Chapter twenty two: Viva La Revolution.
Rise out! by Techno Cinema.
When she took her irritable leave, she didn't expect the disastrous chaos pouring beyond those doors. Her visit hadn't gone exactly as planned, but she exited with a prize all the same. Still, her mood could only further sour when mobians jumped atop the hood of her once gracious car and humans kicked against it's doors.
That entitled bat warned her of this.
Breezie Hedgehog cursed and sacrificed her vehicle, sneaking the other way. Left hand hidden between her shirt and blazer, she weaved between chanting and waving signs. On occasion, she'd catch sight of her company's logo across some- marked out by red paint and followed by demands for transparency and accountability.
Breeze Media covered a wide range of media in the entertainment industry. Starting out as a news outlet (with...notorious sponsors), Breezie managed to build and transform her business into branches of game shows, collaborations with fashion companies (for instance, the famed 'Honey Clothing') and her upcoming Casino.
An apple flew by her head and smashed into the neighbouring brick wall and Breezie wondered if all this was really worth it. Slipping around the corner, she pressed herself against the brick and brought her hand into view, grinning upon a G.U.N Body-cam staring right back.
Her greed and pride quickly died, ears springing up from the flooded streets of protesting lunatics. Breezie had a lot of past depts to pay off and, unfortunately, many of them were tied to Doctor Eggman himself. With how successful she had become, she didn't exactly have to worry about them anymore (and Eggman's lonesome, 'on the run' portrayal deeply helped), but she couldn't take any risks.
After all, the Doctor was commonly backed into a corner and would always find a way out on top. She didn't want to be hunted down when he did. Besides, she was only where she was because of him. Without his supplies of equipment and finances and 'staff', she wouldn't have her company or place in Mobius at all. Chaos, she'd still be that scared pathetic little girl all those years ago.
Well, ironically, here she was. Still hiding in alleyways amidst uncontrollable fear and feeling terribly alone.
"Both of us will do what it takes to get what we want."
"I'm not setting us up for war."
Breezie exhaled, grip tightening. Focus. She didn't want...this either. She'd been fighting and defending herself for years. She couldn't lose her progress now just because Rouge thought she was better. However, it wasn't like much of her power and fame could help her now. The world knew something was up- that was evident. It was only a matter of time until they figured out she'd been working with Eggman for years, selling lies and advertising deceit.
Well, perhaps she could jump the gun. Get ahead of the inevitable controversy. In the same breath, she could get Eggman in enough trouble he wouldn't have the time to go after her.
Breezie grinned and dropped the Body-cam. A change of tactics. These secrets and manipulation were all Eggman. With a crush of her heel the camera was destroyed and she stalked from the alleyway.
After all, if you tried to beat the house- the house beats you.
"You're kidding me." Sonic grumbled.
"Let Metal escape." Shadow reasoned. "He didn't get what he wanted. We need to take advantage of this."
"Right." Tails' fingers snapped, lifting his Comlink. "Still, it's worrying he's made a return too."
"Chao." Cheese shivered.
"We've defeated him before, we can do it again." Knuckles assured.
"That said, let's not waste anymore time. We gotta get to Mobius!" Amy exclaimed. "If Metal's around, who knows what else is going on."
"Let's find out." Tails replied. "I thought I'd try calling Cream, but expectantly Eggman's destroyed their Comlinks- leaving no connection. That's when-."
His communicator buzzed again, showing a green screen with smiling crocodile.
"-Charmy called."
"Answer it then. I don't like the idea of us prancing about whilst Rouge and Omega are down there." Shadow hurried.
With a nod, the fox obliged and immediately came Vector's voice with an undertone of panic and background shouting.
"Thought you'd never pick up, Tails!"
"We had an unwanted visitor- what's going on? Sounds...busy."
"You could say that-."
"Are you talking and driving?" Amy huffed.
"Trust me, safer than the other option! Look, things ain't goin' so well here. Everyone's all riled up 'cause of the news and stuff lately. There's protests and all sorts goin' on- and I'm sure not just here! People want answers- you guys better have some!"
"Our old pal Metal came to say hello- if that's what you're after." Sonic offered, hand combing forehead quills back. "Oh, that and he's who's behind your missing people cases."
"Getting over the fact he's returned, I cannot say I'm surprised." Came Espio's reply.
"Which means the Doctor is involved- making this case that much larger. We need to act." Shadow pushed.
"Then you guys gotta get down here. Hopefully we can fix this mess after." Vector urged.
"Together, we usually do." Amy saluted.
"Yes! It's been way too long!" Charmy cheered.
"And we can save our friends." Knuckles reminded.
"Great! And hey, when you get here- we've got a surprise!"
Leaving the group to travel by the Tornado, Vector swore he heard his name being called from above. He knew Sonic was fast but last he heard the hedgehog couldn't fly too.
Looking up, he grinned and waved at the sight of Rouge carrying Omega and tailing them overhead. Informing his group to prepare, he conducted a sharp turn and cringed when his car bumped against the pavements curb. Still, it stalled and he was able to climb out and meet the landing bat.
"Man am I glad to see you!"
"You almost didn't hun, Towers knows we're on to him. Chaos, what we found just makes all this way worse."
"How so?" Espio, joining his large green boss's side, questioned.
"We managed to destroy the cameras- most of them but-."
"We found some footage from before Spagonia." Omega disrupted. "Where is Shadow?"
"Meetin' us with the others. Turns out Eggman ain't the only one who's decided to show up. Metal Sonic's there with 'im. And, he's been kidnappin' these folks- Vanilla and Cream included."
Rouge paled. "That's not good."
