In class:
Sonic and Yui were in the class, when Nodoka comes in.
Nodoka: Yui, Sonic.
Sonic: Oh, hey.
Yui: Nodoka-chan.
Nodoka: Let's go home together.
Yui: Ah, sorry. We have to go to club activities today.
Sonic: Yeah, sorry.
Nodoka: Is that so? Well, I guess that can't be help. (Seems like she's finally found something she wants to do. She also has someone to take care of her, too. I don't know if I should be happy or sad.)
Yui was spacing out.
Nodoka: What's up?
Yui: Mugi-chan brought delicious snacks today!
Nodoka: I thought you were going to play guitar?
Sonic: Haha.
Yui: (When I was in kindergarten... in elementary school... and in middle school... I've always been bumming around. And now that I've entered high school... I'll be participating in club activities for the first time!)
In the music room:
Sonic and Yui enters the music room:
Sonic, Yui: Hello!
Ritsu, Mio, Tsumugi: Hello!
Yui: (These four are my friends from the light music club. Bassist, Akiyama Mio-chan.
She's tall, cool, and mature.) Hey, Mio, why do you play bass instead of guitar?
Mio: Thats because... playing guitar is embarrassing.
Yui: Embarrassing?
Mio: The guitarist is like the heart of the band. She has to stand in front and play. Naturally, everyone is looking at her, right? Just thinking about myself in that situation.
Sonic: Yeah, it makes sense. You're kinda like the person who's not really good being in the front.
Mio then spaces out.
Tsumugi: Whoa! Are you okay?
Yui: (The keyboardist, Kotobuki Tsumugi-chan.
She's a calm, warm, and a cute person.) You're good at keyboard, Mugi-chan. Have you been playing for a long time?
Tsumugi: I've been playing piano since I was four. I've even won medals at competitions.
Sonic: Impressive.
Yui: Wow, that's amazing! (Why is she even in the light music club?)
Tsumugi: Well then, let's eat.
Sonic: Thanks for the food.
Yui: Speaking of which, I've got a question. There's a lot of stuff in this room, right? Is this how most high schools are?
Tsumugi: Ah, I brought these from my house.
Sonic: Huh?
Yui: These are yours?!
Tsumugi: Yeah.
Yui: (Mugi-chan... I think she's really princess like. This is the drummer, Tainaka Ritsu-chan.
She's a healthy, happy girl.) Ri-chan, I can definitely see why you play drums.
Ritsu: Wha... I have a reason too! A beautiful reason, one that would move anyone!
Sonic: Really?
Yui: Eh? What kinda reason?
Ritsu: It's um... ah, yeah. It's cool.
Yui: Is that it?
Ritsu: Well, look! Guitars, bass, and keyboards require all of these little finger movements. Just thinking about it, I'll become gaaaaaa! Like that.
Sonic: Hehe.
Yui: (I guess the instrument fits the personality... And last but not least, the guitarist, Sonic-chan.
He's helpful, nice, really good at playing guitar, and he's always there for me when I need him. Whenever I'm around him, I'm always happy. I guess you can say that I'm in love with him.) Sonic-chan, when did you learn how to play a guitar?
Sonic: It was a long time ago. It's when I met my brother and sister.
Yui: Your brother and sister?
Mio: You have siblings, Sonic?
Sonic: Yeah.
Ritsu: Oh, are they cool?!
Sonic: Of course.
Tsumugi: Where are your siblings?
Sonic: They decided to do their own thing. We do meet each other often.
Mio: That's nice.
Tsumugi: Would you two like another cup?
Sonic: Yeah, sure.
Yui: Thank you. Speaking of which, Mugi-chan, didn't you want to enter the choir club?
Tsumugi: Yeah, but I wanted to become friend with really jolly people!
Sonic, Mio, Ritsu: (Something like a rare animal...)
Mio: Oh, right, Hirasawa, did you buy a guitar yet?
Yui: You can call me Yui.
Mio: Huh?
Yui: Since I call you Mio-chan already.
Mio: Yu... Yui?
Sonic: (Wow, she really is shy.)
