New Enemy, Old Friend
Scene change: Wachowski house, night.]
[Sonic and Y/N are floating in the outdoor pool using a flamingo and crocodile floaties before the blue brother hears a vibrating sound. He reaches down to reveal his phone showing Tom calling]
Sonic: Uh oh. Eoohh boy...
Y/N: Clean up in 3, 2, 1!
[Sonic turns the lights back on and both brothers proceed to clean up everything in the house, before laying on the couch. Y/N holds out a manga to make it look like he's reading while Sonic lies down casually and clears his throat before answering his phone. Tom's face is on video as he greets them.]
Tom: "Aloha! Ha ha! How's it going, buds?"
Sonic: "Oh, you know. Just a quiet night at home, settling in with a good book, bro reading her manga and making music."
He shows Tom for him to see Y/N as he waves at him with a smile.
Y/N: "Hey, there!"
Sonic: "And you? What's up with you?"
Tom: "Oh, I just called to say we're here but now every word and everyone else is making me suspicious."
"Suspicious? How suspicious?" Y/N questioned in confusion.
Sonic: "What? You gotta relax, buddy. You're at the four seasons Oahu. Have a my time and your summer time with your wife. Get sunburn somewhere embarrassing. This weekend is about you."
Ton: "You know what? You're right. We power bumped on it and whatever it is you two are doing, I'm sure you can undo it by the time we get home, yeah?"
Sonic looks nervous and assures him.
Sonic: "Exactly! I mean, I am deeply offended by such accusations."
Y/N rolls his eyes at how smooth his brother spoke. Hr comes into view for him to see Tom.
Y/N: "So how's Rachel's fiance? Is he good looking as he is in pictures?"
Tom looks unsure as he looks over to see Randall kissing Rachel.
Tom: "Uhhh, somehow better looking."
Sonic: "Wow! You're about to be the third best looking dude in the family, but hey, still on the podium."
Tom: "Ha ha ha. Alright. I better go introduce myself. Stay out of trouble."
Tom gives them a stern look.
Sonic: "Trouble? No worry. Everything here is completely normal."
That was an understatement as Ozzy walks past the hedgehog siblings with bubbles covering his fur. Tom looks unconvinced.
Tom: "Uh-huh. Night, buds."
Tom ends the call.
[Tom hangs up and walks up to Randall, who walks up to him.]
Tom: Hey! I was just coming over to say hi.
Randall: [Annoyed] You got a lot of nerve coming up in here after what you did to my fiancé!
Tom: W-wait, what?
Randall: Totaling her car, leaving her tied to a chair, man? I should rip you limb from limb.
[Tom stands there speechless, but Randall then starts to laugh.]
Randall: Oh my god! Look at your face! Tommy, breathe, baby! Hey! I was kidding!
Tom: Okay! [Laughs] You were kidding?
Randall: Yeah! I'm sorry. Rachel put me up to it. It was totally her idea.
Tom: Yeah, rascal!
Randall: Listen, I don't know if you're aware... Rachel does not care for you at all.
Tom: Oh, I'm aware.
[Rachel and Maddie proceed to walk up to Tom and Randal.]
Randall: Seriously bro, you got work to do.
[Rachel walks up to Tom.]
Rachel: Hey!
Tom: Hey!
Rachel: Good to see you. Thanks for coming, Tom. Really glad you came!
Tom: Really? Well, great! Great to see you too. Congratulations. You guys seem, like, really happy together.
Rachel: Ya know, you're all right Thomas Wachowski. Can we bury the hatchet?
Tom: I'd love that.
Rachel: Yeah?
Tom: Yeah!
Rachel: All right, bring it in!
[Rachel proceeds to hug Tom tightly.]
Rachel: [Whispers] And if you screw up my wedding, I will end you.
[Tom gives a face of worry.]
[Scene Change: Back with the brothers after Tom hung up.]
Y/N: "Nice pep talk, dude."
Sonic: "Hey, at least, I didn't get us in trouble. We got this."
Y/N: "Right... I gotta go and work on the this new song, I'm working on."
