at each other) Jinx!

Sonic and Y/n look at each other for a second before laughing and jumping off the car. Meanwhile the officers in the car are baffled.

Officer #2: Hey. Did you just see... what I just saw?

Officer #1: I think I did, but I wish I didn't.

Meanwhile a couple of cops were driving a helicopter.

Officer #100: Our guys were in hot pursuit, but let them get away!? Can't those clown do anything right?

Officer #250: (Looking down) There they are.

We pan down to see Sonic and Y/n running side by side as if they were racing each other... because they were.

Y/n: We really should tell each other our names, you know?

Sonic: Can't argue about that. I mean we are rivals now.

Y/n: Yep!

Suddenly the helicopter shined a spotlight on them as they looked at each other and wordlessly agreed that they'll tell each other their names later. They then run on ahead.

Officer #3: Visual contact acquired. Subjects heading north on the central street extention. 'Bout a mile and a half from the entrance of 101.

Speaker guy (do any of these guys have names): Roger Delta 1. Unit 3, subjects are heading straight to you. I repeat, the subjects are headed your way.

We then see a roadblock ahead of our 2 speedsters.

Officer #whocares: Don't worry. Neither of them can go under, around, or through this street. We'll stop 'em.

Back with Sonic and Y/n, Y/n sees what's ahead and turns to Sonic with a grin as Sonic sees this and smirks as he knows what y/n is going to do. Y/n then slows down as Sonic keeps going at full speed. He then leaps over the entire blockade in 1 jump, leaving everyone speechless. Back to Y/n, he fully stops in front of the blockade.

Officer #causeIdon't: Well, the hedgehog didn't get under, around, or through us, (Weak laugh) but at least we stopped the kid.

Y/n: You didn't stop me.

The officer looks down at him.

Y/n: (smirking) I just wanted to show you something cool.

Y/n then crouches and starts spinning in place, shocking everyone there. Y/n then shoots off at insanely high speeds through the blockade while avoiding all the officers. He then makes it to the other side, where Sonic was waiting. They high-fived and started running again. Back At the roadblock, Delta 1 was stunned that a kid could do what Y/n just did, but they grinned sheepishly.

Officer #3: They're gonna love this down at headquarters.

Back at headquarters

Officer #3: (Over the radio) Delta 1 to base, I'm afraid that roadblock didn't work.

Speaker guy: No! Don't tell me they got through!

Officer 3: OK.

Speaker guy: (sighs and turns to someone else) Bad news.

Other guy that us sonic fans definitely don't know the name of: (laughs) Don't worry. I think me and my team have what it takes to round up our speedy little friends. (Turns to others) Speed team, ready to move out!

The speed team members are walking to their garage and get all fitted out.

Chief: What's the temperature of the road surface tonight?

Member: It's about 70 degrees and dry as a bone.

Chief: Light breeze from the west?

Member: Almost nothing.

Chief: (grabs something) Road: pitted or smooth?

Member: Nice and smooth.

Chief: (Puts on a head cover thing. (I don't know what it's called)) Then lets see... Give me the 5 groove medium soft.

Other member: (rolling the wheel over) Here you go.

The wheels get put on the cars as they get in.

3rd member: I've programmed gears 5 and 6 to freeway speed.

Chief: Great.

3rd: Oh, and I filled that secret feel tank like you told me.

Chief: Good work.

Radio: Chief, they last spotted the subjects at mile 79 on 101 north.

Chieg: Roger that. Alright team, let's move out.

The speed team heads out to catch Sonic and Y/n.

Back with them, Sonic Y/n were staring at the moon.

Sonic: The sky looks the same.

Y/n: So do the stars and the moon. The only difference being that the moon isn't cracked.

Sonic looks at Y/n with intrigue.

Sonic: How'd your moon get cracked?

Y/n: It's a long story.

They look back at the moon, remembering what sent them here.

Sonic: I guess Chaos Control must've sent us here.

Y/n: I don't know what Chaos Control is, but it looks we traveled through space and time.

Sonic: Well, one question remains.

Y/n: Yeah.

Both: Did the others get teleported here too, or are we all alone?

Sonic: (smiles) Well, I guess we'll find out, won't we?

Y/n: (smiles) Yeah, I guess we will.

Sonic: Say, we didn't get each other's names yet, have we?

Y/n: Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

Sonic: My name's Sonic the hedgehog.

Y/n: Y/n is my name.

They shake hands before several cars drive towards them. This turn out to be the Speed Team. The leading cars opens up to reveal the leader as he gets out of the car.

Chief: Hi there. You're a hard duo to keep up with.

Sonic and Y/n get ready to run off.

Chief: Hey! Hold on. (Takes off his helmet and head cloth thing.) We don't get such fast company very often. In fact, I'm glad you two showed up.

Sonic and Y/n stop.