Yui: (S-So cute!)
Ritsu: So, Yui, what about your guitar?
Yui: Guitar? Ah, right! I forgot. I'm supposed to be playing guitar!
Sonic: How did you forget?
Mio: The Light Music Club isn't a cafe.
Yui: Hehe. How much is a guitar going to cost?
Mio: Hmm... the cheap ones start at around the low hundreds, but believe me, you really don't want one that's too cheap. Something around 500 should be fine.
Yui: Huh? That much? 500 dollars is ten months allowance.
Mio: Yeah, well expensive guitars can run up to a thousands.
Sonic: Yeah. Guitars sure are expensive.
Yui: Can I use club budget?
Ritsu: Hehe, no.
Yui: Uhh...
Yui's expression changes.
Sonic: Yui?
Tsumugi: Here. Try one, they're delicious.
Tsumugi gives Yui snacks as she eats it. Yui starts to be happy as she eats it.
Sonic: (Wow...)
Mio: Anyway, we can't really do anything if you don't have an instrument.
Ritsu: Alright then. Let's go check out guitars on our next day off?! Yeah! Hahaha!
The rest started laughing.
In Yui's house:
Sonic was laying down by the wall as Yui was checking her money as she was broke.
Yui: Uhh... how disappointing...
Sonic: I'm sure you'll have enough to buy one.
Yui: Thanks, Sonic-chan.
Ui enters the room.
Ui: Hey, come on you two, dinner is ready.
Sonic: Yeah, thanks, Ui.
Yui: Ui...
Ui: Huh? What's wrong with big sis?
Sonic: Me and Yui joined the light music club.
Ui: Really?
Yui: Yeah. I want to buy a guitar I can use.
Ui: Wow. I didn't know you could play the guitar.
Sonic: The thing is, she can't.
Ui: Huh? So you have your guitar, right Sonic?
Sonic: Yep.
Yui: So anyway, you can maybe lend me some money? I'll pay you back.
Ui: I'm sorry, but I don't have a lot of money either.
Yui: Yeah, I figured...
Sonic: Wish I could help too, but I don't have money on me. Sorry, Yui.
Yui: Uhh...
Ui: Why don't you ask mom for an advance in your allowance?
Yui: Huh?
Ui: I'll ask with you too.
Yui: That's my dependable sister!
Sonic: Does your mom know about me?
Yui: Yep! I already told her about you!
Sonic: Of course you did.
Ui: Hehe.
The next day:
Ritsu, Mio, and Tsumugi were in the city by the shopping place waiting for Sonic and Yui. Ritsu sees Sonic and Yui walking.
Ritsu: Yui! Sonic! Over here!
Sonic: Oh, it's them.
Yui: Hey, everyone!
Yui runs towards them on the side walk, but she bumps into a man.
Yui: Ahh!
Sonic catches Yui from falling.
The other girls were surprised.
Girls: Ahh...
Sonic: Jeez, you should be careful Yui. You could've been hurt.
Yui starts to blush a little.
Yui: Hehe, sorry.
Yui apologize to the man.
Yui: I'm sorry.
Man: It's fine. Be careful next time.
The man walks away.
Yui walks forward as she sees a woman with a dog. Yui stops as she pets the dog.
Sonic: (You're kidding right?)
Ritsu: (Only a few meters left... And yet, she got sidetracked?!)
Yui: Good girl, good girl.
Sonic: Okay, Yui, time to go.
Yui: Okay. See ya!
They got to the others as they walk around shopping.
Tsumugi: Did you have enough?
Yui: I begged mom and borrowed fifty thousand yen from my future allowances. I need to be frugal from now on... But...
Sonic, girls: Huh?
Yui walks over to a clothing shop.
Yui: I can afford this right now.
Sonic: Uhh...
Ritsu: Hey now.
Yui: I'm just looking!
Sonic: There she goes.
Mio: Eh?
They went inside the clothing shop as Yui picks out a dress and faces it to Mio as she was embarrassed. Sonic and a Ritsu were laughing from the back.