Sonic: "Alright. And if you're done, you can come and pick a movie you like."
Y/N: (He turns to him in surprise.) "Really? You mean it?"
Sonic: "Yeah. Taking turns is fair."
Y/N: "Thanks, bro."
Y/N then walks up the stairs to the attic towards her room as he sits on her desk and writes his songs on the paper. What he didn't notice is that danger is now on loose as the ring portal comes in view right where Sonic was watching TV with Ozzy.
A flapping noise was heard and he turns smiling knowingly as the horned owl came into view and landed on his shoulder.
He found that owl right after they began living in Wachowski's house when it flew into the window and was all stunned. It had a broken wing and injury on the stomach. Y/N didn't want to leave it to die and decided to take care of it until that horned owl is healed enough for it to fly. The horned owl was surprisingly calm as if knowing Y/N is trying to help. He even found out that the owl is a she after doing some research about an owl. He couldn't but call her Longclaw because of the similarity of her feathered body and face.
Once she was healed, Longclaw flew off into the night. Y/N thought he would never see her again until she came back and hadn't stop visiting him since then. She came here to thank Y/N for helping her and taking care of her well-being. They're technically companions now.
Y/N: "Hey, Longclaw. How's your flight going? Good?" (He gives Longclaw a scratch on the chin, making her eyes flutter at the contact.)
Y/N: I thought so."
Longclaw jumps off his shoulder and lands on his desk to look at the notes of Y/N's songs.
Y/N: "You like it? It just came into my mind as soon as Tom and Maddie left on vacation. Pretty much wanting to be home alone where I can be myself for a little bit."
Longclaw just stares at Y/N as if knowing what he is saying. Y/N looks around her room and notices something underneath. He comes over and picks it up to reveal a flower. Y/N smiles at the memory he would never forget, especially that special friend of his whom he would always remember in his heart.
All of the sudden the room turns dark, surprising her and Longclaw.
Y/N: "What the?" (Turns to Longclaw)
Lights flickered, making Sonic nervous as he approaches to the door to see who's there and where all the ruckus come from after a sudden blackout.
Sonic: "Um, if this is the pizza guy, it's really unprofessional."
Sonic places his hands on the door and listens for any more knocks. He slowly and cautiously reaches for the door knob when sparks sprung out. He pulls himself far away from the door as the knob was cut off and it opened to reveal Robotnik with a taser on his finger glove.
"Eggman?!" Sonic exclaimed in shock.
Robotnik: (Blows off the taser and grins maliciously at Sonic.) Hello, hedgehog. Did you miss me?"
Lightning strikes as Sonic was shocked at the return of Robotnik that broke into his house. His face immediately changed to angry.
Sonic: "I don't know how you got back, but you made a big mistake coming here."
Robotnik smirked.
"Ooh! Contrermo freyr. The mistake was thinking you'd won. But that was just a prelude, an orderf, an a poteaf, and a musbush."
Sonic: "I get it." (Sonic gritted his teeth, having enough of Robotnik.)
Robotnik: (Chuckled maliciously and pointed at him.) "I don't think you do." (He stepped forward.) "But you're about to and so will that idiot sheriff and his wife..."
Sonic's fist clenches as they glow bright blue with lightning coming out. Meanwhile, Y/N felt something is wrong and rushes down from the stairs. The owl Longclaw watches him leave.
Robotnik: "...and your little dog too! Especially what I'm about to do to your dear brother!"
This made Sonic snap at the last straw and jump up to Robotnik with his fist raised. Time slowed as Robotnik smiled gleefully and stepped aside just as Sonic was about to punch him. Y/N comes down just in time and his eyes widened to see the red echidnas going towards Sonic, who's just as shocked as gim, fist glowing red.
Before they knew it, the male red echidna gave Sonic a punch that caused the hedgehog to break through the wall where the TV stood and landed on the couch, destroying it in the process.
Y/N: "Sonic!"
Y/N rushes down and comes to his aid. He shakes off the pain he felt from the single punch. She looks back and scowls to see the red echidna facing them through the hole he made.
Knuckles: "Pitiful."
