Bar Fight

[Tom , Y/N, and Sonic are driving through the foothills, continuing their journey]

Tom: All right, there's gonna be rules on this trip. Number one, do exactly as I say all the time. Got it?

Y/N: You've got it.

Sonic: [Gives Tom a little salute with his fingers] Got it, Donut Lord.

Tom: Would you stop with the "Donut Lord"?! I have a name. It's Tom.

Sonic: I'm Sonic.

Y/N: I'm Y/N.

Tom: Sonic. Y/N. So you've been spying on us all these years?

Sonic: I mean, I wouldn't call it "spying." We were all just hanging out, only I wasn't invited and no one knew I was there.

Y/N: (Chuckles Nervously) I guess it is kinda like spying.

Tom: I can't believe Crazy Carl was right all this time!

Sonic: Yeah, you should call him Super Observant Carl instead.

Tom: Uh-huh.

Sonic: Oh, my God, stop the car right now! [Gets up and leans out the open window]

Tom: What, what?! What?

Y/N: What is it bro?!

(Y/N was about to get ready to fight when they pass a billboard advertising the World's Largest Rubber Band Ball.)

Sonic: "The World's Largest Rubber Band Ball"? We gotta see it!

Y/N: You've gotta to be kidding me.

Tom: No, no. No, this is not some fun family road trip, okay? The government wants to dissect you and arrest me. This is serious.

[Sonic gives Tom a smug smile, speeds out of the truck and comes back in the blink of an eye with souvenirs like a baseball cap and some small rubber band balls.]

Sonic: Eh, you're right. It was lame. Gift shop was cool, though!

[Sonic shows a mouse pad that reads "I Heart Rubber Band Balls" to Tom and Y/N.]

Sonic: I got you a mouse pad. When are we gonna get there?

[Sonic holds up a paddle ball and plays with it at a very fast speed while looking at Tom with a playful smile.]

Tom: We will get there when we get there!

(Sonic continues playing with the paddle ball until Y/N has enough with that annoying batter and snatches the paddle ball away from his brother and snaps it in half, scaring Sonic and Tom.)

Y/N: Stop buying dumb stuff...GET IT!

Sonic: (Scared) Got it!

Y/N: Good!

(Tom, Y/N, and Sonic pull into a rest stop on the other side of town and the truck pulls up to a fueling station and Tom gets out of the truck and puts a hat on and walks to the other side of the truck.)

Tom:  All right, I'm gonna go check in with Wade, see if he knows what's going on.

Sonic: You're gonna see Wade in that glass thing? What is it, a teleportation box?

Tom: [Looks behind him and back at Sonic.] It's a pay phone. It's mostly for drug dealers and fugitives from the law, which is us. Stay in the car. I don't want anybody seeing you two.

Sonic: Ugh, fine.

Y/N: Don't worry, we'll stay put.

(Tom walks to the pay phone and goes inside. Meanwhile, Sonic is horsing around in the truck, pretending like he is actually driving it and making engine noises, when he spots a large gathering of bikers off to the side and he gasps with wonder before ducking down behind the door. Y/N notices it and gives his brother a look.)

Sonic: Okay, okay. That is the coolest place on Earth, but you have to stay in the car!

Y/N: Dude, you have to resist the urge to do something stupid.

(Sonic slowly peaks his head up to continue watching everything play out in front of him, and it causes him to hyperventilate, fogging up the glass on the window, which he wipes away to keep watching. He's still fighting his excitement by rocking back and forth in the driver's seat.)

Sonic: Be strong, be strong!

[Not taking it anymore, Sonic spots a pair of sunglasses and gets an idea. Meanwhile, Tom is on the phone with Wade.]

Y/N: Sonic-

Sonic: Come on, bro let's have some fun.

Y/N: No.

Sonic: Plea-

Y/N: No!!

Sonic: Pleaaaaasssseee!!!

(Sonic gives Y/N the puppy dog eyes and the latter sighs in defeat.)

Y/N: Dang it.

Sonic: What?

Y/N: I'm totally on board.