Sonic and the girls were looking at the plushies as Sonic sees something familiar.
Sonic: Hmm? These remind me of those Gekota.
Yui: Hmm? What's that?
Sonic: To be honest, I don't know, but I know it from someone.
Ritsu: Someone? Who is it?
Sonic: It's someone that I met before.
Sonic and the girls get a taste of the snacks in the food store.
Ritsu was playing a crawl machine getting a plushie as the others were watching.
Sonic and the others got to a restaurant and ate some food as they were starved.
Yui: I'm so tired.
Ritsu: And I bought this.
Sonic: Mmm, this is good.
Tsumugi: It was so fun.
Yui: Where should we go next? Oh? Aren't we forgetting something?
Sonic: Aren't you forgetting something?
Mio: Your instrument!
Yui: Oh crap!
In 10GIA instrument store:
Sonic and the girls go down to where the instruments are.
Yui: Whoa...
Sonic: *Whistle* Look at all these instruments.
Yui: So many guitars...
Sonic and Yui both sees a guitar that looks like a octopus.
Sonic, Yui: Uh...
Ritsu: Yui, have you picked the one you want?
Yui: Hmm... Is there any criteria I should follow?
Mio: Of course there is. Aside from tone quality, each guitar has a different weight, shape, and neck size. So girls should pick one with a thinner neck-
Yui: Oh, this guitar is cute!
Mio: (She's not listening.)
Yui sees the orange-red guitar that she likes as Sonic sees it.
Sonic: You like it huh?
Yui: Yeah, it's so cute!
Sonic: It's not bad.
Ritsu: That guitar costs two hundred fifty thousand yen.
Yui: Oh, you're right! This is way out of my range.
Tsumugi: Is this the one you want?
Yui: Mhmm...
Ritsu: There are cheaper ones over there.
Yui: But I want this one...
Sonic: She really wants that guitar.
Mio: It took me a long time before I could decide on the bass I'm using now too.
Mio was waiting until she gets enough yen to buy the bass she wanted as she keeps going to the store.
Mio: I-I'll have this one!
End of flashback:
Ritsu: And I bargained and bargained for the used set I have now.
Ritsu was bargaining the shopkeeper to lower the price of the drums.
Ritsu: Any lower? Any lower?!
End of flashback:
Mio: The shopkeeper was crying.
Ritsu: I really wanted that set.
Sonic: You sure are desperate.
Tsumugi: What's "bargained" mean?
Ritsu: That's when you give it your all to get a discount so you can get what you want for cheap.
Tsumugi: That's so cool! I envy you for that! Mio: (What's so envious about it?!)
Yui keeps looking at the guitar.
Sonic: Yui...
Ritsu: Oh, let's find a job together!
Sonic: Huh?
Mio: A job?
Ritsu: Yeah, so Yui can get her guitar!
Yui: What? B-But that's too much!
Ritsu: It's all part of the Light Music Club's activity.
Yui: Ricchan...
Tsumugi: I want to do it!
Yui: Mugi-chan...
Sonic: I'm in!
Yui: Sonic-chan...
Sonic: Let's do what Ritsu says. Besides, we all help each other, right?
Yui: Sonic-chan... Thanks guys.
Sonic: Hehe, just glad you're happy now.
Ritsu: Yeah! Let's do it! Yeah!
Tsumugi: Yeah.
Sonic: Yeah!
Mio: (I wonder what kind of job?)
The next day in class:
Nodoka: A job?
Yui: Yeah, so I can buy a guitar.
Nodoka: (She's all independent already. It makes me both happy and sad. And Sonic's with her too. It's looks like they're really close.)
Sonic: She really wants this guitar and we're gonna help her.
Nodoka: What? You're getting everyone involved?
Yui: Yeah!
Sonic: Hehe.
In the music room:
Yui: What kind of work should we do...
Mio: How about handing out travel-sized tissues?
Sonic: You'll be okay with that, right Mio?
Mio: Umm...
Mio thinks about her giving people tissues.
Mio: I-I can't...
Sonic: Oh, that's too bad.
