Chapter thirteen: Hope.
Symphonicsuite (AOT) part one- 3rd: Barrichestra by Hiroyuki Sawano.
Spots of peach peaked through the holes of his grimy and torn white glove. His cuffs drooped over his hand lazily, all undone. Little blue ears twitched and bright emerald eyes scanned the dust ridden floor, lips dry and cracked. Unwashed cobalt fur huddled together in tangled clumps, sweat dripping of the tips. Large quills were in disarray and stood on end, sharp with caution. His pounding heart bellowed in his ears and he kept his left hand dragging against the crumbling wall. His right however squeezed the small brown paw that was laced in his own grip.
The frightened chipmunk kept her eyes on the adults ahead, sticking to the wall as once instructed. She felt it oddly natural to return the squeezes the blue hedgehog gifted her. Her other hand held onto that of the emerald eyed hoglet's sister, who stealthily stalked with a rabbit behind- looking ever so distracted and worried. Up ahead, the young princess took note of her older brother who held the youngest of them in his hold, the trembling green third member of the hedgehog triplets. Even further her father and the deep blue soldier took the lead, swords armed with arms wide ready for attack. Her mother and the lavender hedgehog stuck to their sides.
It was eerily quiet. Deadly silent. Only Manic's whimpers and Sonia's sniffles giving the chipmunk assurance everyone was still breathing. They had travelled through the kitchens instead of the foyer staircases to ensure they wouldn't be seen, the aforementioned room had it's own way of meeting other parts of the castle after all. Which they all presently travelled through, a hall with torn carpets, disintegrating walls and rubble dropping from the ceiling. No lights worked, at a push they flickered.
What unsettled the young princess the most was that she knew cold hearted killing machines roamed the castle, for she could hear them ever so clearly, yet none had come across them. It was odd, she mused, that the robots wouldn't search the palace and sooner or later find them. Somehow she knew the quick footed blue hedgehog was thinking the same.
"Olgilvie...?" She murmured, edging closer to keep as quiet as possible.
"Why haven't we been found yet?"
He peered over with a hint of a grin, "Maybe 'cause we're so good at keeping hidden."
He soon faced ahead, hiding his face from her. "Robuttnik probably has something in store. I dun-."
Her snicker cut his pondering off short, thus he looked to her once again. A smile stretched across his muzzle as he watched the chipmunks' poor attempts at stifling her amusement. There was something rather...special about that laugh.
He raised a brow, "Sal' you may wanna keep quiet so we don't get caught."
"Right." She cleared her throat, deciding she rather enjoyed that nickname. "Sorry. I just don't think I've met someone quite like you. You can make a joke from anything."
"I am one of a kind." Olgilvie puffed out his chest and Sally rolled her eyes.
"It's nice to be able to escape from the doom and gloom."
"Don't worry. Our parents will make sure we can have a lot more of those."
"I hope you're right."
Sally believed in her father entirely, and if Olgilvie trusted his own father this much, then maybe it wouldn't hurt to be so hopeful. She had heard of the many horror stories surrounding Robotnik, and the Hedgehog's had faced multiple firsthand. Yet they continued forward. Well, she decided, there's clearly no use in worrying. She just had to keep moving too.
Rather ironically, that was when her father raised a hand- signalling for them to halt. Marching was heard drawing nearer and nearer, increasing in menacing volume. The ceiling shook more and growing amounts of rubble poured down from above. The young princess watched in silent terror as clangs of metal charged, noting the sharp intakes of breath from many in the group. When Olgilvie tightened his hold on her, she returned the gesture.
And then, her eyes widened beyond compare. Her nose flared as her hair stood on end. The Hedgehog's quills all visibly sharpened as a collective of red lights sweeped across the floor (they had met another hallway). The group pressed themselves against their wall, Jules and King Max enclosing their hands securely around the grip's of their swords. Their eyes were glued onto the beaming red lights that washed over the carpet, almost passing by them to continue their routine.
Alas, they stopped. Each one slowly aiming towards the group that now watched in frozen terror- basking them in the illumination. Four navy blue robots opposed them- hefty and powerful. Four large red lights stuck on their torsos with silver accents on the trims. Deadly, cold purple eyes accompanied with silver sharp claws. They all occupied colossal shields painted in purple and gold.
"Egg Fighters." King Max breathed, raising his sword.
Jules chose to take the initiative and spun around to the group, "RUN!"
