The Avatar Returns pt 2

In the water tribe:
Katara is standing on the edge in the distance as Sokka carries a pack as she speaks on a determined tone.

Katara: We have to go after that ship, Sokka. Aang and Sonic saved our tribe, now we have to save him.

Sokka: Katara, I-

Katara: Why can't you realize that they're on our side? If we don't help them, no one will. I know you don't like Aang and Sonic, but we owe them and-

Sokka: Katara! Are you gonna talk all day, or are you comin' with me?

Sokka gestures to a canoe floating in the water. Katara immediately grins and gasps in happiness as she gives him a hug.

Katara: Sokka!

Sokka: Get in, we're going to save your boyfriend, Aang.

Katara: He's not my --

Sokka: Whatever.

Kanna: What do you two think you're doing?

The two siblings turn around, look at her and try to act as innocently as possible. Sokka grins broadly.

Kanna: You'll need these.

Kanna holds up their sleeping bags.

Kanna: You have a long journey ahead of you.

The siblings glance at each other in surprise. Kanna walks over to face Katara.

Kanna: It's been so long since I've had hope, but you brought it back to life, my little waterbender.

Kanna hugs Katara and who at the end takes the sleeping back out of her hands.

Kanna: And you, my brave warrior, be nice to your sister.

Kanna hugs Sokka, who, slightly embarrassed, pats her back.

Sokka: Yeah, okay Gran.

Kanna: Aang is the Avatar. He's the world's only chance. You both found him for a reason. Now your destinies are intertwined with his. You must also save Sonic as well.

Katara: There's no way we're going to catch a warship with a canoe.

Appa appears over an icy hill on the horizon. He makes his presence known by growling.

Katara: Appa!

Sokka: You just looove taking me out of my comfort zone, don't you?

In Zuko's ship:
Sonic, Aang, Shadow, Zuko, Iroh and some of Zuko's men are standing on deck. Sonic and Aang's hands are bound behind their back while Zuko holds Aang's staff.

Zuko: This staff will make an excellent gift for my father. I suppose you wouldn't know of fathers, being raised by monks. Take the Avatar and that rat to the prison hold, and take this to my quarters.

Sonic: Rrrr...! I'm not a rat! I'm a hedgehog!

Shadow: ...

Sonic: (Is Shadow really joining them? Why?)

Iroh takes the staff and looks at it for a moment while Shadow and Zuko walks away.

Iroh turns to one of Zuko's men and gives him the staff.

Iroh: Hey, you mind taking this to his quarters for me?

The firebender accepts the staff and Iroh walks away. Sonic and Aang is pushed forward by two of the soldiers and he grunts as they roughly shove them ahead. They walk down a corridor, one soldier before them, one following after them.

Aang: So, I guess you've never fought an airbender before. I bet I could take you both with my hands tied behind my back.

Firebender: Silence.

Sonic: Heh, I bet I can take both of you with just my legs only!

Firebender: Quiet you!

The party stops as Sonic and Aang observes the soldier in front of them preparing to unlock a door.

Sonic: *Whispers* Ready?

Aang nods. As the guard in front of them begins to unlock the cell, Aang inhales deeply and unleashes a powerful breath, stunning both of them. Sonic then jumps and kicks both firebenders as they get slammed into the door subsequently knocked out from the impact.

Sonic: Let's get out of here!

Aang: Yeah!

Sonic jumps up and Aang propels himself onto the deck as he kicks open a door using airbending. They quickly run down the hallway.

Firebender: The Avatar has escaped with the other intruder!

The helmsman immediately turns around and runs off.

With Katara and Sokka:

Katara and Sokka sit atop Appa, who still has not gone airborne, but is instead swimming in the water. Katara is sitting on top of Appa's head, while Sokka rests in the saddle.

Sokka: Go. Fly. Soar.

Katara: Please, Appa. We need your help. Aang and Sonic both needs your help.

Sokka: Up. Ascend. Elevate.

Katara: Sokka doesn't believe you can fly, but I do, Appa. Come on, don't you want to save them?

Sokka: What was it that kid said? Yee-haw? Hup-hup? Wah-hoo? Uh ... Yip-yip?

Sokka startles at the sudden movement that last command brought with it as it seemingly prompts Appa. Appa's head bobbing in the water as he grunts and beats the water with his tail. After what appears to be a brief running start, he takes flight and soars through the air.

Katara: You did it, Sokka!

Sokka: He's flying! He's flying! Katara, he's -

Sokka sees Katara, who smirks at him. Seeing this, Sokka tries to play it cool.

Sokka: I mean, big deal. He's flying.