Tsumugi: How about a fast food place?
Mio: Umm...
Mio thinks about her asking for people's orders.
Mio: Not for me.
Sonic: Yeah, of course.
Ritsu: Those might be too much for Mio.
Mio: (I can't ring the doorbell when I'm afraid a scary person will come out. I can't take orders.) Ahh!
Mio spaces out again.
Tsumugi: M-Mio-san!
Yui: I'm sorry! You don't have to push yourself that much.
Yui looks down.
Mio: Yui...
Sonic: Mio, you can't just be afraid of something if you don't try it first. You have to overcome your shyness.
Mio: (Sonic's right. I keep saying no before we even get started. But this is all to buy a guitar for Yui! And it's also for the benefit of the Light Music Club. I must overcome my weakness.) I'll-I'll do anything!
Sonic: That's the spirit! Besides, I'll help you.
Mio: What?
Sonic: Yeah, I'll help you overcome your weakness.
Mio starts to blush.
Mio: T-Thanks, Sonic.
Sonic: Hehe.
Ritsu: Ah!
Mio: W-What?
Ritsu: What about this one?
Everyone: Traffic survey...
Ritsu: You get to count the cars and pedestrians on the road with a counter on your hand.
Yui: Oh! Like the bird watchers?!
Ritsu: Even you can handle this one, Mio.
Tsumugi: That's right!
Sonic: Yeah, give it a try.
Mio: O-Okay.
Ritsu: Great! See you guys there tomorrow!
The next day in Yui's house:
Sonic, Yui: We're leaving!
Ui: Oh, onee-chan, Sonic-chan, your lunch.
Sonic: Whoa, that's a lot.
Yui: All this?
Ui: I packed for everyone. They're helping you work for your guitar, right?
Yui: Yes!
Sonic: Yui, I'll carry it for you.
Yui: Thanks, Sonic-chan.
Ui: That's nice of you, Sonic.
Sonic: Hehe. Thanks for the lunches, Ui.
Yui: Yeah! See ya!
Ui: Take care! (They're getting so close together.)
Few minutes later:
Sonic and Yui meets the others as they go to do the job.
Ritsu: Here. We pair up and switch every hour.
Yui: Ooo.
Yui starts to repeatedly tap the counter.
Sonic: You're having fun, Yui.
Tsumugi: That's pretty quick.
Yui: Yeah!
Ritsu: Oh yeah?
Ritsu rapidly taps the counter with her thumb.
Yui: You're fast!
Sonic: Heh, you call that fast?
Ritsu keeps tapping the counter as she cramps her thumb.
Ritsu: Ouch! C-Cramp...
Mio: You got carried away.
Tsumugi: We have a few minutes before we have to start. Let's have some tea while we wait.
Yui: Yay! Picnic!
Sonic: Tsumugi's always prepared.
Mio: Totally.
Few minutes later:
Sonic, Yui, and Tsumugi were up first as they tap the counter by how many cars that past them.
Yui: It's such a beautiful day.
Tsumugi: It is.
Sonic: Yeah.
The wind blows as Tsumugi's hat almost falls out of her head, but she keeps it on.
Yui: (Ohhhhh...! She's like a fair lady on the high plains.)
Ritsu and Mio were in the car as Ritsu was writing on a paper.
Mio: Magazine prize drawings?
Ritsu: The pride is a guitar!
Mio: This might be quicker.
Ritsu: Yeah.
Yui: *Yawn* Aren't you tired, Sonic-chan, Mugi-chan?
Sonic: Nope.
Tsumugi: I'm doing fine.
Yui: Finger hurting yet?
Sonic: Nope.
Tsumugi: No.
Yui: Not sleepy?
Sonic: Nope.
Tsumugi: Huh?
Tsumugi keeps tapping the counter as she wasn't paying attention.
Tsumugi: I presses the counter instead of replying.
Sonic: If you two are tired, you girls can rest.
Yui: Okay.
Tsumugi: Thanks, Sonic-chan.
Sonic: Hehe.