(Start at 1:14)

[Tom comes back to the truck with a fast food meal]

Tom: Okay, not exactly the healthiest meal, but... [Notices Sonic and Y/N are no longer in the truck] Sonic? Y/N?

[Tom looks over to the biker bar and realizes Sonic and Y/N might be in there.]

Tom: No, no, no, no, no!

(Tom sets the meal down on the hood of the truck and rushes to the biker bar. He enters the biker bar, called the Piston Pit, and looks around for Sonic and Y/N, which he finally sees Sonic sitting at a table wearing a cowboy hat, sunglasses, and red shirt. Tom taps Sonic on the shoulder and he turns around, tipping his hat to Tom.)

Sonic: Howdy, partner!

Tom: I'm not your partner. Come on. We're leaving. Where's your brother?

(Y/N, in his black outfit wearing a hood over his head, raises a hand to show Tom that he's here right next to Sonic.)

Y/N: Right here. Sorry I couldn't stop myself.

Sonic: But there's a ZZ Top cover band. You gotta see their beards.

Tom: You're gonna have to catch 'em some other time. Let's go! Get up!

Sonic: If we stay, I promise I won't say another word for the rest of the trip, starting... now!

Waitress: [Walks over to Tom, Y/N, and Sonic] Welcome to the Piston Pit. What can I get you fellas?

Sonic: Ooh! I want nachos and buffalo wings. Oh, and guac. Funny word isn't it? Guac, guac! Guuaaac!

Waitress: Hey, no kids allowed in here. What's he got on, some kind of mask?

(Y/N thinks that he should've brought a more convincing disguise and pulls his hood over his face in embarassment.)

Tom: Oh! He, he's actually 43 years old and suffers from a very rare skin disease that stunts his growth and makes him look... like-like that.

Sonic: The face, I was born with. The confidence, I picked up along the way.
[The waitress smiles.]

Tom: Make his a Mello Yellow, please. And Y/N?

Y/N: I'm okay.

Waitress: Okay.

[The waitress walks away as Tom sits down at the table.]

Tom: You owe me one.

Sonic: I never sat on a barstool before! So squishy! Oh, look at this, it spins! [Spins around on the barstool] Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Tom: Yes. That's nice.

Sonic: Whaa-ha-ha-ha! [Stops spinning] I feel sick.

Tom: Are you having fun? Gonna check this off the ol' bucket list, huh? Big night for you.

Y/N: What's a bucket list?

Tom: [Sighs] A bucket list is, uh, it's a list of things you want to do in your life before you, well, kick the bucket.

Y/N: (Softly) Like performing in front of everybody.

Sonic: I've never kicked a bucket either! Oh, I gotta make my list!

[Sonic speeds off and grabs a pen and pad and comes back to the table, writing down his list. Y/N doesn't and just looks down in his thoughts.]

Sonic: Uh-huh! Mm-hmm! Oh, Sonic! Ha-ha! Uh-huh! [Stops and frowns]

Tom: [Notices Sonic's concern] What? What's the matter?

Sonic: There's so much stuff I've never done. And now that I'm leaving Earth forever, I guess I missed my chance.

Y/N: Yeah, he's right. (looks down sadly)

Tom: [Looks around] Well, I guess this is the kind of place you could get a lot of living done in a short period of time. I suppose we can spare an hour.

Sonic: What? You're gonna bucket list with me?!

Tom: Sure, why not?

Sonic: You won't regret this!

Tom: Oh, I'm pretty sure I will.

(Tom and Sonic have a blast in the Piston Pit; dancing, playing darts, playing basketball, which Tom uses Sonic as a ball and Sonic uses his fast legs to build up Tom's score as he sits on the hoop ring.)

Sonic: Ha-ha! New high score!

(Y/N shook his head at his cheating. Sonic and Tom are dancing again.)

Sonic: Yippee-ki-yay! Ah-ha![Sonic is riding a mechanical bull.]

Sonic: Wait a second, is this bull missing a head, or does it have two butts?

[Tom mockingly yawns from seeing Sonic ride the bull.]