Thus, they did. The father snatched the King's wrist and charged off, sticking close behind the others. Bernie and Alicia gathered Manic, Elias and Sonia into their arms. Olgilvie held onto Sally as Vanilla squeezed the chipmunks hand tight, the three adults taking the lead. Jules and King Max stole a glance behind them to see the collective of machines rush after them- quickly closing the gap. Their feet stomped on the floor, creating dents from their sheer weight. One raised it's shield and as their optics darkened, it threw the metal guard straight for them.
"Chaos!" The blue father yelled as he and the King crossed their swords over each other, acting as a barrier for the shield collided and thudded to the ground.
"Honey! Aim for the lights! They won't see us then!" Bernie called as they rounded a corner.
So, the pair slowed just to be close enough for them to begin swiping their sharp weapons at the enemy. They ducked and hopped to avoid counter attacks (occasionally being caught with a graze) and continued in running backwards as they fought. King Max cheered as he soon succeeded in stabbing his sword straight at one of the machines lights, sending sparks flying everywhere. With a struggle, he pulled his weapon back to watch the robot stumble and fall- then begin to beep.
"Oh...sweet Gaia." Jules cursed as he and the King took off, sweat decorating their foreheads.
With the beeping increasing in intensity, the pair hoped the other machines would be caught in the blast. They also wished their group were safe, yet when the two swerved around a corner they found the others slowly retreating. More Egg Fighters had trapped them and stalked ever closer.
"Everyone! Move!" King Max ordered, charging through them to fight back against the killing machines.
"We-!" Alicia was silenced as the bellowing boom of an explosion shook through them, sending a powerful wave of dust and fabric their way.
Vanilla scooped Sally and Olgilvie into her arms as she watched the pieces of rubble and debris get stuck in the joints of the machines- thus making them stiff. She continued running either way, mind distracted with what if's as the muffled instructions of the King sounded ahead. He and Jules fending off more Egg Fighters that came crashing their way- Bernie assisting wherever she could.
As they stormed through the winding corridor, Egg Fighters continued to leap out at them. They swung and shoved their shields whenever they could, forcing the group to duck and swerve. They rounded yet another sharp turn, many skidding as they scrambled towards a large archway leading them back to the kitchen.
"Where too?!" Alicia cried as she ducked, narrowly missing the shield thrown towards her.
"We're gonna have to go through the main way!" King Max replied.
Bernie glanced to her left and noted the shield, thus she sorted Manic securely into one arm prior to skidding across the floor- swiping the metal guard cleanly up. Hopping back to her feet she charged in order to catch up with the King and Jules.
"Then you'll need some help." She smirked.
"We'll head to the Throne Room!" The First Lady informed and awkwardly brought Manic into her arms- the little hoglet choosing to hide in her hair.
"Let's do this!"
With a fighting roar, they erupted from the kitchen doors and dashed towards the stairs. Bernie in the lead as she used the shield to protect the group from many types of flying projectiles. Jules and King Max stuck to her sides, simultaneously swiping their weapons at any near machine. Vanilla sharply swerved to keep up with the group and acknowledged the predicament they were in.
Now in the foyer, robots swarmed the stairs and threw a wide range of attacks from the balconies. On the ground floor, many burst from closed doors and bolted straight for the collective. They were entirely surrounded. Nevertheless, they pushed through the ocean of machines and narrowly begun to reach the left staircase. Bernie shoved the shield where an attack failed and Jules and the King followed with one of their own hits.
Slowly but surely, they were succeeding in nearing the Throne Room. Presently, they reached the first step and started ascending the many that followed. Dodging and swerving the blows that aimed towards them. Alicia and Vanilla eventually took the lead, with Bernie holding the shield upward to protect them. Jules and King Max progressed after them, kicking back the machines that staggered up after. Yet the blue father yelped and stumbled as his sword was grasped and yanked by one of the Egg Fighters.
"Jules!" King Max called as he fought his way back to the hedgehog.
Jules collapsed and raised his arms as a poor attempt on protecting himself. He watched with wide eyes as the sharp bottom tip of a shield raised agonisingly slowly above him. The purple optics of a killing machine bore right through him, prior to flashing off. With a ferocious bang, sparks were sent in disarray as wires seeped out of the metal goons torso. It swayed back and forth prior to the machine dropping and tumbling down the stairs.
Jules lowered his arms to put a name to his saviour, "Abraham...?"
Brown and green eyes scanned over the beaten up group who continued to push back against the devastatingly powerful army of robots. He then looked down at the surprised hedgehog and smiled, offering a hand. The mobian grunted as he was lifted prior to collecting his sword, then dusting himself off.