Few minutes later:
Ritsu and Mio were up second as Sonic was still tapping the counter. Ritsu starts to tap on the counter making a beat.
Mio: This is a quarter note beat.
Sonic: Hmm?
Sonic sees Ritsu doing a beat with the counter.
Sonic: Okay then.
Sonic starts to do his own as it matches with Ritsu's.
Mio: Hey! Do the job properly!
Few minutes later:
The girls were eating the snacks as Mio and Ritsu were laying on a mat. Sonic takes some of the snacks and tea as he goes back to work.
Yui: Sonic-chan? Aren't you gonna eat with us?
Sonic: Sorry, I'm gonna work more. See ya!
Tsumugi: Sonic really cares about you, Yui-chan.
Yui: Yeah, he does.
Ritsu: Oooo, what's the relationship between you two?
Yui: Huh?
Mio: Ritsu, cut it!
Mio hits Ritsu on the head.
Ritsu: Oww!
Mio: He is a hard worker. I can tell he really cares for you.
Yui starts blushing.
Yui: Oh, stop it...
Few hours later:
Ritsu: Done with day one!
Sonic: Yeah, what a day.
Tsumugi: I'm heading to the train station.
Ritsu: Mio and I are taking the bus.
Mio: And you two are walking home?
Yui: Yeah. Me and Sonic-chan both live with each other.
The girls was surprised.
Girls: Huh?! You both live in the same house?!
Yui: Yeah.
Sonic: Hehe...
The girls calm down.
Tsumugi: And tomorrow...
Yui: Yeah, bring more treats!
Sonic: Of course.
Tsumugi: I was going to say, "We get to work again."
Yui: Ugh...
Ritsu: Hey now.
Yui: But if you have too much...
Ritsu: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey...
Sonic: Huh?
Mio: It's occupational illness.
Yui: See ya!
Sonic: Yeah, see ya!
Ritsu: Yeah!
Mio: Bye!
Tsumugi: See you tomorrow!
Sonic and Yui walks off as Yui turns around.
Sonic: Hmm?
Yui: Everyone! Thank you so much! I'll practice every day once I get the guitar!
Girls: Okay!
Sonic: That's the spirit! *Yawn*
Yui: Oh, Sonic-chan, you're tired.
Sonic: I'll be fine. Let's head home.
Yui: Okay.
In Yui's house:
Yui comes in the living room seeing Sonic sleeping on the couch.
Ui: He's really tired.
Yui: Yeah, he worked a lot today.
Ui: I see. (He wants to work hard for Yui to get a guitar. Sonic-chan's so nice.)
Yui gives Sonic a blanket as she smiles happily.
Yui: Thanks, Sonic-chan, for always being there for me.
Yui walks back in her room.
Ui: How sweet.
Sonic: Zzzzzz...
The next day:
Sonic and the girls goes to the job again and does the traffic survey. Sonic and Yui were counting the cars as Yui gets tired.
Yui: *Yawn*
Yui leans by Sonic's shoulder as he blushes a little.
Sonic: Huh? Yui?
Yui: Tired...
Sonic: Man. What am I gonna do with you...?
Few hours:
Woman: Thank you for all your hard work for the past two days.
Everyone: Thank you so much.
Sonic and the girls get their payment for the job as they give it to Yui.
Ritsu: We got 10,000 yen per day...
Tsumugi: So even if you add that to the 50,000 yen you got from your mother earlierzzz we're still not even close.
Mio: I guess we'll have to do more jobs.
Sonic: Looks like it.
Sonic looks at Yui as she stares at the payments.
Sonic: Yui?
Yui: I can't take this.
Yui gives Sonic and the girls back their payment.
Sonic: (Yui?)
Girls: Huh?
Yui: You should use the money for yourselves.
Tsumugi: Yui-chan...
Yui: I'll buy a guitar that I can afford.
Ritsu: Yui...
Yui: I want to practice as soon as possible and play with everyone. Will you go to the music store with me again?
Sonic: Yeah, sure.
The girls agreed.
Yui: Thsnks, everyone. Anyway, we're going to get going.
Sonic: Yeah, see ya.
