Chapter 7
It didn't take long to get to the city, with the speed Sonic and yourself had, it only took a mere few seconds. You looked around, not noticing much difference to the destroyed city, and wondering if there really was an attack.
Sonic was looking around too, scanning the area for a 'metal' version of himself. A robot Eggman had made in an attempt to match his speed and agility.
Well, that's all you knew.
"I can't see him yet..." The hedgehog muttered, scratching his head, "But Amy can't have been lying..."
You frowned slightly, before looking around and jumping onto a higher rock. Sonic watched you, tilting his head.
"What are you up to Rookie?"
You glanced at him, giving him a shrug and taking in the area again. Still only ruined buildings and empty streets. Sonic eventually joined you on the rock, sitting next to you and taking in the depressing city.
"A lot happened in my time away huh..?" He asked, his voice seeming strained, "Man.. I hope we can do this..."
You raised a brow and glanced at him. Was he having doubts about the war? That didn't sound right. You nudged his leg slightly and tilted your head when he raised his own.
"Oh, don't mind me." He chuckled lightly, waving his hand, "Just still trying to take it all in."
You sighed and nodded, before crossing your arms and going back to scanning the area. Where is this stupid robot? You were starting to get fidgety. But you weren't sure if it was because you wanted to fight, or because Sonic was sitting so close to you.
You sighed and, taking another glance at the city, sat next to him. He gave a side-ways look, before chuckling.
"So, were you always this silent? You could give Shadow a run for his money when he isn't plotting plans and attacks."
You stared at him, before your ears lowered and you shook your head. He blinked, clearly not expecting the answer or reaction.
"I'm sorry, touchy subject?"
Hugging your knees, you nodded, before resting your cheek on your arm. You stared down into the ruins of the city, picturing it before it was destroyed, the colour it had, the memories of friends and family.
God you hoped your family was safe.
"Hey..." You jumped as Sonic placed a hand on your shoulder, "Sorry for asking.. You just, you're a mystery. To everyone. We don't even know your name, you know?"
He tried an awkward chuckle, before standing, "Anyway, we should find that scrap metal look-a-like, before he hurts someone."
You nodded and stood next to him, still staring at the blue hedgehog. Why was he so nice? He had a point, no one knew who you were, so why should anyone trust you? All they knew about you before you joined was that you destroyed Eggman's ship.
Yeah okay that is a pretty big deal.
But still...
Just before he could jump down, you grabbed his arm. Your muzzle turned pink and your ears laid back in embarrassment as he glanced back a you, a brow arched. You took a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves.
"(Y...Y/N)..." You mumbled.
The hedgehog blinked, "(Y/N)?"
You nodded slowly, letting his arm go. He smiled at you and gave you the thumbs up.
"Well then (Y/N), lets go!"
And with that, you both jumped, taking off into the city.
"Still no signs of Metal, what gives?!" Sonic growled in frustration, rubbing his forehead, "Amy said he was attacking, so where the hell is he?"
You were silently watching him, a little taken back by his frustration, although you understood. All you had been doing was running around with him, and even though you really enjoyed his company, you were starting to itch for a fight.
Sonic was too, he was tapping his foot rapidly, still looking around in hopes that the robot would appear out of nowhere.
And his wish was granted. The metal copy appeared out of no-where, kicking the real Sonic into the ruins of a building. You jumped as he went flying, smashing into a now more broken wall. Your ears lowered as the robot turned to you and you reached for your Blast.
Only to realise you had left it at the HQ.
The robot swiped at you and you ducked. Oh Gods you were going to die. Where was Sonic? Was he okay? How were you meant to fight Metal Sonic by yourself? A metallic foot collided with your stomach and you were forced into another building. It shook as you crashed through the wall, the other three walls ready to give way at any moment.
You stood with a groan, a sharp pain going up your arm. You yelped slightly and held it, before looking for the robot.
It was right in front of you, red eyes flashing. A sinking feeling appeared in your stomach before he grabbed you around the neck, flying up through the flooring of the building. Pain exploded through your back with every floor, as the robot held you above his head.