"Abraham? How?" King Max questioned before ducking from a dangerous blow.
The human wiped his AMT Hardballer on his jacket. "I caught word you were heading here your highness, I'm offering assistance."
"But what about the Front Border?" Jules inquired as the three hurried towards the others.
"Tig Stripe is seeing to that. He's the one who informed me actually."
"He's alive?" The King looked ever so relived.
"Yes." Abraham aimed and shot at an Egg Fighter ahead. "But he's in bad shape. Actually...the entire fight is."
"How bad is it?"
"We were hopeful. But then the Robians arrived and everyone froze. They tore us apart so we retreated. Now Tig is out there trying to round up everyone to push back."
Jules grinned and twirled around a pair of machines prior to delivering a roundhouse kick. Concluding his attack with two clean swipes through the bottom of their heads.
"Well then. We better not keep them waiting. Let's take Mobotropilis back!"
The three picked up the pace and soon returned to the others- who shared their surprise at seeing Abraham. With quick catch up's and small discussion, the collective returned with the fight. Guns ablaze on both sides as they charged upward, less dodging and more attacking. Soon, they reached the top and sharply swerved to blast down the corridor. The killing machines had even took to jumping through the windows from outside, letting glass dance across the floor.
"There!" King Max bellowed, aiming his sword ahead at where a set of golden brown doors stood.
"They're barricaded!" Vanilla nodded towards the wooden posts lining across the doors.
Bernie roared as she spun, sending her shield off to a collective of Egg Fighters that went down like bowling pins. She counted up the numbers on how many there were, and despite more crashing through the windows it was obviously far less than before. With that in mind, she slowed to Vanilla and brought Olgilvie into her arms.
"Think you can be my brave little soldier honey?"
She looked ahead at the doors as curious emerald green eyes stared back at her.
"I need you to reach the doors and open them for us. Quickly. It's a lot but-."
"I can do it." The blue hoglet smiled and squirmed.
"Don't get hit!" The lavender mother cried as Olgilvie leaped from her arms, blasting off in a blue blur.
Abraham Towers watched in absolute awe, as many others in the group did. He noted every sharp, fast movement the hoglet made. Every smooth swerve and almost perfectly timed leap. Every attempt at curling into a ball. Every burst of energy to propel him forward. Every spin made to confuse the metal enemies.
With proper training, the young hoglet could truly be utilised and turned into something terrifyingly powerful. With his direction and instruction the little blur of energy could be moulded into a true, skilful fighter. Abraham could feel something within burn with curiosity and the urge to harness such power- as with it Robotnik's defeat would be absolute. Yet even as this new goal spread, the human directed his attention towards the present attack. Aiming his gun and shooting at where the mobians failed to counterattack.
Up ahead, Olgilvie skid under a pair of legs belonging to one of the many Egg Fighters. He stuck his tongue out teasingly when beyond prior to focusing on his nearing goal. With the group slowly following behind, he continued to struggle with curling into a ball. He had witnessed his parents successfully do so, thus he mimicked their movements. Taking in a deep breath of air, quills sharpening like never before and he slowed just enough for him to properly focus.
The little hoglet curled his hands and with a cautioned exhale sprung into the air- narrowly missing the swipe of a claw and keeping his eyes focused on the doors ahead. He brought them tightly shut and tucked his legs underneath, the rest coming naturally. His quills wrapped around him and his arms kept his longer limbs close, then able to become a spiky sphere. Although slightly uncomfortable, he landed and blasted forward with such speed Egg Fighters were sent flying and a heavy wave of dust travelled away from him.
The little chipmunk watched in awe before shutting her eyes from the strong dust bursting by her, growing in strength from Vanilla barging through it's attempts at sweeping them off their feet. Bernie followed just alongside with Alicia stuck to the lavender mother's left, the pair's hardened gaze transfixed upon the door Olgilvie at the moment crashed through (between the handles).
Jules whirled around with a swing of his sword as he watched miniature shards of wood scatter like fireworks. His eyes broadened with fear and his fur stood on end, a shiver of panic rushing through his veins. He took note of the group charging forward and conformed to their behaviour, Abraham and King Max mimicking him.
"Olgilvie!" The ocean blue father cried, dodging attacks with calculated swerves.
Robots stampeded down the hall behind them, crashing into each other in desperation to swallow their enemy within their claws. Egg Fighters continued flooding through the windows to join the race, yet the mobians were far more focused on the swinging doors that led to safety.
