Chapter 3

Alarms started to blare in the aircraft. You jumped rigidly and looked around quickly, the cabin was glowing with a bright red light. Sonic jerked awake and fell to the floor, looking around.

"Eh?! What's going on?" He jumped to his feet, before holding his head, "Ugh... It's him..."

You looked at him, tilting your head. He growled and looked up, his eyes meeting yours.

"It's that guy, the one that... Beat me.." He huffed, crossing his arms, "He must be close."

"Close is right." You jumped again as Knuckles spoke into your ear. Sonic glanced at you.

"Knuckles? What's going on?"

"Silver ran into the villain on his way back to the base. He needs help, so I'm sending your aircraft to his location. We can't lose another member of the team."

"The Masked Villain..." You mumbled, your ears lowering.

Sonic tilted his head, "You know him?"

You shook your head, hugging your arms. He stared at you, before patting your shoulder,

"Don't worry, I'll stop him from hurting anyone else, okay? You can stay here where it's safe." Offering you a smile, he ran to the back of the craft as it opened.

You watched him jump out, disappearing into the green forest and ruins, a blue blur zipping through the trees. You sighed and rubbed your head, before jumping out and following him. There was no way you were going to just back out, not when you were a part of the Resistance.

However you stopped running when you came into a clearing, just in time to see Sonic deflect the Masked Villain's attack on Silver. The light-grey hedgehog lay unconscious, if the evil one had got to him, he would have definitely been killed.

Sonic landed in front of the other hedgehog, who groaned, slowly coming to.

"Time to tag out Silver! I've got it from here!" The blue hedgehog glanced back at him, smiling.

"Well... Look who's back from the dead. The little blue saviour." The Masked Villain stared down at him, fixing up his mask, "But what's that I smell? You reek of fear... Glad to see I left an impression."

The blue hedgehog frowned, before lifting his arm and imitated smelling himself, "That's not fear. I ran all the way over here."

You couldn't help but giggle at his quirkiness, even staring at the one that had defeated him once before, he was able to crack a joke. Even though he hadn't ran here, he still stunk, you guessed they didn't bathe him when they had him captive.


You looked up as he continued talking,

"And you haven't left an impression. I don't know anything about you! Not even your name."

The floating villain seemed to think, "You may call me Infinite in the brief moments that remain to you..."

"Great! See Infinite, now we're getting to know each other!" The blue hedgehog snickered, before he started pacing, "So, what's your favourite colour? Do you like long, romantic walks on the beach? What's the source of your power? You can skip the first two if you like."

You giggled more, how was he able to joke in front of such a serious foe? It was actually entertaining, even Silver was smirking when he stood next to the blue hedgehog, a slight limp in his step. 'Infinite' didn't seem amused in the slightest, just staring at the two hedgehogs.

"The source of my power is none of your concern..." He removed his hands from his chest, where a bright red and purple gem glowed brightly.

It reminded you of another person, someone you had seen before in movies and comic books, what was that character's name... He had a light energy for his own power source and fought in a red and gold armoured suit.

Either way, seeing the strange shaped gem reminded you of someone else.

So, was it his life source as well?

That could be very useful. You'd just have to voice your idea to the others. Somehow.

"Sorry, but you've just GOT to share the secret of your power with me. I insist!" Sonic ran towards the masked villain, who took a defensive fighting stance even in mid-flight.

"Your insistence is futile!" The gem on his chest glowed and he spread his arms. A red ball-like energy spread from his fingers, surrounding the two hedgehogs and yourself in his power.

It was as if gravity itself had disappeared. You started floating, and you grabbed onto a tree branch before you got too high.

"Whoa!" The blue hedgehog exclaimed, arms flailing.

"Sonic, you okay?" Silver floated besides him, seeming calm just floating around.

Before the blue hedgehog could respond, Infinite barged into him, sending him flying through the sky. He disappeared over a wall of ruins, before Infinite flew after him. The red aura faded, and both you and the silver hedgehog fell.

You landed on your feet, however the other faceplanted rather ungracefully into the dirt. He groaned and sat up rubbing his head and gazing in the direction the other two had gone.

"Great... Now what..." He mumbled, standing shakily.

You ran over, grabbing his arm as he fell, and he looked up at you.

"Rookie? Of course, you were with Sonic weren't you?" He seemed relieved, "I wasn't expecting to run into Infinite... He puts up a good fight."

You nodded and lead him to the aircraft, before pulling off the ear-piece and handing it to him. He took it, speaking into it.

"Knuckles? Are you still there?"

"Silver! Glad you're alive!" Knuckles yelled through the piece.

"You know... These would be better as just normal communicators..." The silver hedgehog huffed, "You're voice is too loud. Isn't it Rookie?"

You shrugged, before looking for the first-aid kit.

"Right... I'll talk to Amy about it. But first, the fight. What happened? Did you defeat Infinite?"

"Barely... He would have killed me had Sonic not run in to take over." Silver grumbled, rubbing his head, "He's strong Knuckles... I don't know how we'll beat him."

"So he's still alive? And what about Sonic? What happened?"

"I don't know... Infinite kicked him to space, they could be anywhere..."