Ritsu: Yeah.
Mio: See you tomorrow.
Tsumugi: Bye.
Yui: See ya.
Sonic and Yui walks off.
Sonic: You really want to play with everyone, huh?
Yui: Of course. I want to get better and play with you and everyone else!
Sonic: Hehe, yeah.
Tsumugi: Then, ill head home too.
Mio, Ritsu: Okay.
The girls sees Yui playing with a air guitar jumping around.
Sonic: Haha! (At least she's happy.)
The next day after school:
After school, Sonic and the girls goes to 10GIA instrument store for Yui to buy a guitar. Yui looks back at the guitar she wanted as Sonic notices.
Sonic: Yui?
The girls turn around seeing Yui looking at the guitar.
Yui: Huh? Hehe...
Sonic: She really wants it.
Mio: Yeah.
Ritsu: Alright. I guess we should do more part-time jobs.
Tsumugi: Please wait a bit.
Sonic: Hmm?
Tsumugi walks to the shopkeeper.
Tsumugi: Excuse me...
Shopkeeper: Yes?
Tsumugi: Is it okay if I bargain with you?
Shopkeeper: Huh?
Tsumugi: I wonder if you could lower the price in that guitar a bit?
The shopkeeper gets surprised.
Shopkeeper: Whaaa! You! You're the president's daughter! Okay, how about this?
Tsumugi: Lower!
Few seconds later:
Sonic: What did you just do, Tsumugi?
Tsumugi: He'll sell us this guitar for 50,000 yen.
Everyone: What?!
Ritsu: Really?!
Sonic: You're serious!
Yui: What?! What did you do?
Tsumugi: Actually, my family owns this store.
Everyone: Ehh?!
Sonic shrugs.
Sonic: (Wow, how convenient.)
Yui: I-I see... Mugi-chan, thank you! I'll pay you back the difference somehow.
Sonic: (Yui looks so happy.)
Yui looks at the guitar again happy.
Sonic: That's great for you, Yui. Now you'll get a guitar just like me.
Yui: Yeah! Thanks, everyone! Thank you, Sonic-chan!
Yui jumps on Sonic.
Sonic: Yui! Hey, cut it out!
Girls: Hahaha!
In Yui's house:
Sonic was in Yui's room with his guitar as Yui spins around the chair.
Yui: Hehe, so cute!
Sonic: Go on, put it on.
Yui: O-Okay!
Yui runs towards her guitar and puts it around her as she starts making guitar noises.
Yui: Breeem! Broom!
Sonic: Haha!
Sonic puts on his guitar around him as they both looked in the mirror.
Yui: Whoa! We look like musicians!
Sonic: Yeah. It fits your style, Yui.
Yui blushes.
Yui: Really? Hehe... Oh, I need to practice my autograph!
Ui opens the door.
Ui: Onee-chan, you're so noisy. Oh, Sonic-chan, you're here too?
Sonic: Yeah.
Ui: Just don't make too many noises, okay?
Sonic, Yui: Okay.
Ui closes the door.
Ui: Onee-chan and Sonic-chan are in the room together. Hehe.
Sonic: Try playing something.
Yui: Okay.
Yui plays the guitar as she plays a few strings.
Yui: I guess that's all I can think of.
Sonic: Don't sweat it, you'll get better in no time. I'll help you.
Yui: Really?
Sonic: Yeah, sure. Just keep practicing, and you'll get better for sure.
Yui: Thank you, Sonic-chan!
Yui jumps on Sonic.
Sonic: Hey! Yui, not too much noise! Cut it out!
Yui: Thank you so much!
Sonic: Oh, come on!
Ui hears them screaming in the room.
Ui: At least onee-chan has someone to be with. Hehe.
The next day:
Sonic wakes up as he goes to the bathroom.
Sonic: Man, better take a bath.
As Sonic goes in, he sees Ui in the shower as he blushes.
Sonic: Gh...!
Ui: Huh? Who's that?
Sonic immediately closes the door.
Sonic: Phew, that was close.