In Zuko's ship:
Sonic and Aang runs through the corridors. They stop in their tracks and yells when they encounters three soldiers standing with swords drawn in the middle of the corridor.

Aang: You haven't seen my staff around, have you?

The three men prepare to attack them.

Sonic: Don't think they did.

But before they can make a move, Sonic quickly jumps and kicks one of the soldiers in the face.

Aang sprints across the hallway at the speed of wind, along the floor and the walls, spiraling in circular patterns past the soldiers, through their legs, as the two manages to escape, leaving the soldiers looking confused. They continue running through the hallways of the ship and encounters a single guard when they rose another deck. The soldier fires a blast at both of them, but Sonic slides under and Aang somersaulting over the soldier and using the sharp tip of his helmet to cut his bindings, thus freeing him. The soldier falls over from the impact as they proceed down the hall.

Sonic: Uhh, Aang, you mind helping me getting this off.

Seconds later, they open a door as they find Iroh sleeping blissfully, snoring. They began closing the door, his mouth still visible through the crack.

Aang: *Whispering* Sorry!

Sonic: Hehe!

As they keep running, Aang notices something that brightens upon recognition of the object, and he dashes through the open door.

Aang: My staff!

Sonic: Great! Now let's hurry up and-

The door closes behind them as Shadow and Zuko stands by the door, having clearly waited to corner them.

Zuko: Looks like I underestimated you.

Shadow: There's no escape.

Sonic: Shadow! What are you doing?

Aang: You know him?

Sonic: Yeah. Let's just say, he's more on the edgy side.

Zuko assumes a fighting stance and fires a blast at Aang, who yells and narrowly avoids the attack.
Zuko fires again, forcing Aang into the corner of the room. Aang pants heavily from alarm as Zuko fires once more. Aang spins around out of the corner and against the back wall. He ducks to avoid another fire blast. Aang manages to roll over directly behind him.

Shadow rushes towards Sonic as they both clash against each other.

Sonic: Why are you doing this Shadow?

Shadow: ...

Sonic: Not gonna say anything huh?

They break from each other as they homing attack towards each other.

Aang deftly manages to stay behind Zuko, utilizing circle-walking. Zuko spins around, desperately attempting to land a blow.
Shadow throws chaos spears at Sonic, but he easily dodges it. Shadow throws a sneaky one, but Sonic limbos under it barely dodging it. Sonic spin dashes around Shadow and goes for a hit, but Shadow quickly dodges and grabs Sonic by the leg and swings him across, but Sonic lands on his feet.

Sonic: Heh, you're getting good, huh Shadow?

Shadow: Hmph, I don't need to hear that from you.

Sonic: Of course you don't.

Aang uses airbending to try and deter another one of Zuko's attacks by catching his flames in a current of air. After extinguishing yet another one of his attacks, Aang uses Zuko as a stepping stone. He pushes himself off against his head and creates an air scooter in mid-air that he uses to ride around the room and over the walls and ceiling, as Zuko resumes attacking. He avoids Zuko's repeated attacks, but Zuko manages to dissipate the air scooter by shattering it with a flame arc. Aang is smacked against the wall underneath a hanging tapestry.

Sonic: Aang! Sorry Shadow, love to keep fighting with you, but I got someone to help!

Sonic quickly jumps in and grabs Aang and dodges the fire blast from Zuko.

Sonic: Alright Aang, when I say go, we quickly get out of here!

Aang: Right!

Sonic, Aang: Go!

Sonic jumps at the top of the table and grabs the tapestry off its hooks and wraps it around Zuko's body, tangling him momentarily. Aang jumps and does an air kick knocking Zuko back. Sonic jumps down at Shadow as he kicks Sonic back, but Aang's air bending sends him back at Shadow as Sonic kicks him next to Zuko.

Sonic: Time to juice and jam time!

Aang grabs his glider as both Sonic and Aang makes a break for it. Shadow and Zuko remains lying face down upon it.

Shadow: I'm not done with you yet.

Shadow then teleports out of the room as Zuko was by himself.

Zuko: Grrr...!

The hatch opens with a small tornado of air as Sonic Aang emerges. They run onto the upper deck of the ship.

Aang: Sonic, hang on to me!

Sonic: Got it!

Aang throws his staff over the balcony which opens into a glider as Sonic holds onto his ankles and begins soaring away, but Shadow and Zuko appears, leaping forward, his arms extended outward. While yelling, Zuko manages to grab hold of Sonic's ankle. They then began to lose altitude, struggling to maintain the weight of Zuko. Shadow then pops from above and shoots chaos spears shooting them down. The three plummet down to the lower deck of the ship and land with a crash. They bounce a few times before coming to a halt.