"Dammit..." You jumped at the sound of something being hit, "You need to find him, we only just got Sonic back. We can't lose him again. How injured are you?"

"I think I'll be fine..." The hedgehog stood, one of his legs shaking, "I should be able to find him..."


Silver nodded, handing the ear-piece back to you. You took it, watching him worriedly as he limped out of the craft. You followed him slowly and he turned to you.

"You should wait here, in case he returns."

You shook your head, "No..."

"No? Rookie, listen to me. Infinite is strong, even I couldn't defeat him, what happens if you come across him?"

You took a deep breath, "I'll... I'll be able... To fight..."

He stared at you, frowning, "I know I'm injured but I'm more... Knowledgeable in how to fight. You've only had a weeks training. I've had my whole life. Now wait by the carrier."

You frowned back, before your ears lowered and you looked down. He was right, what would you do if you ended up fighting Infinite? He'd crush you like a bug...

But even still, Silver was injured. He'd be killed as well. Grabbing his arm, you pulled him back to the aircraft. The silver hedgehog yelped as you pulled on his arm, glaring at you as you sat him down.

"What are you doing?!" He stood, before his leg gave way and he fell to his knee, "You're disobeying my orders..."

You knelt in front of him, your head lowered, "Y-You're... More i-important... To the team... I'll go... You stay..."

"Rookie..." He stood shakily, before sighing and falling onto the bench, "Okay... Fine... Just bring Sonic back."

Nodding, you stood and ran out of the craft, following the direction you last saw them fly, while also dodging trees and ruins. The sound of a battle filled your ears, and you followed it, before red flashing caught your eye.

Following the obvious fight, you did your best to stay hidden, watching the brawl from the sidelines of a branch. They were fighting in a tree after all. Finally, you saw Sonic spin-dash into the masked villain, who reared back in pain. He let out a huff, glaring at the hedgehog.

"Well... You've improved since the last time. But you will still lose..."

He did the same as before, throwing a red aura around the hedgehog. Sonic looked around, shaking his head in confusion as Infinite created two energy balls. He was able to dodge the first but was sent flying from the tree to the ground by the second.

He landed with a loud groan, at first not even moving. Your eyes widened in panic, before his eyes opened and he tried to get up, falling back down.

"As I predicted... You're not even worth the effort to finish off." Infinite said to himself, however loud enough for the two of you to hear. He flew off without another word, and Sonic struggled to his knees.

"Ugh... I gotta figure out the secret of his power..." He held his head, before watching the other fly off.

You jumped from the branch you were on, landing in front of him.

"Rookie?" He turned to you, "What are you doing here...?"

You pulled him to his feet, holding his arm over your shoulders and lead him back to the aircraft. He leant into you, doing his best to keep one of his feet off the ground. You couldn't stop the heat spreading over your cheeks.

Mobius' hero was leaning against you. No one would believe it. Heck, you couldn't believe it. He was like a celebrity.

"Also..." He mumbled, as if trying to keep consciousness, "I'm glad you aren't like one of those annoying fan-girls... Amy is bad enough, and I can only imagine what she's going to do when she sees me... Thanks for not being crazy..."

You smiled and nodded, "I-It's... Okay..."

His ear twitched and he looked up, "You spoke... Heh, you have a nice voice for someone that doesn't speak..."

Your cheeks reddened more and you looked down.

"Sorry, too far?" He chuckled a little, before he groaned and held his side, "At least he didn't kill me, but man... I'm going to be out of action before I even get in the action..."

You just silently listened, pulling him along, glad he was able to find a way to stay conscious. Finally, you reached the aircraft, placing Sonic on the bench opposite to Silver. The other hedgehog looked over, a concerned shine in his eyes.

"Is Sonic okay...?"

You shrugged, before grabbing the first-aid kit and walking back to the blue hedgehog. At least you knew how to look after wounds. Most of them anyway.

Once the two were all bandaged up, you put the first-aid kit away, sitting next to Sonic, who was still laying down. He was asleep now, having fallen unconscious once you had finished bandaging him. Silver was watching him too.

"You know... With first-aid skills like that... You're important to the team too." The silver hedgehog huffed, "Everyone is important."

You nodded quietly. Silver fell silent, the sound of the carrier starting up made your ears twitched. Then you felt it. A strong urge, like you had to get off the aircraft.

Right now.

"H-Hey! Rookie!" Silver yelled as you stood, jumping out of the cab just as the doors closed.

Landing on the ground, you looked around, before running into the trees.

Sorry if it feels like a Silver X Reader, I didn't want him in the story but I wanted to use the fighting scene since Sonic is so funny in it, make the reader laugh at his jokes and stuff.

Just to clear it up, Silver doesn't really accept the reader, since she isn't a close friend like the others, he has no proper reason to trust her, all she did was destroy the Egg Carrier (I know, hardly enough evidence she is on the good side right? XD) and he thinks she'd be too shy to do such a thing.

Idk, I thought I'd explain now since I doubt it will be properly explained later on. But to make it clear. Silver doesn't like you in this story, if he seems like he does it's just because he is 'trying' to be accepting and being nice can be seen as being all 'I love you' because society :)

Anyway, enjoy the rest of the book.
Haven Out!!!

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