"Well yeah-." Charmy buzzed.
"No, hun. I mean that plus what we know really just makes catastrophe."
"You mind spillin'?"
Inconveniently, Rouge's Comlink buzzed and she snapped it open- unable to hide her smile when Shadow's face appeared.
"You're o- what happened to your eye?!"
"Mister 'Ultimate' here got caught by Metal." Sonic snarked.
Shadow snarled. "It should be temporary- but either way I'm fine. You?"
"Got out from Towers' grip without a scratch- can't say the same for the rest of Mobius."
"Then look up Bat!" Came Knuckles' demand.
So she did and quickly brought a hand over her eyes. The Chaotix did the same and with Omega they watched the Tornado circle just below darkening clouds. Vector hurried to his car and whilst he manoeuvred it away, the others stepped back for a clearing.
"Long time no see!" Amy hopped down when the Tornado was firmly rooted.
"You guys have been better." Rouge poked, hurrying over to examine Shadow's wound.
"We've been worse." Sonic reasoned, helping a bandaged Tails down. When the two met eyes with the group, most appeared spooked.
The latter did his best to 'casually' hide his coverings with his arms. "I'm-."
Omega's arms lifted and his claws twisted back into gaping holes. "Are you under control?"
At first, Sonic was sinking under their stares. The whispers warped into laughter and screams but with Amy holding his hand, he reminded himself what transpired the last time they heard of him (and the last of what Omega saw). So, he smiled and (slightly sarcastically) held up his hands.
"Not all dark and scary, Big Guy. Just my charming self."
Espio groaned. "It is definitely him."
"Very well."
When Omega's claws returned, Amy stampeded to him and hit his chest with a fist. "Do you always have to be so violent?! That's Sonic and I won't stand you-!"
"You are tenacious. I respect that."
"Oh. Well- that doesn't excuse you treating him like he's not our friend!"
"Hey! Knuckles!"
"Who's-?" The echidna whirled only to collide with a flying squirrel and armadillo.
"Mighty? Mighty! Ray!"
"It's been a while!" The latter cheered.
"So, you've been brought into Mobius matters again huh?" Mighty snickered.
"You know it. My supposed best friend's still a magnet for trouble."
"Hey!" Sonic zipped over and ruffled atop Ray's head, giving the armadillo a fist bump.
"From Breezie's reports, you sound like quite the trickster."
"Yeah well, I've definitely pulled a bunch."
"That's a nice way of putting it." Tails chuckled as Amy crashed into the other two, giving them a famed squeeze.
"Criminal felt a bit harsh." Mighty shrugged in her arms.
"Even that would be a blessin'." Vector grinned.
"You're all hilarious. What gives with the turn-up?"
"Well, after...Eggman's defeat me and Ray went off on our own- as you know. But when Breezie started honing in on you again, we guessed there might be trouble. Sure enough, when we showed up here- there is." Mighty pointed over his shoulder by the thumb.
Certainly, the flooding swarm of marching mobians and humans crept ever nearer.
"That reminds me, me and Omega came across something troubling." Rouge redirected.
"You better hurry. If they see us here we won't be let out easily." Shadow warned.
"Right. Well, we managed to get the Body-cam's. Annoyingly, Breezie still has one-."
"Not for long." Mighty rolled a shoulder. "Let us handle that."
"You'll need company." Vector gave a thumbs up.
"Either way, we came across something. This footage we found transpired before Spagonia. showed Eggman in our Gun building. What's worse was he was paying Commander Towers a visit."
Knuckles' shoulders raised. "Oh no."
Amy yellowed. "You don't think-."
"With everything that's followed and the way he just left like a free man? Honestly, I find it ridiculous how we didn't see them teaming up coming before."
"Is Towers really that desperate though?" Tails argued. "I mean, does he really not trust us that much that Eggman's the better option?"
"Maybe we're missing something." Espio reasoned.
"I'm gettin' sick of that." Sonic grumbled.
"Fear is a powerful tool." Shadow intervened. "And I'm not the only one who's witnessed it's power- we all have. Clearly Towers isn't thinking straight, but if we want to truly get to the bottom of this we can just go ask." He pointed to the distant G.U.N building.
"He isn't that far."
"Actually, guys, I think he's further than we thought." Charmy cut in.
"Chao chao!" Cheese burst from Amy's arms and flew around the heads of the group.
"Chaos...." Having looked to where the bee pointed, a helicopter amidst the stormy sky met them.
"That's his one alright." Rouge huffed.
"He's got to be heading for Eggman!" Tails stressed.
"Then let's make sure we get there first. Come on!" Shadow marched for the Tornado.
"You guys definitely okay with going after Breezie? I'm sure she's got heightened security and all sorts right now." Amy wondered.
Mighty saluted. "You can count on us! Just get Vanilla, Cream and everyone out. Make sure Eggman doesn't get on top again."
"What do you think we've been doing for the past year?" Sonic grinned, leaping up to the planes top wing.
"Oh I dunno, letting that ego get ahead of you?"
"Good luck." Knuckles hummed, helped Rouge up and followed behind.
As Vector settled in the drivers seat of his car, Tails plopped onto the pilots chair and brought the Tornado to life. Nearing crowds ascended in volume and signs became clearer. Few gasps followed and chants became disorganised, but the green car was pulling away and the red plane was taking flight.
"Alright gang!" Sonic's hands settled on his hips. "Same as always. We save our friends! Save the world and look awesome whilst doing it!"
"Humble speech." Shadow teased.
"Benefits include: chilli dogs after and making Eggman look like a fool. So, let's do it to it!"
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