Sonya: I expected more.
[Knuckles and Sonya walk through the hallways as Y/N helps Sonic up.]
Sonic narrowed his eyes.
Sonic: "What?... Who are you two?"
Robotnik pops his head into the hole after the male red echidna left to go around and face them with glee.
Robotnik: "Where are my manners?"
He then goes around the holed wall and approaches the hedgehog siblings with Knuckles and Sonya, who glares at them. Y/N stands protectively in front of his brother.
Robotnik: "Sonic, Y/N, meet Knuckles and Sonya. My new BFFAE. Bestest friends forever and ever!"
Y/N: "Sonya... It's been a while since we last saw each other, red hot shot." Y/N smirking at the female echidna.
This causes the three boys to be confuses that Y/N suddenly knows him until Sonya immediately recognizes him. She says the name, she never thought she would say again.
Sonya: "...Y/N...?"
Lightning strikes again at the sudden turn of events.
Young Sonya and Young Y/N race to freedom after getting out of training and hiding, laughing. The two kids pause.
Sonya: "Alright! It worked!"
Y/N: "We lost them."
Young Y/N lifts his chin pridefully.
Y/N: "I am a genius."
Young Sonya starts to walk off, but pauses and looks back in disgust.
Sonya" "Hey, genius, it was my idea."
Y/N: "Yeah, but I..." (He gestures to himself with one hand.) "...pulled it off."
Sonya: "With me!"
Y/N: "Oh, yeah?"
Young Sonya pounces on Young Y/N.
The two roll on the ground. Young Sonya pins Young Y/N on his back.
Sonya: "Ha!"
He looks up at her with a surprise gasp.
Sonya: "Pinned ya!"
Y/N: "Hey, let me up!"
Young Y/N shoves Young Sonya off. He starts to walk away, chin raised smugly. She smiles impishly, then pounces on him again.
They roll down a steep embankment, laughing along the way. Young Sonya pins Young Y/N on his back once again.
"Pinned ya again."
They both began laughing
(Flashback Ends)
"I'm sorry... Am I missing something here?" Robotnik questioned, looking on between Sonya and Y/N.
They both said nothing and just stared at each other. One with shock, disbelief while the other with anger, betrayal. Their moments was cut off by Sonic.
Sonic: "Look, Robotnik. I don't care who you brought to help you."
He picks up the pouch full of rings with a map inside and places the strap around him for him to hold.
Sonic: "You're never going to get my or my brothers power."
Knuckles: Do we look like we need your power?
[Knuckles raises his fist to reveal red chaos energy coursing through it, while Sonya raises her legs. Sonic dashes at Knuckles, while Y/N does the same with Sonya, only for both echidnas to punch or kick them straight through the wall, making him fall backwards. Sonic regains consciousness and looks to Knuckles, standing across from him, pounding his fists together. Y/N stands up and sees Sonya standing across from him.]
Y/N: Sonic, you take care of Knuckles!
Sonic: (Nods)
[Robotnik appears at the scene, eating Sonic's popcorn.]
Robotnik: So nice when diabolical evil lives up to the hype!
[Sonic gets up to face Knuckles, who stands his ground.]
Knuckles: Where is it?
Sonic: Oh you want it? Here it comes!
[Sonic starts building up chaos energy.]
Knuckles: I was expecting more of you. You're unskilled...
[Sonic looks sternly at Knuckles.]
Knuckles: Untrained...
[Sonic gets on his hands and knees.]
Knuckles: And unworthy!
[Robotnik gobbles Sonic's popcorn with his mouth open.]
Sonic: You forgot one. Unstoppable!
[Sonic zooms right at Knuckles, resulting in an explosion of light. As it dims, it is revealed that Knuckles is holding Sonic in place in his spin attack form. Knuckles walks forward, raises a fist, and pummels Sonic into the ground, creating a massive explosion of chaos energy and a large crater. Robotnik drops his bowl in a comedic fashion in slow motion. Sonic is grabbed by the throat by Knuckles and is pinned against a tree.]
Y/N: Sonic!