Sonic: Still want more I see.

Zuko: You're not escaping! I will capture you, Avatar!

Aang: If you can!

Shadow: It's almost time...

Before they start fighting again, Appa's growl distracts them. Aang gazes up and catches sight of Appa heading toward the ship.

Zuko: *Shocked* What is that?

Sonic then looks up and sees Appa, Katara and Sokka mounted on his saddle.

Aang: Appa!

Sonic: It's Katara and Sokka too!

Aang turns around to face Zuko and manages to deflect a firebending attack by spinning his glider around like a baton. However, he propels himself by accident into the air and lands on the ledge of the deck.

Sonic: Aang, hold on!

Shadow then rushes towards Sonic as they both clash again.

Sonic: I don't have time for this, Shadow! Why are you on their side?

Shadow: Who said I was on their side? I came to tell you something.

Sonic: Something?

Shadow: If what you're saying is right, then the emeralds are here too. You and your friends of yours can go find them.

Sonic: Then what about you? You're going to stay here?

Shadow: Not like I have anything to do with it. Wasn't it your fault we got dragged in here in the first place?

Sonic: Ugh...

Shadow: Besides, I like it better here.

Sonic: Is that so?

Shadow: You should probably go help your friend, he's in trouble you know.

Sonic turns around seeing Aang. Aang leans precariously over the side, unsteadily balancing himself, but manages to regain his balance only for Zuko to fire another blast at him. He twirls his glider again to deflect the attack. Two more blasts are fired his way before he loses his grip on his glider and his staff spins away. Aang dodges out of the way of blasts and lands on the very ledge, struggling to keep his balance. Zuko hurls more fire blasts his way. Aang holds up his hands in defense, but the last blast seemingly knocks him out cold and he falls backward off the ship into the water, where he slowly sinks.

Sonic: Aang!

Katara: Aang! No!

Aang still sinks further underwater.

Katara: Aang! Aang! Aang!

Sonic: Aang you gotta get back up! Aang!

Aang's eyes were closed, seemingly unconscious. Suddenly his eyes open, glowing a bright white, along with his arrow tattoos, and he frowns angrily. He steadies himself in the water and begins swiveling around, a waterspout forming around him. He rockets upward and erupts from the surface, riding a humongous spinning water vortex. Zuko's ship was being overshadowed by the waterspout.

Sonic: What the? Aang?

Shadow: What power...

Zuko looks up in horror. Aang lands on the upper deck, summoning the water behind him. The water swirls around him, forming a protective circle, before spreading outward, knocking Zuko and several soldiers off their feet. Shadow dodges it and quickly jumps on top of the ship.

Shadow: Until then Sonic, be ready for when we see each other again.

Sonic: Huh, Shadow wait!

Shadow then disappears.

Sonic: (And there he goes.) But is that really Aang?

Zuko falls over the edge and shouts in surprise.
Sokka and Katara leaning over the side of Appa's saddle watching in shock.

Katara: Did you see what he just did?!

Sokka: Now that was some waterbending!

Aang then collapses onto the ground from exhaustion, his eyes and tattoos ceasing to glow. Sonic quickly run towards him. Appa growls and lands on the deck. Katara and Sokka slide down and quickly run towards Aang.

Katara: Aang! Are you okay?

She kneels down, holding Aang with Sokka following close behind.

Aang: Hey, Katara. Hey, Sokka. Thanks for coming.

Sokka: Well, I couldn't let you have all the glory.

Aang: I dropped my staff.

Sokka: Got it!

Sokka runs over, grabs a hold of the glider and lifts it only to see Zuko's hand firmly gripping the other end. Sokka appears horrified as Zuko attempts to pull himself upward onto the deck. The two struggle for a bit before Sokka pokes Zuko repeatedly in the head with the end of the staff the way Zuko did earlier with him. Zuko grunts and falls backward as he lets go of the staff. He falls off the side of the ship, but manages to grasp the anchor chain.

Sokka: Ha! That's from the Water Tribe!

Appa rises from a puddle of water after Katara helps Aang to climb atop his head. Katara still stands beside the large beast while Aang lies on top of his head. The soldiers get back up after being knocked down by Aang's water attack and menacingly approach her. Sonic stands by Katara as he spin dashes one of the soldiers. He quickly ducks from the soldier's spears and dodges out of it.

Katara takes a step back and slowly and precariously bends a stream of water from the puddle, causing the men to slow down and gasp in surprise. She swings her arms around in an attempt to whip them, however, only succeeds in freezing a channel of water behind her on the deck, encasing Sokka's legs in ice in the process.

Sokka: Katara!