Bernie was the first to reach their destination, swinging around to grab one of the doors and hold it in place. Alicia skidded for the other closely after and the pair watched the nearing group, the former allowing Vanilla to aim straight for the dazed blue hoglet. Olgilvie held his head and lay sprawled, groaning as he was lifted into the rabbits arms- she and the little princess scanning for severe damage.
"Hurry!" The lavender hedgehog cried, acknowledging her eldest son was safe, and watched the last three near their safety.
Yet, a blast and multiple crashes of metal caused Jules to turn behind him. Eyes watched as machines tumbled over one another with steam rising off them, a singular Egg Fighter confusingly being the culprit for the attack. It's weapons raised at it's brethren, shooting and slashing without mercy.
However, the father was quick to come to the conclusion it was merely an error as the robot sharply rushed down the hall towards him. He gulped and hurried his pace, catching up with King Max and Abraham who both looked equally as confused- catching the same scene Jules did.
Whatever caused such action from the robot could wait, the three stumbled into the Throne Room and Bernie and Alicia ran towards each other- slamming the doors shut. Abraham gathered wooden rubble to slot between the door handles, enforcing some sort of barricade to keep the enemy out for sometime.
"Olgilvie! You okay Little Buddy?" Jules dropped his sword and scooped his oldest son close.
"'M alright." The hoglet murmured, shaking his head.
"That was incredibly brave!" Sally praised, free from Vanilla's arms.
"And dangerous." Sonia huffed quietly, following Elias deeper into the vast room.
"Yes well-." Bernie started only to silence herself, following the young pair from capturing the space.
"The Throne Room." King Max tucked his sword into it's holster as he stalked forward.
A red carpeted pathway led the group away from the doors towards two once glorious thrones that perched atop a low stage. Few steps ascended to them, appearing as if many bombs had exploded upon them (which very well could've been the case). The thrones themselves were dusted in plaster and wood, the floor blanketed in dust and grime. Holes peeked through the marble walls, allowing the whistle of the wind to flow past. Crumbs of the ceiling dropped delicately and settled on the floor, the room forever trembling. It was dark, two chandeliers broken apart and scattered. Eerily quiet, the scratches of Egg Fighters beyond accompanied the mobians' ears.
"I'm surprised Robotnik isn't in here." Jules mused, scanning the torn and some fallen paintings (the Acorn family being the common focus).
"I suppose he's waiting." Alicia tucked her arms behind her.
"For what?" Bernie inquired, shifting Manic in her arms.
"I'm not sure...."
"For it to be safe." King Max combed through his messy moustache.
"I think safety is more so our concern than his." Jules snorted.
"He's wary your here." Abraham intervened from behind, standing beside the barricaded doors- his voice echoing throughout the expanse.
"Can't wait until we can catch up then."
A stronger rumble shook through the castle, slowly returning to it's constant tremor.
"I have a feeling he's thinking the same." King Max muttered, setting himself before a clouded and cracked window.
From there, through the dust and lines of decay he could watch the fight play out below. A white coated tiger led an army of citizens towards the catastrophic ocean of machinery, roars of determination erupting from the mobians. Bombs continued to light up the sky as Robians and fewer cannons let their projectiles meet. Robots poured down from above and tore anything Mobotropilis had left once they touched enemy land.
Most worryingly, Robotnik has seized laughing.
"Hey. It's not other yet." Jules convened beside the King, Olgilvie now settled beside the other children and distant Vanilla.
"As long as there's people to fight for, we don't lie down and quit. There's still hope."
"But how? Robotnik...he's succeeded in taking over everywhere thus far-."
"Not everywhere." The father grinned. "You asked me to come here for a reason remember? The old coot hasn't taken me down yet. We can still do this."
"Any suggestions for a plan?"
"Watch out!" Abraham's voice bellowed that moment as the doors flew off their hinges- flames enveloping them.
He reached for his gun instinctively, the robot that attacked it's own from before staggering inside. It's optics flashed and sparks of electricity danced off it. The machine held it's side as oil leaked out, legs dragging in exhaustion. Such movements felt more familiar with an organic beings than a Robotnik goon. The human was ready to shoot, yet startled as Jules called towards him- waving a hand.
"What?! Why?"
He pointed beyond the damaged machine to where metal corpses lay in piles. Oil spilled like blood pooled over wooden floors and limbs lay disconnected from their chassis. Yet the only remaining Egg Fighter slowed to a stop, flickering optics staring right back at Jules (Bernie cautiously stepped closer to her partner).
And then the machine pointed straight at him.
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