Sonya: (Rushes at Y/N) Getting distracted, why am I not surprised?!
(Y/N is Krillin and Sonya is Goku)
(While Y/N and Sonya continue to fight, Sonic gets up to face Knuckles, who stands his ground.]
Knuckles: Where is it?
Sonic: Oh you want it? Here it comes!
[Sonic starts building up chaos energy.]
Knuckles: I was expecting more of you. You're unskilled...
[Sonic looks sternly at Knuckles.]
Knuckles: Untrained...
[Sonic gets on his hands and knees.]
Knuckles: And unworthy!
[Robotnik gobbles Sonic's popcorn with his mouth open.]
Sonic: You forgot one. Unstoppable!
[Sonic zooms right at Knuckles, resulting in an explosion of light. As it dims, it is revealed that Knuckles is holding Sonic in place in his spin attack form. Knuckles walks forward, raises a fist, and pummels Sonic into the ground, creating a massive explosion of chaos energy and a large crater. Y/N and Sonya are knocked to the ground from the explosion/ Robotnik drops his bowl in a comedic fashion in slow motion. Sonic is grabbed by the throat by Knuckles and is pinned against a tree.]
Y/N: Sonic! (Tries to get up, but is pinned to the ground by Sonya.)
Sonya: Pinned ya. (Smirks)
Knuckles: It is our destiny to do what my ancestors could not. To restore the ultimate power to the home of our people.
[Robotnik overhears with interest.]
Sonic: Ultimate power? I don't know what your talking about! You got the wrong guys!
Sonya: (Looking down at Y/N) Oh, no we don't
Y/N: What Ultimate power?
Robotnik: Ultimate power? Now you're speaking my language.
Knuckles: Don't play dumb with me, apprentices of Longclaw!
Sonic: You knew Longclaw?
Y/N: How?!
Sonya: Longclaw and her people were the sworn enemy of our tribe, the echidna!
Chaos energy builds up as Knuckles raises his fist and Sonya does the same.]
Knuckles: We fought and died at their hands-
Sonya: -And now you two will die by ours.
[Sonya looks down at Y/N, with sad eyes, but before anything could happen.Suddenly, a police car crashes through the fence, heading right toward Knuckles, who lets go of Sonic, but gets hit and sent into the green house with Robotnik startled by the ordeal.]
Sonya: Knuckles!
Y/N: Now, who's distracted?
(Y/N takes this opportunity to kick Sonya off of him, rush to his feet, and blast her with a ball of chaos energy, that sends her into the shed that her brother flew into.)
Tails reveals himself from the drivers seat.]
Tails: Come on! Get in! I'm on your side!
Sonic: I'm sorry, who are you?
[Sonic looks to a groaning Knuckles, who starts to regain consciousness.]
Sonic: You know what? It doesn't matter.
Y/N though looks back at Sonya for a while.
Sonic: "Come on, bro!"
Hs hesitates and eventually get inside the police car to the back. They're about to leave when Robotnik comes in front of them. Sonic, Y/N, and Tails screams at the sight of him.
Sonic: "Get us out of here!"
Tails pressed the button of the device and the electric bolts beneath him pressed the gas pedal and off they go as the car did a reverse.
Sonci: "Go, go, go!"
Robotnik jumps onto the glass window and begins to try and bite Sonic, making wild animal noises. Sonic flinches while Y/N was grossed out.
Sonic: "Gah, he's got rabid!"
Robotnik keeps growling and scratching the window and starts licking.
Tails: "Gross! Is he licking it?" Tails exclaimed in disgust.
Y/N: "Ugh!! He is!"
Tails turns the wheel.
Tails: "See ya!"
That turn causes Robotnik to fall off the police car and lands near the plants.
"Make sure to get your shots, Eggman!" Sonic joked.
"Or get put down for good!" Y/N added, making the boys laugh.
Knuckles gets up and breathes in and out angrily. Sonya gets up and cracks her neck.
Sonya: Shall we?
Knuckles: We shall!
Lightning strikes as their eyes glow red and then they speeds off after them with a red trail behind both of them.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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