Few minutes later:
Sonic gets in the shower after Ui and brushes his teeth, and puts on his uniform.
Sonic: There we go.
Ui: Sonic-chan, did someone open the door in the bathroom?
Sonic: Huh? Why?
Ui: I heard someone inside.
Sonic: Gh...! Oh, it's probably nothing! Hehe...
Ui: Oh, okay. Anyway, could you wake up, onee-chan? I'm putting on my uniform right now.
Sonic: Sure, I'll will.
Sonic goes up in Yui's room.
Sonic: Yui, it's time to wake up. We'll be late if you don't. Huh?
Sonic sees Yui sleeping with the guitar in her bed.
Sonic: (You're serious?)
Few minutes later in the music room:
Yui shows them the guitar as everyone claps for her.
Ritsu: Awesome!
Mio: You look the part with that guitar:
Ritsu: Try playing something!
Yui: O-Okay.
Yui plays the same thing she did in her room.
Mio: You haven't practiced at all?
Yui: Yeah, because this guitar is so pretty and shiny...
Sonic: Besides, she just started having one. I decided to help her on it in her room.
Girls: In her room?
Sonic: Huh? What?
Mio: Oh, it's nothing.
Sonic: Anyway, she doesn't want to ruin it, cause it's so shiny.
Mio: Ah, I know what you mean.
Yui: Me and Sonic-chan struck poses with our guitars in the mirror and took pictures.
Sonic: She also slept with it.
Yui: Huh? How'd you know?
Sonic: You were about to say it also, your sister told me to wake you up.
Ritsu: (Really...?)
Mio: Looks like you haven't even taken off the protection film yet.
Ritsu: Ah... ah...
Ritsu hesitates to take off the protection film as she does.
Yui: Wahh!
Sonic: Wow, Ritsu...
Ritsu: Oops...
Mio: Ritsu! Apologize!
Ritsu: Sorry, it was a sudden impulse! Sorry, Yui-chan.
Tsumugi: Yui-chan, some sweets.
Sonic: (I'm telling you right now, it's gonna work.)
Mio: With that, no way she could...
Yui gets happy as she munches on the sweets.
Mio: (She feels better?!)
Sonic: (Yep, knew it.)
Yui: Yeah, a guitar is something to be played after all. Only treating it importantly and not actually playing it.. it feels bad. Thanks, Ricchan. I feel motivated now.
Sonic: (Aren't you always motivated?)
Ritsu: Really? I knew there was a way to get you to start practicing! I'm a- Ow!
Mio hits Ritsu.
Sonic: Uh...
Mio: Alright, let's practice.
Sonic: Yeah.
Yui: How can I get that sound that guitars make during live gigs?
Mio: Connect it to an amp.
Ritsu puts the cords into the amp into Yui's guitar.
Ritsu: Alright.
Sonic: Try playing again.
Yui plays the guitar as she does all the strings making a great sound.
Yui: That's so cool...
Sonic: Hehe, right?
Mio: This is finally the start...
Ritsu: Of our Light Music Club!
Tsumugi: Yes!
Ritsu: Our dream: Play live at Budokan!
Everyone: Eh?!
Ritsu: Before graduation!
Everyone: Ehhhh?!
Yui plays the same again as she did in her house.
Yui: Sorry. I can't play anything other than this.
Sonic: I already told you, it's fine. We'll be here to help you.
Yui blushes.
Yui: Thanks, Sonic-chan.
Girls: (He's so nice to Yui-chan...)
Yui: I'll start using the amp after I can play more.
Sonic: Wait! Yui!
Mio: Watch out!
Yui: Huh?!
It was too late as Yui takes the cord out of the amp causing a sound wave in the music room as the others cover their ears.
Mio: Thats what happens when you pull the cord out of the amp before turning down the volume!
Yui: You should have told me earlier...
Sonic: Hahahaha!
Ritsu: Hahahaha!
Sonic and Ritsu started laughing as everyone else laughs as well.
Sonic: Alright! The Light Music Club is now here!
Everyone: Yeah!
They all took a picture together with Yui's guitar.
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