Sonic: This is easy!

(Tom decides to turn up the speed for the mechanical bull by inserting a quarter into the machine and tapping the button for the highest speed. Y/N sees it and begins to laugh along with him as they watch Sonic hold onto it and being thrown around.)

Sonic: Yee-haw! I'm a cowboy, baby!
[Sonic gets thrown off the bull but speeds back onto it like nothing happened.]

Sonic: I'm okay!

(He crosses "Tame a wild animal" off his bucket list. Tom and Sonic are dancing again, but Sonic accidentally bumps into a female patron]

Tom: Whoo, yeah!

(The female patron throws a drink in Tom's face, thinking it was him who messed her up. Afterwards, Tom is drying up while Sonic is laughing at Tom's plight while Y/N is shaking his head.)

Tom: Yeah, yeah, laugh it up.

Sonic: Nice work, Romeo!

Tom: [Sarcastic laughter] Glad you're having a good time.

(Y/N notices the small stage with a microphone in front of the stool the woman was sitting earlier until she left. Y/N looks down at his guitar case and back to the stage, thinking this through before he made up his mind. He grabs his guitar case and gets over to the small stage. Tom and Sonic notices it.)

Sonic: Y/N??

(Tom though smiles, knowing what going to happen. Y/N sits on the high stool for his to reach the microphone and pulls out his electric guitar. He sets it up and looks at the crowd who are sitting, eating, drinking, or chatting. He takes a deep breath and begins to play the song he had in mind and sings.)

When the cold wind is a-calling
And the sky is clear and bright
Misty mountains sing and beckon
Lead me out into the lightI will ride, I will fly
Chase the wind and touch the sky
I will fly
Chase the wind and touch the sky

(Sonic was surprised that his brother can play and sing so well as the people watch his performance. Tom smiles at this.) 

Where dark woods hide secret
And mountains are fierce and bold
Deep waters hold reflections
Of times lost long agoI will hear their every story
Take hold of my own dream
Be as strong as the seas are stormy
And proud as an eagle's screamI will ride, I will fly
Chase the wind and touch the sky
I will fly
Chase the wind and touch the skyAnd touch the sky
Chase the wind
Chase the wind
Touch the sky

(After he was done, everyone claps for him, making him blush in embarrassment, smile with pride, and nod to them gratefully. He gets off, grabs his stuff, and comes over to Sonic and Tom. And gives his brother gives a hug.)

Sonic: Wow! Bro! I didn't know you play! Man, I'm having the best time! We're having the best time! I mean, what could go wrong?

Y/N: (Face smack) Why would you say that?

(Suddenly, a group of mean-looking patrons approach Sonic, Y/N, and Tom.)

Tom: Uh, heh, can we help you?

Thug: We don't like your kind around here.

Sonic: "Our kind" What kind is that?

Thug: Hipsters.

Sonic: [Gasps] How dare you.

Tom: Hey, you know what? We were just leaving anyway. Weren't we? There's not a problem here.

Sonic: No, no, no, it's okay.

Tom: No, no, no, we're leaving.

Y/N: Sonic, what are you doing?

Sonic: Relax bro, I know exactly how to handle this situation. [Grabs a beer bottle, stands up, and clears his throat] Pop quiz, hotshot. You just picked a fight with a poorly disguised hedgehog who's seen way too many action movies. What do you do? What do you do? Ha!

[Sonic jumps up and tries to smash the bottle over the guy's head, but nothing happens. Y/N looks at the scene and looks dumbfounded.]

Sonic: Huh? Am I crazy? It's supposed to break, right? [Tries again, numerous times, his speed increasing as well] Dink! Dink, dink! Break, please. Break, please. Break this bottle, please. Please, please, please, please, please!

Tom: Uh, Sonic?

[The guy raises his fist.]

Sonic: Uh-oh!

(Sonic quickly ducks as the guy goes to punch Tom in the face instead, when Y/N goes in between them and grabs his fist with the help of his power as his hand glows red. The thug looks at him in shock. He glares at him then twists his arm, making a sick crack and pushing him away, which knocks him into more patrons, sparking a bar fight.)