Chief: This place is way too peaceful. Over the last year, we've only made one arrest. Some Joker got it into his head that he was a hotshot driver. Even had his own Formula One car and everything. Thought he could give me a run for my money. It was all over in a minute. Took me longer than that to suit up.

Sonic and Y/n were starting to like this guy.

Y/n: So what? (Smirks) You're saying is that you think you're faster than me or Sonic?

Chief: I don't think so... I know so! See, we're the high speed pursuit unit. The S-Team. And I'm the leader. They call me the  Highway Star. So even if you two think you're the fastest things around, think again.

The rest of the Speed Team take this as a signal to begin the chase. The 2 runners start running away.

Chief: Run fast, both of you. I wanna be the one to catch you.

We see Sonic and Y/n running down the road with the S-Team in hot pursuit.

Sonic: Hah. The S-Team, eh?

Y/n: The "S" probably stands for "Slow motion"!

They both laugh as they continue running.

S-Team member #1: They're accelerating. (To the others) Boost all rear wing angles by 20°!

All members: Roger!

The S-Team starts to catch up to our speedsters as they start surrounding Sonic and Y/n.

Sonic: Well well well. It's starting to look like Rush hour!

All 4 S-Team members surround them.

Y/n: (faking concern) Oh no! How are we going to escape now!?

They both smirk and jump out.

S-Team member #2: Where are they?

S-Team member #3: Did we run them over?

Both hear a thud as both Sonic and Y/n are standing on a car each.

S-Team member #3: Hey! Get down, both of you! That's dangerous!

Y/n: If by "dangerous" you mean cool, then yes it is.

#2: Shut it, you! What if kids start trying this!?

Sonic: (Breaking the 4th wall to talk to the veiwers) Kids, don't use Formula 1 race cars to chase hedgehogs or kids.

Y/n: (Same thing) Yeah, otherwise you might get seriously hurt!

They both jump off the cars as Y/n performs the Drop dash and speeds ahead of Sonic.

Sonic: I didn't know you had that under your sleeve, Y/n.

Y/n: (smirks) Well, I'm full of surprises, aren't I?

Sonic smirks and they both start running backwards to taunt the S-Team, shocking them.

#4: What the! They're playing with us! Chief, you gotta do something!

Chief: Alright. Playtime is now over. (To everyone) S-Team! Clear the middle lane!

S-Team: Roger!

The middle lane gets cleared as Chief prepares his last trick.

Chief: I didn't want to have to do this, but they leave me no choice. I will not! Have anyone faster than me! On my highway!

The chief uses the secret fuel tank and zoom ahead of everyone.

Chief: Hah! The only way they can catch me, is if they go supersonic!

Sonic and Y/n look at each other and smile.

Sonic: Time for the two of us to team up!

Y/n: It doesn't matter what they throw at us!

They jump in the air.

Sonic/(Y/n): We'll blow past everything they throw at us!


Stop at 0:11

Sonic/(Y/n): Double BOOST!

They zoom faster as they pass right by the cheif, surprising him.



The chief sees this and deploys the parachute to slow him down. Meanwhile, Sonic and Y/n's double boost runs out, but they can't stop in time as they zoom off of the road passing by all the wind turbines making them spin faster as the city become brighter.

Sonic: I guess this place isn't so bad.

Y/n: Yeah. I mean, (looks back at the chief) there's someone else we can have fun with.

Sonic: Yeah.

Y/n: What we did was pretty awesome, by the way.

Sonic: I know right!

Y/n then looks down and see that they're headed towards a pool.

Y/n: Waaah!!

Sonic: (confused) What?

Y/n just points down, causing Sonic to start freaking out as well.

Sonic: A-A-A POOL!?

Sonic and Y/n look at each other.

Both: (nervous laughter) Uh-oh!

They start falling down at a rapid rate. Y/n does some quick thinking and tosses Sonic away so he doesn't land in the pool. Sonic lands safely on the ground while Y/n lands straight in the pool, causing a massive fountain, waking up a kid inside the house.

This is Christopher Thorndyke. He goes to see what caused the fountain, only to see Sonic jumping into the pool. Chris then goes outside to try helping.

Meanwhile in the pool, Sonic and Y/n are trying to escape as Y/n sees a ladder. He points Sonic to it who starts running to it while holding onto Y/n's arm. Suddenly, Chris jumps in, grabs Sonic's free arm, and pulls them both out. Sonic and Y/n both cough up water.

Chris: That was close. Are you two alright?

Y/n: I'm good.

Sonic: Same here.

Chris: (To sonic) Wow, you can talk!?

Sonic: Well, I can do a lot of things.

Chris: That great, that you can talk, I mean.

Y/n: Thank you, both of you.

Sonic/Chris: No problem!

Chris: My name's Chris. Do you have names?

Sonic and Y/n: Of course.

Y/n: My name's Y/n!

Sonic: And I'm Sonic the Hedgehog!.


(There's the full episode. In a couple of days I'll take down all the parts before this and leave just the full chapter. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this episode and I will see you all next time.)

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