Finally, you were out of the building, high in the sky. You were shaking in both pain and fear as the robot's grip loosened around your neck. You gripped onto its arm and somehow managed to kick it in the chest. It let out a beeping noise, before throwing you into another building.
Another few seconds later and you were barely conscious, falling from the wall of the building. Sonic... Where was Sonic? Was he okay? Surely he was. He had to be. Oh Gods you hoped he was. Otherwise you're as good as dead.
Just before you hit the ground, a blue blur came from the ruins and caught you in a tight grasp. You couldn't help but smile as Sonic stared at you with worry.
"(Y/N)? Are you okay? Jeeze, did he really just do all that?" Coming to a halt, he carefully set you down. You groaned and held your head, your other arm limp at your side.
"He really did a number on you huh? Maybe Eggman sees you as a bigger threat than me." He chuckled lightly, before frowning, "Can you fight? I have a feeling he'll just need a few hits, but he's fast. I sort of need your help here."
You looked up at him, before giving a shaky thumbs-up. He smiled and pat your back, causing you to flinch.
"Great! Just try not to take any more hits okay?" He smiled, before running out of the building and spin-dashing into the robot.
You sighed and let out a groan, before running out as well. An idea came to mind and you grabbed Sonic's arm as he landed, before throwing him at the robot. The hedgehog both real and artificial collided, Metal flying into a building and Sonic landing back next to you.
"Heh... That was awesome. Just warn me next time." He rubbed his head.
You nodded, before jumping back as a piece of rubble smashed into the ground.
"Right. Time to end this Rookie. Lets do that thing again." He held his arm out and you nodded, before grabbing it and swinging, throwing the hedgehog back at the other. Another hit later and Metal Sonic started to glitch and disappear.
You let out a sigh, before leaning on your knees. The pain came back, causing you to whine. Sonic landed a few feet away, turning to you. You straightened as he walked over.
"Hey! That was great! We were like a well-oiled machine... fighting a well-oiled machine." The blue hero held his fist out and you stared at it, at first confused, before smiling and bumping your fist against his, "Now we better head back and get you looked at. You're shaking really badly."
Nodding, you started walking. However you yelped when you were scooped up by the blue hedgehog. He chuckled at you as your cheeks turned red and he took off towards the base.
You were being looked over by Amy, the pink hedgehog was cleaning your back. You flinched every time she dabbed the damp cloth against your fur and you let out a whine. She had already wrapped your arm up, and after a bit of rest you should be able to use it again. You whined again as Amy continued on your back.
"Sorry Rookie, but it looks like you have a lot of damage back here. It's going to hurt." She stated, not hesitating to dab at your back again. You had a strange feeling that she was doing it on purpose too.
"I got it, Sonic! I figured out a way to stop Eggman's Phantom Ruby!" Tails jumped up from the main computer, holding up some files.
"Great work, Tails!" Sonic gave him the thumbs-up.
The kitsune smiled happily, reading through his notes, "Based on these readings, the Phantom Ruby requires an incredible amount of energy, which only the Death Egg can provide. We simply stop the energy transfer, and boom, the Phantom Ruby is practically useless."
"Simply? Last I checked the Death Egg is a heavily fortified... well, Death Egg." Knuckles crossed his arms.
"True. But I came up with a plan. First, we distract Eggman. While he's not paying attention, we use the Chemical Plant computer to hack into the Death Egg's weapons systems and shut it down. With no weapons, destroying the Death Egg will be a piece of cake. No Death Egg, means the Phantom Ruby is nearly useless." The yellow fox's eyes shined.
"Well, you know, it's just crazy enough to work. So first we need a distraction. I'm on it!" The red echidna ran for the door.
"No way, Knuckles. You're too easily distracted. That's not a good trait for a distraction. Plus, you're our commander! We kinda need you here." Amy stated, making you hiss as she wrapped a bandage around your torso.
"How about the rookie? Eggman would never expect it. It may even throw him off a little." Silver rubbed his chin. Sonic glanced at them both, looking like he was about to protest.
"Good idea! You got your orders, rookie. We only have one more day before Eggman's plan is executed, so let's hustle!" Knuckles smiled at you, and your ears lowered slightly.
-Another plan of attack already? Boy this really will kill me...-
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