Sonic: Katara, we gotta go!

The soldiers resume their approach. Katara turns around, her back facing them and draws another stream of water. She closes her eyes tightly, swings her arms behind her and turns around to see one of the soldiers completely frozen in a casing of ice, his arm extended outward to her, still twitching in effort to grab her.

Sonic: Wow, you froze them. Nice job, Katara. Now let's get out of here!

Katara: Right!

Sonix jumps on top of Appa as Katara begins mounting Appa, while Sokka is trying to cut himself free by smashing his icy chains with his boomerang.

Katara: Hurry up, Sokka!

Sokka Mutters to himself, as he uses his boomerang to chip the ice.

Sokka: I'm just a guy, with a boomerang. I didn't ask for all this flying and magic!

He manages to break free and races up Appa's tail.

Sokka: Yip-yip! Yip-yip!

Sokka mounts Appa, who grunts and takes flight, flying past the cabin of the ship. Iroh emerges on deck, having just woken up from a nap.

Iroh: Duh? Huh?

Appa who soars away from the ship as Sonic sees Shadow on top of the ship.

Sonic: Don't know what you're doing, but at least he's on our side at least.

Iroh helps Zuko, grunting angrily with effort, to heft himself back onto the deck.

Zuko: Shoot them down!

Zuko and Iroh synchronize a firebending move and fire a powerful blast at the bison.

Sonic: Here it comes!

Sokka and Katara stare at the incoming attack in horror, while Aang leaps onto the saddle. He opens the small tail wing of his staff and swings his glider around, using a powerful swipe of air to redirect the fireball into a nearby cliff side. The impact causes an avalanche of snow and ice to begin falling. The front of the ship becomes buried in a mass of snow and ice, while Appa climbs higher and higher. The four of them then laugh as they escape successfully.

Sonic: Alright!

Aang waves goodbye as Appa disappears around the cliff.

Zuko, bends over in rage on the deck with Iroh erecting himself in the background as Shadow appears down.

Iroh: Good news for the Fire Lord. The Fire Nation's greatest threat is just a little kid.

Zuko lifts his head and rises while his uncle is speaking.

Zuko: That "kid", Uncle, just did this. I won't underestimate him again.

Shadow: Unless he somehow does it again.

Zuko: Where were you? And why didn't you help?!
Shadow: You don't order me around. Last time I checked, you got obliterated by that kid.
Zuko then gets angry.

Zuko: Grrrr...! Dig the ship out and follow them!

The three Fire Nation soldiers uses their firebending to melt the icy coating the three soldiers who were Katara's victims.
Zuko: As soon as you're done with that.

With Sonic and the others:

Appa, soars through the sky while the sun is beginning to set. Sonic was on top of Appa, Aang is perched on the rim of the saddle, while Sokka and Katara sit at the back of it.

Sonic: Well, that was something right?

Katara: How did you do that?! With the water? It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen!

Aang: I don't know. I just sort of ... did it.

Katara: Why didn't you tell us you were the Avatar?

Aang: Because... I never wanted to be.

Dark clouds passes overhead, shadowing their figures.

Sonic: Really?

Katara But Aang, the world's been waiting for the Avatar to return and finally put an end to this war.

Aang: And how am I going to do that?

Katara: According to legend, you need to first master water, then earth, then fire, right?

Aang: That's what the monks told me.

Katara: Well, if we go to the North Pole, you can master waterbending!

Aang; We can learn it together!

Sonic: Then that's where we're headed!

Katara: And Sokka, I'm sure you'll get to knock some firebender heads on the way.

Sokka: I'd like that. I'd reeally like that.

Katara: Then we're in this together!

Aang: All right, but before I learn waterbending, we have some serious business to attend to.

He uses airbending to situate himself onto the saddle and unrolls the scroll, revealing a map of the Avatar World.

Aang: Here, here and here.

While stating this, he points to three locations, two in the Earth Kingdom, one in Air Nomad territory.

Sonic: Hmm?

Katara: What's there?

Aang: Here, we'll ride the hopping llamas. Then waaay over here, we'll surf on the backs of giant koi fish. Sonic, Katara and Sokka stare at him in wonder.

Aang: Then back over here, we'll ride the hog monkeys.

The siblings glance at each other.

Aang: They don't like people riding them, but that's what makes it fun!

Sonic: That's so, huh? Count me in! Also, could you teach me how to air bend? I would love to use it!

Aang: Sure, I can teach you, it's gonna be difficult.

Katara: By the way, Sonic, who's that other hedgehog? It seems like you know him.

Sokka: Yeah, I'm curious too.

Sonic: It's a long story...


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