Sonic: Ho-hoo! Ho-ho-ho!

Tom: [Sarcastic] Nice going!

Sonic: Thanks! It's awesome, right? All right, who's next? Who wants some? Who do I get to beat up? Hey! Has anybody seen my waitress? Still waiting on those buffalo wings.

(Sonic sees the thug from earlier that Y/N beat up fixing his arm before cracking his knuckles after seeing him.)

Sonic: Why, you!

[Sonic jumps and punches the thug in the face repeatedly in slow motion, somersaults, and lands back on the floor]

Sonic: Ha-ha!

[Sonic blows on his fists and the thug turns around and growls aggressively]

Sonic: Uh-oh!

[The thug runs to tackle him, but now time seems to have stopped and everything is frozen in place as Sonic's and Y/N's awareness is increased tenfold.]

Sonic: Really?

Y/N: Let's get this over with.

[Sonic and Y/N speed away, leaving their outfits in midair. "BOOM" by X Ambassadors plays as the two run around the bar. Flying food and spilled beer hang in the air. A falling man has his front tooth flying and his phone in midair. Sonic grabs the phone and takes a selfie. Sonic runs full tilt into a flying empty boot. Y/N sees that Tom is about to be punched by two of the bullies. He pulls the beanie over the eyes of one of them, then stretches the underwear of the other and hooks it over a cast harpy eagle. Then he pushes Tom out of harm's way and into the bar. Sonic runs to the edge of the bar where half a dozen chili dogs hang in midair. He scarfs them down, belches, and grabs two burning sparklers from the waitress's uphended tray. A woman has two men in a headlock. Sonic and Y/N cover their heads with mustard and ketchup then sticks the sparklers into the woman's ears. They covers two fighters head to toe with toilet paper. He weaves a long string of flags through the rest of the battling patrons, including two women both with caps and beer bottles and mirroring each other's postion, and lassos the end of the flags to a ceiling fan. Sonic runs up the wall and pulls off a mounted bear's head. Leaping from person to person, Sonic carries the bear's head to the bald guy and places it on his head, Sonic's hat and shirt still hang in midair, and he gets back into them. He grabs a checkered napkin and holds it up like a matador. The scene returns to normal speed and everyone is neutralized by Sonic's tricks]

Sonic: Olé!

Y/N: (Laughing)

[Blinded by the bear head, the charging bully flies through the front window. Only Tom is left standing due to Y/N saving him from the fight. Tom looks around at the injured patrons and even sees a one of the toiler paper mummies fall to the ground, and Sonic and Y/N sides up alongside Tom at the bar.]

Y/N: We should probably get out of here.

Tom: Yeah, time to go!

(Tom and Sonic rush out of the Piston Pit with Y/N running behind them, carrying his guitar case, and make a beeline for the truck.)

Sonic: Ha-ha-ha! That was amazing! 

[Sonic and Y/N throw their disguises off to the side.] 

Sonic: Wait a second, did we even pay our tab? It doesn't matteeer!!! Watch this, watch this! I always wanted to do this!

(Sonic jumps up and slides across the hood of Tom's truck in slow motion, barely noticing the fast food from earlier, and he slides inside the truck. Y/N swiftly goes through the open window and slides inside to the backseat.)

Sonic: Ooh-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!

Bar Patron: Get em!

(Sonic gives them a wave as Y/N salutes them with his tongue sticking out.)

Sonic: [Waving] See ya, suckers!
[The bar patrons chase after the truck.]

Sonic: I can't say for sure, but I think they liked me.

Y/N: Can't say that for sure.

Bar patrons: Come on! Don't let 'em get away!

[Sonic, Y/N, and Tom are now far away from the patrons and they're celebrating their victory with laughs.]

Sonic: Yes!

Tom: Yeah!

Y/N: Yes! Whoo!

Sonic: Did you see how much toilet paper I used?! The next person that goes into that bathroom will have nothing to wipe with!

Y/N: Now, that is gross. (laughs with Sonic)

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